camping a hooked survivor isnt strategic its predictable


what do killers who camp hooked survivors at the beginning of the game with 5 generators left expect other survivors to do?....for us to run up and literally give them kills to unhook our team with or without borrowed time...makes no sense that survivors are the entitled ones when every game you get in youre met with toxic killers with little to no morality when it comes to spreading pressure evenly or having a decent game for not going to argue with anyone who leaves replies, im sure there are killers who dont do this but killer mains and people who always vouch for killer/survivor balancing reworks need to start addressing concerns like this. This game is not fun anymore.


  • Hunter__
    Hunter__ Member Posts: 53

    Alright. That particular scenario is just a killer being an #########. Yes they expect to have survivors throw themselves at the hook to make an opportunity to get some sort of snowball.

    Just bang out gens and make sure you get all 5 totems b/c just face the truth.

    Killer like that, prolly has noed.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,532

    "Spreading pressure evenly" will lose the game. Camping is a bit trashy, but soft-tunneling is very strategic to win. Basically, keep track of the first Survivor you hook and chase them every time you find them.

    Ideally, the first survivor will die at around 2-3 gens. You'll have a second Survivor who has been hooked at least once to start tunneling when they die. And if you can get the game down to the last two Survivors before the final gen pops you'll most likely 4k. The goal is to pick out the weak and medium Survivors and pretty much ignore the best one(s). Because if the only time you can dedicate to a super long drawn out chase against a high skill looper is near endgame.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 312

    i dont get why every single game has to be a win tho, its still possible to pip without a flawless 4k and even a flawless 4k can only safety pip you sometimes. spreading pressure evenly and having a good time where everyone benefits from the game is good enough for me as killer. I mean dont get me wrong ive been sweaty too before but ive never just stood there and camped someone especially for no reason at the beginning of the game.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    As soon as games last longer than 3:30-4:30 vs good R1s, I'd love to talk about gutting tunneling. It's unfun, but it's necessary from the Killer's perspective to slow teams down.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 312

    longer games though get you potential for more xp and pips and also get you player level xp though

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384
    edited April 2020

    I've played DBD for over 1,000 hours, have hit R1 countless times and played versus many of the best survivors in NA. I can assure you, they do not care and will gen rush you into a free de-pipping.

    This game's fundamental design flaw is that generators take roughly 3:30 to 4:30 to complete when rushed optimally. Even if you take the conservative estimate, you're getting 0 Gatekeeper and have to 3-hook 3 people. You cannot do that in just under five minutes without some pretty "scummy" tactics like slugging and tunneling as top tier killers.

    Put concisely, the Killer's objective takes exponentially longer to complete than the Survivors' objective at this game's skill cap.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 312

    i understand but why not use some of that killer big brain energy and at least run insidious and camp out of proximity of the hook and then rush back in when they unhook?

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    I mean if you want to just meme and have fun, that's a great way to just be an ass to whichever poor survivor you choose to victimize, but it won't win you games. Proxy camping and snowballing leads with Infectious, in contrast, will win games.

    Camping just lets them genrush and de-pip you. This game's entire emblem system is utter garbage and is a separate and related issue, but the Killer's objective still just takes too long. Survivor skill lets them extend chase and shorten the time to take their objective far more than killers' skill lets them shorten chases and kill faster.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2020

    I switched from killer main to survivor, and I can tell you I don't like being camped or tunneled, I accept it because it's needed for killers right now. But if every killer camped and tunneled survivor mains would ######### to no end..... More than they already do.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Camping is strategic, tunneling is strategic, slugging is strategic. Whatever it takes to take kill someone and get them out of the game is strategic for the killer. Some methods you're just not going to like one bit. I hate it when I get tunneled more than I get camped. When I get camped, I usually run kindred so other survivors know to keep doing gens, and I'll stay on that hook for a full 2 mins if I have to while the others escape.

    But just because I hate it doesn't mean I don't understand why. You ever seen a killer be in a chase and 3 gens are done by the time he finishes that that relatively short chase? Typically because they run Prove Thyself or toolboxes or both. Getting a couple of gens done by the end of the first chase is supposed to be the norm, stated by the Devs. Getting an average of 2k per match is also supposed to the norm, also stated by the Devs. A scummy, high guaranteed way of getting that minimum 2k is tunneling and camping. But that's if you're just a bad killer who can't do chases or are going against really good survivors.

