Educated Guessing the Next DLC Killer

Honestly, I don't know who the next DLC killer will be, but there are a few clues to use to figure it out. The most notable being how prominent and up-to-date the killer is and I got 2 candidates.
1. The Candyman from Candyman. Set to release on September 25, 2020 and already having a classic movie, The Candyman could be released as the next killer to hype up fans for the upcoming movie or be released closer to the movie premiere. Not to mention that Mathieu Cote has said in an interview that he has considered Candyman as a killer (Nintendo Duel Screens podcast). Seeing Candyman in DbD doesn't seem that farfetched.
2. The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers. There's not alot of info on this, but Jeepers Creepers supposed to have a 4th movie released sometime this year, but I've found no hard evidence. However, The Creeper fits the bill as a DbD killer to a T. Recognizable, menacing and a total killing machine. From a marketing standpoint, if the movie is coming soon, I feel certain of his addition to the DbD roster.
This last bit is just me wanting something I don't think people have thought of yet. Would it not be cool to get The Purge masks for The Legion? Just a random thought to keep you thinkin.
Let me know if you guys have any killer ideas that have a good chance of making it into DbD. Not concepts, but legitimate movie killers that we could see in the game.
The Creeper isn't likely because of the man who holds the liscence. No one wants to work with him or pay him on it.
That said, Candyman is pretty likely, all things considered. And I'd love to see a Deadite killer(Evil Ash, Henrietta, or maybe the Cougar), and a Left 4 Dead monster( Tank would be my choice, but I think Charger is more likely.)
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Candyman would be cool.
As far as a Left 4 Dead killer, Tank is probably a likely choice. Iconic, powerful. Charger would just be another Hillbilly/Oni. I would imagine there would be killer cosmetics based on the other special infected. Like Hunter Legion, Spitter Plague, Charger Hillbilly, Smoker Deathslinger, Boomer Clown, Jockey Hag etc.
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Licensing wise I think Candyman and Pinhead are the best contenders. I think Jack Torrance was also considered by many people as I believe Stephen King followed them on twitter. Might be thinking of someone else though?
Kane from the wrestling horror movies was brought up as a candidate before Deathslinger came out. No idea what the movies are called but I could see him in the game as another hulking brute kind of character.
As far as more out there choices go I think Leprechaun could be interesting and I have a soft spot for Chucky.
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What exactly is the problem with the license holder of The Creeper?
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hell you could just look it up
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I mean I searched in google for license holder of The Creeper but that's it. Didn't want to go on a search so I just asked.
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Chucky. He’s small though, could you imagine how OP that would be getting chased by him when his height falls just below that of the debris on most of these maps? 😂😂 also, his ability is that He would be able to teleport to or gain control of dolls placed around the map? Since im pretty sure that’s what he does in the movies?
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Thanks. That really isn't someone you want to work with at all, I don't get how he only got 3 years.
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The next Killer will be Slender Man.
Reason: They made look it like an april fools joke, but it actually was not!
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That would be the greatest April Fools I've ever seen
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@Sziosis Paulie Esther actually did a good job.
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He should be able to climb over things and launch himself at survivors while cackling. Imagine the look on a survivors face when they’re heading towards the shack and Chucky launches himself from the roof at their face!
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If it's a license my best guess would be Candyman, maybe Pennywise. When the teaser trailer dropped for Legion DLC I was hoping that they would have a power that had something to do with mirrors. Obviously that was to show that Legion was a team but I still think a power to do with mirrors could be cool.
Like he can set mirrors like traps and use them to see through. If he sees you for X amount of seconds, you become exposed and he can teleport to the mirror. Maybe someone calling out "Candyman" could be the audible clue that you're being watched, if they get to five, you're exposed. Just spitballing.
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I seen that. If it turns out to be accidentally true, that would be hilarious.