Let killers opt out of SWF or disable deranking for killers in SWF games

Traslogan Member Posts: 283
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We're seeing 40k online every night on DBD but as killers we're still having to face endless SWF. You're obviously never going to deal with the issues that SWF bring about in any shape or form, so please for the love of god either let us opt out of matchmaking with SWF, or when we're against SWF disable deranking. You don't have to give killers freebies or anything, just make it so we're not being taken for schmucks against teams reporting our position on discord and coordinating in ways there is simply no counter to.

I'd genuinely rather wait 2-3 minutes for randoms and have a balanced game than get endless instant connections to premade teams that have more info than the game intends.

We literally can't even punish unsafe hooking now because survivor meta is so god-tier OP at this point, please at least give killers a reason to play on SWF games. At the moment we might as well take your crappy ban timers instead of playing with them because the odds of even maintaining our rank against SWF is so low.

Post edited by Traslogan on


  • Debridged
    Debridged Member Posts: 30

    I agree with all of this 110%.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    I agree with this. It should be an optional thing and you should get more rewards for doing it.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2020

    SWF Team 6 all the time every time. Does anyone even solo queue anymore? Killers can hardly turn around without a gen popping, it's insane! I had a match minutes ago and I'll give you play-by-play:

    -Asarov's Resting Place as Billy-

    Match starts, I chainsaw near the other side and come across a survivor.

    Short chase and break a pallet: two gens popped. I'm not kidding, that fast.

    I down a survivor and hook, another gen pops.

    Someone is coming in for unhook, I chase off, we're just around a hill and I break a pallet, a fourth gen pops.

    I down a survivor and carry them for 8sec to the basement, last gen pops.

    SWF is too damn strong and OP. Playing with friends is great, but always coming up against SWF Team 6 and every three matches having this exact result is tiring, disappointing, and discouraging.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Killer option to queue for solo players or SWF? I love it.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    I find it funny how killer mains complain about this, meanwhile they encourage camping, tunneling and slugging. Swf isn't a problem. Swf isn't in every match. Majority of ppl who play in swf is to complete challenges, playing drunk by daylight or just sh!t an giggles.

    Like killers tell survivor mains "get good in countering." Welp get good at killing.

    HES_GOT_DED_AHD Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2020


    If you think swf isn't a problem you should be legally required to show one killer game vs a legit swf at R1

    otherwise I don't even consider your opinion

    The devs have been catering to swf for how long now ? How long does your power trip need to be ? Why does swf wants constant free wins ? Why are you so afraid of solo surving?

    The game's balance is, I will say it, not that bad in solo mode. Swf is simply game breaking, partially explained by kees_t above.

    At red ranks it simply kills the game according to me, most R1, some tournaments survs, and some of the best killers out there.

    It's extremely frustrating as a killer, and embarassing as a solo surv.

    But I guess we just need to git gud.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    They shouldn't let people opt out of SWF. I mean for one thing SWF doesn't always mean people on comms. I play with my cousin, and neither of us play on comms. I play with a bunch of people I've met in DBD too. We're not on comms either. So our Queue times should be longer because other people ARE on comms? Seems a bit unfair to me.

    The killer getting bonus BP based on SWF numbers? Sure, that's pretty fair. But letting them opt out wouldn't be.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Well SWF are crippling the game. The game isn't balanced for people cheating by giving away info on discord. Half of the survivor perks are literally obsolete because SWF with comms replaces them, which lets survivors take much stronger perks and playing SWF so you don't have to pick those perks has become the meta.

    I literally cannot get a game without SWF, I check profiles as much as I can before games and I've not had a game of 4 randoms in over a month, you can't make up how overused SWF is, but the devs refuse to acknowledge SWF has become meta and the game needs adjusted for it.

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Yes, lets keep spreading around the entire dbd community that SWF is completely op and unfair for killers!! It's super hard, unbeatable, and unfair!!!!!

    In all seriousness though, I think the 90% of the killer mains on these forums need to get better because playing at rank 1 is literally the most braindead ######### ever. You won't win every game obviously because that just isn't how a multiplayer video game works. You guys just want easy 4k's, not challenging games. Maybe if you're having trouble watch Scott Jund's tile video and learn when to drop chase. ie. when a survivor goes towards a strong main building or setup abandon chase and patrol gens or look for someone else. It's not that hard. Even on Ormond it still isn't even THAT hard.

    Legit the people on this thread saying SWF is "crippling" the game need to get good. Killer hasn't been hard in a very long time and if you still have troubles even after the crazy amounts of handicaps bhvr has given you over the years then maybe its time to find a different game. If you can't handle losing one game or not 4king then again, this game might not be for you. :)

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited March 2020

    If a killer wants to sustain their rank at anything past rank 10, they have to get 5-6 or more hooks, they have to engage in at least 1000-2000 points worth of chasing, and must hit the survivors maybe 10-12 times minimum.

    Survivors can rank up just by helping a bit, even if they die in the end.

    You are giving people basically a dozen free perks because of the fact they have discord comms, and now they don't need to take perks that help see the killer or give info because they give that info and more via discord now.

    Literally all we're asking for is to not be penalized when everyone cheats. We can't camp you, we'll derank, we can't tunnel you, we'll derank, we can't even be efficient cause we'll derank from insufficient score (One big reason why the shape is pathetic, he's designed to minimize chasing and number of hits, so he's total BS in the modern game). The game deranks killers for not letting you get away 90% of the time.

    Literally if you guys give up after being hooked once, we'll derank because we didn't hook you enough. If survivor 1 sees us, he tells the other 3 so they can run pre-emptively and get distance to double the chase time unless we specifically are playing billy or nurse.

    The game is 100% pro-SWF, and that's why it's almost impossible to find non-SWF games now as killer.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I'm checking profiles to confirm SWF and I literally cannot get 1 in 20 games to be non-SWF now.

    Seriously devs, it's long past the time for you to buck up and admit SWF is the norm now and you need to balance for it.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited April 2020

    I sincerely doubt 19/20 games for you are 3-4 man SWF smh.

  • ChirpingCat
    ChirpingCat Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2020

    Have to be honest, Survive with Friends is part of the game and there are many people who only play the game to play with friends... I don't think an opt-out mechanism is viable whilst ensuring everyone gets a game in a reasonable timespan. Nor do I think the idea of allowing people to opt out of 'more difficult' games is a good one; Today we're talking about allowing players to opt out of SWF, tomorrow it will be Moris, then Keys, NoED after that and of course Hatch. Then it will be opting out out specific Killers; I mean, name a survivor who wouldn't like to opt out of Spirit killers given their disproportionately high W/L ratio.

    What I'd love to see is some actual statistics from Behavior as to average win/loss ratios depending number of friends in the party - We need hard figures to have this discussion, without finger in the air guesstimates.

    Regarding disabling ranking on SWF: [Whataboutism warning] One could argue that Survivor's shouldn't be deranked for Mori's and similar. So I'd want to see both delivered hand in hand if that were to be done.

    But I would advise caution: SWF games contribute to the statistics that Behaviour use when making balancing decisions to achieve the desired survival percentile. If the concerns expressed here are correct and you remove SWF from the mainstream pool of games, nerf the SWF effect or remove SWF completely then I would expect the overall survival percentile to drop below where it currently is. This would likely cause Behaviour to provide a near universal surviror buff to all non SWF games to bring the survival percentile back up.

    Hence, whilst I understand some killers are frothing at the mouths for an SWF nerf, I can only advise that you be careful what you wish for; You could be drinking from a poisoned chalice.

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90

    If killers choose to opt otut of swf then perhaps they should address why swf is unfun to play with in general ;P