On the topic of the Legion "Buff"

Yes, it's nice that the devs did something with legion that didn't negatively affect them at all, but like... When we chanted for "Buff legion", I don't think this is what anyone had in mind. What anyone even thought about. But anyway, I just want opinions really.
Because it wasn't meant to be a buff, or a rework, or anything. It's a QOL change, that's all.
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The devs refuse to buff legion idk why
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I'm sure no-one's surprised by this, but it's because they openly hate legion. Because, mostly, of how not fun legion was when they first released. Not fun for anyone involved, especially survivors.
If a dev could confirm or deny this, that'd be awesome. But judging from the dev's actions (Actively refusing to buff legion) and word of mouth, I don't even know if we need a dev response.
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I’ve made several posts on small buffs and QOL changes that would make legion WAY better and I’m not the only one ...it surprises me that they have not tried ..I mean 3 second stun would go along way plus addon reworks ..franks mixtape and deep wounds study is a joke now and the pins ..why isn’t it on the first attack??? You have to be in FF to get use out of it??? So stupid but ya I totally agree the devs hate legion
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The worst part of the recovery was losing track of everyone. This is a great QoL change.
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I don't think the devs hate them. More like community ... hates them. (obviously not the ones playing Legion)