Exit gates when hatch is closed isn’t unfair

CornMoss Member Posts: 538

When the killer kills all the other survivors in the match and closes the hatch it’s basically over for the survivor, some people say this is unfair and it should be easier to escape in that situation than how it is right now.

No it isn’t unfair, at that point it means the killer has done its job of killing almost everyone which is difficult if the team was good. The killer also found the hatch as well before you, at that point I believe the killer deserves the final kill because you have nothing left and he beat you and your teammates.

anyways thankyou for stopping by my Tedtalk


  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    This is all my opinion

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    The primary purpose of all the end game mechanics (hatch, EGC itself, gates after hatch close) is to encourage and force and end to the game.

    So to me it doesn't really matter if it's fair or not, and the gates/final 1v1 in general can totally favor either side depending on how they spawn and perks/items that are equipped (Whispers makes it very hard to get a gate if the killer knows what they're doing for example, while a key can open the closed hatch).

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Sometimes survival means looking out for yourself. Sandbag the other Survivor if you need to in cases where both cant make it out.

    Or attempt to split up and take a 50/50 chance. The Killer can't be at both doors at once. Even if they are close to each other NO Killer can be in 2 places at the same time. If both Survivors split up then at least one of you should get your gate open and get out.

    That is one of the things that draw me into DbD back when it was in beta. Having to survive in any way you can be it together or alone. Helping or working against each other. Co-optinal. Co-op, that's optional. But then SWF was added and we are still dealing with that to this day by shifting Survivors too far towards the co-op side and not giving Killers the chance to take advantage of the optional side.

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    woah woah woah... so it’s the killers job to hold the game hostage until all survivors are dead, especially when there are 2 left and gates are active and really close to each other, you think that isn’t unfair? Your such a fool, it is unfair cause the survivor(s) are trapped if killer camps them.You should be embarrassed🤨

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    What’s most unfair is if the gates are closed and killer has noed and he slugs everyone , plus if the noed totem is by the gates

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So the killer deserves a free kill but the survivor doesnt deserve a free escape. Double standards at its best.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    What's unfair is if the exit gates are within spit distance of eachother and the killer has a clear no obstacle path to both sides. Especially if they can see clear as day if a survivor is standing right there. That's the point I usually give up or DC pending how good I did during the whole trial.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    It's a free win without any skill involved for the killer. Especially when the doors are on the same or adjacent walls. They are able to determine freddy wakeup clocks to be as far from the survivor as possible so there is no justification for map generations that essentially leave a remaining survivor no chance for an escape whatsoever. And no it does absolutely NOT matter how he played before. I had games where I ran back and forth across the map because the other two never had an idea to help someone off the hook and heal them and I don't think that validates to auto-lose to a game mechanic that was introduced exclusively due to enough whining from tryhard baby killers who could not stand sneaky survivors taking their time to open a door.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    First, the killer doesn't hold the game hostage, have you forgot about endgame collapse? it makes it so the killer cant hold the game hostage.

    Second, I'm a fool and should be embarrassed about myself because I have an opinion? Grow up man.

    And third, you obviously didn't read my post properly you are taking things out of context

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    He doesn’t deserve the final kill! You have to think about it from a solo perspective how is it supposed to be fun for survivors if they have zero chance because their teammates failed? Each individual survivor is someone trying to have fun too. It needs to be fair for everyone :) everyone deserves a solid chance

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    Because I’m always solo my strategy is opening one of the gates half way then I work on the next one cause the killer will still think I’m there, but it’s all different when the gates are to close.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Exit gates should be farthest away from each other possible. If it’s not like on some maps where you can literally see both of them it’s rather unfair.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    But I don’t know why killers feel entitled to that 4th kill. It’s not yours nor should it be just because the other 3 screwed up. It’s not all about you killer mains. It grows tiresome seeing all these complaints coming from killers. Figure it out.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    i think they make it too easy for killers tbh. Maps don’t need to be super small because it’s too easy for killers to patrol especially when there’s little to no cover On some of these smaller maps 😡 they did a nice job on Dead Dawg Saloon. But some of these other maps it’s just nonsense to even play anymore. And that’s not how I want to feel as a player. 3 genning is all too easy. This is why I believe in alternate methods of escaping, particularly for the last survivor. 4/5 people aren’t having fun dying for you every game. Especially from Mori’s. And I’ve been seeing a lot of consistency in high level play of killers being too efficient! They ought to look at this instead.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    The same can be said for entitled survivor mains like you. No survivor is entitled to an escape too, you win some you lose some. It's not all about your side either, it should be equal for both sides.

    Quit the hypocrisy.

