Why only killer buffs?!



  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    Also, this game started out VERY killer sided, so I don't know what you're on about. And I bet you REALLY enjoy Resident Evil Resistance seeing as you can basically dunk on baby rank Masterminds very easily before they have a fleshed out deck. Don't bring that entitlement to another game and ruin it for others, please.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Since you only just returned, that means that you missed the killer nerfs that caused half of the killer playerbase drop off the face of the planet. This makes it so that the killers that remain have to go up against everyone. I ended up a rank 14 going up against red rank survivors. This is a step to try bringing killers back. Which is good, because, as a killer player, I'd rather have matches against ppl close to my skill level. As it is, I either destroy the survivors or every one of them escapes while I only get one or two hooks.

    Dude, BHVR has caved to whinny survivors just as often. It's like a back and forth situation. One side gets benefits for a while, then the other side complains, until they get benefits. It just so happens that the benefits that survivors got in January made the killers drop from the earth.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If a potato killer is "dominating" survivors at 3 gens then are they really that much of a potato? And if you really think they are, what does that say about you and the rest of the survivors on your team? It's a survivor issue not a killer one.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It doesnt say a damn thing about me since I have zero control over the other players.

    It also stinks of imbalance when a number of potatoes play a game and one side has it extremely easy while the others need to sweat their ass off to compensate.

  • aloneinmycoffin
    aloneinmycoffin Member Posts: 7

    Some of you really don’t know how the matchmaking used to be, or what streamers are for and it really shows. 😢

    “You played in 2016”, yeah, so that means I didn’t followed the game development... I’m sorry. As I’ve said...

    Second, yeah, i agree that now a rank 20 killer won’t play against purple-red ranks, but they used to. It doesn’t matter anymore, because this is no longer a problem with the matchmaking system. Yet, that ”2-3” games of mine (because you like to take things mot-à-mot) were not against potatoes, I still have 6 killers with P3L50, you know? And yes, I don’t think it’s fair to play now as killer because of this.

    Even now, I sometimes get yellow ranks in my games as surv just because they’re premade with a higher rank. The only escaped: full prestige Dwaight who camped the door until the last gen was done.

    You are quick to assume everything you want, ignoring some parts of the message and extractig only what you want to. It’s funny 😂 If I had no idea about this game or what I’m talking about, I wouldn’t posted this.

    My biggest problem is with crybabys killer mains, because all they do is complain about everything. They miss a hit- it’s the survivor fault. They got a stun= face camp. They chased the survivor for more than 1 min- mori. Easy, isn’t it? Oh, but most of you guys are exactly these ones I’m talking about...

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    survivors are so disgustingly overpowered in this game, i would put it at about 80/20 in the survivor's favor

    There are so many people I tried to get to play this game but they didn't want anything to do with it because this game is so well known to be so heavily survivor sided.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    Let me boil down your complaint.

    "I played when survivors were super OP.

    I left after a year till a week ago.

    I have no idea what's gone on for the past three years so I'm goign to complain that after the three years I've been gone, the devs are STILL trying to make killers as strong as survivors."

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Prove Thyself didn't get a buff. It got adjusted to match the nerf to repairing a generator with multiple people. Currently, for each other survivor repairing a gen, you get a -10% speed penalty. The +10% prove thyself currently has cancels that to +0. They're increasing the penalty to -15%, so prove thyself is getting increased to +15%, so it's still going to be +0.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    killers have been hit the hardest nerfs in the game. and now with Ruin gone its ez mode for survivors. nice bait tho

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    *looks at the ruin nerf because of new survivors and all the killer nerfs like the murdering of legion and nurse*

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Nope. The intention of the perk is to negate the penalty, and it is still doing that. Same discussion as "buff/nerf" or "rework", which probably never leads to an end

    @OP so far I just could read something like "I don't play regularly" "I leave the game for decent amount of time" "I don't get the history" "after x changes I don't instantly have fun and rock the game" and "I don't play killer at all". So with an admitted huge lack of information you expect to be able to evaluate the state of the game? Like the mass of people yelling out death sentences before the PTB even started, basing their opinion on screenshots? Pretty good job so far...

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Let's hit some points.

