Ds change(any opinons welcome)

Okay so i know what your thinking "oh wow another one complaining about ds" but i belive that this is actually very balanced for both sides. So here it is

Decisive strike activates once you are saved from the hook if you are in the killers terror raidus the desicive strike is active for 20/30/40 seconds then is deactivated or if you start doing any objectives decisive strike will deactivate (stealth killers will have a silent terror raidus and desicive trike will still activate)

This i belive will be balanced as killers who are camping still get punished for camping and tunneling and surrvivors will not get 60 seconds of invincibility


  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Ds is a fine perk. The problem is 4 people should not be able to use it without any repercussion. Basically all they need to do is make 30 secs if you are not the obsession. But if you are it's the normal 60 seconds. Plus it needs to bot activate once the gens are done. Had a game where I got 3 down all three ds me into the safety of the exit.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,971

    Terrible idea but I'm not surprised because every single topic about this Perk is strictly from the perspective of improving the experience for The Killer. Not to mention the fact that your suggestion is addressed with Borrowed Time. Decisive Strike is about being tunneled, not camped necessarily.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    DS is a relatively small problem among many. I'd say it needs a slight adjustment -- if the survivor unhooks another survivor themselves, then the perk is deactivated. But if a lot of other issues are addressed for killers, then DS won't be nearly as noticeable.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Not sure if you mean my idea or his but let's be real 4 people getting a whole a minute of safety is to much. It why most killers end up slugging which is the worst imo. Slugging ruined the fun for killers and survivors. I'm not saying it so I can get 4ks. Most killers I see getting those are from just facing bad survivors skillwise, they proxy camp which is just lazy unskilled imo, or good survivors that are way to altruistic and cocky for their own good and die for it.

  • Azgarthus
    Azgarthus Member Posts: 31

    I feel that there simply needs to be a criteria for the perk to deactivate. Say repairing a generator, or perhaps a different survivor being hooked. The perk is anti-tunneling and I respect that, but the frustration comes from when a killer finds a survivor that's fresh off the hook repairing a nearby generator. Of course the killer is going to stop that, but that falls under the 'anti-tunneling' perk's strength.

    If there was a condition to cancel the perk, then the full 60 seconds would feel justified. If the killer intentionally chases a survivor right off the hook, then that is cause for punishment. If that survivor isn't in the position to chase for longer than a minute, the perk activates and does it's job. If the survivor does loop the killer for over 60 seconds, and then they get downed, that survivor still wasted at least a full minute of the killer's time. I'm also fine with survivors being able to jump into lockers, because at the very least for the duration the survivor decides to stay in the locker, they're not working on objectives. If the survivor wants to try baiting a killer into being stunned by the perk in the last few seconds of it's duration, they can still do that, so long as they haven't touched an objective in-between the unhook and being downed.

    If the perk is an anti-tunneling perk, then it shouldn't be so universally strong in non tunneling scenarios. But that's just my opinion.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm not going to get into how because people are just going to get salty because I'm taking the "side" of killer or survivor.

    I say just make it truly an anti tunnel perk if that's what it's supposed to be. Could have a condition to activate like Deliverance. Could just have the timer reduced because tunneling doesn't happen 60 seconds after an unhook. Several things can be done to truly solidify it as "anti tunnel" and not an all purpose stunning/bullying perk.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Lol what?.. No.. all a killer has to do is slug you until it runs or eat the DS and tunnel you until you're dead. The only time DS becomes overpowered is during end game when the Exit gates are open, allowing the survivor to get off and make a break for the gate.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Should deactivate if you interact with anything other than pallets/vaults, if someone else is hooked or all of the generators are finished. DS should never be up once gens are done, and the locker exploit (yeah I called it an exploit not a TECH) shouldn't exist either. Being slugged isn't the same as being tunneled, the killer should have options to slow you down, not have to ignore you for the next 60s.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol you're cute.

    So a survivor can remain slugged while the killer is carrying someone to the hook and can come back easily for you pick you up and hook you again?

    And that's fair how?

    This would be an easy 4k for any camping killer. Please, explain how this is fair?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    DS is fine as it is.

    It's the killer's choice to pick up the survivor that just recently was off the hook.

    It's the killer's choice to open that locker.

    It's the killer's choice to LET that survivor use Decisive Strike.

    Don't punish the survivor for the bad decisions of the killer.

    Those are my 2 cents.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    And what would stop killers from standing outside the terror radius, wait for the unhook, then rush back in for the free tunnel?

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    Actually didnt think of that. May i be the first to say thank you for not berrating me and being toxic.

  • Hunter__
    Hunter__ Member Posts: 53
    edited April 2020

    The timer needs to be lowered to 25/35/45 seconds and the perk should deactivate if the killer hooks someone else or gets an additional 2 downs. Or eats the ds ofc.

    I say this to cover unsafe hook saves where your downed instantly. Then your savior is downed and hooked quickly you should still be able to use it.

