Which Characters would you Marry, Kiss, Kill

Tingly4Trapper Member Posts: 53
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Of the killers, who would you Marry, Kiss, Kill?

Ex. Me: Trapper, Doctor, Clown and Freddy (imagine the killers can't harm you. A kiss can be a smooch on the cheek)

Of the survivors, who would you Marry, Kiss, Kill?

Ex. Me: Jake, Dwight, (IDK)




  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Marry Dwight. Kindness and loyalty are important to me.

    Kiss David or Jake. They both seem like they'd be good at it.

    Kill Ace. I don't trust him.

    As for the Killers...

    Marry Billy. He's a cutie pie.

    Kiss Trapper, cause he looked pretty cute in his lore. Be nice if he took the mask off for it, though.

    Kill Clown, because he's probably among the least redeemable of the bunch.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Marry - Kate

    Kiss - Feng

    Kill - Freddy. The most annoying and boring thing bhvr ever made.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited April 2020

    Marry Myers - Strong silent type. You know he'd be a good listener.

    Kiss Trapper - He wasn't bad looking in his lore video.

    Kill Legion - For all the mending/healing tedium they've inflicted on so many poor souls.

    Marry Dwight - He is pure goodness personified. Cute, loyal, and lovable.

    Kiss Kate - What a beauty.

    Kill Steve - Especially the scoops ones. Usually toxic as hell.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232


    Marry: Huntress. She is definitely an amazing killer and heck, she can definitely provide well with her survival knowledge.

    Kiss: Demogorgon. Demo is good boi and needs love. Even if he eats my face afterwards <3

    Kill: Clown. Murder, maim, kill, destroy. Send straight to the pits of hell.


    Marry: Steve. Always Steve because why wouldn't you marry Steve?

    Kiss: Nea. Nea deserves all the love too. One of my absolute favorite survivors.

    Kill: ahhh... I guess Ace? He's my least favorite. I don't mind a lot of the survivors frankly.

  • Pornbjörn
    Pornbjörn Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2020

    Marry - Entity - You can't harm a man which wife is eldrich nightmarish power house

    Kiss - Demogorgon with open jaws - Want to test if i can do this

    Kill - Clown - Just want ot put him out of misery and end his struggle

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    Demogorgon isn't eating your face, its just his way of playing.


    Marry Susie, she seems nice until you piss her off

    Kiss Spirit, she needs a hug and a kiss after what she's been through

    Kill Ghostface cause he's an egotistical prick


    Marry Kate, good singer + good hearted + attractive = waifu for laifu

    Kiss Claudette, awkward nerds unite!

    Kill Meg because shut up Meg

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Marry Jake Park

    Kiss Quentin

    Kill Jeff


    Marry Wraith (I guess?)

    Kiss Frank (legion)

    Kill Deathslinger

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Marry Susie, kiss Susie, kill Phillip to end his suffering.

    Marry Feng, Kiss Feng, Kill Feng in that order. Would make a good movie.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Marry- Oni hes a big beffy boi

    Kiss- Demogorgon big sloppy kisses

    Kill- Clown end his misery

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442
    edited November 2020

    Marry Wraith - cause bing bong boi is a cutie

    Kiss Michael - I'll smooch that mask anyday

    Kill Clown - He annoys me

    Marry Quentin - Sleepy boi needs to be loved

    Kiss Steve - He's precious too

    Kill Ace - He seems like he'd be an #########

    Lol looks like the thread has been revived, guess I'll update for fun.

    Marry Bubba - what can I say, he's a family man and probably the best cook

    Kiss Pyramid Head - Yes I will smooch that freaking helmet, fight me

    Kill Clown - He's still wheezing to this day, I'mma just put him out of his misery already.

    Marry Felix - Hot asf, I want to see this man everyday

    Kiss Steve - Still precious

    Kill Meg - Before she decides to sandbag me AGAIN

    Post edited by Owlzey on
  • lesterisasweetname
    lesterisasweetname Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2020

    [Edit] I was so drunk when I wrote this, never mind

    Post edited by lesterisasweetname on
    NOWIMANOOB3355 Member Posts: 6


    marry wraith. He’s a cutie

    kiss spirit

    kill freddy


    marry: Nea. She’s my wife after all

    kiss: quentin. He needs some love

    kill: meg. I hate her so much..

