Here's an idea to nerf the inherent mori offering whilst still keeping it... balanced??
Using a memento mori offering will not allow mori'ing after first hook. instead this becomes a finishing move when the survivor is on death hook (this applys to all moris). The mori's main effect (Across all mori's except the yellow cypress) Is to have survivors start the match off in a pseudo injured state. This injured state will allow them to act as if they are injured and heal on the survivors screen, but allow them to be one hit from healthy to the dying state on the killers. However they act healthy, in the aspect that they make no additional noise and leave no blood trails. This would be a good gen delay offering, if survivors choose to heal, whilst also giving killers map pressure if they choose not to by making the survivor team ultimately weaker. A purple mori offering would also be added. The green would injure two, the purple 3 and the pink 4. Cypress would be weakened to a brown offering and a yellow would replace it as a injure one -. the brown would simply allow for the killer to mori the last living survivor despite hook states.
this effect is also granted at the start of the match for no mither players. ie not having their status as a no mither gamer immediately revealed.
Other offerings should also be buffed in retrospect of this change to prevent only map and moris being used. Things such as a permanently automatically locked hatch for killer, or an offering that reveals all survivors at the start of the match. offerings for survivor could also be reworked to counter these, or buff certain aspects of survivor play in order to make the match more dynamic, say spawning one extra pallet in an applicable spawn position (so long as it doesn't create double pallet loops) or opening up immunites to status afflicitons like the broken status or blindness/mangled (could be a side aspect to luck offerings)
Memento moris are as balanced as keys.
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Moris are more op than keys wym
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mori's alrdy got nerf'd, leave them alone and nerf keys.
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before u can mori someone u have to down them and depending on map and RNG that could take a long time regardless of skill. then after u hook them then have to down them again. mori's are find now
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Keys should only allow 1 survivor to escape, or 4 keys should be necessary to open the hatch.
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Oh you mean that nerf that you cannot use them immeditely? Oh yeah cause that wasn't broken just as pallet vacuums.
However i disagree with OP either. Cause they would be pretty weak for their rarity. How about just making it so you have to hook everyone once to activate them? (with dc'ing counting as a hook if they didn't get hooked yet)
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i would give all survivor nerfs back for OG Nurse, OG Mori and OG Noed, but with that being said since games go 2 fast now moris are fine the way they are right now.