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General Discussions

I agree - Survivor Nerf Not needed

Its already difficult to play solo survivor. I agree teams of 4 can be a problem, but solo surviving is at the other end of the spectrum here. It’s unfair to be uncoordinated too as most of these killers are built to end chases shortly. Tbh changes that need to be made are Mori’s and keys. That’s it. Gen speed needs to be fast because killers can kill fast.

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  • Member Posts: 720

    Games more often than not fall into killer ez 4Ks playing solo and you’re nerfing Gen speed? Why would anyone want to stare at a progress bar longer 😰😡

  • Member Posts: 74

    Keys and moris are crutches imo. But solo is not that bad unless you get constant potato survivors. I mean you either get out or you die its a toss up but its a 4v1. It just seem like ######### for survivors cause it doesn't feel like you get any rewards unless you escape is the problem.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah it used to be that killer was the more stressful role. However the past year killer is so relaxing compared to solo survivor. Hell its even less frustrating than 2 man swf.

    The map fixes were needed and will help the game but something really needs to be done now about killers that just hang around the hook, camp and tunnel people to death and then have NOED to mop up the rest.

    People say the god loops took no skill and they’re right but these hypocrities have no issue with killers that just camp, tunnel and NOED for ez kills. That takes no skill either.

    Shame the dev team only listens to one side at this point.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I don’t think gen speed is really that big of an issue. I understand they’re only fixing team repairs but I think it mostly has to do with map design. On the smaller maps it’s kind of unfair to squeeze 8 generators in a cramped area and slow down gen progress. That’s just not fun for survivors. I don’t want to be in there with killers getting ez one hit downs from OP ad ons or ebony Mori’s. Huntress /infantry belt needs to be addressed then. Don’t slow down gens in any way if you’re not gonna slow down killers. Killers have so many ways of turning the game around in their favor no matter how bad they’re getting beat. You got perks like NOED which is a prime example. Idk, from my experience solo surviving isn’t really gonna be fun if I have to stare at a generator for an hour 😡 can I at least go find parts to keep me busy?

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    And who are these people that agree with you?

    Reddit seems to be praising the changes, where are you getting your "support" from?

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    "Gen speed needs to be fast because killers can kill fast."

    sure, Thompson's house is the ideal map for this purpose, you know, cow tree loop, into jungle gym, into shack (hence god pallet break and forced bloodlust loss), into jungle gym, into cow tree...

    yes, so fast to kill someone.

  • Member Posts: 214

    Honestly I just started reading his posts for the laughs. Other than that I ignore them because they really don't seem to understand balance, they get why to overdramatic over changes yet to come, whatever the post is about comes back to op addons and keys and mori's which I'll give him that since he puts mori's and keys together. They alos never mention anything regarding the other side like in his one post.

    Smaller maps are harder for survivors? Man I wonder how bigger maps feel for killers?! Straight up wherever he plays that region does not understand how to play with everything he seems to always get in his match. :/

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    The gen changes are very small, they really won't be bad at all. And getting more maps into a balanced state is also a good thing, it won't make solo survivor impossible in any way, but allow killers enough counterplay on every map, not just some maps.

    Of course, Moris and keys need nerfing, Moris moreso than keys in fact. Hopefully they'll get to Moris in the next patch.

    However, it's probably also matchmaking or the rank system that is screwing you a bit, teaming you up with players that are better or worse than you, or allowing you to get to a rank where you shoudln't yet be. That's why solo survivor can be quite rough at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I’m rank 3-4 survivor. Rank 10 killer, but I see rank 1-3 survivors against me every time. Just get some map knowledge under your belt and a nice head set and there are some really good builds you’ll be fine. It’s not difficult. I see survivors get ran on too just like killers do. But no in all honesty it’s not about game being difficult for me, it’s about the fact that All I saw is killers gets this killer gets that. Survivor gets this taken away, survivor gets that taken away. Killers are built to end chases really fast on most of each map. You can get caught out of position easily in most of these maps. I just don’t think it’s fair to slow survivor down if you don’t slow killers down. Because there are some really good ones that almost make gens not doable at some point. Like I don’t want to stare at a generators repair progress bar for an hour. No thank you.

  • Member Posts: 720

    Mori’s definitely more so than keys. Keys still require survivors to do their job . Mori’s cut 3 hooks down to 1. That’s a big jump. 12 hooks down to 4 then insta kill? Dude they have to work together to survive that’s just not gonna work. Knee high crates, and paper thin trees they need to offer better hiding then because it sounds like you can’t get caught lmao

  • Member Posts: 542

    Are you really that blind with your love/hate relationship with mori that you can't look past the bigger picture off this next update, they are changing maps. loops, gen speeds (which isn't a real major nerf more so if more people are on one gen) and before this ruin was nerfed but you never bring that up. Now factor all that in and forget about mori and keys for 5 min and you might be able to see they are trying to get the game to a point where every killer is able to be played and not just a few at red ranks, more survivor/killer interaction which after a couple weeks they find killers are catching survivors to easy they can look into things like blood lust and adjusting it as needed.

