Borrowed time and decisive should not work when gates are powered. Or at least be restricted.
I'll be honest either they shouldn't work or have restrictions at endgame. Like if there are more then two survivors alive end game it should turn off. These perks are fine protecting you while gens are up needing to be finished but not after.
For people that will most likely say what about noed. I do think it should have special restrictions on it as well. Such as if less the 2 survivors are left in game it doesn't proc the exposure but keep the speed. If three or more survivors are alive for each survivor in dying state after the first killer receives a penalty to movespeed -15% to counter slugging.
Sorry but none of these changes are healthy or that great. I get how you feel but that's not the way to change them. If you don't wanna deal with an endgame DS then either dont let end game happen or just eat the ds. If you dont want an end game BT save then just slug them or force them out. Those BT saves normally dont work if at least one person is dead by the time end game happens.
And not trying to call shots here but what do you want with this post? Its a title that makes the reader think you have a reasoning behind it but all i saw were changes with no reasons as to why. You didnt say why they shouldn't work and why they are allowed to work. Just saying they shoudnt and moving into the next part. Again, not calling shots. I just wanna have a civil discussion
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Considering you gave no real input other they suck tells me nothing of real importance. I say they shouldn't work. But I at least stated that I was willing to compromise with restrictions. I even stated that you shouldn't get second chance perks endgame. That they should for only when generators need to be worked on.
How are the restriction changes I suggest bad? I state ds and borrowed not to work at endgame if they have 3 or 4 survivors left because you have 3-2 other teammates to back you up late game so you shouldn't get second chance perks endgame. But at endgame its 2 people left then yeah it maybe should be active it's only you and one other survivor. To work with each other. Same with noed if you only have 2 survivors left endgame you don't need exposed. If you feel like you need it with 2 survivors left you not a good player. I also suggested the movespeed nerf to prevent slugging multiple survivors. So once you hit two survivors into dying state with the change you are slower. So you are forced to hook.
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You're gonna open the Pandora box with this thread ...
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True but I did massively state why with reasons for how the changes could work. But I agree it will be a ######### show.
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Its bad because of how restrictive they are for no real reason except you dont wanna deal with them during egc that's why. No other perk does something even this restrictive or close to it. Oh my bad one perk does and its that one Laurie perk that absolutely nobody considers.
And i gave input on how to deal with the perks normally. I told you to eat a DS so it is impossible to show up in endgame and i also said to slug to avoid DS. If you wanna use a perk that will heavily punish them then bring in stbfl so you can recover fast enough to kill them before the unhook. I even went as far as telling you that these fancy DS and BT plays already fall apart if one or two people are dead by then. Why do you wanna limit perks for survivors when all 4 made it to the end. You aren't supposed to be guaranteed a kill just because they all lived past the 5th gen.
If you really wanna hard counter those 2 perks just slug like honestly thats all the advice i can give.
Why would you want them to be active with only 1 or 2 people left? It's near impossible to do any saves like that. They just have to leave because the killer can just camp, like they should, until the final survivor leaves. Most they can do is a 1 for 1 and hope the killer eats a DS.
And i purposely didnt talk about noed because that was not the topic.
Honestly my point is to not make the perks so restrictive and wordy. I also didnt give any other suggestions because I'm fine with how the perks current place in dbd. Like you are adding all these if/so/or/and situations that the perks will be an inconsistent mess.
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No because you can still be camped and tunneled even during the EGC. There's always way too much advocating in favor of making things easy.
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"I wanna camp and tunnel with no penalties."
You're not entitled to free kills.
I sacrifice 1 perk slot for a 1 time use perk and many killers don't see it that way, they see it as a free win, a free escape.
I'm running 3 perks the entire game and slight chance for a 4th.
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Why not? NOED gives free kills endgame. Why is it not ok for survivor perks to turn the tide at the last second but it is ok for killer perks?
For what its worth since the DS changes I think I’ve only been screwed by late game DS once in the past year.
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Ah, a killer who knows what he's doing. You're a rare kind on the forums. =]
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This is why were getting all these sh!t changes to the game, killers who complain and survivors who complain. just play the game or don't. I haven't been playing much since the last dlc I don't really care for the changes or new killer. I miss how it used to be
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I clearly stated that only stops working endgame not at all. I only said they stop working if more the 3 people are left again at endgame. you have 2 or more people you dont need second chance perks once endgame starts. I dont state killers deserve kills. That if you have 3 or more player late game you should play smarter not feel safe cause you can stun or prevent a hit
I even stated noed a perk that most survivors ######### about that if 2 people are left no exposed if 3 or more then they are exposed. I even put stuff to prevent tunneling.
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So it's bad because it has restrictions. So it's bad because it has to much words is not a valid reason honestly. Having restrictions is not a bad thing. Your suggestion to counter is just slugging the most moronic play ever with no real thought. I'm not meaning to ######### on you or your opinion. Just slugging is a crutch for killers imo.
I'm just saying why should survivors need those perks endgame when they have 3 or more people left. They got to late game already why need even more protection.
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I even suggested changes to noed as well.
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I only suggest if they restricted it only turns off if you have 3 or more survivors if less it still works as intended. You dont need second chance perks at endgame if you have 2-3 people left to help protect you.
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Let's be real no dev will read this so not sure why people even think it would matter. I just want to suggest something more balanced in a way that both sides get something out of it. I get a 4v1 game cant really ever be balance but I want something that Is as close as possible.
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Don't focus on the survivor you have on the hook. You hit one of the ones that come in to save them and carry them further away from the exit gates to the next hook down the line. Wash, rinse, repeat until either you mess up or the survivors get the picture and leave.
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I don't think that DS or BT should work after the last generator has popped. They should be disabled.