My only request as a current Killer main.

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Please add in an icon next to players' names in lobby that let Killer knows which one is in SWF mode.

Or even less that just give us an icon to know if there are any SWF at all

So at least we can bring in a better Killer, add on

As a Trapper main, for me those coil add on makes disarm trap slower are the most useless. Many time I use double coil add on just to get rid of them. And vs a hard core SWF with 3 head on.



  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    The first draw is a perfect suggestion.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I never dodge lobby. I just play through.

    I just dont want facing toxic swf with double Trapper Coil add on

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    This would be great for us solo survivors and killer players, but as people say lobby dodging makes it impossible. I love when I play Clown and I get a red rank SWF team, it's game over from start. I can't imagen it's even fun being SWF team going up against weak killers, and it's not fun for me either when I could have chosen Spirit instead if I would have known.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But still, if you dont know its an SWF, you can bring perks like hex:the third seal or knockout that are useless against swf.

    Some solution should be found here.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    yeah, honestly I'd really like them to have an indication after the game has finished in the tally screen. I don't think it would be telling to much as you'll notice when the same people jump in your lobby consistently together.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    You kinda can do that already by opening their profiles and looking if they are in each other friends list.

    I usually can do it in the 1 minute lobby time. It's rare that all 4 will have locked profiles and/or friend lists. In my lobbies it's usually 2 people or 3 people groups with 1-2 solos, full SWFs and full solos are both rare.

    So basically the possibility already exists, all they'd do is make it more comfortable. And I agree that they should.

    Your option 2 is rather useless though because around 9 out of 10 there will be at least 2 people SWF so it's gonna show "swf detected" almost all the time. It should either show how many people are in SWF or only show up if all 4 are SWF. I don't think it needs to show who exactly is in an SWF and who isn't. Just a notification like "SWF: 3" would be perfect.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Just for lobby dodging? Hell no!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @LetsPlayTogether Just for lobby dodging? Hell no!

    @ZerLukas You kinda can do that already by opening their profiles and looking if they are in each other friends list.

    I mainly play for fun, I dont care getting defeated and not care for pip, I only care for BP. I dont want to pay times every match to check profiles to see who's in SWF

    As a Green rank Killer, if all are Solo, its quite normal to get 2K, even all of them are Red rank. With SWF however, pack of Green and Purple can be a pain. Not mention Red.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    @C3Tooth I play for fun too but checking profiles helps to give you expectations if the match wil be difficult for you or not.

    It isn't fun to go brown addon Trapper against a full SWF with 1000+ hours and it isn't fun to go purple addon Spirit against a group of solos with 100-200 hours.

    I'm at green ranks myself by the way and have similar problems and checking profiles sometimes helps to solve them. However in my experience 2x SWF with 2 solos is usually easier than 4x solos as they don't care much about each other and rush gens faster.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Hm, i dont know about that. On the one side, it seems to be fair to know who you are up against, since they could be on voice and this will make your game harder most of the time, on the other side, Survivors dont have ANY information. No idea who the killer is, no idea what addons he is running. The killer knows pretty much everything who he is versing and what the bring to the party.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Last time they showed stats on SWF.. it's something like 75% of games are some form of a SWF.. So just assume it's likely not an all Solo team, and your problem is solved.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited April 2020

    @ZerLukas I had 2 matches continuously SWF red rank. Both I had 2K with weak Trapper add on (of course I tried hard on those 2 matches when I knew they were SWF). The next match I brought better add-on, just to have 1 afk, and 1 of them not even try after knowing 3v1. All 3 matches werent what I wanted.

