DOOM Eternal proves BHVR doesn't know how to optimize on console [IMPORTANT DISCUSSION]

I've been playing DOOM Eternal on Xbox One since it came out and I've come to find that this game proves BHVR either doesn't know what they are doing or are willfully ignoring optimizing DBD for consoles.

For those that haven't played, DOOM Eternal runs at a butter smooth 60 FPS in 1080p (on Xbox, can't comment on PS). This game is unarguably WAY more graphically intensive than DBD. Yet DOOM Eternal runs flawlessly, with no frame drops, stutters, screen tearing, or any other kind of graphical hitches. This proves to me that literally ANY game should be able to run just as well on console.

And before anyone says "well DOOM Eternal is a different engine" I'd like to bring up a second game that also runs flawlessly... Gears of War. Specifically 4 and 5 because these games can run at 4k/ 60 FPS nearly flawlessly as well (only having issues during Horde when there is an ass ton of action happening, and even then it's very little). Gears of War runs on Unreal Engine, which is the same engine used in DBD. Again, the game is way more graphically intensive than DBD. So no, it's not a case of the engine, it's 100% the developers failing to optimize the game.

Now I am not trying to bash BHVR. I get it, game development is tough, especially when you have to make the game for multiple platforms. But things on Xbox (and PS from what I hear) have been steadily getting worse over the last year. It's to the point that sometimes the game is flat out unplayable on console.

I'm tired of being silent on this issue, the console community needs to step up and make our voice heard.

DBD is in a DESPERATE need of a performance health check on consoles. There is no excuse anymore when there are examples of several other games with much better graphics that can run near perfectly. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of a crappy 30 FPS. I'm sick of frame drops every time there is a notification. I'm sick of the game just running like complete crap when I know for a FACT it could run just fine on my Xbox.

BHVR you guys need to get your act together here. This has been an ongoing problem and it's not getting better. You've said that optimization upgrades are coming but they never got here. It's been 2 years. Players on Xbox are quitting the game and a big reason is because the game just runs like crap (the other reason being the awful matchmaking).

And we know cross play is coming. You can sit there and say "we haven't announced anything" until you are blue in the face, but we know it is. There are videos of PC and PS players in the same game. The features exists, and other games have made it a thing. So since it is inevitable, true optimization is absolutely necessary. Unlike a shooter like Overwatch, using a mouse/keyboard or controller doesn't make much of a difference, if at all, for either side. The only time it would matter is if you play Nurse or Huntress. So in terms of crossplay, PC isn't going to have a massive advantage in that area. But they WILL have a massive advantage when it comes to performance. Being able to play the game at 60 FPS or higher against players that can barely get 30 FPS is going to be the deal breaker. If you implement crossplay without optimizing the game to run as flawlessly on console as it does on PC you will just kill the console communities. PERIOD.

Please BHVR take this seriously. Put more resources into the game's development on console. We need this desperately. Leaving the game in this state is no longer an option. We need fixes NOW, not in another year. Every DLC. Every patch. It gets worse, not better. There can be no more excuses. DOOM Eternal runs perfectly, DBD should too. I know it should, but it doesn't and that breaks my heart. I really enjoy this game, but it's becoming harder and harder to stomach the performance issues. It's to a point where I actively avoid playing despite wanting to just because I don't want to deal with it. I'd rather play a game that's less fun and WORKS than DBD.

Let me just reiterate one last time, I'm not trying to bash BHVR or anything. I just want them to do what they should have done a year ago. What they said they were going to do. It's ridiculous at this point. I don't want any more excuses, I want results.


  • Lauriemain1122
    Lauriemain1122 Member Posts: 12

    aooaoa mmmm new skins))0

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    True to a point yes. I know there are a ton of bugs on PC, but the game more or less performs very well otherwise. On console though, the game just runs like complete crap. Frame rates are awful. Stability is awful. It feels like they don't even try to make it work.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    a lot of games run like ######### on console.. it's the weak hardware.. they better optimize the PC versions next gen consoles coming soon

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Its very sad when you go for a hit as killer and than te screen freezes for a second and you cant perform the right movement to get the hit...

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    You understand the difference of a game launched for all plattforms at the same time and a game launched at PC first and years later cvoming to consoles? No? Then inform yourself first.

  • KairiVx
    KairiVx Member Posts: 1

    LetsPlay, the game has been out on console for years. They have no excuse at this point for how the game performs on console. They will lose their player base if they don’t get it together.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I've said this about games like XCOM as well. If you're going to make a console port, do it to the fullest. Don't give us a bug filled, fps dropping piece of garbage, and act like it's fine because you're a "small indie company".

