Dear survivors who bring a key to a match

Dear survivor bringing a key to a match please don't complain when I bring a ivory mori to kill you. You bring an item that let's you escape the match prematurely, I bring an offering that let's me kill you prematurely. Its a fair trade, so please don't complain
Pretty much a meme at this point. I always bring Mori when I see key, I hope the survivors are all like, ‘Damn it Jimmy! See! He burned a secret, It’s probably Mori and it’s because you have that stupid key!’
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Yeah, because bringing a key means a guaranteed free escape.
You do know that keys only work if survivors work on gens, right?
And it's killers like you that are going to get all moris nerfed really soon.
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Can I spawn with a Key if the Killer brings a Mori? When nobody brings any items?
(even tho it would still not be a "fair trade" at this point, because Moris are stronger)
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Key means that if he kills someone else first, the game ends with only 4 gens done.
3 gens done if he kills another 2 people.
The first gens will go, you can't possibly patrol 7 gens. But when you get to a manageable point, maybe managed to keep that 3 gen, key just says "nope" and ends the game.
Can we not pretend keys aren't powerful as all hell?
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do you even know if they're trying to do their challenge? In the last tome there were like 4 or 5 hatch scapes, some were with a key needed to compulsory open it
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You need to do gens. I need to down you, hook you and down you. My problem is when I kill a survivor and the last three survivors can just leave at 4 gens done. (like the nice gentleman already said) Patrolling becomes easier and easier the more gens are done, and that fact that you can just escape willy-nilly when it's the killers strongest time is the problem
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I just want to use my green key :/
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Killer makes thread with an excuse as to why they camp/tunnel/mori..... groundbreaking.
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I know right, I came up with it myself
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I don't know why Killers act like Survivors don't have challenges/achievements they have to fulfill.
And I'm certain Survivor Mains are kinda over the whole "bring a key/toolbox/any item the devs created to assist you in the game & I will mori/camp/tunnel you" threats, as if this isn't a common way that Killers play regardless. If its like that, why the hell should we be worried?
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I mean it's called a challenge, I'm make it a true one at that
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If someone really wants to bring a key they can just last second switch anyway.
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why work on gens when you can just wait for your team to die so the game meets the needed gen / survivor quote and you get your free escape?
at the very least the killer has to do something to get his mori to work. keys literally just reward failure on the survivors part while simultaneously punishing the killer for doing well.
if i see a key in my lobby, that person dies first. If you want to leave my game early, i can help you with that - you may not like it, but i also dont like that key in your hand.
i dont see why i should lose because i played fair and well.
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The killers strongest time is when there are less gens to patrol I agree and yet loads of people who only play killer will disconnect, cry, rage on forums, camp, tunnel and Mori people because a gen got done whilst they downed the first person claiming that gens times are too quick etc even though the game gets easier for killers the less gens there are.
There is always an excuse by people like you to play in a ######### manner you don't need to make a forum post explaining it because even without these things you're still going to play like a #########.
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lol and then killers complain about BT.
Dead Hard.
And a whole lot of other perks that killers are still whining about to this day and wonder why these perks exist.
Oh Jesus....
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I'm cool with that. I'm probably just trying to get rid of the darn thing anyway, so I don't feel like I wasted it when I prestige.
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I use franklins when I see a key so I'm good.
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Basicly, you can. The perk plunderers instinct helps you with that. I use it, and i get a key about every two - three games, and thats without luck or chest offerings.
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I mean I would too, but they can easily just go and pick it up again
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Dude I was just annoyed people cry about me using a broken mechanic against a broken mechanic. No need to use that profanity, it is very mean
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Bt is a great perk, it makes it so that the killer can't tunnel the survivor, and that's the only thing it can do, tho I think it shouldn't be terror radio us dependent. Ds I still think needs a nerf, it's fine when it's used as a anti tunneling perk, but if someone uses it when it's only has like 3 seconds left and I've hooked 2 people in the meantime, then it's bullshit, and nothing wrong with dead hard, it's easy to counter
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That is true, but at least franklins takes a bit of their progression off the key (if they have add-ons).
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Dude like no one uses it for anything else than opening the hatch, but if they do, big respect
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dont bring keys and i wont have to play like that.
its up to you whether i have a normal and fun round with you or if you're gonna have a camping, tunneling and slugging killer.
might actually work in your favor aswell - you have a better chance at making it out yourself when i only focus down the key user after all. i dont really mind you other 3 honestly, ill play normal with you / outright ignore you. im just making sure that dude loses his key - i have already thrown games just so that one key guy doesnt make it out.
is that fun for me? no. but as long as i got that key to stay in the trial with me, its damn worth it.
the only thing thats gonna suck for you is when i decide to bring a mori for him - cause thats gonna be red (mainly cause i dont have many green ones).
when its active i might aswell go through with it and use it properly.
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If you really think this is fair ... pretty good job so far.
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Friendly reminder: Some people -might- still be trying to do that silly open the hatch challenge.
They've got the right to complain if you just go full jerk on then and make them leave with 4k, that's just annoying.
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“Dear killer bringing a mori to a match,
please don't complain when I bring a key to a match. You bring an item that lets you kill us prematurely for no reason, I bring an item that lets me escape a match where I don’t get to do as much. It’s a fair trade, so please don't complain.”
See how that goes both ways? In fact, killers have the advantage because survivors can’t see when a killer loads up a mori.
The truth is, both keys and moris are trash in their current state and need big nerfs. Neither side is 100% valid in using them.
