Show no mercy to the survivormain, BHVR

He is an animal in human form and exists only to amuse us. Survivors have had it too good for too long. No longer can these noobs rely on their infinites, safe pallets, back to back jungle gyms and absurd map sizes. If you are complaining about the recent changes, I have only one advice for you. Get good.
Yeah and when we all quit because you entitled killers keep getting everything you want, then it'll be on you.
27 -
If I got everything I wanted, swf wouldn't be in the game. But hey, you're welcome to leave and never come back :)
18 -
I’m not quitting though I also don’t see how we survivor mains are noobs though.
8 -
right cause all killers wanted the ruin nerf lol. this patch is meant to compensate for it by taking a small jab at gen speeds and fixing some of the maps that have brain dead loops.
18 -
I most likely will because the Devs are constantly catering to killers. Survivors have received nothing but nerfs for the last 6 months and yet Killers just continue to tell us to stop crying.. to "git good".. "survivors still to OP!". Tell us.. when is it going to be good enough? When you can down us in under 20 seconds? When you only need 1 hook instead of 3? When all of the pallets and windows are removed from the game? When we lose our ability to run? When the Devs give you the ability to see us anywhere on the map permanently?
Survivor Nerfs
Patch 3.3.1 - Insta Heals nerfed, Green Medkit charges nerfed from 24 to 16 charges.
Patch 3.4.0 - Balance Landing Nerfed to remove staggert reduction while exhausted.
Patch 3.5.0/3.5.2 - Lery's Rework (Survivor Nerf to hide totems, remove windows and add more unsafe pallet)
February 10 - Disconnect Penalties - Forces Survivors to have to play through matches, no matter how toxic the killer wants to be.
Patch 3.6.0 - Survivor Nerfs
1) Survivors can no longer sabotage Bear Traps
2) Dropped survivor wiggle progression reduced from 33% to 25%
3) Toolboxes Nerfed
4) Saboteur nerfed (cooldown added) & Hooks respawn faster
5) Addons nerfed to disappear at the end of each match
6) Autohaven Wreckers: Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to use Dead Hard to get onto tires near a crane (Yet killers can still do it with Lunge)z
7) Breakable Walls added
Dev Update April 2020 - Survivor Nerf - Reduced repair speeds when working with other survivors, maps reworked to prevent survivors from being able to actually escape from a killer.
13 -
I'm main survivor, I hope this change helps killers because it was so easy escape from killers, god loops is the best change a lot of players just used those loops , there are a lot of strong loops I every map, it Wii be a true challenge for survivors who just know one loop in the maps
11 -
Its people like that make me not want to associate with Killer Mains on here.
33 -
Please educate yourself, survivormain. Survivors have always been getting nerfed because they were laughably broken since the beginning.
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1 -
This thread is pointless and honestly just shows the face a segment of this community really has.
Perhaps you missed pages 1,2,3 when the Ruin nerf happened and you literally saw a post about it for weeks. Perhaps you should do your research before you make claims and/or have something substancial to talk about.
15 -
Great response.. Let us know when you've gained the ability to provide something productive to the conversation.
6 -
Honestly people like you are what make this community trash
30 -
I am educated.. and the fact of the matter is; we still continue to get nerfed over and over again. When is enough going to be enough? At what point does it become "Well, maybe they're just a bad killer and need to practice more?" or instead realize it's a a rank 15-20 killer complaining that they get matched with red rank survivors and have a hard time catching them?
9 -
Why is every post now seeking to provoke some sort of response over a patch that too be honest, does nothing but improve the quality of maps for both survivors and killers.
I main survivor and the thing is people aren't that good if they truly have to rely on the infinites. When I used them I felt disgusted and would always bail out of that tile so I don't rely on that too much. The gen speeds are minimal and I am more interested in how stake out would work in relation to skill check progress.
Of course its DBD so both sides will attempt to take the piss on the other. Kinda why this post along with many others is expected. Some sort of "getting back at those dang <insert role here>" from people with a victimhood complex.
4 -
It doesn't sound like you are. If survivor is too hard for you, go play minecraft.
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No, it's enough when killers have enough counterplay to keep up with the fast gen times on every map, not just some maps. I know people like you just accuse others of wanting to 4k every game, because that's the easiest way to go, but in reality killers just want to have a fair chance of winning as well on any map.
Also, while killers don't want to be able to end every chase in 20 seconds, I don't think you realise how fast killers need to be able to end chases in order to keep up with gen times.
