endgame collapse change.

kerm Member Posts: 2
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

So currently when the end game collapse happens, the generators become locked and you are able to open the doors. When there is only one survivor remaining, and the killer closes the hatch, the end game collapse begins. During this phase the survivor's only way of survival is to open a door. The door takes 20 seconds and the killer is able to position themselves (in some maps) to where they do not have to walk far to see the red light of the door, making it almost impossible to open the door. I would suggest changing it to where the red light does not exist when there is only one survivor or making the door open faster.



  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Still rather have the EGC implemented than not because it's on an actual timer, whereas survivors refusing to end the game and just running around forever is not.

    It especially goes to show you how far survivors will take it when even still during the EGC you will almost always have one survivor that just sits in the game doing heaven knows what, until the very very last moment right before EGC is about to kill them, and THEN they'll leave. It also goes to show how immature and senseless they are by how when simply asked why they choose to do that, they'll respond with "you're just trash" or tell you "stop crying cus ur mad."

    I'm not even a killer main, I would say I play both sides pretty equally (and I don't SWF pretty much ever for what that's worth) and I still find myself baffled at survivors more often than killers. Maybe it's just because there's more survivors on a team, so more chances to run into an idiot.

    Point is, EGC is one of the best things they've added in this game. Even with its flaws. In my opinion.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Poor Kerm. A lot of those who replied is replying to the first comment rather than your suggested change to the doors.

    I think the light and third light noise alert is necessary unfortunately just like generator progress can be determined by looking at it. It lets the killer know where to worry.

    I don’t know that easier escapes for a lone survivor is a good idea because that means the killer played well enough (and the survivors did not play well enough) to put the loner in that position.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    honestly, at that point you should just accept your defeat.

    you had the chance to do the gens, you failed.

    you then had the chance to leave through hatch, you failed.

    now you even get a THIRD chance of survival and complain about it being too hard to pull of consistently.

    imo you should be happy the doors power in the first place.

    the devs could also just have the entity impale you asap after the hatch is shut, yet they decided to give you ANOTHER, therefore rather slim, chance to escape. its supposed to be hard, you failed twice already. and if the killer found an effective methode to defend the doors, so be it. thats the third time he beat you now, at some point the killer really deserves his 4k.

    EGC isnt favoring the killer, its actually in your favor it triggers to begin with.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Entitled survivors

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    Toward other comments, I think "you failed to do gens" is a really harsh statement. In solo queue, I could be the only person doing gens, but it just doesn't stand to reason that I'll be able to get all the gens done by myself. And "failed to get the hatch"? If I'm doing gens, I'm not looking for the hatch. So now I've failed twice because I couldn't complete an objective that's nearly impossible to do alone and because I couldn't complete something else because I was attempting the first objective?

    The hatch only spawns at a certain point, and due to RNG, it's always very likely that the killer comes across it before the last survivor, so they know exactly where to go back to. It's a smart play to do that, of course. But if the last survivor hasn't even seen the hatch because of doing other objectives and just not running past it (or if it doesn't spawn until last minute based on the team's collective gen progress), then they're kinda SOL if the killer finds it first.

    But I also don't necessarily agree with making it easier for survivors to escape through the exit gates during the EGC. It's not over until it's over, and if the killer outplays you in those chases, then accept defeat. I've also had a game in The Game against Deathslinger where I /almost/ managed to escape because I kept breaking free from his chain (he should have just come up and hit me tbh bc there were too many obstacles to break it), and if he did get me, I wiggled free before getting to the hook bc it was too far. I finally died right at the exit gate because I just didn't have enough time to unlock it. Did I wish for a faster opening speed? Of course. But it was also so exciting to constantly be fighting for my life during that collapse.

    Also depending on exit gate spawns, it can be hard to figure out which door survivors are at. I'm not the best killer, but I've definitely lost survivors through an exit gate because despite looking and patrolling, they were spawned too far apart for me to get there in time to get them.

    TL;DR - I don't think changes to the door speed/etc need to be changed, but I also don't view the killer closing the hatch first as a "failure".

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I think it would be cool (funny) if the killer can close the gate if it has been opened for 60 seconds...

    Imagine you hook a survivor (2nd stage) and the others heal up open the door and go in for the save... but you know where that door is so you wait by the door... save happens (they heal cause you're not around) they bolt for the door only to see you close it in their faces...

