Blood points, how do we get the most?

swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I’m very disappointed in the huge range of blood points it seems possible to get. When I play doctor and use 3 slots for bp perks I can get about 100k per game but when I play survivor even if I do 2-3 gens, save people from hooks a couple times, escape the killer multiple times, and get out alive I get like 25k. This really isn’t cool. I think this is a huge aspect of the game and it doesn’t seem possible to earn bp very well as survivor. If I’m wrong could someone tell me how to earn more bp as a survivor? I like to play both but it’s pretty excruciatingly slow if I play survivor which kind of cuts down on my fun in the game. I want bp so I can unlock more survivor perks and try more combinations. Experimenting is most of the fun for me and if I’m stuck with only playing a couple killers because they give me the most bp out of every other option it’s not as fun.


  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    As killer run BBQ. As survivor run were gonna live forever.

    BBQ gives you a stack when you hook a survivor for the first time. Max of 4 stacks. Each stack gives 25% more bp at the end of a match.

    WGLF does the same thing except safe hook rescues. Save 4 people safely, best paired with BT, to get 4 stacks.

    Killer or survivor. You run these perks and get 4 stacks your BP at the end screen are doubled. Unlike most items, they only increase how fast you gain BP in a category but the catch is you can only gain 8k BP in each category. BBQ, WGLF, escape cakes, survivor pudding and bloody party streamers multiple your total BP at the end of a match.

    But yeah, some killers have an easier time gaining bp over others. Doc and Legion will gain you a lot of blood points and help you pip but they won't help you win the match at high ranks because they aren't meta killers.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    Oh sweet I didn’t know WGLF multiplied like BBQ. Thanks!

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Killers get a lot more blood points. They've tried to balance it over time. But it really hasn't ever worked. I guess the way you could defend this is that survivors can do sometimes 2 games in the time a killer is in a game if they're the first one dead. But if you really wanna farm BP's put on BBQ chili and go to town playing killer.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Bloody party streamers, escape cakes and survivor pudding stacks. So If you run WGLF and someone brings a BPS. If you get 4 stacks that's +100% and the BPS is another +100%. Making it +200% blood points.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    If you want to go for BPs, play Killer. You get more BPs and BBQ is easier to get Stacks on than WGLF.

    I think Freddy is the Killer who gets a lot of BPs, 32k BP games are quite frequent, with BBQ those are already 64k BPs.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    For bp runs I normally use doctor to speed up finding people. I just had a 100k bp game. Hooked all 4 people 3 times with bbq, distressing, beast of prey, and whispers. They were all rank 2-4.

    If I start running into full teams of good loopers which will definitely happen at some point and kill my docs bp gain who would you recommend to play as?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    One tip for We're Gonna Live Forever is Protection Hits also add stacks along with Safe Unhooks. An easy way to get Protection Hits is take a hit from the Killer while they're carrying a survivor. Pair it with Breakout and it can potentially aid in your teammate's escape.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    As you asked how to gain more blood points as a survivor, i will focus on that

    Aside from the obvious Escape cakes/ bloody streamers/envelopes, most anyone can get is 32k bp (64k with We're Going to Live Forever).

    As a survivor, so long as you are competent in a chase, you will easily max out boldness after a chases, and if you feel your not the best in a chase, totems and pallet stuns add lots of points to it

    Altruism is harder, but safe unhooks really add to it, as well as We'll Make It, as the quick heal under hook generates thousands of bp.

    Objective is really easy to max so long as you work with others, and hit skill checks. Doing 1 gen alone, start to finish, gives only 1,250bp, but doing one with a fellow survivor increases that dramatically. If you really want to max it, run Prove Thyself, as that speeds up the gens, as well as give 50% faster bp gain when you work with over survivors.

    Hardest category to max is survival, since very little actually gives these points. Best way of getting them is either healing yourself, or escaping which gives 5,000bp, even more if you're the obsession, so any perks that makes you live long enough to leave helps, Decisive Strike doubly so as hitting it means you're guarenteed as the obsession, and thats 1k minimum even if you die.

    A good build if bp is all you want to get is Prove Thyself, Inner Strength, Decisive Strike and WGLF. PT gives 50% in objective, DS lets you live longer, and Inner Strength makes it so Totems also provide healing, and further points. Try to prioritize safe unhooks, and heal the survivors under the hook where possible.

    Bring either a map of a flashlight, as maps gives you bp whenever you mark things, like gens and totems, and a flashlight really adds to the boldness, as after a pallet stun/kick you can get some free points by blinding them.