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629
  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    One question is it normal or shirtless Myers

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    I'll play too:3 hmm let's see


    Marry: Because I kind of wonder if she was hot in her past life as Sally Smithson. Anyone else? No? Okie:(

    Kiss: Susie, We're both Edgy teens. Just works tbh;)

    Kill: Doctor, F*** the Doctor, seriously F*** that guy


    Marry: Meg, She's Attractive for a start. Her lore also says she gave up school to care for her mother. So she's kind hearted too,

    Kiss: Kate, Because she's hot there I said it.

    Kill: Ace, tbh there's no real reason he just acts kinda sus

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531


    Marry: Amanda, maybe I could get he to seek help and realize that Jigsaw's way of thinking is wrong. Aside from that she seems normal.

    Kiss: Susie, she seems like a good kisser.

    Kill: Blight, I want to rip that flabby mouth thing right off his jaw.


    Marry: Jane, she seems like a good person and judging from her rift backstory she has depression. Also she has a nice body.

    Kiss: Kate, she's pretty hot and seems like the passionate type.

    Kill: Meg, I'm so sick of looking at her billboard-brow.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533


    Kiss- Felix (he's so hot omg)

    Marry- Kate (she's total wife material)

    Kill- Ash (he's annoying and honestly he probably wouldn't stay dead anyway)


    Kiss- Demo (idk i'd probably be an experience with that mouth)

    Marry- Suzy (super cute waifu)

    Kill- Bubba (just don't like him)

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Marry: Daddy Dwight

    Kiss: Quentin

    Kill: David

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    You really finna do they guy who saved the world from a massive demon like that?

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Marry Jane because she seems like a genuinely great person to be with, kiss Felix and then kill Dwight because I really dislike him

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Too many of these threads recently. Where are the horny police?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited November 2020


    Marry - Frank or Joey- Close to my age so marriage is more appropriate to me. (Julie is a close third and I'm not touching Susie with a ten foot pole because ya know I like not being in prison)

    Kiss - Amanda Young - Love her in the Saw franchise still upset she died. (If we're locking it to Original character Evan MacMillan instead)

    Kill. Doctor- yeah he's just a creepy and sadistic douche. Love that his character is so vile without anything bad happening to twist or warp.


    Marry- Feng Min- I relate to her so much have been family that doesn't believe in you, fear of disappointing those are you. She deserves a loving family. (Still totally ship her with Kate)

    Kiss- Steve Harrington- Dude is just awesome and cares about those close to him also he's hot. (If we're locking it to Original character David King instead)

    Kill - Meg - She is just so annoying Her voice, backstory/ Archives story and 90% of the people who main her are just absolute potatoes

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367


    Marry- Nurse because she has empathy for people and cared a lot about her deceased husband.

    Kiss- Frank because he's hot. If I could add another option is would be Plague (well...the half pretty side of Adiris) because I feel bad for her backstory and she actually is quite beautiful minus the whole plague thing.

    Kill- Doctor because I hate him.


    Marry- Jane because I think she is a genuine person and I relate to her helping others through traumatic experiences. Or Kate because she's hot as hell.

    Kiss- Zarina because I like investigative women.

    Kill- Bill

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985


    Marry: I would marry myers, a strong guy xd

    Kiss: I would kiss pig, kissing her would be disgusting but behind that pig mask is the beautiful amanda young

    Kill: kill the nurse / spirit and huntress


    Marry: I would marry Kate

    Kiss: I would give a kiss to the handsome ash williams

    Kill: kill feng min, nancy and claudette

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122


    Marry Pig, she's a cutie, intelligent, and so wholesome.

    F- I mean Kiss Spirit, cause goddamn 😍

    Kill Clown, he's the creepiest Killer imo.


    Marry Zarina, strong independent woman.

    Kiss Kate, cause again- goddamn 😍

    Kill Quentin, he looks scarier than half of the Killers

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890


    Marry Michael, because he'd be a ride or die husband

    Kiss Frank (Legion), particularly if he's wearing his Party Crasher outfit

    Kill Deathslinger, because screw that guy and his stupid gun


    Marry Felix, because he has a stable career and he's attractive

    Kiss Steve, because he's a wholesome cinnamon roll and his voice is cute

    Kill Ace, because why not? Who would really miss him?

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392
  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365


    Marry Zarina, Kiss Cheryl or Yui if it's original characters only, Kill Meg.


    Marry. . . Uh Idk, Kiss. . . Uh Idk, Kill Deathslinger.

