The Vision - Samara from The Ring
Probably so many already listed her as a possibly licensed killer but this is my idea:
When Samara is the killer, instead of generators to repair, there are TVs with broken signal. Survivors need to repair the signal to make sure to open the gates. The TVs monitor appear as no signal screen and if a survivor fails a skillcheck the TV starts to screen the famous water well for 3 seconds.
Samara can teleport to the broken TV with the water well screen within 3 seconds, if she teleports she spawns from the monitor in 3 seconds. The survivor who failed the skillcheck has a negative perk which is 7 days. If 5 TVs aren't repaired within 7 minutes Samara can see the survivor affected by 7 days around all the map (kinda like Freddy).
One of her perk would be "In the well". If Samara hooks a survivor in the basement her movement speed is increased by 5% (only once per survivor, to a max of 20%) PERMANENTLY. Then all survivors are affected by vulnerability for 30 seconds.
Let me know what you think and if she is too broken!
Omg that sounds Pawsome I mean it would really make things harder for gen rushers and stuff why cant we have more things like that depending on killer and map things change like if you have the pig they have to disable traps that will activate on the gens first and if you don't you a trap slug you1
Ehh we already have Rin, who is a Japanese ghost girl with long black hair. No more repeat killers plz. Even if their power is different. We already got the chainsaw brothers. Let's have some variety with our killers.1
ProfoundEnding said:Ehh we already have Rin, who is a Japanese ghost girl with long black hair. No more repeat killers plz. Even if their power is different. We already got the chainsaw brothers. Let's have some variety with our killers.0
Yes, please. That sounds jawesome.1
Kinda wanted her but I want to see the original ideas by devs1
Really want the devs make her into the game! I know we already got The Spirit, who is a Japanese ghost killer, but that doesn't mean they cannot make another one!
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I think the new Freddy rework is similar to my idea of Samara teleporting to gens...
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So you need to re-work this idea.
Also, make it Sadoko, the original, even if we already have the Spirit; a number of killers are American, so two or more Japanese ones shouldn't be off the table.
Personally, I think it's very uncharacteristic for Samara/Sadoko to physically attack directly. This could be the first range-only killer and with totally different propers representing generators and hooks, replaced with TVs and stonewells respectively.
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Well since Samara is neither japanese nor has hair that stands upwards, shes quite different from Rin.
Even Sadako (from tge original japanese "the ring") or kayako from the grudge are different enough from Rin... Although these 3 are so similiar in appearance that we might only get one of them unless kayako becomes our " wall cilmber killer" and crabwalks the whole match.
I mean we got 3 (5 in lore) "masked killer with knife", whats about having one more ghost girl then?
Now to your concept, its rather similiar to hag (teleport to something that a survivor triggered). And only being able to teleport whrn survivors failed a skillcheck is utterly weak and unviable.
I'd propose simply a certain number of tvs spawn all around the map, which scan the area in front of them to reveal survivors passing by (highlighting/aura/notification ) and the ability to teleport to said tvs. This could be "balanceable" with disarming these tvs temporarily or other stuff.
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