    The issue here is SWF vs Solo. SWF absolutely has the advantage against Killer. Their issue is they've (finally) started moving towards balancing for SWF, but forgot the step thats to bring SWF and Solo in line.

    You're not supposed to regularly wiggle free, it's more there so they don't just Basement hook you every time. Wiggle frees should be rare or require coordination and teamwork.

    Hatch isn't a free out. It shouldn't have ever been. If you're to a hatch play, your team lost. And if the hatch is closed you're now on a THIRD chance, so it should logically be hard (though I liked one idea I saw where you'd slowly have door progress while being chased to reward a chase and escape). Know the only thing even close to a hatch is the perks Rancor and NOED. NOED may not trigger if totems are done, and Rancor requires you to find and hit your obsession before they leave when they are aware they're an instant kill. Plus both of these eat a perk slot.

    And they absolutely make changes for newer players, even gotten flak when they gutted Ruin for the purpose of buying early game time because the checks were too hard for new players, but after that gens started flying more and I think killers started leaving so they had to do something for them.

  • Nexurent
    Nexurent Member Posts: 11

    Are you such an entitled survivor main that you think you have no chance? When ruin was nerfed, I didn't see you bitching about how easy the game is for survivors. It was always "Who cares about the killers lol". Just cause there are a few changes doesn't mean survivors have no chance. You must be really bad at the game if you seriously think this game is very killer sided.

  • Famicx
    Famicx Member Posts: 55

    I feel like they‘re asking survivors at this point to get into a 4 man swf and „tryhard“ or play killer. solo survivor and even swf as a two man is not fun for a long time.. The only thing that pleases me these days is doing nothing, since the teammates I get do exactly the same so at least I can watch them die and laugh until I suicide at some point

  • Heyimnoob
    Heyimnoob Member Posts: 6

    hey, I see you have posted this. Let me explain why they did this:

    So, you have said that you have played killer 2 or 3 times, which means you haven't really had harder matches yet. The killer in red ranks pretty much automatically gets ######### on if the survivors are competent. red ranks is a rollercoaster for killers and is probably the hardest thing in the game. so, to make the killers job a bit easier (mind you they are playing against 4 people who know what they are doing 100% of the time pretty much) we get some buffs to help the balance in red ranks. the main reason for killer buffs is high level play being very hard with said killer. I know you haven't played a lot of killer, but us killers really need the buffs sometimes.

    P.S. remember old wraith? He was ######### impossible in red ranks for most

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Killers were in a sorry, sorry state. A great killer could lose to terrible survivors due to all the second chance perks, comms, and map size making it impossible to traverse quickly without an ability that does it for you. On some maps it was possibile for gens to complete before the killer could even get close when bee lining for it.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    That is true, nobody wins against them, besides those killers that actually do.

    See, those comments make killers here unbelieveable from time to time. I, someone who is not the best killer and not even a killer main wiped the floor with 4man SWATS countless times. I can do it, so a good killer main should be more then capeable to do aswell.

    Or when i play in 4 man party with people on my skilllevel, we also loose games, if the killer is actually.. u know... good!

    4 man squads that try really hard are indeed tough to deal with for most killers beside nurse, spirit, freddy and billy but it is far away from beeing impossible.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    I am on board with you when you say that the upcoming changes are an overkill and they should not nerf survivors that hard, but i disagree with your statement, that the game used to be fun (i assume you mean more fair with that aswell) in 2016.

    I mean, there were countless stuffs that were simply overpowered. Look at the old window vaults, no entity blocker made it almost impossible to catch survivors. Or instablind flashlights. That was bs aswell. Or brand new parts... i admit i never played at the time when BNPs where a think (those who could repair a gen instantly) but this is stuff that simply HAD to be nerfed, because it was overpowered and unfair.

    So are killers like nurse and Spirit. Or Instaheals. Just overpowered and not good for the game.

    I disagree with the toolbox nerf tho, that was simply 2 much. Reducing charges vom 180 to 32 is basicly removing them from the game.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Get your killer rank to purple then come back here.. Of course you can 4k as a Brown rank Killer..

