The Avatar ( i now, the names not scary)

HasterPhenix Member Posts: 23

The Avatar.

The Avatar is an extension of the entity in the world of the mist, she uses it when she wants to satisfy these desire of torment.

Appearance: Large and thin, without skin, muscle and visible bone, with glowing light embers on the body, the face has only one skull without the lower jaw and no tongue, these eyes are two bright orange spots and has points on these shoulders as on the hooks.

Power: Veil of the spirit, the Avatar begins the game with the random appearance of one of the killers, it has the same radius of terror and the same speed as the appearance on which it is found.

When she attacks for the first time, she discovers her appearance and gets her ray of terror and her speed.

Pressing the action key selects one of the survivors.

By concentrating her power, she can take on the appearance of a survivor, reduce her radius of terror to the extent that she gets closer to a survivor in this form and advances at the same speed as a survivor and can run as such .

By taking on the appearance of a survivor, it accesses the action of the survivors, such as passing through a pallet, hiding in a locker, squatting (like a true slav), making the emotes 1 and 2, repairing generators carrying the objects and using them . (using objects does not consume energy and resuming the shape of Avatar makes the object fall to the ground, which makes it possible to recover them.)

By being long enough next to one or more survivors, the survivors end up being marked with the exposed effect. The survivors marked by the exposed effect of the Veil of the Spirit sees the Avatar disguised in embers red.

Actions on generators increase a false progress bars and tests can be issued to make the survivor believe that you are theirs.

When the avatar stops working on a generator, the bar immediately disappears.

Healing a wounded survivor is possible, with the same rate of healing as normal, but when the bar is filled, instead of healing, all survivors in the surrounding area suffer the exposed effect.

The perks now:

Joker hook: When a survivor is put on a hook, the aura of the hook and the cry is heard on another hook randomly on the map. To be able to see the position of the survivor you have to look at the wrong hook for 01/02/03 seconds, the skill has a recharge time of 180/120/60 seconds. (I wonder if it should be made an Ex Totem)

Prohibited exit: Exits from the trial slow down survivors to a range of 10m of 5/8/11% (this includes hatches) survivors in critical condition are not affected.

Blackout: being close to generators is enough to cause a decrease of 01/02/03% per second if you are close to a generator within a radius of 3m.

What do you thinks of it dear friend Killer ? the strength of survivor rely on their capacity of working together, but with a killer like this, it's gonna be much harder... and the Entity gonna be pleased very, very much.😈

PS: i don't have ideas for addons.


  • YaBoiTanis
    YaBoiTanis Member Posts: 23

    Hi, I'm the one who created the deliverance of evil chapter and I think your killer is pretty interesting. Many say that a shapeshifting killer won't work in dbd but seeing how soul at stake and gold express have one, which work by the way, I can't see why not here. You pulled it off pretty well.

  • HasterPhenix
    HasterPhenix Member Posts: 23

    HEY !!! THANKS YOU !!! not only for the compliment made, but also for making me discover two superb games !!!

  • HasterPhenix
    HasterPhenix Member Posts: 23

    but I think the initial appearance is not good, not necessarily at least.

    The entity may have an appearance, but making it a piece on the board is ultimately not a good idea, the fact that it remains mysterious makes people’s imagination work, so make sure that they have a creation of its own that could spark the imagination of fans.

    instead, I had imagined a mad painter, or a theater actor.

  • HasterPhenix
    HasterPhenix Member Posts: 23

    i got an idea for a perk, it is not too op and not too weak, for the killer, in the spirit of theater.

    Perk: Main actor

    when a killer watches his obessions for 6/5/4 second, the perk trigger, the moon sends a beam of light, like a theater light on the obsession and the beam follows it for 10/15/20 seconds.

    the skill could only be activated every 120 seconds.