Why do you get mad?

As the title says: y u mad bro?

I've been playing this game a lot. 1300 hours and still going up (God help me). I've seen quite a lot of frustrating things that really get to me. Getting Face camped for no reason, hit through windows, bad team mates, the works. My question is what makes everyone mad in this game and what do you do about it? Whether you're killer or survivor. Do you lash out in end game? Take a break for a while to cool off? Laugh it off and move on? I just had a game as Deathslinger and was getting dumpstered. I'll admit I got my tunnel on a little bit. More so when you get unhooked in front of me, I loose you and you're still running into me. Got blasted for it in the end game chat relentlessly. Instead of getting mad I just laughed, in-game reported and screenshotted the chat for a ticket. He was rather vulgar, even to my mother :(.

Bottom line I guess is I'm trying to figure out what would cause someone to blast another for playing their role in the game, however it was done. Feel free to share some of the reasons you lashed out or were lashed out at. I'm curious to read why :P


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Depends on the rest of my day.

    Usually if I ######### up I laugh about it, unless I've had a bad day.

    I also commonly scream "oh #########!" As soon as a Myers, Ghostface or Spirit pops up (which my room mates hate) but yet again if I've had a shot day I just get frustrated.

    Basically ######### day means I act #########.

  • Sqrunk
    Sqrunk Member Posts: 14

    Well I'm usually on the receiving end of the toxic messages due to camping at the end-game cuz like... what else do you want me to do. However the reason as to why I play the killer is because there is way more things that can annoy you on the survivor side that can be done intentionally by the players. When getting looped as a killer it's easy to blame it on the game's design or just player being better at the game. Survivors on the other side, rely on their team which can lead to frustration at certain moments. For example when you don't get healed after being unhooked or others letting you reach the struggle phase on a hook.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    Everything makes everyone mad. What they do is come to these forums and cause endless arguments, mostly over non-issues, due to large amounts of butthurt.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2020

    Yeah, I feel you there. I still play more survivor than killer though. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment, lol.

    Really though, I find it more exciting trying to escape killers, even though I'm not too good at it - actually probably because of that fact. I'm not one for learning all the pro tricks and ins and outs of the game, just to become one of the toxic vets. As I said elsewhere... no fear no fun, so knowing I can loop a killer endlessly if I go to a certain place will take all the fun out of it for me. I have to feel like the odds are against me to feel real satisfaction at getting away as a survivor. It's the close games (with anything competitive, not just DBD) that stand out as great memories, not games where it was a complete cakewalk.

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    I agree with basically everything you've said. Can you be on my team please? lol. I've had plenty of teams where I've gotten several hooks before 2 gens are done and there's many time's I could slug and go for the last guy. More often then not I don't slug and let the third guy get the unhook while I'm hooking player #2. 1. It gives them a chance to recover and get more points and 2. If I don't end the game right then and there I'll also get more points. Doing that is a win win for both sides.

    Knowing that tho there have been times where I've had crappy games where I only get at most 1 kill. If I'm having a bad day then I'll pop in and Ebony and wreck the team. While I know this is unfair for them (#removemoris) I find it gives me a boost to continue playing because I've won.

    Now don't get me wrong.... I get salty at times. Very salty. However I find that if you look back at what happened the reason you lost was because you couldn't loop well enough, ran into the killer, stepped in an obvious trap etc. I realize that I died due to my own mistakes. Once that thought clicks I get over it and try to become better at the game.

    Salt can be a good thing when you keep it to yourself. You either strive to become better or you find another game to enjoy. When you intentionally bring others down because you don't like how they play and you have nothing constructive to say that's when I find there is a problem and give them the old "git gud".

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    Which I want to make apparent is not what I'm doing. Just so no miscommunication here. I've seen many a post where someone comes bellyaching to the forums looking for people to agree with them only to have it backfire or start a 4 page wide argument.

    I am curious as to why they seek so hard to be right. Whether it's a bad loop they don't like or a strong killer they're complaining about.

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    What about them? Lag, rubberbanding, impossible window hits? If memory serves I think the devs said something about trying to fix the issue with latency on dedicated servers.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Have faith, especially with the upcoming update.

    Might not be a survivor sided one, but a lot of maps are being changed, and so is the entire game for that matter.

    One of these things being vaulting.

