Toxicity in The Community

I've been playing killer for a while. I've prestiged all my killers at the same time. I reach level 9 but did not have my build ready. What came next drove me ######### mad. I kept getting the most toxic survivors, DS, Dead Hard, Tea bagging, Infinite Loops, Gen rushing, sometimes even hackers. I didn't have my build ready, so I was being ######### here. I was playing Ghostface and I'm level 9. My build was Discordance, BBQ and Chili, Thrilling Tremors, and Iron Grasp. I was given SWF filled with flashlights, claudettes, lauries, etc. It was like being tortured, chase after gen rushers, infinite loop, go to another gen rusher, infinite loop, exit gate opens, all leave. I couldn't catch a break. The survivors would message me with ######### like "Lol gg ez, get better" It's ######### infuriating that survivors have to win by being toxic and then gloat about it like they just won the ######### olympics. The fact that survivors think it's funny to kick a killer while he's down is terrible. Sometimes when I play survivor I will try and message the killer with something like "GG" or some kind of compliment. 80% of the time the killer has their messages turned off, this shows how big of a problem it is. There is a ######### ton of toxicity in this community. Something needs to be done.
You seem to be doing something wrong. I wouldn't suggest prestige on all killers at once. I normally play a few that are already there while I work on my other ones. So it's not really anyone's fault but yours that you were facing meta builds with no perks. That doesn't make the survivors wrong in anyway. And also don't take teabagging too serious. It's just in fun. Some people do it to be a dick I'm sure. But not everyone tea bags to make the killer angry. I do it when I'm waiting for the killer to come through a window or break a pallet. I don't mean to offend killers with it.
Them talking crap. Yeah that's common. Being a dick in post game lobby is going to happen. And of course it feels bad because it'll always be 4 v 1. So you're getting flamed from all directions. They used to not have a post game chat. I don't know who decided that was a good idea. But it wasn't.
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You are one sensetive lad
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i know it's hard but
ignore them
don't dc that'll only give them more satisfaction for their massive ego
just remember about mid chapter patch. gen speeds wll get changed and you will unleash your reckoning upon thy sweaty Neas
also just don't care about them it's a game they wouldn't be saying anything if they were face to face with you
and devs don't care about toxicity they just said "it's a multiplayer game it's gonna happen". They could've at least done something about it
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Unfortunately, since this game came out, survivors have been coddled extensively. The devs have consistently squashed any type of counter toxicity by killers by making actions that the killer could use to shove their win in the face of survivors illegal while also simultaneously doing nothing about survivor toxicity. As a killer, you are required to take the abuse and if it is weighing heavily upon your mental health, then the devs have recommended killer players to simply not play the game or just play civilization instead.
Although if you spam cancel your moris or trap the survivors in any way, you will be banned permanently.
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Running certain perks doesn't really determine toxicity. But the rest of it is normal. You should never prestige all killers at once especially if you are high rank. Always keep one person leveled up to play during prestige times. As far as the messages at the end, it's better to just turn off post game chat on PC or change your message settings on console
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Using a perk designed by the game is not toxic, not matter how annoying it is.
The rest of the stuff. Standard childish behaviour. I'm one of the people that turned off their messages because of the god awful threats I used to get from both sides. It's the only thing you can do unless you can just ignore the trash talk. It shouldn't be like that, but unfortunately it is and most of us just have to find a way to deal with the real toxic crap. Either by working through it, ignoring the toxicity to not give them a reaction, or just turn your messages off.
Not a great set of choices, but presently it's all we have.
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I've had toxic idiots turning up on my YT channel because my privacy settings on PS4 wouldn't allow them to talk ######### there. Pathetic. It makes their little epeens grow, I get it, but it's so sad. As has been said many a time before, they don't pull that ######### IRL only where they are safe in anonymity. I thought the toxic mail I get on shooters was bad, but only the DBD community has ever made me change my privacy settings. People have claimed it an exaggeration, right after sending toxic mail. SMH. Too much internet too young and not enough proper parenting.
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DS and DH arent toxic perks, and "inifinite loops" as well as "gen rushing" doesnt exist.
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Ok we you got a few toxic people whats the big deal? Its your fault u prestiged all your killers at the same time
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Not sure if you'd count this but, you also got more than half of the people on the forums bitching and moaning over a buff/nerf even though they wanted it haha.