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100 games as red rank survivor

Having more time on my hands under current situation, I decided to write down details regarding trials as a red rank (solo) survivor and share the results with you. Might not be relevant, but it was fun to observe. Here goes:

Most popular killers: Deathslinger (13), followed by Spirit, Billy, Doctor and Trapper (8 trials each)

Most popular survivors: Claudette (42), Meg (37)

Most popular perks:

  • Killer: BBQ (56) and PGTW (39)
  • NOED was used in 29 games, Ruin in 18 games
  • Survivors: Self-Care (203), Iron Will (199) - *** I used IW in all my builds
  • As for the most discussed perks:
  • BT - 156
  • DS - 109
  • Adrenaline - 88
  • DH - 61

Shortest game: 5 minutes

Longest game: 20 minutes

44 games ended with 4K.

3K - 20 games

2K - 11 games

1K - 15 games

4 escape - 10 times

12 killers brought Mori (1 was Cypress, the others Ebony)

8 games where someone brought a key

Now after seeing these results, do I think survivors get destroyed because killers are overpowered? No. I think that is very easy to get to red rank as survivor, while as killer it takes much more. I have no problem admitting that I do not belong in red ranks (I'm still not very good in chases - not against skilled killers anyway - and prefer a stealthier style - no, that doesn't mean I hide the entire game and do nothing - I just focus on gens, totems and saving others) and I think there are many others like me, who don't belong there. But for killer, if you got to red ranks, you worked more and probably deserve it. On paper, sharing the same rank color with your opponent means your skill levels are similar. In reality, they're not.

That'd be all for now. If you're interested in more details (such as other perks, maps, how many times we faced campers etc), check the attached Excel doc. (make sure you also check Sheet 2)

Additional notes:

Staying near a hook while you know/see other survivors are near does NOT mean you're camping. Camping is when you're staying close to the hook despite knowing no one else is near.

Bumping into the recently unhooked survivor shortly after they've been saved does NOT mean you're tunneling. Tunneling is when you deliberately ignore other survivors just to get the recently unhooked one.

So where you see notes stating the killers were camping/tunneling, it means they were doing what I've stated above, not other actions that people would define as "camping/tunneling|".

See you in the fog! :)

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  • Member Posts: 3,966

    ooh i always love data like this :)

  • Member Posts: 917

    Pc or console?

    If pc is very weird, i rarely face deathslinger. Most of my games im against oni and billy

  • Member Posts: 175


    Yeah, I found it weird too, but since he's the newest (and recent) killer, I assume people are still trying him out.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Interesting. Your conclusions are pretty much spot on though. It's the matchmaking and ranking system that is screwing over solo survivors, I think the game is actually pretty balanced even at high ranks, especially once the next patch drops with all the map changes and the small gen nerf.

  • Member Posts: 578

    That's the problem, killers expect to win all the time and/or not lose to lower rank survivors. This is part of the reason why these changes are coming, with the main reason being SWF frustrations. Red rank killers are good, but some are not better than most. I believe (from recent games) that killers are now deranking to take advantage of inexperienced survivors too. I like the game as it is (hitboxes aside), I was a purple rank entering tonight, but have lost all 7 matches so far. That's just the way it goes, no changes are necessary IMO.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    The game is slightly killer sided. The fact that killer refuses to bring mori when they should is the proof of that.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    oh, I'm sorry, I didnt realize I needed proof and you didn't. A killer "refusing to bring a mori" isn't exactly proof of anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Did you keep track of the ranks of the Killers?

  • Member Posts: 879

    The new map hurt huntress a lot and the ruin nerf hurt her too and for nurse they nerf her last fall and it hyrt her a lot. The reason i think you feel like its a race to see if the killer can kill a survivor asap is probably because right now map are too big and they have to many good loop right next to each other plus the gen speed are fast in my experience i have more win when i kill a survivor and 3 gen are still up

  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    How come?Does survivors refuse to use any of their tools so often?

    Do you even play kiler?

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    With how current ranking system works these results aren't that suprising. Survivors climb to high ranks based on how well they farmed their emblems which causes survivors who even die each game to become red ranks as long as they do enough emblem stuff.

    On the other hand, killers who don't kill at least 3 survivors mostly black or depip so they need to kill a lot to reach red ranks. That shows in your stats really well. High kill rate shows that killer in red ranks actually belong there or that survivors do more dumb stuff then, as red rank players, they should be doing.

    I would love to see similar stats once new MMR system takes place (if it's actually measuring skillful gameplay) and how will the results differ. If done well it should cause skillful survivors to be paired with other skillful survivors thus making the kill/escape ratio more balanced.

  • Member Posts: 477

    No matter how many times I see stats like this, seeing self-care as the most used perk always hurts 😪

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Nice thanks for the effort.

    100 games is not a lot of data to proof really something, but if i had to guess, i would have been really close to your final result. 2,8 kills on average on red ranks is what was expected.

