Killer rebellion??? um......

so this killer main who literally has probably 15 hours in the game is posting in all the DBD facebook groups whining about killers using DS with the hashtag "killerrebellion" and bringing in an ebony mori and killing them with it off of first hook. Not even farming for the extra points they could get but just downing and killing them immediately after theyre pulled off, wasting everybody's time. um #########...?
who cares?
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lmao, DBD facebook, im so scared.
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said the guy who wrote on a forum
inb4: yeah I'm writing on this forum too, and I have couple posts, but saying that facebook is outdated (which it's true) on a forum, which is basically facebook's grandfather, it's kinda funny
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i just wondered if anyone on this forum had seen any similar posts from the kid and if any of the forum mods or anything had commented on it. hes basically saying that he isnt going to stop moriing people off first hook until survivors stop running ds because he cant handle a five second stun and people are roasting him in the comments talking about how bad of a killer he must be if he cant tolerate ds
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I actually saw a whole YouTube video about it.
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A number of killers got pissed off that Ruin was nerfed so hard with nothing being done about gen speeds and started using ebony moris which they hadn't been doing before. I'm a bit surprised if they're still at it, but this upcoming patch does address the gen speed problem. No clue if it will be enough of a solution until it's implemented, but I'm hoping so. However, some of the most problematic maps like Yamaoka's Estate aren't on the list so that much is kind of concerning.
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geez and people say survivors cant take an l....
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LOL this guy is an awful killer. No wonder he complains about DS like this.
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I watched him a ton but after seeing this I’m not so sure. The no no noed Vs noed army thing was funny. This one is just uncomfortable because of how serious they are.
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This is life on console. I don't envy this platform. Lol.
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I really hope this is just some sort of attention stunt or content creator "personality" thing, because this is almost at gamers rise up Joker meme levels of absurd.
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At this point, killers like this just want attention.
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Out of curiosity, why do you consider yourself a killer main with only fifteen hours? That's like enjoying a pineapple pizza once and declaring it your favorite topping (which I would applaud you for. Pineapple and ham is the best topping).
But really, it's a FB group. Who cares. Much like some streamers with the NOED war. Doesn't really effect things on the whole.
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Killers Mori anyways lol
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Those people are just pathetic.
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Rebellion? Of course, thats what us killer players need. More unjustified hatred
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This is pretty funny IMO
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There are people who still use facebook?
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The guy in the xbox group? He is just trolling for attention 😂
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No one care
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Sounds like a way to get moris nerfed tbh LOL
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He uploaded another one and its so awkward man. Like no good game play in it.