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited April 2020

    people defending doors being seen and camped from across the map have never played a balanced game

    this thread is gross to read

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    As a survivor, I hate this idea, but I can totally picture the slo-mo "oh #########" moment when survivors realize the door is closing, running for all their worth to get to the dwindling gap before it closes. 😂

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Explain then.

    As a rank 1 killer and survivor that is common knowledge, so try and convince me.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    But.... my fun... you cant.... noooooooo...

    Or only have the Pig do it... "Game Over"

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    What if we just add a 4th opportunity to escape. If the killer is successfully garding both gates then once the entity claw comes out of the ground if you hit 10 skill checks in a row, then you can escape it and avoid dying.

    Oh, but there's a chance the killer might get to you while you're doing those skill checks and down you, so why don't we add a 5th escape option. When you excape the entity, you get a decisive strike buff in case the killer downs you and picks you up.

    However, now that I think about it, if you're far enough away from the gate, the killer might still be able to down you after the ds hit, so maybe we should add a 6th escape option. If you escape via that decisive strike hit, then you get an endurance buff so that if the killer hits you after that, you only go into deep wounds and don't get downed.

    But now that I think about it, the survivor might have gotten mixed up during all this and forgotten where the door is so they might not make it in time, so maybe we should add a 7th escape option. If the killer gets too close to you before you reach the exit gate, a magical rainbow unicorn flies down from the sky and stabs the killer in the leg with its horn to slow them down and then offers to give you a ride to the care bear baby day care.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No need for changes, when killer decimates your team that much and you can't even reach hatch first you still get good chance to open the doors. It's heavy RNG based possibly favoring both sides. Gates can spawn miles away from each other or extremely close but no matter the scenario, if you play EGC correctly you can sway the tides in your favor unless you play against killer whos power directly prevents that.

    Survivors had years of completely free hatch and now that both sides get equal chance to get the last kill/escape they complain since it doesn't always favor them. Balance is sometimes hard to swallow.

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    Balancing a 4v1 game so that you have just as high a chance of success in a 1v1 situation as you would in the 4v1 situation is not good balance. Life should get harder, not easier, when you've lost more than half your team.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    in a 2v1, it kinda does. Especially since you prevent the hatch from opening. I get that the less survivors there are, the stronger the killer technically gets. But slugging late game to turn a 2v1 practically into a 1v1 is comparable to taking a game hostage. Just because it has a 2 minute timer doesnt really change that.

    I mean, could you imagine if hostage keeping was time based?

    "Your honor, I did not keep any hostages when I robbed the bank, because they all bled to death within 2 minutes"

    No, ######### that. Hostage keeping means you lock someone from doing anything and offer no outside aid. Slugging in a 2v1 is literally creating a hostage situation. Sure, its not as bad as those people back in the day who kept the game hostage for 45 minutes, but its something that's too easy to pull off, has too much reward and no risk at all.

    Yes, a killer actually killing people and permanently removing them from the game, should turn the game more towards the killers favour, thats fine, thats the whole setup of the game. But pseudo killing someone by slugging them is a bit too strong. People wouldnt complain about slugging if:

    1. Flipflop was a base mechanic and the perk increasing the % that was being flopped(10% base conversion with flipflop adding up to 40%).
    2. If the effects on struggling actually had an impact like they used to. Even if boil over has to be nerfed slightly to compensate.
    3. You had a teeny tiny chance of picking yourself up or killing yourself early on. Why? Because killing yourself while slugged INSTANTLY opens the hatch, meaning the killer has a risk of losing the last survivor by keeping someone slugged. Which actually was the second main use for DC in games: you would instantly give the hatch. The first use obviously avoiding mori sluggers.

    The fact that you cant do ANYTHING while slugged besides bleeding out, is why its considered a hostage situation. Those 2v1 slug situations are pretty much the biggest reason people want to make slugging more punishing. It removes a use for BT, it removes DS, it removes the hatch escape. Since instaheals arent a thing, there isnt really a way to play around that situation. I mean, at that point, the only thing you can do is run unbreakable, and unbreakable is just a ######### boring perk to use. You have killers complain all the time how perks and addons shouldnt be required to counter 1 very strong perk or game mechanic, yet complain about survivors using perks that are required to counter the strongest base game mechanic without realizing how boring it otherwise is laying on the floor for 2 minutes is, because there is no way you can be picked up without basically swapping positions.