    Its probably a bit less for Teams tho, but not by a lot.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Yeah, because running around with Inner Strength searching for a totem is so much more efficient.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Or just use Iron Will and be efficient while injured. Thats how it works.

    (even tho, I prefer people with Inner Strength over Survivors who use Self-Care. The Inner Strength-players either will not heal because they dont have a Totem or will at least do it quite fast, while the Self-Care player will go into a corner and heal for 40 seconds against Sloppy Butcher)

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    I mean, yes to both of your questions. I play survivor far more than killer (mostly due to disability reasons) and I can assure you that survivors do not run their most optimal builds every game. Hell, they don't even try to play optimally period most games. There is a MASSIVE skill discrepency between survivors at the same rank, mainly due to how easy it is to get there. Case in point, I've been consistently in red rank well before I even knew how to run most of the loops in the game. I would just do gens and get saves.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Indeed, it is. I dont use any of those perks, but if i had to pick one, it would be Inner.

    • Cleansing a Totems prevent noed / destoy killer perks
    • You normally do a totem at the start of the game, and not in a critical situation, therefore you have it ready on demand
    • You get healed way faster
    • You are not as exposed as you are with Selfcare
    • Nurses, any aura reading perks and sloppy wont have any effect on you
    • You dont make as much noise as selfcaring

    There are only two plus for Selfcare compared to Inner: You might run out of totems because they were already done and you might not find a totem because you are new to the game.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Yeah, and if IS would be meta and 3-4 survivors consume the totems, it ends up beeing as good as a grey medkit.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Just one thing: counting survivor perks, you should run killer games, and not let your own (semi)static builds let influence the pick rate.

    did you reach 1700 posts by just flaming and spreading rumours? Can you please point me to one single thread where killers expect to win every game?

  • Member Posts: 512
    edited April 2020

    Please send that my way. I don't even try when I see that pack of Newports anymore. I'm so over him being in every game.

  • Member Posts: 477

    No, but doing generators is. Slap on Iron Will and have your health state make literally no difference if you want, or use Inner Strenght for the far easier and quicker heal. The amount of situations where wasting 32/40 seconds to Self Care is worth it is so slim this perk is never worth running. It's the same thing with Urban Evasion, another newbie trap, this perk really only helps you against Huntress and Deathslinger, making it slightly easier to dodge their projectiles, because playing immersed is inferior to playing boldly (Im not talking about being a cocky #########, but just playing well in general, which includes not hiding the second you hear a heartbeat...)

  • Member Posts: 175

    Yes, you can see them in the doc. We had 4 games against rank 9 killers, the rest were against red and purple. Which makes me wonder why I (as green rank killer) most often than not go against red (cocky and toxic) survivors, survivors I rarely got to see in my team. But that's another topic.

    You're funny. I used to play both sides equally, never been a killer main. I'm actually only green rank killer and yes, I find it stressful because I often get more experienced survivors and the worst maps. But when I get similar skilled survivors, I have a fun time.

    What I said was that it takes more effort for killers to get to red ranks. That's a fact based on the emblem system. A decent killer has no problem getting 4K in red ranks because many survivors don't belong there. When faced with 4 actually good survivors, of course killers will have a tough(er) time because it's 1vs4. Makes sense. @Kebek and @Ryuhi explained it well.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited April 2020

    According to these forums the last 4 survivor perks would be at the top of the list. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    False. You cant read other people s mind. Optimal for you may not be optimal for everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    you know you're right. Im sure those people who suicide in their first hook 30 seconds into a match are being optimal as hell.

  • Member Posts: 78

    I just do not agree. Solo red survivor here. And I’ll lose 6 out of 10 games every day. Some days I’ll lose more games than I win, and honestly, it’s not even due to chases, i usually out maneuver them, it’s for what ever reason, the devs felt that a hitbox was absolutely not necessary to be super accurate, I feel DH used towards a window should allow me to successfully complete it, however I lose it all the time, because of the ridiculously silly hitbox. DS is almost ALWAY a wasted perk to bring in, if you have inner strength and you are healed up and the killer pulls you from it it should not count as a hit, yet it does, i realize you’ll be immediately hooked, but there’s a chance with a team they can sabotage the hook, takes 2.5 seconds, if I get away I’m still injured unfair. Their are now taking away too safe vaults, but killers will still keep increased speed in prolonged chases, in which almost always guaranteed to get us. I’ve no idea how any one can think this game is anything but unbalanced , there are no add one, or offering that boosts a survivors perks. I just don’t see it

  • Member Posts: 454

    ######### is this... someone looking at the game from both view points? this feels... wrong

  • Member Posts: 49

    Well,actually yes. All of my friends and myself just don't bring any pink item or add-on and while using purple items we just don't use add-ons, what is the opposite to our killers matches:we always use add-ons and offerings. And most of my solo matches there are just 2 survivors with intens (usally greens and yellow add-ons), I think this happens because they know that if they bring purple or pink items/add-ons they would easily win.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    I'm surprised killers 4K'd most of the games.

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