These upcoming changes sound great and will probably balance out the game well. You make it sound like the devs are taking any counterplay that survivors away, which is just not true, not even in the slightest. They are just trying to give killer enough counterplay on any map to have a fair chance of winning.
Also, a few other balance changes that happened in past updates you have forgotten to mention:
- Buffed healing speed of medkits when healing other survivors
- Nurse nerf
- Spirit nerf
- Freddy addon nerf
- Ruin nerf
- Sabotage buff
Also, taking a closer look at your list makes me think you are extremely biased. You mention balanced landing nerf and freaking dc penealties, which has nothing to do with balancing, but ignore any nerf to killer. And then you mention the changes to sabotage that make it sound like a nerf without mentioning the good changes to sabotage, like the time to sabotage a hook being reduced to 2.5 seconds. You can't be serious, or? How ridiculous is that?
9 -
You skipped the killer nerfs
Nurse is now extremely stressful
Ruin is literally not useful on 110% killers
Legion has been dead for over a year now, still is pretty bad
Clown got shadow nerfed and still never buffed (This is talking about the medium vault change some time ago)
Some of the nerfs you mentioned are actually buffs too
"Patch 3.3.1 - Insta Heals nerfed, Green Medkit charges nerfed from 24 to 16 charges."
The instaheals got buffed, Syptic can now tank 1 hit, and syringe can be used with skill to get working on a generator and heal. If I am correct that medkit got a speed increase to healing others correct?
"Patch 3.4.0 - Balance Landing Nerfed to remove staggert reduction while exhausted."
They added that while you are not exhausted, you make no sound of falling, or that yell you usually hear when falling.
"Patch 3.5.0/3.5.2 - Lery's Rework (Survivor Nerf to hide totems, remove windows and add more unsafe pallet)"
That map is darker, not all totems were even hidden, they removed long loop windows, and added some really safe pallets
"February 10 - Disconnect Penalties - Forces Survivors to have to play through matches, no matter how toxic the killer wants to be."
Killers have to do the same thing to survivors :/
"1) Survivors can no longer sabotage Bear Traps"
Yeah, making trapper have a missing bear trap for...5 minutes I think it was? (Correct me if I am wrong) made him lose his power overall.
"2) Dropped survivor wiggle progression reduced from 33% to 25%"
Oh man, I wonder what perks can be good here...flip flop and unbreakable. This was also along with the Sabo buff that made you sabo hooks really REALLY fast.
"3) Toolboxes Nerfed"
They are faster actually, use them smartly and you can get to 1 gen remaining with toolboxes you can pump a gen out really fast....also BNP.
"4) Saboteur nerfed (cooldown added) & Hooks respawn faster"
And yet again, extremely fast sabo speed
"5) Addons nerfed to disappear at the end of each match"
A perk exists for survivor that allows you to keep add-ons
"6) Autohaven Wreckers: Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to use Dead Hard to get onto tires near a crane (Yet killers can still do it with Lunge)"
This prevents holding the game hostage
"7) Breakable Walls added"
Breakable walls were added next to long loops, and distract the killer for some time
"Dev Update April 2020 - Survivor Nerf - Reduced repair speeds when working with other survivors, maps reworked to prevent survivors from being able to actually escape from a killer."
You get more generators done when all survivors are on different generators than working with others, and do you have any idea how small the maps are, cause I don't think the PTB released yet
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
13 -
Why do so many people have the “us vs them” mentality? It’s a game and everyone is trying to have fun. Some people take this game way too seriously.
20 -
Don't take stuff like this as gospel for all killers. This is just an edgelord swinging his E-peen around because they think all the other killers will come in here and agree with them under the current climate. Its the internet equivalent of "Nyah Nyah" and is honestly both funny and sad at the same time. I'll be interested to see how this effects the game, hopefully for the better, but too soon to tell. Most of us will adapt i should imagine. Letthe children think its punishment or retribution if it fits their fantasy, and just move on.
8 -
So to support your argument, you listed changes that were almost entirely necessary...?
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Ha, e-peen. Thats classic.
1 -
1) Survivors should never be able to take away the killers entire power. This was simply a leftover from a different time in the games life.
2) I mean sure it's a nerf, but if your worried about wiggle time that much just run Flip Flop. In the grand scheme of things it means very little.
3)Has been asked for and was sorely needed for a long time. Also the change being a nerf is debatable, many say it is a buff.
4)Name one time anyone used saboteur competitively before this change. You literally don't have to pre sabo hooks anymore.
5)Should have been this way when the game released.
6) If a survivor gets onto of an obstacle and can't be hit by most killers they can stall the match. If a killer gets up on an obstacle, they are going to get down to get the survivor otherwise they lose. Pretty obvious change.
