What's the most out there licensed you would like to see come to Dead by daylight

Mine would be from a Canadian show called Todd and the book of pure evil.
Make the killer be Charlotte the Phantom of Crowley high. In Dead by daylight terms The Phantom
Survivor: Charlotte's rival and one of the main cast Hannah B
Another licence besides that would probably be interesting would be scream Queens. Chanel oberlin as a survivor would be great
So what is the most interesting and unconventional licence you would like for dead by daylight
from the movie Christine
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Vroom vroom.....squeeeeeeeeeeal!
*flat survivor*
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Whoops. I’m thinking Carrie
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Clearly the next character should be Carrie Driving Christine
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The Beldam or Other Mother from Coraline.
Really, I just think a humanoid/arachnid hybrid would make a fantastic killer.
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The Collector
The Collector franchise
Mass murderer
Brute strength
Heavy weaponry
Skilled in hand-to-hand combat
Skilled with knives
Large knife
Knowledge of entomology
Torture methodology
Driving skills
Experimenting and "collecting" people.
Mutilating people and shaping them like insects.
Kill as many people as possible and add the only-alive victim to his collection (succeeded for a while).
Crash the party (succeeded).
Kill Arkin (failed).
copy/pasted that. Downside is I feel he might be too much like Ghostface since they have the same primary weapon. I think his 2 most iconic traits are his traps and his habit of leaving 1 alive. Try creating a killer that might use traps but is mostly a m1 killer like trapper. Then his gimmick is that he can choose to go to any hooked survivor and spend a certain amount of time torturing them. Obviously the hook timer would stop. The torture could either negatively effect the survivor (like broken status) or power up the killer or better yet, unlock more tools. Honestly my ideal version of This Killer would use 5 different traps. 1 base trap and 1 other trap unlocked after each survivor is hooked once and tortured. I know that’s asking for too much :D
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This look like a description from wikipedia of a villain not really frpm DBD
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I would like a paragrah Alien vs Predator 2 new killers. Entity why take 1 when ypu can take 2 from alien universe? 👍
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For killer: Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp)
For survivor: Brigitte Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
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Do...do you not read the title. He’s asking which licensed killers (that maybe less known) would you like in DbD. So I grabbed some Villian info from Wiki (for those who don’t know the series) and then gave my idea and how I like for him to work. What does your reply suppose to prove? :/
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chucky, dracula, slade, kevin mccallister for killer
andy, unsure, batman, the robbers for survivor
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Too long for reading I mean you could say its a killer that blablabla (but just 4-5 sentences) not a bible 😅
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I personally think Slender (if done properly) would fit perfectly in DBD or five nights at Freddy's with the various animatronics would be cool as well
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Just HC Daud as killer. Plenty of opportunity for lore, cosmetics, addons. Already has a simple power.
Now that's out there.
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Supernatural Sam and dean and the killer could be a vampire or a demigod idk supernatural has a lot of lore maybe a demon or fallen angel? Maybe Lucifer
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And Supernatural would fit really well in the Lore of Dead by Daylight. The entity could easily exist in the multiverse of Supernatural too.
The 2 survivors would be obviously Sam and Dean, even if I personally like Castiel more. The killer question is a difficult one, because supernatural saw a lot of villains like you said. I think Azazel would be the most logical choice because he was the first real villain Sam and Dean faced. But there are for sure many other good options.
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A Hotline Miami killer paragraph would be very interesting to see. It would probably be Jacket, but Martin Brown could also work. Their mori animation would be interesting, because the game(s) have a lot of finishing moves and weapons.
A wealth of potential outfits because of The Fans, and all the masks from the first game. It'd be cool if there were more video game characters in general, because right now, all we have is Bill from L4D.
Plus, it's been confirmed that Hotline Miami 3 will never be made, so having them as a character would probably be one of the last chances we'd ever have to see more Hotline Miami stuff.
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Mr. X or Weeping Angels
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It's a tossup between Critters
Or Leprechaun
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Pinhead as killer
Kirsty as survivor
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I need to rewatch that serie
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What series? Sleepaway Camp or Ginger Snaps?
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Sleepaway camp
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I said it in the title.
And at the bottom of the post
Everything else was just my idea for licences
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He has mirrors which are traps that he can set. His power is that he can see through the mirrors and stalk. Once he fills the stalk meter, the trap activates and is a Trapper/Hag combo trap. Once triggered, the trap spawns a phantasm and holds you in place for 8 seconds. Candyman can teleport to the trap, which will release you, or he can walk to it for a free hit while trapped. You can tell you're being stalked by hearing a faint voice repeat "Candyman"
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Ah, never thought of Dracula! A vampire could work. After seeing the Demogorgon, I'd like there to be a werewolf killer. No transformation though, that'd be too much like Oni. Probably end up being way too OP, as it would have great speed and power and also have second-to-none tracking abilities through scent and sound.
My most wanted killers are Candyman (killer bees!) and Pinhead (from Hellraiser). Two unique, iconic characters from the horror genre.
I've just noticed the post above me asks for Candyman too! Yes, my brother.
EDIT: unfortunately, Chucky, Leprechaun and Damien are too small to carry survivors. I would've loved to have seen Chucky in DBD though. My all-time favourite killer.
EDIT 2: I'd also like to see the Babadook or the killer from Jeepers Creepers.
Post edited by FlintBeastgood on0 -
Hmmmm, Chucky. Real small and hard to see. I like that one!
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I think the most out there idea would be to have a character that can be either survivor or killer - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Post edited by FlintBeastgood on0 -
Rubber. A killer tire with powers.
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original characters are better (excluding deathslinger)
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The Thing.
Active Ability: Can morph into any of the survivors in the trial (losing it's TR), during which time it can enter lockers and fake survivor interactions (pretend to fix gen or cleanse totem).
Would breathe new life into the Premonition perk.
EDIT: In case it wasn't obvious, I signed up to the forums just for this topic.
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I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer would excite me the most right now. The show has nice survivor options, my most likely candidates would be Giles and Buffy. Even though doing her right would be harder than Ash, because Ash kinda works, because he is a comedic horror hero...
As a killer the show would have a couple of bad guys. Most likely the Master, but also Angelus, Drusilla and the iconic Gentlemans would be interesting Killer options.
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You want "out there"? Dry Bones Bowser and Tanooki Luigi. Nobody can argue as it does fit the point.