    But then again maybe just another hook. It would be punishment for not running bt and doing an "unsafe" hook save.

    It would give another survivor the chance to run in and try to save or take aggro. Swf or not. It's noticeable when someones getting the tunnel.

    Let's face it. Killers are always going to tunnel.

    I being a killer main think it's not a get out of jail free and it is anti hard tunnel.

    Or you could change it completely. Remove the timer completely. It should activate if your dead on hook and should only deactivate once the gens are completed. Or you eat the ds ofc

    I would say endgame but as long as gate progress is saved and ppl can 99 them endgame is a joke.

    "Get outskilled nerd!" - a friend of mine used to say this whenever he ds'd someone.


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    lol you're cute

    You aren't being tunneled if you're repairing gens, have time to fully heal or another survivor gets hit.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    That's a flat out lie.

    Haven't you had games where the killer completely drops chase and goes back for the survivor who just got unhooked?

    I have, happens all the damn time.

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    Heads up, I’m a survivor main so this might be a bit biased. That being said, I think that this is a solid idea. The main complaint I’m seeing on this channel is that it doesn’t act as a true anti-tunnel perk. Which is fair. But I also feel like the suggestions that are being thrown out are just a little bit too harsh. So here’s my solution:

    Reduce the timer of ds to 25/30/35 seconds. Activates when getting off of the hook. Ds is only disabled if a gen is touched. Make the skillcheck success zone slightly smaller. If the skillcheck is hit OR missed when used off of the first hook, it will still be available to you off of second hook. All rules regarding the obsession stay the same

    This way, no objectives are done for that time, the “invincibility” time isn’t too long, it takes more skill to use, and it is more of a hard punish for tunneling than 2 minutes of invincibility is.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    And before you say, "You go against low ranked players."

    No, this was last night, and I got top player, as you can see from the same build on both pics.

    Excuse you, when I speak about any survivor game play it means I experience it first hand.

    I always have DS in hand because I know what killers do, and how they take advantage of a game when there isn't an Obsession.

    Not all killers are the same, but I always take that precaution.

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2020

    Its not fine

    If a survivor rushes a hook knowing they have DS and will get a free escape or slugged for 60 and get a free heal how is that fair?

    Also 60 seconds after unhook? You know how much happens in 60 seconds?

    How is it fair if you unhook someone, I chase, knock, hook you and they go for the rescue or a gen and I down them only OH ITS BEEN 59 SECONDS GET DS'ED.

    Well if the killer chooses to open the locker than I guess NOED is fine cause a survivor chooses not to do bones.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    No one's debating whether or not NOED is fair, I find it okay after the Ruin nerf.

    But this whole "I down another survivor while another is on the hook and I still get DS'ed" is very rare, I haven't seen anyone post it on the forums and I doubt it happens often. It's the killer typical excuse, "I wasn't even tunneling, someone else was on hook and I still got DS'ed."


  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Should deactivate if you do any interactions within the killers terror radius other than vaulting or dropping a pallet. Any Protection hits triggered after 5 seconds or more after being unhooked should disable it. If you are bodyblocking for someone else to protect them, your not being tunneled your asking to get hit and thus no longer should be protected by DS.

    Make non obsessions only stun for 3 seconds.

  • CaptainSkel
    CaptainSkel Member Posts: 24

    I play a lot of killer, it is definitely not a "very rare" occurrence.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Here's my take.

    Keep the timer at 60 seconds. Decisive Strike stays active as long as you are only doing actions that are designed to keep yourself alive. The instant you do something to either progress objectives or help a teammate, it goes away. Actually with those restrictions the timer could be made longer.

    So, running, vaulting, throwing pallets, getting in lockers, getting healed, self healing, and recovering while slugged are all fine.

    Repairing generators, cleansing totems, unhooking teammates, sabotaging, and healing teammates turn it off.

    I think searching a crate can keep it on because you could be searching for a medkit to then heal yourself with.

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90

    Its not rare at all, watch not otz for a few highlights

  • ChirpingCat
    ChirpingCat Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2020

    DS to the safety of the exit? Would you complain about borrowed time, too?

    Hah. No killer is advocating for a NoED change, so you can count on zero survivor support for changes to DS.

    We are now, it would seem.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You watch Otz?

    And you think watching OTZ is equivalent to ALL killers?

    Please re-read what you just posted, then read what I posted.

    You're saying, Otz is the equivalent to all killers. And because Otz does it, that makes it common.


  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90

    I experiance it all the time, you said you havent see anyone post it so I gave you an example

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    So besides the .00000000001% of all killers that play this game, any personal experience?

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90
  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    ######### yall are toxic this was not even a suggestion barely an idea and yall are acting like if this happens that the world will end. Honestly there has been about 3 nice posts on this thread and that's all. Y'all are toxic.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I think a survivor having 60 seconds of invisibility is a bad idea. As soon as a survivor does any objective the perk should deactivate.