7) Killer is forced to break pre thrown pallets to make loops less safe. Sounds like every pallet loop which most people have no issues with.
3 -
What about killers who rely on op killers, or broken addons or mories, or camping tunnling slugging? other killer sided maps? what happen to solo queuers like me?
1 -
Those were legitimately broken mechanics. Denying Trappers power with toolboxes for 3 minutes? That is fair. Instantly healing 1 or two health states because you bought a 7000/6000 point addon? That is balanced. Nothing wrong with either of those.
DC penalties effect both sides, not just survivors.
Balanced Landing nerf was a bandaid fix for some of the atrocious maps like Haddonfield.
Breakable walls must be broken so some loops are not infinites (shadow killer nerf).
Green medkits were buffed to heal yourself at an increased rate. It has its' own niche.
If you are mad at the Autohaven tech, then you must be mad about the Coldwind tractor tech. XD
I hate being on Lerys myself, but I like Legion and Deathslinger. I also like having a decent framerate, so that might be the reason too.
Sabotage as a mechanic was changed to be more of an active play than a passive thing to do to deny the killer the ability to hook anyone. It is meant to be risky. Hooks respawning faster is to encourage a fast play by a survivor and give killers a chance to find a different hook. Don't forget that Hangman's trick was also nerfed into a state more worthless than Monstrous shrine.
I am no fan of the item changes as well, being able to keep the item after you deplete it is dumb.
I'm impressed they actually adressed gen times. In my normal matches, they start popping rather quickly, and it is usually down to a 3 gen strat.
The new map changes dont stop you from surviving, they stop survivors from abusing braindead psuedo-infinite loops. I'm amazed you think Ironworks is balanced, or that the God Window on Abattoir is balanced.
4 -
If I was an entitled survivor main I probably would be annoyed at this update too. I mean having to actually be good at the game in order to run the killer for an extended period of time is just unfun, I should be able to 1v1 the killer for 5 gens and still escape with my get out of jail free cards. Must be all these filthy killer mains crying that is bringing this unfair change, I mean gen speed and infinites were totally fine, killers just need to gitgud and ApPlY MoRe MaP pReSsUrE, obviously.
5 -
You should calm yourself down. Sounds like you had some matches against toxic survivors and you're salty about it. We all have had those matchs but you need to calm down.
0 -
what's the drawback here
5 -
Amazing how oblivious and tunnel visioned people can be. All the things you mentioned, survivors well, They need those things to survive. Killers have better speed, insane melee lunges, One hit downs, bad hitboxes on vaults, lag that works in killers favor, tunneling, camping, how is it fun to come in and stare at a progress bar for you every game while you complain that people are using the environment trying to survive ? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s not about survivors getting good you need to get good.
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I like how you cherrypick literally everything not even nerfs just added features. Hidden totems = survivor got nerfed LMAO good riddance.
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I mean killers should be faster otherwise they could never end a chase so that's a dumb complaint. Lunges are hit and miss but lag is just deciding factor here. One hits are mostly situational a tiny few require mediocre skill at best. Tunnels and campers exist as a crutch for bad game design forcing them to employ that boring strategy. I agree that survivors suck right now in it's own way. But it's only cause survivors feel like they only win if they escape. It should more reward players that help the team more then just getting out alive.
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Peak cringe.
9 -
I like how thats all you pulled from what I said... This just goes to show Killer mains only care about themselves and making sure every game ends in a 4K.
0 -
Imagine thinking that:
- Insta heals were okay,
- Infinite creating UnBalanced Landing was okay,
- Saboteur buff was a nerf,
- DC penalties are nerf to Survivors,
- Not being able to just remove Killer power with sabotaging Bear Traps is a Survivor Nerf,
- Lery's rework is a nerf to Survivors,
- Fixing braindead god loops is a Survivor nerf.
I guess you're that type of a guy who thinks that old BNP was okay and balanced lmao.
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For some reason I have a hard time killing that last survivor when he is dead to rights. Like I have nothing to prove when 3 have died.
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Can we start closing threads that try and encourage toxic behavior in the community?