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Thats like saying "Mori only works if the killers gets a hook, right?"
Keys only work when survivors do gens, oooooooooooo ######### OFF JIMMY
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Ok and? I know where I dropped my key and usually leave an add on that if I die my teammates will get the key.
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you do not need to do gens to escape with the key. You can wait for them all to die then follow the killer to the hatch. Watch them close it and then escape for free.
not to mention how many gens are normally done before someone is hooked their first time? Around 2.
the killer has to find someone, down them, hook them, wait for them to get unhooked, down them again, and the mori them. That is enough time to do 3 or more gens in some cases.
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I really wish there werent challenges involving bringing a key OR relying on the hatch (let alone both.)
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I bring keys 9 out of my 10 survivor matches.
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I always lock a key in the last 5 seconds to avoid that ... so you will never get me. But in general I don't bring keys just to leave. It is either for a challenge or for their other addons and in the end if the game goes wrong then I may use it as the last survivor
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sure that's correct and you can with any mori kill ANYONE (or more if ebony vice ivory) before even 2 gens are done depending on how good you are. don't get me wrong I like mori's like anyone else, I also like keys but you as a killer do not have to work as hard as the survivors have to to get their escape through the hatch with the key. This doesn't mean keys are not as powerful as mori's, but there is reason that mori's are getting a great deal of hate and the return hate is more empty because of the extra work needed.
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You know that Moris only let you kill survivors if you down them twice, right?
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So you're saying you're going to intentionally make everyone, including yourself, get less BPs and EXP just because I brought a green key with tokens to see other people's auras, and nothing else? Ok buddy.
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Dude, I've never seen ANYONE bring a green key in red ranks
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i play both roles fairly equally but with more time total on survivor in my personal opinion the only mori that i think is unbalanced is the ebony ivory is also really powerful but less so
devour requires you to get 5 stacks before the totem is found rancor only lets you do it after the last gen cypress only lets you do it to the last one alive and myers tombstones are rarely used but require tier 3
keys are EXTREMELY powerful if they had a channel or had a chance to break in the lock (keeps the addons but makes it unable to open hatch) i feel it would be better but im not a game dev i have no idea how that would affect the game
when i use a key its either for a challenge or daily if i cant get it same with moris i find both mechanics unfun to both use and to go against now im not gonna complain if i loot a key from a chest in a clutch situation but i dont go into a trial planning to make use of these
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Keys are only good with swfs. As solo survivor keys are often not useful and more often then not they hurt the team and help the killer.
1. People with keys often stop doing the objective once the hatch spawns, hurting the team who are still trying to finish the objective.
2. People with keys often bring the game offering. The game is one of the most killer sided maps. But they bring it because it is the easiest map to find hatch. The survivor with the key is most likey just going to hide all game allowing their teammates to die so they can get the hatch in the end.
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You aren't seriously saying that the game is one of the most killer sided maps, the game usually has around 5 completely safe pallets and a bunch of fairly safe pallets. There are always two pretty good windows, for certain killers, yes it is killer sided, but most of the time it is survivors sided
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Pretty much this. More then 1 toolbox and/or a key in the lobby and most likely the killer will REACT with a mori.
Also just READY UP in the lobby when your're ready. In my exp most killers won't bring up a mori when they can be 100% sure survivors are not bringing in clutch items. And i'm not talking about medkits/flashlights here. Just had a huntress match last night were they bring in 4 flashlights. And it actually was a fun game for everyone, not just boring genrush and hiding.
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Dude, toolboxes are almost useless unless they bring a brand new part
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As someone who actually plays both roles and understands real balance, keys and moris should be removed. EVERY survivor who brings a key is selfish and plays immersed, sucks for the rest of us who actually contribute to gens and chases. Anyone who says they're team players even with a key is just lying. And moris, oh man. Ending someone within the 1st minute is totally balanced.
Threads like this that are filled with entitled biased mains ruin the game. Survivor mains think that free escapes are balanced, and killer mains think that free kills are balanced. No wonder why there's so much disarray in the community.
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It’s not the same thing as bringing an ebony mori. Why is it I have to explain this to everyone or that everyone can’t clearly see how they’re different? Ebony Mori’s reduce your objective count as killer from 12 hooks down to 4. That’s a 66.666% objective reduction. The key requires the hatch to spawn which doesn’t spawn until all of the gens are done or the amount required to be done is +1 however many survivors are alive still. The hatch opens anyways for the last survivor. So ideally it’s only usable for 2-3 survivors left alive. Very specific. Even then that’s only at most 40% objective reduction (2 gens). 40% does not equal 66.666% (2/3 hook reduction) therefore they’re not equivalent
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Besides, it’s way easier to get Mori’s off. Chaos and despair can ensue really easily with ebony Mori’s. Especially high mobility killers.
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Oh and one more thing, almost every survival video game I’ve played has more than 1 escape route anyways. In this game, the killers speed + mobility + gen regression abilities allow killers to just camp gens at a certain point and then it’s just not fun anymore to do them. Caught, tunneled, Mori’d. Rinse and repeat.
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not gonna lie, i am very much surprised you even get a killer who is willing to enter the trial with you in the first place.
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For like the worst of the worst of killers that have no idea what applying gen pressure is.
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Don't know what killers you have in your region, but the ones in mine don't care.
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Tbh Moris and Keys need some changes. Key should only work on person using it and it should be like opening a gate so u cant jump in front of the killers face. Ebony needs changed to death hook or just stick with Ivory and Cypress.