    10% smaller on SOME maps it not that much smaller. All they did was get rid of some infinite/god loops.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    The devs are killer focused, the games marketing and dlc ALL center around new killers, survivors are just reskins, there's no money in them. As such most people who are committed to this game have a killer focus.

    You wont find much push back against killers here.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited April 2020

    We got 1 killer sided patch, wooo, the horror !

    But we're really ignoring that probably the next 1-2 patches will be survivor sided, because devs always go back and forth to buff and nerf both sides ?

    Post edited by Marcus on
  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    The reason there were cries about survivor sided devs were consecutive nerfs to the killer side since July 2019. There was the utter disaster of the Legion Rework, the Nurse Nerf, Spirit nerf, Freddy Nerf, Oni nerf, Another legion nerf (while buffing BT), Ruin nerf, nerf to hangman's trick, and the nerf to Gearhead.

    Although there were some reasonable changes, such as the Freddy Rework, Spirit nerf, Forever Freddy nerf, and Doc Rework, but that doesn't make the amount of nerfs since July of 2019 non-existent .

    I do agree that this was a good change.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    When it was really fun? you mean when they had vacuum pallets, infinite windows, insta heals, BNP and all fast vaults? yea kindly stfu....

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Well you haven't been playing since release if that's your take.😑

  • averycoolname
    averycoolname Member Posts: 22

    "I only play one role and its not fun that only the other side is stronk!"

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    If you go take a look at the patch notes, you will see that I'm right.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Is this sarcasm, I can't tell. So many post state how it is always about survivors fun.

    Either way they had to make changes to keep the game competitive against swf.

    Swf is not going anywhere, it is the backbone of the player base. As such killers where at a disadvantage and needed a more level playing field in order to compete. And also to encourage them to continue to play killer and not just leave.

    So in theory, this actually keeps killers in the game, which allows swfs to find matches, which makes them happy. Once again, the devs cater to survivors happiness !

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    you're a bit scummy aren't you? don't come here and lecture people on being good when you say you don't play killer. That very sentence already proves your view on killers untrustworthy. I am rank 3 killer and rank 4 survivor so i know what i'm talking about. Yet again remember what i said. Nobody wins against a swf at RED RANKS. Were you red ranks when you "wiped the floor" with a swf. Better yet were they even swf??

  • Dejan
    Dejan Member Posts: 10

    I play most of the time killer, but l also play a lot of survivors,as a killer if l play 6 matches , 3-4 are victories, and when l play survivors from 6 l win maybe 2-3, and lm not even complaing

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    Also maybe consider LEARNING nurse before assuming she's op. She is very strong but really balanced if you can place your blinks in the right position. It takes days to learn plus she has been nerfed because rank 20's kept complaining that she's op. as for spirit her mindgames have been nerfed quite a lot. If you actually pay attention when against her, whenever she activates her power a few glimpses of her appear next to her. That shows she is using her power therefor you can react quicker. Also multiple blinks for nurse has been removed as well as a cooldown for her power. If that isn't a nerf idk what is

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Where did i write i dont play killer? I have all over my accounts probably 5K games as killer, flex btw, but i dont main them, i play both sides. There are killers out that play them exclusive and know more about them and also play them better. It does not change the fact that you dont have to be a god tier killer to win against a 4 man team, because, ... i am no god tier killer (yet :P)

    I am a rank 1 Killer and a rank 1 Survivor so i also know a little bit about the game and what i am talking about. Does it make me really scummy to tell my point of view?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Is this a mistake and you actually tried to quote someone else? I mean, where did i say all those things you are "countering"?

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    no you said you're agreeing with the person who said this game was getting killer sided and you said nurse and spirit were op and instaheals

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Sure the game is getting more and more killer sided since ages, we almost only see survivor nerfs and killer buffs. I mean, this is no secret, you can read the patchnotes. I said spirit and nurse were overpowered? Ahm, lol yes of course they were overpowered, what else? You really want to discuss this? Same for instaheals, they were overpowered. I mean, do we really have need to debate that?

    Oh and just for the record, Nurse and Spirit are STILL overpowered. Another shocker and big suprise :D

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476


    If we take a limited perspective and ignore the holistic information across the games timeline, your absolutely right.....