Any Killer that says SWF isn't a problem isn't High Rank

SWFs are strong in mid tiers. But nowhere near the extent they are at red ranks. A red rank SWF will completely destroy you on the right map because its extremely hard to have map pressure when everyone is a good looper and knows where the Killer is at all times (because they're in chat).
You literally cannot keep them off generators and they'll never three gen. The most annoying thing is that they'll keep track of hook states and throw themselves at the Killer to keep someone on death hook alive, so early kills never happen.
As a rank 3 Killer, I can easily 4k some games of full red ranks. And other full red teams are completely on another level and don't even feel close: those are the SWFs. I'm at the point where I'm kind of traumatized and I'll queue dodge anyone who's an obvious SWFs and has matching names/outfits. It's not the rank that's scary it's the level of coordination it's like everyone has Object but no one has the negative of the Killer seeing them.
(Also, I'm a Rank 4 Survivor and have more playtime in that role, so don't come at me with the biased Killer main straw-man argument)
You're asking for a work of god have grinded the gears for years trying to figure out a solution to do you nerf SWF.....but also not completely DUMPSTER solo queue survivors in the process? The only quick....yet chaotic solution I can even think of is buffing solo queue survivors to the point where they match current SWF....then at the same time BUFFING KILLERS TO THE GALAXY!!! To compensate.... I don't even dare imagine ######### that would look like....
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Stop telling BS on SWF!
Yes, SWF can be a problem, especially if you use a HEX. But most SWF are not a depip squad. Most of the times a good killer will kill most of them if not all.
I just played against a SWF on Crotus Pren as Doc (Rank 1 btw) and I won with a 4K. They screwed up with a 3 gen and I had PGTW. There was no coming back from that.
Sure it's in the SV's hands to dominate or not. But mostly their mistakes stack up and they will lose.
But against a very good team, even the best Killers will struggle. No denying that.
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Okay, OP. I’m a red rank killer and people should be able to play with your friends.
I have the platinum on PS4 and 11 killer adepts (90+ achievements) and running on PC. Look me up.
Is my opinion qualified enough for you?
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The first game i played today after a week of break is versus a group of red rank SWF with 4 flashlight and OoO..
Another break i guess..
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I’m a high rank killer and I always dodge obvious swf. “Not a problem” my as*s. Even 2-man and 3-man squads can be annoying. Unfortunately no way to fix it because people should be able to play with their friends and have fun. Just keep dodging them and let a killer who doesn’t mind SWF play with them.
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I am rank 1 with killer and I don't think swf is nearly as bad as some people say it is. I do get that swf creates some imbalances, and it can cause the one or other game where you as killer probably had no chance of winning against that team, but it's still not as bad as others make it out to be in my opinion.
The only way to improve swf balance is to buff solo survivors to lessen the gap between solo and swf survivors, and balance killers accordingly, but even then you'll never be able to properly close the gap. SWF will always have a bit of an advantage, but it's not that bad in my opinion, and I also think this game shouldn't be seen as a fully competitive game, it isn't.
I do think Object of Obsession is a problem because of swf though.
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Every killer that says generally SWF is an issue isnt a good player.
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There have been suggestions before that would specifically target SWF players without hurting solo queue players, but the SWF tryhards who refuse to accept challenge will immediately charge in with their braindead battle cry of "why punish people for playing with friends" and ignore the fact that balancing the game isn't "punishing" people.
SWF groups could be forced to only be able to take one of each item type per squad (no 4 man flashlights or stuff like that)
SWF group members could have extra objectives to escape based on the number of people in the group while solo players can just escape as normal (ex: at least one totem broken per person in group before they can leave)
SWF players could be unable to take certain perks into the match such as Object of Obsession
SWF groups could have a maximum rarity allowed for items and addons based on the number of people in the group.
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That three gen was the only reason you won. Crotus Penn is an awful map for Doctor normally. It wasn't necessarily that you played super well, but that they messed up. You took advantage of their mistake.
I get your point. Beating SWFs isn't impossible. Sometimes they make mistakes with gens or have an overly confident Object that ends up feeding. But that's all based on the Survivors, not the Killer. As Killer the best you can do is react to their misplays and capitalize on them... I just feel like a Killer should have the option to win against a perfect SWF given enough skill... but even the top Rank 1 streamers with thousands of hours can have games where all four Survivors escape and they get rolled.
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Swf isn't as bad as some people seem to think it is, that's my point. I get that swf survivors have advantages over solo survivors, but again I don't think it is that bad. And when I say that there might be some games where a killer doesn't really have a chance to win, I mean matches where the killer gets a bad map or is just unlucky.
I also agree that the game has competitive traits, but I don't think the game is an actual competitive game. Addons and items are one of the main reasons, the various rng that affects the outcome of a match is another reason.
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You dont play this game often, do you?
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Unlike the original poster, I don’t need to lobby dodge tough opponents to win.
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SWF Isn't a problem.
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There's a difference between "tough" and "unbeatable". If a 4man SWF stack is in your lobby and they decide to get a 4 man escape you cannot stop that, it's just a fact.
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"As a rank 3 Killer..."
"Also, I'm a Rank 4 Survivor..."
I beat you on both ranks so based on your reasoning, my opinion trumps yours.
Map design is a bigger issue than SWF, i will always DC on a garbage huntress map and play something else if its a while
i wont DC vs. SWF bc if im playing the map is probably fun enough
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Thats just a lie.
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I'm sorry that you can't comprehend how giving people the ability to share more information than every perk available in the game, without any downsides and without using any perk slots, breaks a game that's based on players having imperfect information. All the devs need to do is put always on VOIP into 3-4 man SWF stacks, that way the information advantage is shared between both sides.
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I dont think endless threads bitching about SWF is gonna fix anything
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I met with 4 flashlight survivors too.. after 4k they just said: pls uninstall and that im a bot.. I freakin love when they get mad xD (and I realized too late they had 4 flashlight so I couldn't swap my offering add-ons and perks.. they could be dying in pain :D
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Endless bitching and review bombing got SWF into the game in the first place, might as well try.
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You should probably stop spreading misinformation, it's very clear you have a hate for survivors.
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Of course they're gonna deny it, they'd wanna tell the types of people who review bomb that it didn't work and was always intended. But such behaviour puts a fire under their seats, because they don't want a bad public perception of their game.
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Hahaha it's easier to defeat SWF you Just have to tunnelling and camping them, and they do the impossible to help their friends jaja
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literally same thing today, on xbox.. fractured cowshed
gen rush, body block at gate, tbag
real cool
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Tunnel and camping will not always work.
Wish for another one shot killer, better than leather face, something maybe with a sword and a massive wide swing that knocks anyone down. So when one survivor tries to save while one blocks. Just knock both of them down.
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Sounds like balance to me. Survivors have to have the ability to kick your butt just like killers can. I don’t understand your logic
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killers are OP too sir
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its not fun getting Mori’d. It’s not fun getting tunneled. BVHR needs to help balance that out a bit.