  • leatherfav88
    leatherfav88 Member Posts: 209

    Marry- zarina

    Kiss- quentin

    Kill- meg

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252

    Marry - Spirit (She's the cutest killer and you know it)

    Kiss - Clown (He doesn't get enough love)

    Kill - Hag (She doesn't even have lips)

    Marry - Jane (She's got those curves)

    Kiss - Cheryl (She's the cutest survivor and you know it)

    Kill - Quentin (He's to ugly to live)

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    For survivors:

    Marry - Dwight, he's a cutie with kindness & loyalty.

    Kiss - Felix, he's ######### hot.

    Kill - Ehh, no one tbh.

    For Killers:

    Marry - Billy? He needs love.

    Kiss - Frank or Joey, hot af

    Kill - Nurse, idk

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
  • JustAFanOfDBD
    JustAFanOfDBD Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2021


    Marry - Huntress because She'd be a strong wife

    Kiss - Spirit because she'd seem nice but hot

    Kill - Hag because why not


    Marry - Jane has dat Cake but we could be partners

    Kiss - Nea because she'd seem pretty interesting for me if I'd kiss her

    Kill - Probably Feng because she'd probably want me to be a simp and donate her money

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352


    Marry: Ghostface idk why but I just love him he's silly

    Kiss: Frank (Legion) bcuz I like him best after Ghostface

    Kill: Freddy bcuz he's an awful monster


    Marry: Jake bcuz idk why but I just love him ever since I got into this game

    Kiss: Felix bcuz while I love him too, he technically has a baby on the way if you read his back story so.. Kiss only for him

    Kill: There isn't really any particular survivor I would want to kill to be honest

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867


    Marry: Spirit's already my waifu

    Kiss: Pig because she's pog

    Kill: Hag because she's so hag


    Marry: No one, not cheating on spirit

    Kiss: Meg, she's awesome

    Kill: Elodie because of her scream

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Killers -

    Marry: Wraith - he seems like a genuinely nice guy who ended up being in the wrong place without knowing it.

    Kiss: Hag - her backstory is super sad and I feel like she really needs a hug or kiss or something.

    Kill: Clown - disgusting and unredeemable. Kills for pleasure and steals their fingers, while also being a disgusting human being on top of that.

    Survivors -

    Marry: Kate - she is such a sweet and amazing girl who seems to be completely selfless. She would make an amazing wife.

    Kiss: Felix - he's honestly a daddy. That's about it. Lmao

    Kill: Meg - because I have to choose and Meg heads.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Marry Cheryl, Kiss Zarina

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Dwight - Kill

    Meg - Kill

    Jake - Kill

    Claudette - Kill

    Nea - Kill

    Laurie - Kill

    Ace - Kill

    Bill - Kill

    David - Kill

    Feng - Kill

    David - Kill

    Quentin - Kill

    Tapp - Kill

    Kate - Kill

    Adam - Kill

    Jeff - Kill

    Jane - Kill

    Ash - Kill

    Nancy - Kill

    Steve - Kill

    Yui - Kill

    Zarina - Kill

    Cheryl - Kill

    Felix - Kill

    Elodie - Kill

    And yet I still only safety pip :(

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Marry: huntress, we will have vodka and babies

    Kiss: pig, by kiss i mean boop the snoot

    Kill: spirit

    Marry: zarina, because shes best girl

    Kiss: cheryl, because bread

    Kill: claudette so she cant be an invisible little ######### anymore

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    For killer I'd...

    Marry nurse cause she's best girl.

    Kiss pyramid head cause 🥵

    Kill oni

    For survivor I'd...

    Marry lisa Garland cause she's also best girl

    Kiss felix

    Kill laurie

  • Killer:

    Marry: Legion (Joey) because he's quite extraverted, liked to show off and i can imagine that in some ways. Seems to be the most chill one out of the group in my opinion.

    Kiss: Ghostface..he's hot y'know?


    For survivor:

    Marry- Adam because he seems resourceful and quite sweet, hes a teacher aswell so he is quite smart.

    Kiss- Dwight. (seggsy boi)


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546


    Marry Phead because Phead

    Kiss Mookel because he looks like he needs a hug or something. Poor guy.

    Kill Hag because her power annoying as hell


    Marry Cheryl because Cheryl is bae

    Kiss Kate

    Kill Feng, toxic little BI-

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    edited January 2021

    Marry: Yui or Huntress

    Kiss: Yui, Huntress or Demo (cause he's a doggo)

    Kill: Bubba, Laurie or Nea ( i'll make it quick and easy, they don't deserve it given how many of them have ruined peoples' but hey, not gonna stoop to their level)