    If being slugged actually gave a use for survivors, like lockpicking a hatch at the cost of bleeding out faster, or being able to help someone get up who is also downed once they get the "find help" option, or being able to tie the killers shoelaces together so that he trips or something. At least something else other than merely crawling around. Being forced to use perks to make yourself useful when slugged is just bad game design.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    It would be pretty unfair we have to find the hatch and then you wish killers being 20 secs walk between each other? One more chance to escape?

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Even when this does happen, I accept I've lost unless the killer wants to give me the gate or hatch.

    The best thing you can do is open the gate just before it gets the first light, hide, wait for the killer to come, and once they leave open the rest of it.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    Excuse me senor dumbass but theres literal perks to stop slugging. Free ones at that. The match will literally end in 2 minutes. Not even alot. Going by your logic wouldnt hiding and not doing anything the entire match be considered holding the match hostage? Its slugging is a literal strategy and its obviously supported by the devs. The ones who justify weather or not the match is held hostage. It is completely different then mori spam. Like bro just bring unbreakable every match. Problem solved.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Acting like "DC tech" was legitimate doesn't exactly make a good argument for why killer's should be unable to slug for a 4k, you know.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Going by my logic, hiding and not doing anything as a survivor isnt holding the match hostage. Why not? because he's not preventing anyone from doing anything, sure, he is slowing the game down massively, but being slowed down and being prevented from doing anything effectively at all are different things. Back in the day when the EGC wasnt there. Hiding and not doing anything in a 1v1 was literally keeping the game hostage.

    And again, requiring a perk to solve a problem in base mechanics isnt really optimal. I mean, remember when people ran Ruin all the time because genspeeds+toolboxes were a problem? Was being practically forced to use Ruin a solution to genspeeds? Are you really gonna argue from a position where dev's were practically forced to nerf toolboxes and decrease hook respawn times even further because being forced to use specific killer perks was not a solution?

    No, unbreakable is not a solution to slugging. Instaheals were more reliable than unbreakable during slugs. If they brought back instahealing addons but only limited the instaheal to people who were in the dyingstate, that would be a better solution than unbreakable.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, it was legitimate against a 2v1 slug. I mean, I rather lose 1 pip than grant a greedy ######### a 4k. Because even if im final hook, the odds are extremely likely that the killer has gone past the hatch before. On all maps, the killer can hook me, walk to the hatch and reach the hatch before it opens because the sacrificing time takes forever.

    I mean, I guess they could fix that already, that if someone is dead hooked that the hatch opens instantly, giving an actual reason for killers to slug rather than giving someone a deadhook, but right now, unless you have an optimal 4-man swf or a 4k in a single match challenge, I dont see a reason to slug in a 2v1 unless you're insecure on your ability to press spacebar when you're near the hatch.

  • yandere_gamer
    yandere_gamer Member Posts: 27

    This would be dumb, already the hatch exists to give the survivor a free escape for finding it first or having a key, and you want to give the survivor more second chances by making it harder for the killer to know when a gate is being worked on.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    There are also perks that encourage camping and tunneling ( insidious, Make your Choice) yet those are frowned apon. And then killers will say that camping and tunneling is a legit strategy but then complain about an already nerfed DS to be outrageous. So whatever perk you're referring to encourage slugging doesn't make it any less annoying. I shouldn't have to wait for the bleed out timer if my teamate isn't coming for me. But you cant DC anymore without punishment. Just hang the survivor. That's your objective. True talent even says a 3k is all you need.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    If all 5 gens get done, then the door gets opened, all 4 escape, no strings attached. The killer isn't rewarded by the entity instantly killing one of the 4, nor does the entity throw 1 of the 4 to the middle of the map to give them a chance. So, when the killer 3k's your team without the gens being done, why should you be handed ANOTHER free chance to escape when you FAILED your objective? You get the chance for the hatch, then you STILL get a chance to open the doors, even though you didn't complete your objective and POWER the doors...

