stop nerfing survivors each patch!



  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    That is garbage, my connection is always green and those hits still record. I vault out a high window and I'm halfway down...hit. I vault through a window and take 3 steps...hit. Stop making excuses, the hitboxes are terrible with the best connections. And what are you talking about with vault timing? A window is a window, there's no such thing as a safe or risky window. If I vault through and take 3 steps, or and halfway to the ground from a high point, I shouldn't get hit, bottom line.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    Yeah they nerfed ghostface a week after release because survivors cried. Nurse & Freddy & legion , nerfed because survivors cried. They've nerfed everything in the last year because survivors cried. You get to keep your stuff now with if you get hit with franklin's demise, making it pointless. Because survivors cried. I really only liked to use it on tbaggers by exits, thats gone. Ruin? R.I.P. Worthless now with gens being done in 30 seconds. Because survivors cried. They killed the super toxic and super fun doctor build, yes he's still good but he's not AS good. Because survivors cried. I could go on by why bother? Your queue times are long because killers are sick of it. Survivors cry = nerfed in a week or 2. So killers are taking a break and/Or quitting. Theres actually another survivor posting/crying that you cant rage quit like a baby without penalty Anymore. You got less toolbox charges, so what? You dont need em with the ridiculous gen speeds. You get to instantly sabotage hooks in killers face now. Theres a post every hour crying, trying to get NOED, Thana, and Mori's nerfed. They nerf those, you'll have infinite queue times, killers will be gone. Its survivors turn to get something they have fun doing nerfed. Its about time.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    its funny whenever entitled survivors complain,they always make sure to ignore all killer nerfs and survivor buffs,such a weird coincidence

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    It is the killers job to kill you, sacrifice you to the entity. Its not the killer's job to make sure you have a good time. A serious killer is there to KILL you. Period. Your made up survivors' rulebook does not stop a good killer. You're not entitled to a good time, 3 hooks or lots of points . I doubt many people have ever enjoyed being killed.

  • tykelley
    tykelley Member Posts: 89

    You're stupid survivors get buffed each patch this is the only one were killers are getting buffed

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    My comments about this (and the other) dumpster fire of a thread.....

    1) every change ANYONE doesn't like is a nerf, and if they like it is a buff!

    2) windows: factor in the rank resets that push red ranks out to purple ranks pushes you out to be able to be paired against GREEN and Yellow ranks (if the rank system was even working). this means you are taking new killers and facing them off of seasoned rank 1-4's who end up destroying them when you bully them in game and use the infinites.. I will relish them going away as survivor AND as killer.

    3) it's soooooooo funny when someone watches the majority of the threads exponentially greater than the number that the killers put up because of a) proposed and b) not even on the PTB reworks that haven't been tested by ANYONE here besides the devs yet you talk about them as if you've played with them hundreds of times.

    4) DS is a perk that survivors whined about since I started playing in 2018, and i'm sure before, it got changed and before if you were running DS and solo queue some how you didn't get the obsession tag you had to go 30-40% wiggle meter making ds not even worth it. NOW everyone can have DS and it can give you 60 seconds of immunity from the killer. even when the killer isn't tunneling and you are the last up you stun them, rescue everyone and you all get out that's balanced perfectly!! oh yea it is... but that's what the killers have to deal with even at rank 17, people playing against them that have rank 3 DS and they are still learning the game, let alone come close to mastering their favorite killer.

    5) BT mentioned in this thread was said to work only once. This is objectively untrue. it works two times per person that is HOOKED.

    6) also it is hilarious that everyone cries about gens being slowed down and forgets that the description only assesses a penalty if there are other players there, yet Prove Thy Self is being buffed to COUNTER this. SO USE THAT PERK..... or do the smart thing: 1 killer, 4 survivors. everyone get on different gens, let the killer chase one off a gen, get 3 gens done in 80 seconds since solo gen time has not been TOUCHED! I'm laughing at the better survivors here that missed that tidbit in order to make your whine more powerful. here's a hint lies are easily exposed: "Going forward, the speed reduction for each additional Survivor is being raised to 15%. While this may sound like a small change, it is the difference between four Survivors finishing a generator in about 36 seconds compared to the current 28 seconds." (from the dev notes)

    7) Survivors loosing their addons: as it has been said, killers have lost their add-ons EVERY match since the begining unless using a black ward. this brings them within parity to the killers. enjoy!!!

    8) also DC penalties affect killers worse than survivors. (assumes 0 DC's on record at the time of the infraction) if survivor is alone it's closer to the affect the killer has, but currently a survivor dc's they wait for their group to be finished and only have 2-3 minutes left if not less of the time out when in a SWF depending on how much longer the match takes. if a killer dc's they then have to wait 5 minutes to even queue up again and then wait 2-10 minutes for a match to form around them so they are out 7-17 minutes.

    9) Finally you want to know what is the laughing stock here? everyone is saying survivors (only) are needed to keep this game afloat. if you take one match 1 killer, 4 survivors you are correct, if that is all that happens at one time (5 people playing the game) yes it will never go without any ONE person from those 5 players. Now lets move this to 10 matches going on at any ONE time. that's 10 killers and 40 survivors. lets say 10 survivors quit the game and are not replaced leaving 10 killers and 30 surivivors, this means 3 killers will be waiting till the other 7 matches end (also 2 survivors will as well) NOW if ONE killer leaves, there now 9 killers and 40 survivors. this means 4 suvivors are waiting and 9 matches going on. Take it even better... 3 Killers go, leaving 7 killers and 40 survivors. this means 7 matches will be happening and 12 survivors will wait. so honestly the killers are the ones that need to stay, even 1 leaving hurts the game that much more. (YES this is assuming that people like myself do not play, that is those who play both killer and survivor) You would have to have survivors leaving in groups of 4-7 to truly hurt the game. keep ramping the numbers up and see what you get, you'll find the role of killer is what drives this game and keeps the lights on (well assuming there is a healthy player base)

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The way i see it survivors get a huge buff to their queuetimes next patch

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I'm talking about the buff from 3.4 patch, as I thought we're only talking about the patches from 3.1 and above. If we're talking about all patches, then I can find even more nerfs to killers and their perks.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    survivors are the power role of this game. The balancing factor is that people, on average, are so bad that they give killers free downs, which snowballs the game. It's not really unique to this game, there are cro magnons on every game. The point is, if you are dying, even in solo queue as survivor, that's on you. You can increase your survival rate significantly by getting good. If there's even 2 good players on the team, they can indefinitely run the killer while the two glue huffers do gens for 30 minutes.

    Actually, in terms of relative power to the killer, survivors could use a 50% efficiency nerf to bring them in line with the killer. SWF and coordinated teamwork should be the balance point of survivors, which will put good survivors into high ranks where they belong, and the idiots in the low ranks where they belong and then the game could be properly balanced.

  • JeffIsKind
    JeffIsKind Member Posts: 7

    I think you forgot what game this is supposed to be. The killer is supposed to be strong so the other 4 survivors can work together to survive. It's not supposed to be that the survivor can win all the time easily! And while I do understand that you don't like that survivors are being nerfed think about how the killers felt when their ruin got nerfed <3

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    edited April 2020

    It's not easy to get great skill checks? You must be new.... You can max great and good skill checks every single game.

    You must not have actually read the whole thing. These are much needed adjustments to help with genrush and SWF power.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    I just can’t... this demonstrates survivors will never be happy unless killers are forced to AFK in the corner.

  • yandere_gamer
    yandere_gamer Member Posts: 27

    Wow survivors getting nerfed, it is almost as if the devs have identified an imbalance with the survivors' abilities and tried to fix it.