
In my opinion facecampers need to be banned, because if you suck just try and try again to get better don't ruin the game for people but face camping that just shows how much you suck.


  • wolf2014
    wolf2014 Member Posts: 17

    No that just means the killer suck if they can't catch a survivor and now the generator take longer to finish plus the toolboxes run out faster

  • wolf2014
    wolf2014 Member Posts: 17

    Bowered time helps for killers that are trying to farm or facecampers

  • wolf2014
    wolf2014 Member Posts: 17

    People do gens bit still don't give the killer any right to ruin the game by facecamping because they suck

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    At least now there are killer cosmetics so there's a chance at least the face camper looks pretty so you can be like 'aw, that skin is pretty cool'.

    Back in my day everyone just wore default while camping and you had to stare at fish breath until you died.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Don't get me wrong, I hate campers, it sucks when you're camped, and this advice is going to sound like what a 5 year old would tell you after he won you at something, but get good and rank up.

    At high ranks camping doesn't exists unless it's endgame collapse, in which the killer would rather confirm one kill over taking the risk of getting multiple or none.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I was going to say what was posted above me. I never see camping. So I wouldn't know why it was an issue. But I guess at lower ranks maybe there's more campy playstyle. But don't see face campers at all really.

  • yandere_gamer
    yandere_gamer Member Posts: 27

    Yeah lets just ban people for playing in a way that we don't like. I don't like survivors camping pallets so lets just ban them. I also don't like it when survivors leave an exit gate at 99% so lets just ban them. I don't like it when a survivor blinds me at pallets so lets just ban them. Great idea, lets just ban everyone who doesn't play in the exact way that compliments our builds. DS survivors really bother me so lets just ban them, survivors that break my hex totems annoy me so lets just ban them. What you are asking for is ridiculous.

  • wolf2014
    wolf2014 Member Posts: 17

    I'm a rank 8 and i have went against higher ranks but i have went across high ranks like level 2 and 4 were they facecamp during the whole game also while using the cannable sometimes

  • wolf2014
    wolf2014 Member Posts: 17

    Facecampering is when your right infront of a survivor and not leaving until they die and facecampers try to knock down anyone that is trying to get them but while still standing by the survivor on the hook

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    Where are all of these camping/tunneling killers supposed to be at? I probably play twice as much survivor as killer and I rarely see camping and tunneling. I rarely use DS anymore because I almost never get use out of it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536


    That used to be true but not a chance in hell now. If anything camp and hard tunnel is even worse at red ranks.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah playing on the pc, while i have seen facecampers before. They are rather rare, next to the number of people who simply play the game normally. For everytime i think of a face camper, i can easily think of a dozen or more matches where the game is played normally.

    I try using ds recently and petty much the same results as always. Timer runs out, due to killer chasing team mate. Making my ds pointless and feel like a waste of a perk slot in a majority of the matches i play with it on. Think it only save me once or twice. Next to easily a dozen or more points where it simply never came into play at all.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458

    like all the survivor legit strat to bully a killer when the gate are 99%, yes it's legit and yes when you get camped you can depip but the killer depip too if the survivor just do gen, i prefer to see all my 3 teammate leave while the killer as he's little power fantasy and loose the game and stay a scrub looser, at least the survivor win in this case and we can all taunt him in the end game chat, now if i see my teamate trying to save me now i will get pissed beceause i don't 3 kamikaze to come rescue me thanks

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Only killer I ever see face camp in the game is Cannibal.

    If the gates are open and one guy is hooked, yea he's gonna be camped.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    No no, I know what the literal meaning of face camping is, but again, I've been told I face camp when i'm not.

    An example. The other night I just hooked a Meg. I walk away from the hook, only to see scratch marks nearby, so I follow. They disappear, but I know somebody is in the area, so I start hunting. I find the David maybe fifteen seconds later near the hook. Hit him, give chase, only to hear the unhook. Turn around, find the Nancy who just saved the Meg. Go to chase her, the Meg body blocks. Hit her, BT activates, but I chase after the Nancy. In the post game chat, I'm bm'ed as a face camper. Their 'proof' was BT.

    There's a lot of variations to this. Survivors will throw themselves in front of me for the save, yet I'm face camping. Survivors will run around or near hooks instead of elsewhere, yet I'm face camping. A survivor will run across the map while I'm chasing them, back to a hook for the save, yet I'm face camping. It goes on.

    My point is, terms like face camping and tunneling have been watered down over the years to include the broadest of strokes. Go look at the Steam forums, and just about every other thread is on face camping. Players will take terms and stretch them as far as possible. So, when I see one about such things, I'm not convinced. It doesn't mean actual face camping doesn't happen, and maybe more than I witness, but not every case means face camping.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'm rank 1 and the last time I was properly camped was before Oni even came out, and if it's end game collapse then it's not camping

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I don't experience that at all. And tunneling is different to going for the recently unhooked survivor because they're injured and are running into a dead zone with no pallets.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    What about me chasing a person and an unhooked survivor runs from somewhere in thechase to take a hit with BT? Legit strategy i guess huh?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This is absolutely false. Camping, tunneling, and slugging from second 1 of a match are all very much the go-to game play tactic for killers in red ranks rn. I can assure you that as someone who is on the receiving end of it almost daily. And against random squads, it can be pretty effective - especially with bunk match making.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Focus on your own game. Killers is a one man team and they have the right to facecamp, deal with it.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2020

    I seriously don't get all the crying around here.

    As a survivor I hate facecampers (and tunnelers even more so) but I deal with it - I also understand the need to do this in certain situations, but doing it off the bat and every hook is annoying AF for sure.

    As a killer I hate toxic survivors.

    These things are down to the individual - no matter how much you try to change the game you will not change the mentality of these people and the issues will persist. How much it affects you and how you deal with it is entirely down to you.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Quite rare. Most BT hits are because the killer has just been chilling near the hook waiting for the tunnel.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Do gens and leave. If you want to dissuade people from something make it unrewarding for them.

    Also don't get butthurt and write negative comments after a game because quite likely that is exactly what a facecamping troll wants.

    If it's a troll of course. If a killer catches someone in a late game with open gates camping is expected because a killer has very little chance to catch someone else at this point.

    Also I'm curious how often do you meet actual facecampers, people who literally stand in your face next to a hook?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Data? Statistics? Or just your opinion?

    I think BT needs a change. It's bullcrap that it just doesn't work against camping stealth killers, so it should be range based not TR based. The range although should be considerably lower than the base TR of 32 metres. Anything between 4 and 12 metres seems pretty okay to me. That way it would work even better in its intended way, but wouldn't punish non-camping/tunneling killers.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    Not if they are running insidious, which many facecamping killers do.