A Fan-Made DBD Chapter!

DS_is_BS Member Posts: 7

While playing the Chains of Hate DLC on the PS4 version for close to two weeks now, a group of friends and I decided to make our own chapter for the game and wanted to see what everyone else thought about the idea. The chapter is called Destined Vendetta and it brings an Irish Rockstar and a Killer who uses mirrors as his power to the table. He is what we compiled thus far, please tell me what you think and I'll pass it along to everyone i worked with for this. Thanks again everyone.


  • MrButters
    MrButters Member Posts: 10

    Personally i really like the idea around the killer (really like it) but how you describe his power make little sense to me. From what i understand you put the surv into a mirror realm and you turn into the surv ? and then the normal surv has oblivious status effect and is in the mirror realm whiles you are in the form of the surv and is in the normal map which i don't understand fully.

    The killers perks the first one

    Bad Blood: is it a normal perk or is it tied to a hex totem? also the part for 5 tokens what do you mean by secondary obsession when there is only ever one obsession and why be able to reactivate the for 90 Secs maybe a bit shorter or not at all.

    Over Time: quite a good idea for a perk in my opinion might need some tweaks but seems nice

    Behind Closed Doors: quite nice but sort of similar to BBQ in that when you hook a surv others are highlighted maybe tweak this to make sure it is not too close to BBQ

    Addons what is the second ultra rare addon because there are two normally per killer which i think the Iridescent Hair Comb is the ultra rare

    The Surv Perks

    Guitar Solo: maybe the reduction of distance should be 20/30/40 or even 25/35/45 and reduce the time on the scratch marks by a sec or two 6/7/8 because 8 seconds for the first level is quite a lot of time tbh.

    On Tour: the idea is good but not every one can 360 a killer and 360ing a killer does not always work also code wise i don't think it would be doable because they would have to find a way to detect if the surv is doing a 360.

    Encore: it is a good idea and sounds good probably just needs some tweaks then i could see it being in the game gives an alternative to DS for those who cant hit the skill check.

    Overall i think it is quite a good fan chapter that with some tweaks could be a thing also i would recommend putting this in the discussion rather than lore so more people can see it and a possible dev might see it as well.

  • ohgod
    ohgod Member Posts: 23

    Finally, an Irishman on survivors. We're coming to you next, r6

  • DS_is_BS
    DS_is_BS Member Posts: 7

    After some discussion on your ideas I've come to report back on some changes.

    The easier changes made were the perks. So with Bryce's perks; the audio range and timer on Guitar solo were accepted and changed, On Tour and Encore were changed COMPLETELY so now;

    On Tour acts like Detective's Hunch but with Killer Belonging's that have interaction choices (Bear Traps, Demogorgon Portals, etc.) and once the interaction is completed without interruption the auras of other belongings within a 15/30/45 metre radius are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds with a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    Encore now works like Borrowed Time and Baby Sitter so when you unhook a survivor in the Killer's Terror Radius they gain a 5/6/7% haste boost for 25 seconds and the survivor who unhooked and the killer have their aura's revealed to each other for 30 seconds and you become the obsession.

    Now with Mirror Man's Perks;

    Bad Blood works like Fire Up and Devour Hope but is considered a Normal Perk and what I originally meant by 'secondary obsession' was that there was to be two obsessions in the one trail but that was changed to where the first non-obsessed survivor becomes the obsession for 90 seconds, so a temporary obsession, and if that obsession is hooked then it'll activate again and effect the next non-obsessed survivor and shift the obsession title again.

    Over Time will work like Prove Thyself where you get a bonus on Hunting Category points instead of the stacks, it was designed as a means to try and slow down tunneling and slugging and award Killer's for suffering through loops. No-one was quite sure how to tweak this but your ideas are appreciated.

    Behind Closed Doors differs from BBQ because it doesn't award stacks on survivor hooks and only reveals the current obsession's aura to you (unless they run Distortion, big oof for this) so it's like Dark Sense but with Hooks.

    The Add-Ons for Black Mirror

    Common: Tattered Script and Cheap Foundation

    Uncommon: Stained Script and Fancy Eye-Liner

    Rare: Fresh Script and Sponsored Hair-Spray

    Very Rare: Dry-Cleaned Suit and Golden Tooth (Possibly a signed autograph add-on but TBD)

    Ultra Rare: Iridescent Haircomb (secondary Iridescent, possibly an iridescent coffee mug and a mirror shard but still TBD.)

    Now the pain; Killer Power

    Black Mirror was designed like Dream World and Pig's Macabre Boxes as in once trapped you'd break a certain mirror and escape or stay inside, there were five mirror's originally unless you run Haircomb then there's 3 mirrors but we've decided to change it to where once inside the mirror the survivor's on the outside have to break you out and until then you are stuck inside with him until hooked, which will kick you out immediately. The add-ons make it to where it's faster to pull in and takes longer to break, these actions can be affected by teachable Fire-Up, Thanatophobia, and Bad Blood.

    Once again your ideas are appreciated and thanked by everyone in the team, and I originally decided to put this into the Lore section because I wanted to expand on the Lore of the Entity with more character's but I've already posted it into the General Discussion so we're all good.

  • MrButters
    MrButters Member Posts: 10

    I like the new tweaks to the perks On Tour and Encore they feel balanced now and more usable in game.

    I understand Bad Blood now the initial secondary obsession confused me but knowing it moves obsessions from one surv to another makes sense like when you use DS you become the obsession if you are already not it. Over Time like i said before nice little perk probably still some balancing best idea for me is to look at other perks similar and see how that is balanced and do the same to that perk. Behind Closed Doors ye i now understand what you mean now re reading what is in the doc.

    How you described the killer power here makes more sense describing it as like being in the dream world where its just you and the surv you dragged in, in a altered version of the map you are on but the other surv's cant see you but can break you out by destroying a mirror (Or the specific mirror you dragged that surv in to). Also i love the idea behind the Mori mainly the "tips his hat before disappearing" love the idea of a killer just nodding at you then carries on killing all your friends

    but overall i would love to see this as a possible future chapter and would love to play as this killer.

    Good work on thinking of a original killer design and making the perks sound nice and usable.

    Would love to see what the killer and survivor would look like and possibly some cosmetic design ideas (you don't have to just was wondering).

  • DS_is_BS
    DS_is_BS Member Posts: 7

    "Would love to see what the killer and survivor would look like and possibly come cosmetic design ideas (you don'y have to just wondering)."

    I actually have some artistic friends who could probably do something for this but I don't want to get too excited until I can get a confirmation on this. But if it does, I may or may not be developing some more character designs (hint, hint...)

  • MrButters
    MrButters Member Posts: 10

    Ooo if your friend makes some designs i am eager to see them O.O