    I've had it where I did 5 hooks before the 4th gen was done because they played like potatoes or I just outplayed them. I've also had games where I was that killer who had 2-3 gens popped before I finished the first chase (especially Ormond). This game attempts to be balanced but things can be swayed very quickly depending on the Survivors. So killers turn to quick and easier routes, I can't blame them, even if I hate their tactics.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Agreed, until something makes it more advantageous not to do those things, it'll keep happening.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 312

    im an entitled survivor main so i dont feel sorry for killers and i believe theyre overpowered seeing as you can easily shut games down quickly if you slug, tunnel and camp, without perks or add ons. wow "when i get camped i usually run kindred" i love being able to change your perk mid game when youre getting camped. when youre in a swf you dont need kindred lmao. it may be good for solo. im simply saying ive been to red rank 2 as killer and 1 as surivor. I have over 1300 hours in the game but i mean it still doesnt matter when killer to me is boring and i dont enjoy playing it because its so easy. survivor side needs to be more balanced and that will always be my opinion. Im sure if people actually saw their in game stats as in how many times theyve won vs loss everyone would throw a fit because i know with the skill that i have that every game is always a blend of luck and skill none of which matters for a killer that plays like scum.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Survivors can just as easily shut down games by Gen rushing to the max with their combined usage of perks and add-ons. I also play SWF and I still use Kindred because I like to see where the killer is at, especially if your whole team combined it with open handed (super overpowered by the way. Seeing killers in a 40m radius). The use of your perks is based on what you run whether as solo or as a group. Kudos to you, you don't need Kindred. I don't either, but I still use it to switch it up and get away from the meta perks.

    I'm rank 1 killer and survivor too and I can say that it's pretty balanced on both sides depending on the skill levels. The only complaint I have is the gen rushing speed and the rank system where I as a Rank 1 am going up against level 10s and vice versa. Arguably, being a survivor takes more luck than skill. You can go a whole game playing like a potato. But as long as you stay relatively hidden and your teammates are good, you can easily be carried. You can also be the most highly skilled survivor and still lose because the other guy wanted to run the killer straight into you. Whereas being a killer, you have to fight 4 separate individuals of varying skills and any mistake you make is on you and no one else.

    So it ties back to, depending on the situation and context, camping and tunneling and slugging is probably more strategically sound than just giving someone their "right" to having 3 hooks and walking across the map every time to ensure they don't get camped or tunneled.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 312

    i just dont see how tunneling and camping is strategic or necessary slugging however is strategic and necessary as it applies pressure in a non toxic way. i dont think slugging is toxic because it doesnt contribute to the hook count of the survivor and it prolongs the game and forces survivors off of gens

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Again, it depends on context.

    Let's say a killer is in the end game with all 4 survivors being alive and has just hooked someone while the gates are open. The gates are nearby and there are no more gens to be done so the best thing you can practically do is camp instead of walking away. Said survivor gets unhooked, he's the only one injured and again, the exit gate is not that far for him to easily escape if you hit someone who isn't injured. Logically, what would you do? To secure a kill, you would down that already injured survivor, chase anyone else out/down them, and then rehook that survivor (Assuming he doesn't have DS or BT).

    What if Survivors gen locked themselves in a very tight group. Killer downs a survivor and hooks that person within that group. Well now the Killer is technically camping, even though he is defending the 3 gens that the survivor is currently hooked in.

    Last example. Survivor is hooked, get's unhooked. Killer chases the person who unhooked that survivor. Survivor who was unhooked decides to stick around the area, visibly, for whatever reason. Whether it's working on a gen, healing, totems, etc. Strategically speaking, is the Killer really going to let the Survivor do what's it's doing which is to ultimately survive and beat the killer? No. You would tunnel and slug/hook that person because they chose to be risky and not leave for safety.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,071

    It's true. Survivors will win 90% of the time if they spread out, run Kindred, and do gens individually. Nurse, Spirit, or a god tier Billy are the only killers that can do anything about optimal survivor play with meta builds. There's never really any reason for less than 2 survivors to be on gens outside of bad decision making or lack of information.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,801

    "Strategic"=no skill

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    Well it’s not like “every game HAS to be a 4K” it’s more like “I’m always gonna try to get a 4K bc that’s my goal as killer” I’m not saying you should act entitled to a 4K but that should always be a killers goal. (Sorry if I went off topic from the whole face camping thing that the threads about)