New Killers Clubhouse



  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2020

    Result: Huntress and 4 survivors spin dancing

    Was really funny, next time i want to try and get to the saloon and have a Saloon party

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Favorite Horror Movie Killer?

    Not concerned about who would make a good addition to the game just who are your favorite Horror Killers?

    Part of what drew me to the game was being a Horror fan.

    I am a big Jason Voorhees fan but when i saw this game had a variety i went with my total Horror love over an individual character: anywho my top 3

    Jason, Hannibal Lecter and The Leprechaun

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    If anyone wants any advice on how they can keep enjoying the game :

    Ignore your objective and set yourself smaller goals

    Maybe it's to get better at mindgaming so you spend a match practicing

    Or maybe you want to see how well you can do as you constantly t bag as ghost face

    Or how well you can do without any audio.

    If you ignore the mandatory set goal and make your own up the game becomes a little more bearable

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Refresh to keep visible for new killers and experienced ones:

    Howdy Folks! If you are a New Killer to the game and would rather improve your skill and have fun than complain and quit, come on in! Scroll up and see hints, tips and strategies or feel free to ask a question.

    If you really need help Dead By Daylight also has an official discord and play with friends specific room selection so maybe find a mentor here too!

    Keep on killing and thrilling!

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    The Coward Test/Sad Survivor

    You stomp a match ( and believe me new killers one day you will be stomping matches ) and decide you want to have mercy. These two scenarios have happened to me

    One Hooked one on shoulder: i go to the hooked and wait so the shoulder survivor can wiggle free and save the other.

    They wiggle free and just run away...this sad survivor just watched his team mate leave him to die

    Coward Bill: a Bill and a Feng are left Feng is down Bill is shouldered so i take him to Feng so he can heal her etc. Wiggles loose, run away and uses the key and escapes in the hatch.

    For the last one i picked up Feng and carried her to the gen and let her shake loose and rake in points doing gens and hitting me with pallets.

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    The goal of Killers in the Clubhouse is to get better and have fun.

    We understand survivors can be unnecessarily frustrating but we want you to learn to be positive. Holding onto frustration over a video game is only going to make things worse and then where are you?

    Stuck with a game that you are miserable at and paid money for, and the sad truth is it is your fault because there are other people in the same spot still having fun.

    The difference is what do you do with your energy and time. Being mad and complaining, waste of energy.

    Everyone gets troll survivors and one sided matches against survivors that outrank them the list goes on and on, but there are STILL people who deal with it, smile and not only do they have fun but they bring fun into the game.

    That being said todays tip is the hate bag. I don't usually condone negative thoughts and practices but this one can help you make better use of your time.

    The people whining and complaining on both sides of the field are boring cookie cutter nobodies, don't be that nobody.

    You get a survivor, they are T-Bagging, Taunting, Making noise just to frustrate you. This is where you use the Hate Bag

    The Hate Bag: inside the hate bag are the worst things you can call someone and do to them. Insults, threats and angry feelings that you wouldn't want your mother to hear.

    Take off your headphones, force a big creepy smile, put the control down and put those survivors in the Hate Bag.

    Let out a breath and you will feel better, why?

    The Hate Bag, is a garbage bag. You don't talk to garbage or argue with it, you throw it away and move on.

    A person of any age that uses their time on a video game to make someone else feel bad, they are garbage on the game and off it.

    You will have better matches, you will have fun. They can be top red rank all they want, they are still in the Hate Bag.

    Big Creepy Smile, breathe out and Kill on

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    What is your code of Ethics when encountering a Survivor you are friends with?

    Me i save them for last if possible or at least be sporting

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Killer Tip for positive thinking: You are what makes the game fun.

    I get frustrated too when i get the SWF all red high level survivors who are going to purposely make the match an insult for you.

    Don't waste your time or energy complaining or crying or even trashing them.

    Take a deep breath and remember You are what makes the game fun.

    You are taking up 5 challenges and survivors are only taking up one.

    You are taking the challenges of improving, carrying the game, working against odds, keeping things interesting and keeping the game fun for yourself.

    Unkind survivors outnumber unkind killers by a landslide for a reason. Their role ia designed to be selfish.

    The kind survivors you will see will be rare, who realize you have been bullied unfairly and make a show of friendship instead of Tbagging on their way out.

    As a Killer you getting better means giving chances and opportunities for an interesting game.

    Get better, be better.

    P.S. i did encounter a rare kind survivor today. Match wasn't going bad but they knew something i didn't, that the deck was stacked against me. For every hook there was a gen popping and when unhooked they were invulnerable and hitboxes were just not in my favor.

    I didn't D/C or waste time getting mad i opened the exit gate and walked away. They came up and stood by a hook.

    It may be frustrating but try to have fun and respect yourself and other players. There are good ones out there, more if you decide to be one too.

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Give back when you can but don't encourage bad behavior.

    I go survivor every now and then and if gens are popping way too fast i find the killer and let them have me.

    If i do my gens and see the killer is having trouble or getting trolled i let them have me.

    If i mind my own business, haven't run into the killer all match but they did poorly for whatever reason i let them have me, but if they stand there attacking me because they are pissed off, when i get unhooked that's it for giving.

    Camp if you have to but remember bad energy goes around as does good energy

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Refreshing so killers who are new and want to have fun and get better instead of whine and Bob Itch can find a place to go instead of seeing a Ghostbusters II sized river of moaning panty wasting fly maggots with nothing better to do than make the worst of someone elses hard work.

    From a Horror movie fan who never played pvp games before, Thank you BHVR for this truly awesome game.

    Killers, get killin and thrillin when the blood starts spillin

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Killer Challenge: for the sake of testing yourself, go in with no items, perks, addons at all. Ignore how many kills you get and be proud that you challenged yourself and did a match without items.

  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    Addition to the post about going in naked. Went in naked and ear blind with music blaring. Match didn't go well but i was more interested in chainsaw sprint ritual and goofing around. Results?

    I had fun, got in one chainsaw attack and two hooks.

    I went in a level 10 killer with nothing and even added streamers for fun.

    What does it feel like i wonder being a survivor looking at the post game screen seeing three of you were purple rank, one was red and you were loaded to the gills with perks and add ons and a killer not only didn't care but also gave you bloodpoints as a giggle?

    Remember Killers, be better, carry the game.

    Survivors are playing your game and always will be.

    If you are getting beat badly in a one sided match, make your own fun or step away from the controller and watch some BRUSH cartoons or have a sammich cause those fools just soured the game for them not you.

    Also, take sportsmanship gracefully please.

    I have been the survivor to give a sportsmanship kill to a killer and been the killer being given the sportsmanship kill.

    Hang them up and don't hit them showing you are being sore.