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    DS was never nerfed, it got buffed dude. You used to not be able to use it instantly, and would get dribbled like a basketball. 🤦‍♂️

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    A killer never DESERVES to win until they have effectively hunted down and killed EACH INDIVIDUAL SURVIVOR, and they shouldn't need to be spoon fed buffs to do it. A survivor never DESERVES to die because their teammates played poorly or had some variety of disadvantage while the killer maintains an ever growing advantage as survivors are eliminated from the match. The idea that they do is asinine and entitled. Getting to the hatch as a killer is in the Killer's advantage. They can freely traverse the map during the match and during end game, and they are faster than survivors. Not to mention if you arrive at the hatch at the same time, the killer can stop you from being able to enter - even if you were slightly ahead of them - and can close the hatch in your face, even if you are standing on top of it. EGC is also extremely killer sided, especially since maps are becoming smaller with more dead space and doors are being purposely put closer together - sometimes within easy eyesight of each other from a central location with little patting necessary. With each person that gets removed from a match, the killer's job gets easier and the survivor's job gets much harder. The sole survivor on a map has the most chips stacked against them - the killer has the greatest advantage in most aspects. Making a small change like improving door opening speeds or simply not activating the lights is a reasonable request. Shoot, I would be happy if the doors just spawned opposite of each other. Survivors may have to engage in teamwork, but they are not a unit. They are individual people coming together to achieve a common goal. Killing the majority does not entitle you to a free kill of all.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    While I'd be somewhat okay with the light change, that would be it. If you can't complete the objective, an alternate escape should be harder, like finding hatch, and if hatch is closed, finding the door. Right now the door spawns can screw killer just as much as survivor

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2020

    There seems to be a lot of debate about what is meant by 'holding the game hostage'.

    If the game is still progressing it is not being held hostage. The meaning of this term (in dev's eyes) is to fully stop progress of the game, which cannot be achieved by slugging. Even if the killer slugs all remaining survivors and leaves them all on the floor it's not really taking the game hostage since the game IS still progressing via the bleedout timers and will eventually end.

    Ask a dev for clarification if you don't consider this to be fact.


    If a killer disregards his objecitve (hunting survivors) the trial can still be completed as it requires the survivors to do gens and open the exit.

    If the survivors disregard their objective, refusing to do gens and instead just hiding then the trial will come to a standstill. While some killers may be able to flush out the survivors this will not always be the case and a trial could go on for a very long time with no progress being made.

    See the very big difference?

    For the record I'm 70/30 survivor/killer so no, I'm not killer biased, I just like logic.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    DS was nerfed hard. As last survivor if killer hit you down you had another chance to get away. Now you HAVE to be hooked (the exact thing a survivor is supposed to avoid) and then you only have up to 60 seconds after being saved. It's way more conditional. And being dribbled wastes more time for killer so it still helped.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I'd take the old DS over the bs it is now, and I'm a killer main. It was a lot harder to land, and actually took skill. My cat could land ds the way it is now.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    wake up and spine chill opens gate in like 14 seconds. u got that.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    also id be fine with changing EGC if they buff Blood Warren to reset the timers for each new hook after gates opened.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    I guess i don't notice a difference in difficulty of hitting the skill check so I will give that to you becaise i dont know any better. But other than that, I as a survivor prefer old DS. Its settled! Devs, Killer and survivor want old DS! Haha

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


    Funny it used to mean hiding in lockers for 15-45 minutes with the exit gates open with no way for the killer to end the match. Killers can not hold anything hostage, survivors can.

    If the survivors do nothing the game cannot end. If the killer does nothing survivors can walk out.

    Calling slugging or all the other nonsense you listed hostage is dumb. I guess every time on the hook is hostage too... is the lobby hostage when you dont ready up ? This post Is hostage because you cant read anything while you read this... oooh look I'm taking hostage call me a new killer "the typewritter"

    "Hostage is keeping someone from doing anything... with no outside aid"

    You can crawl out hatch, heal 90%, hide from killer telling teammates where u are, spin under a hook to entice sacrifice, crawl out exit gates.

    Outside help includes perks that get you up and survivors picking you up... and the killer picking you up. Or simply waiting the bleed out timer out while you play on ur phone for a minute or you can make this post.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2020

    A survivor never DESERVES to escape until they have effectively avoided dying.