    So I have an idea. When all players are in lobby. 60sec starts to count down. Will spit up to 3 parts:

    • Early 30sec: Survivors can setup load out. Killer can also setup load out.
    • Late 25sec: Survivors no more can setup load out. While Killer can. This will prevent sudden 3 Flash light at 6sec count down.
    • Last 5sec: As currently, no one can do anything.
    • Game start: Killer will get an icon that there is/are SWFs. At that time. Killer can not dodge anymore. But they will know they will have to put more effort in match. Beside that, Killer have 30 more sec to setup their loadout. Which is fair for me.
  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    That's fair, in exchange, survivors should see the killer and his add-ons.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    I know they won't, but I would even take it after the match.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont get how Killer should know if there is a SWF equal to Survivors should see Killer character & add-on

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    So they can last second switch to their P3-Claudette with clickyclicky and full meta perks, why else? /s

    As long as you can check player profiles and see who is playing together, there is no reason to not implement a "show swf" option. Will it increase dodging? Maybe.

    I remember the time survivors dodged when the rank was shown during the lobby, because they didn't want to play with players under their ranks. So i don't blame killers if they don't want to face a 4 man group. It goes both ways.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Treat every match as swf boom problem fixed

  • Strome21
    Strome21 Member Posts: 16

    This is where you block the swf to never see them again

  • Strome21
    Strome21 Member Posts: 16

    I to am legally required to wear a helmet.

    Also thanks for admitting swfs is so OP that knowing who they are is on the same level as knowing a killers entire load out

  • Banenie
    Banenie Member Posts: 2

    Yeah right, it's not like the queuing takes ages, lets do that to make sure every killer dodges the lobby and we'll wait another half and hour or he'll just bring a mori and the game ends in 5 minutes and then we can wait for years again just to have either a 5 minute game or a camping killer because it was swf. I got tunneled and camper enough as a solo player because my mates were swf. I agree if this will he shown post game because it doesn't affect the gameplay but pre game hell no.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Because survivor queue times aren't bad enough. SMH

    You realize majority of killers will dodge when they see this icon, right? Just makes it easier to be a boosted killer that scums lobbies for 4 solo survivors.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Or just play the killer you want to play.

    I do like the SWF idea post-game (or just not in the lobby) though.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Much as I want to agree with you, everyone has beat me to the punchline. This would heavily increase lobby dodging. Now the wait time for a solo queue survivor has just vastly increased all because a Killer didn't want to take on the challenge.I hate playing against toxic SWF's as much as the next Killer but this will make it miserable for everyone.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Exactly it's getting ridiculous at this point. Imagine if all the survivors could see which killer they're going up against in the lobby

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    I don't know where you took those conclusions from but i assume you're a special person, so i'll explain myself. killer dodges SWF = I dodge Freddy/Clown/Spirit. Do i think those killers are overpowered? no. I just hate them. Do i need to draw it to you now?

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    there is no blacklist whatsoever, blocking them doesn't do anything

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Just add an increasing cooldown on every Lobby Dodge done in quick succession. I'd honestly just want 50% - 100% more bloodpoints if matched with a SWF. At least it's worth my time then, I'd gladly get tea bagged at the gate if the Devs paid me in bloodpoints to do it.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    As much as I agree, it won't happen, solely because of lobby dodging. Lobby dodging would be unfair to solo queue survs or other SFWs like the few I've been in where I was the only decent survivor, and I was so busy dealing with my friends that we lost anyway. (God they suck at the game.) However lobby dodging is perfectly fair to the toxic little-! Oh yeah, I'm in public, can't say that.


  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    How dare those killers want *looks at paper* a fair game

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    A fair game? 😂🤣 That's rich coming from a killer.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited April 2020

    Whats about you only get to know there is some form of SWF right before the trial start, at that time you can not quit match because penalty.

    Giving Killer 30 more sec to setup loadout while Survivor can not change their loadout is also fair to me.

    I dont mind losing a Perk for Lightborne if there are 2 Flashlight, or FranklinDemise if there are 3 toolbox. I mind of I always have to lose a Perk on Lightborne just in case 3 Flashlight suddenly happen at 6sec count down. As some said "treat every match like SWF"

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Yeah damn the game is actually more fair for killers yeah damn we should totally chill. Gens still wont feel that much slower and considering how broken a swf group is havign some sort of indication would save killers some headache. And people like you need to understand that without killers who actually want to play killer, there is no game. Fewer killers means longer quite times and even more sweaty campers/tunnelers. Its taken them literal years to remove the god loops from these maps and improve them so they arent totally survivor sided like most of the maps in the game.

