What do you think it will be announced on the 4th year anniversary?

What are you guys hoping it will be announced?
Do you guys want more licensed killers? More licensed survivors?
Are you guys hoping for the MMR to be good and reduce queue times?
My only wish is cross progression.
But what about yours?
This is a discussion for fun and nothing else and I know we are a few months away from the anniversary but I just want to know everyone's thoughts on this?
Personally, I'd rather have more original characters and a lot less licenced charcters. But I'm keeping my expectations low, I predict that we're just gonna get another bonus bloodpoint event.
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I would like an opportunity to get more BP and Shards.
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I also want less licensed killers and survivors but I know a few people that want more licensed stuff.
This sounds amazing imo, I wish I could get more BP and shards as well.
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Hopefully more Killer reworks will be announced.
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By the latest feedback quizes they made I am predicting cosmetics for your lobby, cross-play
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The same that was announced for Xmas.
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Cross progression. I want all my PS4 stuff on PC.
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"Be my victim"
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104% Bonus BP offerings.
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Same..... I have the game on pc and ps4.....bought too much stuff on ps4 but none on pc other than almost all DLCs..... I just want my cosmetics and levelled up characters
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Cross Progression, Cross play, Increase of Max BLPS from 1 mil - ?? mil, Reworks, more In-Game Cosmetics Contests and maybe a contest for an actual fan-made chapter concept.
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what I want:
- no more chapters untill all bugs fixed
- crossplay
- map balance
- no more perk tiers
- legion deleted
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I agree with all but the last one, because I love Legion ;)
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*laughs in tomes 3*
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Probably nothing. Not much happened last year. There were some really sharp "tar like" skins they had for the killers, but didn't actually release them. Maybe strap some balloons on some gens and call it a day.
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Crossplay without a doubt. It's something I've been wanting ever since they asked us about it on a survey.
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They'll probably give out a roadmap and have a bloodpoint event, as well as an explanation for the next Chapter.
As cool as Candyman would be, I don't want him as a Chapter. Unless they pulled a Ghost Face again (which they got A LOT of backlash for), the Survivor vs. Killer count is off. I still believe that Stranger Things should have just been either Nancy or Steve, not both. Besides, we need another Killer Paragraph, since Leatherface came out in 2017.
I want original Killers, because they can do whatever they want with them and no one can say "this was never established," while they need to stay true to the abilities in licensed characters. I also want more... bestial creatures. A user here on the forum, icemancat, did an in-depth look at masks for Payday 2 that you got for being in the DBD Community Group. He theorized the Devourer as a potential future Killer, but I want the Clawer, which looks like some weird, crab creature. It's a water Killer, which seems to be heavily requested, it's a monster, also heavily requested, and just looks so cool from the mask alone.
I'm really hoping that they talk about their matchmaking plans, and give us the ability to KNOW that it's working. The way they talked about it, it seems like we'll just be left in the dark. Right now, it's a hot mess that could so easily be fixed, but isn't because BHVR chooses not to for some reason. It was all fine until Oni came out, what happened there? Just an explanation, no matter how small, is all we (or at least I) want.
As cool as cross-play would be, a good PC Nurse will always do better than a great Playstation Nurse because of latency issues. I don't think they'll talk about this.
Cross progression would be a large plus to people with multiple systems (so... not me), and is something they should look into, but I'm not too hopeful there.
Honestly though, I don't know how much of this will be covered. Next Chapter for sure, but that's it.
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Overhyped stream and a crappy 104% extra blood point offering
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- Crossplay and Candyman are 100% going to be there and they'll be the big reveals.
- Crossprogression and more map reworks (Coldwind maps?) are also possible but less likely.
- The Chainsaw Bros getting their add-on passes and Bubba getting a gameplay rework have good odds of showing up.
- Revamped settings menus with more options like controller sensitivity, colorblind options, a proper fullscreen mode, individual graphic toggles, lobby/menu cosmetic options, etc. would be nice but I'm not so sure what we'll get.