    They dont need to be spoon fed buffs or keep broken outdated bug advantages to keep there overwhelming advantages. If you do not play this game as a team it is your fault 4v1 is intentionally survivors sided because teamwork or keeping your team alive is part of your objective.

    With teamwork survivors dominate the "power role" as if killer IS a helpless child. 2 heath states 3 lives 4 perks that give second chances and items to be brought in as well as found in game. Just one perk like DS breaks the killers grasp- stuns him- and heals you from the dying state instantly... no killer perk does that much.

    105 seconds each survivors objectives are completed at base game and they escape. (All gen+gate can be done separately) with the same rules a killer has to do 35 second find,chase,down,hook perfectly 12 times.

    After all survivors failures and second chances and mistakes the hatch and gates still get powered. The sole survivor had spent so many chips and wasted so many advantages Gate spawns are just as bad for killers sometimes and the hatch shouldn't exist. Should never ever be a free escape. Making a small chance like making the exit gates harder to find by camouflage and decreasing size or removing the aura reading on powered for survivors. Hell I'd be happy if the gate regressed or reset completely when they let go. Killers may not have any teammates or ways of communicating or any coordination but if they do manage to overcome all of downsides and face an entire unit of people... they should be rewarded for eliminating the enemy team... not rewarded with game mechanics but with the simple admission that without the advantage of teamwork they have noone to blame but themselves

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "If the survivors do nothing the game cannot end. If the killer does nothing survivors can walk out."

    If survivors do nothing, they die on hook.

    "Calling slugging or all the other nonsense you listed hostage is dumb. I guess every time on the hook is hostage too... is the lobby hostage when you dont ready up ? This post Is hostage because you cant read anything while you read this... oooh look I'm taking hostage call me a new killer "the typewritter""

    No, because being on hook has a base escape rate and you can opt out whenever. Being downed doesnt have a rate of you being able to pick yourself up and doesnt allow you to opt out.

    "You can crawl out hatch"

    Nope, hatch is closed in a 2v1, and killers tend to know where the hatch is. And guess what? Once you dead hook someone, the hatch doesnt open untill that 10 second animation finishes. Meaning the killer has 10 seconds to move from the hook to the hatch to close it. Killer has priority, making it impossible for the survivor to escape.

    "heal 90%"

    In a 2v1, this is practically useless. You either end up switching or both being downed. The only reason this could ever be a clever idea is if the other person has unbreakable. If you could heal 99% but not that final 1%, meaning you'd be a 1 tap, then there is at least some chance you can get enough distance from the killer to pull that off. But no, healing someone up is basically letting the killer know where the other person crawled to.

    "hide from killer telling teammates where u are"

    Teammates can literally see you, and considering Iron Will doesnt work while downed, you cant really hide unless you're an Ace.

    "spin under a hook to entice sacrifice"

    On a killer that slugged?

    "crawl out exit gates."

    You do realize that 2v1 slugging only happens when there are still gens left right? It never happens otherwise, because if someone is slugged, it will take a lot more time and risk to pick them up, which is why killers hook the other as bait. Slugging 2 v 1 never happens during the EGC.

    "Outside help includes perks that get you up and survivors picking you up... and the killer picking you up. Or simply waiting the bleed out timer out while you play on ur phone for a minute or you can make this post."

    Right, just like a killer could, back in the day, use perks that would help him find survivors that were keeping the game hostage, or wait for the survivors to get bored and leave, all the while you play on your phone, watch a show or even make this post.

    So how about we dont use the excuse of "use perks or do something else"? Because back in the day, you could use perks to find those survivors as locker aura's werent. Stridor applied to people hiding in lockers too. You could literally build around hostage keeping survivors. But was that really a solution? No? Then dont claim the same for 2v1 slugging.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Not true at all. That's a lot of assumption and that means the Killer is always entitled to get subsequent kills based on the number of kills he's previously achieved. It's much easier for the killer to find the hatch because I'm like the Survivor he can freely run around throughout the map to discover it. So that in itself is not a worthy criteria to determine that the killer deserves to get all four survivors.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    If the killer had a 3k, unless the three that died weren't good and the guy alive is amazing, even if the killer doesn't find the hatch, the killer deserves a 4k.

