You Can Implement ONE thing to Dead by Daylight. What would you choose?

icemancat Member Posts: 150

Let's imagine that you're a developer for a day. With Dead by Daylight constantly growing, many things are being planned for the near future; new characters, new perks, map changes, bug fixes, and more. However, if you could be a developer for a day, which of the following options below would you prioritize to implement in the game? You can only pick one in this poll, but feel free to comment below if you want to do more than just one option.

You Can Implement ONE thing to Dead by Daylight. What would you choose? 66 votes

I would add a new chapter (1 Survivor and 1 Killer with unique perks along with a new map).
BloodyBunnyCANxOFxCORNInfaRedKattAkroz 4 votes
I would add new base content for the game (new general perks, addons, items, and offerings for both sides).
SpacingLlamaskonchokDetailedDetrimentDeath_Syko21Cephalon_LebronPsyhelUndershot 7 votes
I would update/add the FX/Animation for certain aspects (Improve Mori Animations, New Chase Music, etc.).
FoggyDownpourTheRockstarKnightStrancolMCSwaggleTitzSzarmanJohnSharkJoelwino4chinsletathe 9 votes
I would implement balance changes.
SnakeSound222Seiko300RieAhoyWolfBrucecastro81lsanders92Awkward_FiendDejanflutekiller9001 9 votes
I would work on bug fixes.
CheersDeadeyeOicimau[Deleted User]Dio027AzgarthusGothicPrincessGreyBigfoot 8 votes
I would implement map design changes.
Timtom24inferjusGnarly 3 votes
I would implement a complete overhaul to the graphics of the game, improving the look of the game.
TaigaShapedWRussoWsourglobe 4 votes
I would add a new gamemode to freshen up the game.
DocMiriamGWalker_of_the_fog_96LegionnaireWyattEnderloganYTMang_Anwar[Deleted User]noname11223345OwlzeyPaiblinEcho0203XerxoluistjFobbo 14 votes
I would work on anti-cheat for the game to prevent others from ruining the community's experience.
SamRavenhill 1 vote
Other (Please Specify).
NescauLALYTHIAthen4321UistreelDragonMasterDarrenBarkoeli_03 7 votes


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    I would work on bug fixes.

    Although I'd love to make a chapter or even perks and see them go through, there are many bugs which I think need a fix, such as the sounds of survivors when injured.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
    I would work on bug fixes.


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    I would implement balance changes.

    I'd do a mix of balance changes and bug fixes.

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42
    I would add a new gamemode to freshen up the game.

    I chose a new gamemode because I've discussed this with someone else before. Not necessarily to freshen the game up but me and some other guy were discussing an offline gamemode where you could play as killer or survivor and it would be against AI. It would be for practicing when matchmaking won't stop screwing you over when you're trying out as killer for the first time or when you've taken a long break and are rusty. It would have 3 game settings: easy, medium and hard. It would be an entire trial with AI just for practice and you would either not earn any bp at all or only 15% of it. Fake trials, essentially.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    I would implement balance changes.

    I would make offerings less useless. As of now they're mostly used for map offerings and BP, but the BP gains are pitiful, and the chest, luck, and reagants remain unused.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    I would implement balance changes.

    I love midchapters more then chapters, so I would 100% do balance changes

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550
    I would update/add the FX/Animation for certain aspects (Improve Mori Animations, New Chase Music, etc.).
    • Spirit gets a better vault animation
    • the og three killers along with the Huntress get better mori animations (the Huntress does things in the wrong order, she should hit the chest then the head)
    • Plague gets a better hatch closing animation
    • Survivor perks get unique animations (lithe, balanced landing, sprint burst)
    • Survivors have different walk and run animations from each other
    • Survivors have better/more realistic healing and repair animations
    • Myers no longer has fat fingers and his hands clip less with the survivor's face during his mori animation
    • Min's and Nea's skirts no longer clip all the time
    • Better hair physics for all survivors, and add hair physics for Min, Jeff, Nea, Quentin, Steve, Laurie and Jane
    • Quentin + og four face rework (maybe not Meg or Dwight, but I want Jake and Claudette to look more like the characters in the cinematic console trailer)
    • Spirit's schoolgirl hair no longer clips into her face
    • Nea's prestige is bloodier
    • Kate Denson removes the dead rodents clipped to the sides of her head in her Grim Matsuri outfit and grows some real hair
    • Removed the dirty armpit smear from all survivors
    • Improved lighting from fires to add to the atmosphere
    • New chase music for the spirit and different phasing whoosh noise for when you're in a chase with her or just escaped her.
    • Killer mori animations that were in first person now play in third person like the later mori animations.
  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    Other (Please Specify).

    additional objectives that are MANDATORY for the survivors to escape, will spice up the match more then just holding m1

  • InfaRed
    InfaRed Member Posts: 1
    I would add a new chapter (1 Survivor and 1 Killer with unique perks along with a new map).

    Perhaps a new killer that isn't "Ability then hide" over and over. And for survivor, maybe a perk where they get 4 hooks rather than 3, but the extra hook is in struggle stage?

  • Barko
    Barko Member Posts: 37
    Other (Please Specify).

    Separate swf from solo players and give killer a warning and buffs if he is facing team.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    I would work on bug fixes.

    As balance seems to get going somehow, I would go for the bugfixes.

    Going through the list I thought I would stick to new base content, but bugfixes instantly changed my mind like "obviously"

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    Other (Please Specify).

    If I was a dev for the day, I would pull out my wallet and purchase a lot of very fast servers in all major countries.

    I would be a god among the dbd community, they would immortalize me with a giant gold statue of my likeness. They would officially make that day a world wide holiday.

  • Nescau
    Nescau Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2020
    Other (Please Specify).

    I would implement accessibility features for deaf players like Identity V already has, such as visual cues for terror radius and before a skill check appears.

    Post edited by Nescau on
    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    Other (Please Specify).

    I would add an in-game comms system for survivors, so solo survivors can stop taking every change that balances SWF for killers right in their #########.

  • eli_03
    eli_03 Member Posts: 12
    Other (Please Specify).

    I would add new ways to stun the killer maybe other obstacles to be I The way and maybe even something called and unbreakable pallet that is rare but buy using a special offering to add a unbreakable pallet to the map and maybe even a Longer stun if dropped on the killer it could be made of metal or something so the killer can’t break it

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114
    I would add a new chapter (1 Survivor and 1 Killer with unique perks along with a new map).

    Ok so im assuming i could implement any killer since this is a fictional setting so i would add jason and tommy jarvis but if this is a more realistic setting i would probably add a new gamemode which would be an offline singleplayer which would act as a better tutorial to the one we already have and would let us play as any killer or survivor we own

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429
    I would implement map design changes.

    Isn't Map Design and Balance same boat? Or am I a Boomer?

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204
    I would add a new chapter (1 Survivor and 1 Killer with unique perks along with a new map).

    This is actually really good, you see a lot of games with "Color-Blind" features you can enable, why not "Deaf" features you can enable.

  • icemancat
    icemancat Member Posts: 150

    It's technically in the same boat, but what I meant by "balance" is like changing some of the perks in the game to make them on par with others so they are not completely forgotten. This would allow us to not just have 1 optimal build for both sides, but several to make things more interesting.

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429
    I would implement map design changes.

    Gotcha. I appreciate the clarification.