    One thing to note thought, bp gain for survivors is alot harder than killer, as each category requires focus to gain points, if you're healing someone you aren't getting objectives points from gens, or boldness from being in a chase. Killer on the other hand has alot of overlap in their categories, as well as an easier to fulfill bloodpoint perk (BBQ vs WGLF), so don't get put off if you dont get as much as survivor.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    Yeah just play killer. Its the easier win and the easier BP gain. :) Has been since i played back in 2017

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    Thank you for so many tips! I really enjoy the more technical stuff of survivors and not knowing half of what I’ve been doing has been a huge learning curve. It definitely helps me enjoy the game more as a whole though. I just really started feeling stuck not earning much bp every game especially with the long Q times.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    Who would you recommend for killer bp farming at higher levels? I started trying to get better at nurse, and my huntress is at 50 and I’m decent with her. Most of my other killers are either not leveled at all or around 30-40 for teachables.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I've heard that Legion is pretty good at farming BP's. I would imagine because his power brings up his deviousness points? Where as some killers it's hard to get devious points all of the time. I personally used to play Billy the most and have a ton of killers P3 with only 1100 hours in the game. And I've always found him to be really good at farming points. I feel like he's always in a chase and the map pressure leads to a ton of points.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Prove Thy Self helps to max out objective points fast so you can focus on the other categories if BP is you goal. As was already mentioned WGLF will double whatever you get. Totems are also fast and easy points. Unless you escape survival is always a weak category unfortunately. Healing yourself is about the only thing for survival points.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2020


    This is my 2 go build as a survivor to max out on bloodpoints:

    • Prove Thyself for max bloodpoints on Objective
    • Decisive Strike for Survival (Beeing the Obsession and escape gives you extra 1500 bloodpoints on top of the 5000)
    • Deliverance for Survival (1500 for unhooking yourself)
    • We're gonna live forever for double bloodpoints post trial

    Boldness is really not that hard to max out. Just be a decent runner and it should not be a big problem. If you struggle, do totems, they give you 1000 for a dull and 1500 for an active one.

    Alturism is normally also not that hard. Best points you get is in the endgame. Safe unhooks + a full heal on him during EGC gives 2750 alone.

    The only tricky part is Survival, but with that build you should be able to fully max out very often compared to any other build.

    Kind regards

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    stop exagerating stuff,jesus,killers dont get that much more than a survivor,you sure like to exagerate things to stupid proportions

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    As Doctor when I run BBQ I get at minimum 64k easily. Do that with either survivor puddings or bps and that immediately is another 32k. Combine that with bloodrush and its another 16k. Survivors don't have that so I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Especially since its 112k bloodpoints in a perfect game.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    I’m not exaggerating. Without using any sacrificial bp boosters like survivor pudding or streamers, using only perks I got 102k bp from one match using the doctor. I said correct me if I’m wrong and your not giving me any data unlike the rest of the really great people so far on this thread who are explaining how both sides earn bp. I also already expressed I didn’t know perks like WGLF would double my bp so the gap difference is not as much as what I had seen before, however there is still a gap and it still takes more technical prowess for survivors to earn bp than killers if I’m understanding the responses I have read above. Please contribute additional data or pointers/advice to help me learn more or don’t comment at all. This has been a really great thread so far and your comment is not helping.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    For farming purposes I would probably suggest Doctor or Legion. For farming! Doctor has a very easy time finding people and building devious from his shocks. Legion is also in the same boat however these 2 killers struggle at high ranks for kills. You can succeed with any killer but when it comes to getting kills some have an easier time than others.

    Nurse is still considered top tier because her blinks ignore pallet loops but she is very hard to master and very punishing when you mess up. Personally since her nerf I just don;t have fun playing as her anymore.

    Billy is widely considered to be 2nd best because he has map pressure, a one shot down and is not as difficult to learn.

    Huntress is up there because she has a ranged attack.

    Spirit is also top tier because of her map pressure and mind game potential.

    These are killers for killing the survivors. BP your probably best off using Doc or Legion. IMO play whoever you want. I know he's not meta but I main trapper cause I have fun out smarting people with trap placement. 2nd is ghost face because I love jump scares.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2020

    Lol I’m a pretty decimating doc so far. I haven’t taken a full team of rank 1’s yet but I’ve absolutely destroyed ranks 3 and up.

    I really enjoy the idea of both using nurse and survivor because of the difficulty but nurse is definitely ridiculously hard. I tried the other day and barely got 3 hooks. Only killed 1 person.

    I have tons of fun with Spirit, Demo, Huntress, Plague.

    I can’t get the hang of legion. I played as him and I can find and chase and hit people pretty well but I end up never being able to really get good 3-4k games.