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Right, just like last year when they were dying. Or the year before when their players were all "leaving".

    It's less that they have no excuse now, and more that theyd have to start over from the ground up with how their game is coded. They cant just "tweak it" to modern capabilities.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    And I've said this about basically every game before: nobody made you buy or play it. You bought or got the game free. It's a niche game type from devs who were not the largest when it began. Could it be better? Absolutely. However acting entitled because they didnt "port the perfect masterpiece" is a bit childish. It was a rough game, people enjoyed, so they did what they could to expand.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm sorry, but you want to compare ID SOFTWARE and BETHESDA, two industry titans, with a game released 4 years after this one? At the end of a generation, when limitations have clearly been defined? Compared to what can only be described in comparison as an "indie dev team"?

    Of COURSE someone who invented the FPS genre is going to make a better game with the amount of cash people, myself included, would throw at it on a whim.

    Patches also cost valuable memory space on a poor hard drive, since it feels like game devs (as a whole, don't shoot me here Almo or Peanits) are basically allergic to compressing files to save space. I'm lucky that I have a 2TB hard drive in my Xbox, but even still, every update is taxing.

    Considering I only get the occasional spike in latency because of Australian NBN, I think that the game runs fine as a whole.

    As a whole, though, DOOM: Eternal is also mostly a SOLO experience. As in single-player campaign. And the multiplayer mode has to accomodate only 3 people at most, instead of 5.

    I'm not saying that a DbD equivalent of R6: Siege's "Operation Health" wouldn't be a bad thing, but jeez. A fair comparison is needed.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Nope, It absolutely doesn't run " well " on PC. You can make the same exact Doom Eternal comparison on PC. My PC isn't that great but it can run many amazing looking games at 60fps with zero issues however it cannot run DBD at a constant 60fps on ultra or sometimes even on high settings. It's not a problem for me only because I choose to play on low settings. The momentary freeze when you get hit with sloppy butcher or NOED happens to me on PC as well, it's just not nearly as bad as the console versions.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    There is so much wrong with this.

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250

    Whilst I agree that optimisation wouldn't be a bad thing, comparing BHVR to ID Software or Bethesda is grossly unfair.

    Not to mention that BHVR has no real incentive to prioritise consumerism QoL: They have a monopoly on this genre of game and at the end of the day, they're a business. So long as the game runs, who cares? There's nowhere else really to go for this kind of experience. You'll just be back.

    DbD needs competition for things to really change.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    Did you actually read the OP? This is a very incorrect statement. DOOM Eternal and Gears of War 4/5 both run at 1080p and 60 FPS flawlessly (Gears can run in 4k too). Xbox One X has been proven to be more powerful than a $1000 PC running a similar setup. The consoles can handle it, it's the developers that failed.

    There are plenty of small dev or indie games that run just fine on consoles as well. Sorry but this isn't an excuse. We've been told optimizations are coming but so far nothing has happened. The game runs about as poorly today as it did 2 years ago. Possibly even worse, because 2 years ago we didn't have all these notifications that lag the game for everyone when they pop up (survivor and killer, which killer is host and should experience 0 lag proving it's the game and not network connection issues).

    This may be true, but the game still performs SIGNIFICANTLY better on PC than it does on console. I have several friends that play on both PC and Xbox and they say it's like night and day. Maybe the game doesn't run at a consistent 60 FPS for you, but it can definitely run at a consistent 30 FPS, probably even 50 FPS with no major frame drops or stutter. Xbox can barely run at a steady 30 FPS. We get frame drops for literally everything. Every notification. Every hit. Every bloodlust. Using your power as some killers. Opening a chest even! You can't sit there and tell me the game doesn't run well on PC when virtually none of these problems exist.

    It's not unfair at all. BHVR is a very large company. Over 500 employees. I wouldn't call them indie or small dev at all. They are certainly big enough to hire the right people to fix the performance health issues with the game across all platforms.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    ? wait what? okay first of all I have owned an xbox one x and ps4 pro too so I know what im talking about.. console games look worse than their PC counterparts.. and runs lower fps.. and how you can say that console stronger than a $1000 PC after this? Especially when everyone compares it to a $500 PC.. they claimed this gen consoles capable of run 4k@60.. lot of games suffer even on fhd to reach 60fps.. and before anyone trying to claim that next gen consoles capable of run 8k(!) 60fps.. let's just wait for it :) they'll barely hit 4k 60.. DISPLAYING 4/8k and RENDERING in 4/8k is 2 totally different things..

    the fact is consoles are strong for like 1-2 years after they released..