    This is basic knowledge to me and many other survivor and killer mains.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited April 2020

    It's not basic knowledge besides the fact that the developers disagree. The developers assessment is that you have to earn your Escape or kill, you're not entitled or deserve anything in the game. You could be the greatest killer in the history of the universe and kill three people in the first 30 seconds that doesn't mean you're entitled to kill the last person. You're not owed a kill and you don't deserve a fourth kill. People need to stop acting like the game owes them anything. I'm not suggesting that you think the game owes you anything and I understand your point of view.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Killers have done that since day 1. If anything, it was more prevalent in the past because killers were automatically at the survivor's mercy at the hatch. Now that the hatch can be closed, it's more likely for a killer to just hook survivor 3, especially if they already know where the hatch is. Either way, slugging the third is not even remotely recent behavior brought on by EGC.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Your giving a long list of excuses and impossibilitys for things that happen literally almost every match

    By your own definition of hostage you are wrong.

    Your wrong about how you think about being held hostage. You just don't like your 12 options while down it doesn't mean you don't have any.

    If you don't want to be slugged escape. Its not that hard. Back in the day doesn't matter now. But if it did you'd still be wrong because surivors doing nothing meant they rotated lockers or hid in a bush for 45 50 minutes while the gate was open and there was nothing the killer could do but quit. Its the entire reason behind egc.

    The entire reason behind EGC was survivor behavior and there own refusal to leave a match reasonably.

    The hatch shouldn't exist. You didn't do anything to deserve the points. You didn't do Gens you didn't help your team survive you are a waste of life if your the only person alive. So I really really don't care if the hatch is difficult (in your mind because its easy for every other human in this game)

    1 v 2 slug...

    So you both let the killer find you and down you and ur complaining you lost. Thats all this is. If you don't wanna be slugged then don't get hit. If your teammate just got downed or is in a chase you should... Idk either save ur teammate using one of 12 differ tools and perks to stun the killer or take free hits or if your terrible at the game you should simply run and hide.

    If you know. And for a fact know a killer is going for the hatch. Stand at a exit gate and wait for him to close it and power the gates for you. Wake up and adrenaline make it 12 seconds. I've done it 1000 times killer can't make it from hatch to far gate in time no matter who he is.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Just on your point that a survivor doesn't deserve to die because his team plays poorly.

    Have you never watched or played any kind of sport in your life? One bad team mate can ruin the game for the rest of them. Should all sports just let the team with the bad player(s) win than? No. The whole idea of being on a TEAM is to work together. Yes it sucks when you have bad team mates, but that doesn't mean you deserve a free win even if you DID play well.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Slugging is not taking the game hostage. Even as a survivor player I can understand the logic in it.

    This game is not balanced around who 'deserves' to win, it is balanced around two teams trying to outwit each other. The killer could find the last survivor first, they win fair and square. The survivor opens the gate and gets out, they win fair and square. The game does not guarantee

    a 'deserved' kill just because you kill the other 3 or because you closed the hatch. Given that the killer is now at an advantage since the survivor only has one way to go, if the survivor outwits you and gets out, they earned it.

    On the subject of hiding the light...not really a fan of the idea. Not all doors are next to each other or easily accessible to low mobility killers. All a survivor would have to do is partially open the gate, hide, rinse, repeat. The killer would have no idea where to go and in the interests of fairness when the endgame truly is 1v1 I don't see this as being right.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah if a team does poorly, since the survivors are meant to work together to get gens done and unhook one another. Well going with the idea their failure to work together well has lead to 3 or all of them dying. Well it does sounds like yes their failure to work as a team, their own actions are what lead to the killer being so successful or the killer noticing the errors the survivors made and using it against them. Sure one player might of done a majority of the work to help the team win but still fail in the end. Sure that might suck for the one player who did alot of the work. Yet just do to playing well, doesn't mean they deserve to live. Doesn't mean they deserve to die. In truth they don't deserve anything. It just luck of the dice. Sometimes thing go your way and other times they don't. In this case, sometimes you escape, sometimes you don't.

    Which in the case of someone dcing on the survivor side. Well that sucks for both killer and survivor. Killer gets less points for chasing and hunting down survivors and possibly miss out on a stack of bbq. Survivors have less chance of winning, due to someone dcing. Less chances to get we're gonna live forever stacks.