The ammount of death threats I get in this game are abnormal

Today I got 5 death threats due to dead by daylight
3 in the form of in-game chat, and 2 in the form of steam profile commenting
I can report all I want but this shouldn't be normal, I allready got 1 steam account banned because of this, but in game the problem seems to persist
You can say "just block all comments on your profile"
I don't believe in that, since sometimes I get "+reps awesome survivor", and I don't want to block the chance for geniune good comments to be posted
I am unsure if I can keep playing this game if the ammount of death threats continues like this, I believe this community can be nice but at this rate I don't want to be part of a community that tells another to end themselfs that easily
Hey, it could be worse. In the Counter-Strike community, some of those people might actually travel across the world to try and kill you.
Jokes aside, death threats and the people who send them are garbage. Remember that the overwhelming majority of people, even in this community, are indeed better than that, it's just that negativity generally has a louder voice and gets more attention.
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As serious as this is indeed, do try to ignore it.
It's just some keyboard warrior who disliked the fact that they got owned at the game.
Ignore the bad comments.
Have a splendid week and flip that frown into a crown!
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I had this happen to me and a friend yesterday. It was constant death threats telling me to kill myself. They even said I should be forced to have s*x and deserve it because I had to leave and open the exit gate or forced to be mori'd. and I was a survivor on their own team. They even went as far as to tell my gay friend that he should be murdered and burned while infiltrating our party with their friends. Its gotten so bad over the last while and it breaks my heart but the most you can do is remind then it's just a game and realize maybe they got crap going on in their personal life that makes them act out this way. Kill em with kindness. Im sorry you've been dealing with it too. Much love from me 💜
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What is considered a normal amount of death threats?
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I'm not trying to justify death threats, but if you're waiting around for the end game screen and looking at chat, and also keeping your profile public to comments, I would say that that's relatively normal. At least for playing online games.
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People are stupid, plain and simple. Threatening people's life or health over a game is not ok. In the past, I have received a message saying that I should kill myself. That is not right. Who in their right mind writes that to someone they don't know, because of a game? Of course, people like to hide behind their computers and their consoles, to send hate to everyone they want, because in real life they are most likely cowards, who would never say that to someone or they would be punched in the face.
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They're just a bunch of bright cookies, pay no mind to em. Brush em off, report em, and rinse and repeat. It's all you can do in online gaming.
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95% of my PS messages are DbD related, usually in the form of extremely colourful insults. I just laugh them off and move on. If someone has time to act like that, they're not worth acknowledging. Just don't lower yourself to their level and enjoy yourself on the game.
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People sending death threats in general is absurd to be honest. It's pretty pathetic and immature.
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I would say 5 per week
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I'm annoyed with how many people are so quick to brush this kind of treatment off. It's a very serious issue that BHVR should be taking more seriously.
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it never happened to me. interesting, right?
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Ive been called everything
From "weird autistic rat"
To "r.kelly's next victim" (and that one was 30 minutes ago folks, and the good people at Valve already banned his account)
Brush it off
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It's probably the worst side effect of internet culture and online gaming is just an extension of that.
Being able to hide behind a screen name brings an anonymity that unfortunately often manifests in people saying absolutely horrible things to other people because they know there will be no repercussions for it outside of maybe a forum or game ban. The irony being these are people who probably act decently most of the time in the real world, where there are repercussions for telling someone these things to their face, usually in the form of a fist to the mouth.
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you know you can..just..close the chat, right?