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And yet it's still a "hold M1" game for survivor mains. It's uninteresting. You go through gens way too fast. You rush. You make the game boring for the killer. You don't have empathy for your opposition, it's not sportsmanlike. Saying "gg" to compensate to make yourself feel better isn't a good plan. Have respect for people, play the game reasonably. If you had done that, maybe these changes wouldn't be so necessary. Survivor gameplay is way too easy. I hover between red and purple ranks (because sometimes good killers have their day) and it's fine to take the L. But when everyone just rushes each gen and the killer never even finds anyone? That's not fun. You don't get chases, you don't get unhooks, can't really drop pallets for any reason, it's boring. Do you enjoy boring games that much? Survivors are pretty OP, they have so many perks that can just punish the killer's mistakes EASILY and EFFECTIVELY. They're even throwing in buffs for two survivor perks into this update to compensate but that's not enough for mains. Lol...
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I think people like OP is one of the problems in this game.
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Thsi thread shows why this is considered one of the worst game community.
4 -
It is the KILLERS job to find people. It is the survivors job to do gens. Gen times being to short is down to the devs, they made them that way, survivors simply adapted to be efficient at it. If a killer doesn't find someone its on them, unless you think 'fair' is survivors jumping into them middle of the map, waving jazz hands and screaming "I'm over here!"
Is that what "Empathy to the killer" means. Are we supposed to sit on our butts and give killers a 2 minute head start to achieve that blessed status?
Also the two 'buffs' to the perks are simply to bring them in line with the new gen speeds.
I have no problem with the gen speeds being changed, or anything else for that matter, games adapt and so will I. But the petty viciousness been thrown around by both sides due to this change coming, is f***ing incredible, since it's apparently coming from a bunch of supposed adults.
Stop blaming each other for playing the game the way it was presented to them by the dev team. It's literally stupid.
2 -
Lmao at this tripe.
You know why survivors rush gens? Because killers camp. Survivors need to get a head start on those gens because they know that once the first survivor is hooked they’re going to be tunnelled out of the game pretty fast. That means they only have a few mins to get the gens done before they’re 1 survivor down. On top of that they need the gens done quick because they also need to search for 5 totems because all these lame people also run NOED.
You don’t have empathy for your opposition. You hang around the hook, you tunnel way too hard, you make the game boring for the survivor.
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Isn't that the same threat killers had when ruin was nerfed? Get over yourselves.. survivors are still the power role and you know it.
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You know there only changing one loop right now. And the killer gameplay right now has been very questionable. I think they should get good instead.
1 -
Spirit nerfs are nothing, she can still destroy a SWF. Nurse is still top tier and is still strong. Freddy can erase a SWF if he wants too with or without addon changes (Which were necessary) and Trapper being able to place his traps underground was clearly not intentionally which is odd how you don't understand that. Grow a pair honestly.
1 -
another entitled killer main who is just opens his mouth when there is a change for his side.
bias bias bias. next
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The fact, that this guy has 10 upvotes, shows how trash many killermains actually are.
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Are people seriously so toxic over some map changes that are for the better health of the game ?
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Insta heals did not get buffed, they're no longer "Insta Heals".. and healing speeds got increased to counter the fact that instas got nerfed and green med kits got nerfed.
Sabotage speeds got increased but no one is going to waste a toolbox to be able to insta sabo hooks that respawn 20 seconds later. Hooks spawn way to close and make saboing completely useless.
Balanced Landing - No sound when falling? Thats great except for the fact that you're usually in a chase when you fall anyway.. and it doesnt even come close to making up for the stagger reduction nerf.
Lery's - They removed almost all looping windows making the remaining window vaults completely useless; and the totem spots are hidden in ridiculous areas.
Addons - We have 4 times the amount of addons that killers do and have a hard time escaping matches as it is.. We shouldn't need to run a perk just for a "slim" chance of actually keeping our add-ons.
Wiggle Progression - Again a 7% reduction in progression is massive when no one is sabotaging hooks and killers want to slug. Flip Flop is also a perk that literally no one uses because hooks spawn so close together. The only time Flip Flop/Unbreakable worked was when you could 99% a Hook in a corner, sabo it and run into the corner before a killer could down you.
Toolboxes - A fully decked out toolbox with a brand new part can only get a generator to 50% now, when old ones use to be able to complete 2 full generators when working with a teammate. Now, an entire toolbox can be completely wasted if a killer chases you off and hits the gen with PGTW.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, where I completely destroy all of your Killer Minded points. But alas, you killer mains are always right, no matter what happens. You'll always be the victims, you'll always be underpowered, and you'll always tell survivors to "git gud" when you guys are the ones complaining about us needing to be nerfed over and over and over.
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They removed infinites and completely changed tile spawns making most areas complete dead zones now, much like the outer borders of the Saloon
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How are we the power role? Everyone makes these claims that survivors are op.. survivors have the power role.. but not a single killer can back up their words.