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    That’s how I feel when I’m playing The Game and Dead Dawg Saloon, you can literally see the exit gate

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    I would like to disagree on a free kill, but as mentioned earlier, I do believe it is fair to gain an advantage. That is the same thing as saying "survivors did the gens, so they should all escape" you should still be allowed to kill, but not it is harder to get more than 1 at this point.

    Also, I agree with what someone said above: itnisnt fair when both doors spawn next to eachother.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    The killer just is in a better position to complete his objective than the survivor is. Not really about being entitled to the 4th kill but generally most posts like these attempt to stick it to one side or the other.

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    3 genning can be stopped by the survivors actually thinking about what gens they should be doing, not just going at them holding m1 while slamming there head against the wall.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I think it's only unfair when exit gates spawn to close to each other.

    Let's be fair, especially against certain killers, it's also highly unlikely that all four survivors escape, even after completing all their objectives. It's only fair that the last survivor still gets a chance to escape.

  • GODQueenEvy
    GODQueenEvy Member Posts: 63

    There is a counter to Noed, you just need to cleanse 5 totems. Slugging is indeed boring, i mostly tab out and do something else. Don't let it ruin your mood ;)

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It not a free kill. If it comes down to 1v1 and the gates arent open, or gens arent all done, its work that has paid off. 3 are dead and you havent gotten out. They earned that kill.

    Especially if they closed the hatch. Before the survivor could take it and....leave after failing to do their job. Which WOULD be a free escape.

    I mean, did 3 survivors just DC so the killer could have a free kill? No, the killer earned that.

    I play both sides, more survivor than killer, and ofc I use the hatch. But when I dont get it or have it closed in my face it's never, "that's bullshit I have no chance its unfair!", it's always, ''ahhh ######### didnt quite make it. Welp ggs. I ######### up."

    Your bias is showing. May wanna fix that.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2020

    Exactly. '3 genning is too easy' is like saying facecamping gets 4ks. Only if you feed into it and dont pay attention.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It actually IS their kill. The hatch only exists BECAUSE killers would kill 3 people, and have the 4th REFUSE to work on gens. They would hide for 45 minutes to simply avoid not dying, because god forbid you take a risk and lose a game!

    So before it was added, and had it not been, every single person you see escape a hatch that you say the killer didnt deserve to kill, they absolutely did, still do, and would have it if survivors werent afraid to do work as the last person alive.

    Which comes down to the survivors that cant take a loss. You win some you lose some. But when you do 2 gens, and end up the only one alive, do you HONESTLY believe that you can and should be able to escape? Of course not. But some people cant take that loss, so they (used to hide for 45 minutes until thebkiller DC) see the situation is getting CLOSE to bad. Could be 2 survivors or even 3 up, and some survivors will literally GIVE UP on the game as a whole and focus solely on the hatch.

    It may take a little finesse or juke, but the hatch is, and always has been, a mechanically necessary FREE ESCAPE.

    and I play more survivor than killer....

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited April 2020

    At the point the hatch is closed and with actual exit spawns its just a free kill. You literally have to do nothing than standing between the gates and wait for the survivor to try and get killed or not to try and die by the EGC. If you think thats wrong youre just showing of your own lack of game sense. You do not deserve anything until its achieved.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Except when 2 doors spawn on the same wall and a killer can literally stand in one spot and look back and forth between the two by turning around. At that point I don't even attempt to escape. I just sit in a locker and afk waiting on the entity to take me. I used to Sabo hooks and traps for extra points but not much point in do that anymore.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    I main survivor and I'm totally okay with the situation being killer sided. The hatch is an attempt to get a free escape, if I couldn't find the hatch, its my fault. If I don't get good gate spawns, its okay.

    The game is giving the last survivor 2 chances at a free escape, I wouldn't really be concerned about it the spawns being in favour of the killer.

  • shards
    shards Member Posts: 95

    but what if you didn't get caught a single time and did all you could.. then the gates are next to each other so the killer doesn't even have to move 10 meters away lol. it's very frustrating. doors should not be that close together. it feels unfair as a survivor and when im the killer in that situation it feels laughably cheesy.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Dont know who said it, but I agree with your TED talk

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    At that point you the survivor will be sure to PIP which basically means you won, and also you still get the blood points at the end of the game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Well if you remember the EGC was originally designed with 15 second exit gate timers in mind. Then the killer mains used their veto power here to nix the idea and the devs put it back to 20 seconds to appease them. Those extra 5 seconds I find are often the difference between making it out or not.

    So yeah its completely killer sided but if you havent noticed thats the direction the game is moving in.