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    this i want this because i want to know for a fact if i just faced a survive with freinds and won or managed to get half of them i can guess sometimes and depending how they talk in chat ill know but sometimes i just want to know for sure

  • Thiccness123
    Thiccness123 Member Posts: 16

    But this would only serve to triple lobby dodging, mori use etc. I play both sides at red ranks and both are as bad as eachother. To an extent it would be nice to know pre hand it was swf but you would also wanna know what killer it was pre hand. It goes both ways so this would only serve a negetive impact if added

  • imjustapolesir
    imjustapolesir Member Posts: 2

    Okay this is ridiculous. I had to make an account real quick because I'm tired of Google recommending me these crybaby killer threads and not being able to comment.

    Dead by Daylight is literally an online game. Just like Call of Duty. Just like F13. You killers are always crying about SWF and it doesn't make sense to me. It is four survivors vs one killer. The survivors are playing on a team. Their teamwork is critical to their objectives. Why wouldn't they be able to talk to each other? They're on a team. It's not a solo game on the survivor side because one bad survivor can ruin the entire game for the other survivors.

    I'm so tired of people saying SWF is unfair and toxic. You choose to play as killer. Playing as killer means you are playing solo. You play as killer for a reason. Most people play as survivor because they like playing with their friends because, I don't know, maybe because this is an online game meant to be played with friends.

    Maps just got buffed on killer side. Loops were nerfed. The main survivor perks were nerfed. Instaheals are are nonexistent. Toolboxes are completely obsolete. Gen repair was just nerfed.

    And YET, killers still find something to complain about. We get it, Hex Ruin got nerfed. Survivors never asked it to be nerfed. Most red ranks could care less about it and knew how to hit skill checks. That was a dev decision. Get over it. Stop complaining. You don't enjoy being a sweaty killer? Play as survivor. Simple. A SWF group is not going to determine if you're good as Trapper. You either are or you're not.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited April 2020


    That was a dev decision. Get over it. Stop complaining. You don't enjoy being a sweaty killer? Play as survivor. Simple. A SWF group is not going to determine if you're good as Trapper. You either are or you're not.

    Its Devs decision, its also Devs decision that let players suggest our need, either they accept or not. I know u're not able to read. But I will put this again

    I never dodge lobby. I just play through.

    I just dont want facing toxic swf with double Trapper Coil add on

    I dont like having Two Disarm traps slower Add-on vs 4x Red rank SWF. As much as I dont like having Very Rare Add-on vs 4 Solo. I dont care of defeat or pip. I used to let every escape until I faced too much toxic SWF.

    Some Killers are try hard, for me. A normal game is what I want, either win or lose. These kind of games are what I dont want

    I already see toxic in the lobby, but I still play through it. And u tell me Im crying?

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    So a squadette with bright outfit's means they are toxic? Lmao

  • imjustapolesir
    imjustapolesir Member Posts: 2

    So basically, because you're not having fun on the game you're choosing to play, you want others to be miserable too but trying to get rid of swf? I've played solo survivor. It is the most aggravating thing. Others don't save you in time or they urban evasion around the map the while time or self care for two minutes instead of doing gens. I usually play with one friend. Otherwise I wouldn't play the game at all. Not worth playing with potatoes. Killers don't understand this because they always play solo and only have to rely on themselves. Playing survivor is not like that. You're dependent on your teammates. If they suck, you lose.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2020

    They did toxic son, I didnt put that squad image for nothing.

    They checked my profile as seeing Im Asian

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    LOL. Why do you think survivors put on certain items last minute? Because 9/10 killers will lobby dodge. Killers already have more than enough information while survivors get nothing. Killers are able to see usernames, items and characters. Killers dodge over any of these constantly. Killers can bring a mori for a key but survivors can’t bring a key for a mori. You guys already have it good, don’t beg for more just because you’re bad. If anything you guys should see less.