  • Richard021
    Richard021 Member Posts: 18
    He said everything but most likely they will ignore what you said since it has been a long time since they promise the optimization for the consoles and never bring. They don't even want to test console updates, they can be sure, and they already want to bring crossplay

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    LOL just because you own a console doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.

    Xbox One X can handle games in 1080p/60 FPS without problems. Several games run flawlessly and still look amazing in high def as proof of that. It's just, majority of games are multiplatform and developers don't want to spend the time to optimize their code to make it run just as well on console as it would on PC. They just downgrade the console versions instead because it's cheaper and faster. They don't try to accommodate the game to fit the platform's architecture. It's like if you build 10 house from the same plan, but 3 of those houses are going to be built on a hill, and instead of changing the house plans to have a level house you just build them slanted. Technically it's still a house but no one is going to want to live there.

    Again look at Doom Eternal. Look at Gears of War 4/5. They run great at 1080p/60 FPS with no hitches. Which is entirely my point. If there are examples of games with better graphics running just fine at the highest resolution and frame rate, then there is no excuse for other games to run so piss poor on the same console. The only explanation is that the developers didn't want to put in the work to make them that way.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100
    edited April 2020

    I exactly know what im talking about :) you claiming that one x is comparable to a $1000 PC.. you should use google before you talking something you have no clue about.. personally I tried a lot of games on console and pc.. 1 example forza on one x.. there is HALF the fps compared to pc and WAY less details.. you can talk about optimization now.. there are a LOT of games where console is just simply not capable for fix 60 fps.. you can blame the half of the developers on the world for "poor optimization".. they can't make miracles.. EVERYTIME PC players have to wait for consoles to catch up (this is what we call generations).. after this point it's pointless to compare the console power to a PC power.. it's not even close..

    you have 2 games that finally can run the frames that the console devs claimed at the start of this generation awesome.. Doom Eternal runs beautifully on PC too that game is well optimized.. but I wouldn't call that game beautiful graphic wise at all.. let's check a nice looking game FC5.. again consoles have serious fps drops sometimes.. what about FFXV.. that's a console game ported to PC.. on consoles looks like that game is from a whole generation below.. and still lower frames than a PC.. that game is claimed to have a really bad optimization on PC..

    consoles can run 1080p/60fps in some titles.. worse graphics than PC and fps drops

    I still say games like FC or DOOM or any fps games are not meant to play on consoles.. racing games, fighting games are..

    even on a mid-tier PC every game can run 1080p/60+ including console ports.. why you think devs fail a lot to port to console but doesn't really fail when they have to port to PC.. it's because the hardware.. it's just simply not worth the effort..

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    I own this game (no joke) on PC, PS4, XB, Switch.


    PC: superior framerate. In my last 300 hours I can recall ONE time where I experienced a 5-10 frame drop that lasted a split second. Dedicated servers are an issue, but not as bad as initially.

    PS4 and PS4 Pro: I don’t know why bhvr is pretending like they don’t know their own game. To sit here and tell us all they don’t know what causes bug x, frame drop y, is asinine. It’s your game, you are literally staring at the game code. We ha e all been saying the same damn thing for years. Frame drops occur (a) seemingly randomly and times (ex., in chase, swing, stutters, now you’re hugging a wall and the survivor has gained a good 3 seconds on you) (b) any status proc (bloodlust, exposed, exhaustion, etc).

    Xbox: My least used console. However, much of the same issues, peer to peer felt much worse than others imo

    Switch: confused how you are not all embarrassed by the product you’ve put out. Frames are laughably low. Graphics are....lacking (as nice as can be said). Controls are not smooth (not the controller, have used DualShock and Nintendo’s Pro controller, no difference). Constantly feels like you’re running in mud (take that feeling running on autohaven when you would sink into ground). And...there are still frame drops as noted above...are negative frames a thing?

    But least we can continue to reiterate 2+ years of complaints while someone on the team pretends like this is all new to them and they need “more details.” Disingenuous at best

  • Samurai_Prodigyz
    Samurai_Prodigyz Member Posts: 5

    THIS RIGHT HERE SAYS IT ALL, I THANK YOU SIR BUT they're not gonna try to optimize console cause they said this last year and nothing, i been on their twitter/facebook hoping they would see it cause they don't even look in their own forums unless it's cosmetic