    By bringing everything to around the same level it will be more easy for them to balance and adjust things be it killers or survivors where as things right now it's hard to adjust 1 thing without it impacting a lot off other things, take the hag if they find having smaller maps makes it to easy for her to get around then they can adjust how far she can teleport knowing it's not going to affect playing her on bigger maps, which is something they can't do now for that reason if they make it smaller she will struggle on bigger maps same with a lot off other thing.

    People just need to give this next update time and see where it leads and what happens from it take ruin killer mains were pissed about the nerf to it but after a few updates things got adjusted because they we able to get the data they needed.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Came on, there are a lot of players who just use god loops, 16 seconds to do a Gen, it change was great , I'm main survivor I hope this change helps killers because it was boring escape so easy

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited April 2020

    I say this as someone who plays both Killer and Survivor.

    The nerf to god windows were needed. Why? Because you could easily go to a tile next to it and break chase and go back to the window... rise/repeat. That isn't right, and especially if all 4 survivors are doing it.


    I don't think that a break-able wall was the answer.

    Here is an idea I presented a while back where the "god window" would deplete BUT AFTER some interaction with the killer.

    That is the problem I have with many of the nerfs that seem to be happening. Unwarranted... maybe? Unfun.... definitely!

    You want to interact with the killer or just let them break a wall whenever they feel like making the map weaker? I think it is so weird that instead of thinking creatively they are going about this the lazy way. Like, even my idea was only half baked but this nerf straight up doesn't even care about engaging in an interaction... the only interaction you will see out of it is when Bloodlust kicks in and u can't even vault that window once.

    The point is, the window should have offered some benefit to survivors... with the a depletion mechanic it would have encouraged for a "smart" play because you would be left with a choice... do you want to deplete it now or later? Similar to how pallets work currently.

  • Member Posts: 720

    Try getting good first. I see high rank killers do fine just avoid those areas and protect gens. Learn the map!

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    And this is your average entitled killer main mentality. Bet you defend NOED too.

    Man I really hope these changes scare away the last of the solo survivors onto better games.

  • Member Posts: 720

    High mobility killers are in rn. I do just fine 😂 I main plague on my off time because I have so much fun laying people out with her red snot. But no really, I think gen speed should be fast if you’re over there camping and tunneling hooks and mori’ing people that’s just

    my opinion. Doesn’t count for anything obviously

  • Member Posts: 720

    I’m just saying, as a survivor rank 3 I can tell you every time I got red ranks on my team, and I see a big difference in how my games turn out as far as wins. But killers are still favored 🤦🏽 I love killer - survivor interactions but they end chases too fast sometimes imo.

  • Member Posts: 462

    Lol entitled? I believe I am entitled to a game where a survivor can't abuse a window and waste all my time. As for noed I personally don't use it but ifor you have such a problem with it do totems. It's literally a perk which can be destroyed before it activates. You are defending a guy who claims trapper is too fast all killers are op and the ds skill check is too hard😂. Please play one killer match before having an opinion here.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah as expected. Survivors need to git gud but hey NOED the biggest crutch perk of them all granting free kills is fine. Killers never need to git good.

    Sure you can do killer you could have also brought Bamboozle and suddenly most god loops dont exist.

    Oh no cant have that though. Killers should never have to use perk slots to fix issues, only survivors are required to do that.

  • Member Posts: 468

    I'm confused by your first sentence as I was telling you that I hoped YOU would be matched with people at your skill level. I'm a Rank 1 killer main with thousands of sacrifices under my belt and has seen a time period in this game where a survivor could loop killers indefinitely and the only response that was given was "git good"

    Killers have had to adapt over time against increasingly difficult odds and now that survivors are being brought down a bit balance wise killers are rolling through most games because they are used to needing to punish even the smallest mistakes survivors make as hard as they could. Sure some killers hardcore camp or tunnel, but most at high Ranks have learned how to apply pressure effectively and take control of the match.

    If your getting caught out of position stop putting yourself out of position unless you have a plan.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I agree on keys and moris getting a nerf. Offerings should be limited to ivory moris and keys should only be usable after the gates are powered. Devour hope and rancor are fine as is.

  • Member Posts: 462

    What perk are you required to run to fix an issue. Running bamboozle is a risk because not every map has a god window. Also survivor is stupidly easy and whether you choose not to do totems and give him noed, playing killer is 10x harder than survivor. Any good player will tell you that look at Scott jund tru3 otz zubat and monto. Are they all "entitled killer mains" because they share the same mindset as me.

  • Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2020

    Is this the baby survivor/green rank thread? Seems lit. Didn't realize there were survivors who still don't know that killer shack and jungle gyms exist in 2020.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    There's a difference between just outright nerfing survivors and fixing blatantly broken mechanics of your game. These changes were absolutely necessary. This will actually encourage survivors to become better at being chased. The repair changes were just a slight little touch, but nothing that will consistently make your games worse. They fixed the primary issue that needed to be fixed.

  • Member Posts: 462
  • Member Posts: 214
  • Member Posts: 461

    Maybe they just learned about jungle gyms and are sad chaining them won't be braindead easy anymore.

  • Member Posts: 351

    Probably. So many games, as killer and survivor, I see the nastiest set ups (mostly on McMillan Estates) with shack literally in between two jungle gyms, and if that wasn't enough, in between the shack and jungle gyms, there's usually safe pallets with at least 15 seconds of looping potential if done optimally. Feelsbalancedman.

  • Member Posts: 1,285
  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Like I always tell you, play killer for a change. These changes will literally give mid-low tie killer's a chance

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Solo survivor is not difficult with experience. Many killers are very lacking in chase potential. You're making mistakes if you're going down quickly against most of the roster on many of the current maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,929


    then why shouldn't you get good? you can loop even in solo and there are perks that helps a lot

    you should be the one learning maps, since you didn't even consider the power of setups in your analysis on how "killers can kill so fast" and how the game is killer favored.

  • Member Posts: 843

    A shame the Devs can't press their magic button that makes them fix all the game issues instantly.

  • Member Posts: 869

    You do realize that the gen speed changes will only affect you if you work with multiple survivors on the same gen, right? Hell, it adds 3 extra seconds when you repair a gen with 2 people! I don't think you'll even notice the gen speed changes for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 704

    survivor nerf not needed,says entitled survivor main

  • Member Posts: 67

    You are asking for something to get nerfed (keys) that defeats your argument of how it's difficult to play solo survivor. Just bring a key, hide the rest of the match, and open up the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 3,536


    Bamboozle is a risk because not every map has a god window?

    Why, that’s almost like saying running detectives hunch/small game and running around the map for a few minutes searching for totems over gens/unhooks is a risk because not every killer runs NOED.

    The hypocrisy is staggering.

    Killer is ez mode right now unless you’re against 3-4 man swf, but most lobby dodge those anyway.

  • Member Posts: 462

    You don't need detective's huntch to find totems. It makes it easier but is not needed. Bamboozle is needed.

  • Member Posts: 3,536
    edited April 2020

    Have you seen some of the indoor maps? Sometimes it can take forever to find the last totem...not that you would know its the last since theres no totem counter because killers veto the idea of it every time.

    Still Bamboozle can provide a benefit on a lot of maps. Even if the map doesnt have a god loop it will at least give you faster vault speed and shorten any window. What does wasting minutes for 5 totems do if the killer doesnt have NOED? Not a damn thing.

  • Member Posts: 462

    Learn totem spots. If killers are supposed to juggle 4 survivors on broken maps the size of Mars with god loops jungle gyms shack dh DS borrowed unbreakable and 80s gens I think the least survivors can do is learn some f..king totem spawns you boosted mongoose

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited April 2020

    Bamboozle doesn't work properly half the time since the entity blocker is broken because survivors can just vault back and tbh you can say the same thing about bringing detectives hunch or small game or a map or just taking note of where totems are

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I’ve learned quite a few. Hard with maps like hawkins since they dont appear too often.

    All these red rank streamers people like to name....I’ve seen every single of them struggle to find totems. Every single one. Sometimes its not always easy to find the last, especially on newer maps where they are better hidden.

    Also funny how you think survivors needing to spend a few minutes off gens searching for this to stop the killer from getting god mode is fair and balanced but asking some chump not to try hooking a survivor for 60 seconds after unhook is somehow too much to ask and an unfair request.

    You boosted mongoose. I’m guessing baby wants his second chance perk left alone in case those evil survivors “rush teh gens”. That classic killer entitlement. “If I lose, I still deserve to get a few kills just for showing up”

  • Member Posts: 462

    Like I said I personally don't use noed. It's the DS of killers. Unfortunately survivors have LOADS of second chance perks. Dh DS adrenaline unbreakable deliverance. But some killers use a perk that can be easily countered and these rank 20 boosted survivors who think killers are op want it removed. Please stop.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Keys require you to do your job? Absolutely not! Hatch will spawn for the last surv regardless of how many gens are left. You could hide the whole game doing literally nothing, waiting for all others to die, and then escape through the hatch the killer closed in search for you. For the mori, the killer has to chase you down and hook you. Which can take quite some time with the right survivor and map. So not at all does a key need more "work" than a mori. You just decide to do something useful until the key is ready to use, but you wouldn't have to.

  • Member Posts: 420

    The issue is that most of the people in red ranks shouldn’t be in red ranks. Being survivor is the easiest thing to do in this game and it’s quite easy to pip.

    just wait till MMR and then things will sort itself out. You’ll be put with all the other potatoes.

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