    Rubbering back to the window will not happen anymore and the famous vaulting perk build can be put to use more now.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2020

    As a killer:

    • When i play bad (for example miss a blink as the nurse or loose a player during chase)
    • I play very fair and actually friendly, never tunnel, never camp not even at the endgame. But when then one of these shits is tbaging at the exit gate... oh man, this is something that pisses me off

    As a survivor

    • Window hits... oh god they tilt me. Dedicated servers are my cryptonite
    • When playing bad in general
    • When others play really bad
  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    I find running Spine Chill has me hit less through windows. Try throwing that into your kit.

    Survivors Teabagging... Best hope my aim with deathslinger is off and you're not injured lol

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
    edited April 2020

    *"is only game, why you heff to be mad" clip goes here*

    What makes me angry is when people seemingly only play to be asshats to each other. I don't mind having healthy fun at your opponent's expense, but stuff like gg ezs frustrates me, then just gets me morose afterwards.

    I particularly fail to understand why "baby killer" and similar things are hurled insults. I mean, I understand saying other people are unskilled is common in PvP games, but when you're complaining when you win that you got a garbage opponent, and then complain when you lose that they were "playing scummy", maybe you're the problem?

    Eh, it just gets on my nerves that I can't understand why some people are like that. On some level I get feeling better than others gets you kicks but I seriously don't get how some people can be really, really vile and not at all pick up on the fact that they're being a douchebag. (though, I should note: I don't bring that stuff into postgame chat, generally. Normally I leave it to a snarky remark about the match THEN go if something like that happens. They not only probably don't care they're asshats, but any normal people in the match don't deserve to be exposed to a nasty back + forth in postchat, just leave them alone)

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    You and me both. I guess it's in a good portion of Gamers nature to hurl insults and what not over the smallest of things. It reminds me of playing hide and seek as a kid and fighting over whether you caught someone or not lol.

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    I mean people are toxic and tend to blame others or find excuses when they played poorly from my experience or even if they were being toxic and died because of them being toxic trolls they tend to lash out if they die

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Bald Dwight.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't lash out at people.

    Sometimes I'll argue, but never lash out at another player.

  • Musicalhex
    Musicalhex Member Posts: 55

    Most things that I get mad about are problems with the game. An example is if I get the grab animation but I just get frozen in place for a moment then nothing happens or when I get feign chainsaws on billy. I usually just joke it off like "damn got outplayed, should've just played better" & "they just had a better gaming chair"

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Because my cat begs me to feed him then scarfs his food like a little piggy, only to puke it up 5 minutes later and then have the AUDACITY to ask for more food.

    No bro. I fed you. Eat like a normal person please.

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    That actually just happened to me lol. I was asked to stop living :P.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    SirCipher, I agree. I feel the same way you do and feel for the killer if they're getting wrecked. I get mad sometimes, but I usually just move on to the next game and don't get toxic in the chat or anything. Stuff happens.

    I did get mad last week though. In the pre-game chat someone asked to stack party streamers. So I loaded mine up and then right before the game started, they wrote, "Sike." They didn't really have party steamers and were just trying to trick me into using mine. I felt like they were swf and we're taking advantage of me. The truth is, that I would have loaded my party streamers anyway, if they'd only asked, but they had to do it in a hateful manner. Now, that made me angry.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I pretty much run spine chill most of my games since i am convinced it is one if not the best perk for survivors (maybe even in general), and sometimes even Resillience as an adition to run the Fast Vault build. I am very advanced in looping, maximising loops as much as possible and for that i have to have my timing always on point... in which i normally succeed. But then dedicated servers comes around the corner and says NO! Should make a compilation of dedicated server hits, i would be able to make a 5 minutes video of dedicated server hits every week..

    I must always laugh when people come around and say that it works perfectly fine since from the killers perspective, it was a legit hit. How is that fair? I can not calculate this what the killer might see and what not, when you try to milk a loop as much as possible, it becomes a guessing game sometimes.

    haha yea and the tbaging... i mean i can understand it if i would play scummy.. then i would deserve that, but not when i play nice as usually.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    The only time I get mad is when people stall the game. I recently had survivors stall the game for 20 minutes by just hiding in Hawkins while I was doing an adept trophy. Or when the killer just refuses to hook me when I'm the last survivor because I looped them too long at the beginning or something and they just sit there and play with my corpse until the last second. That's just a waste of my time and it's infuriating now that I get D/C penalties.

    Everything else I'm pretty numb to at this point. Except Freddy as he needs a major nerf.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    People with gen phobia.

    I don't care about camping or tunneling (fck survivors babies made up rules)

    I don't mind noed, couldn't care less about your killer and your add ons, i don't care if you all escape, i don't care about your keys.

    But for the love on anubis! Go. Do. A. Gen! (unless you're doing bones or saving someone)

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited April 2020

    I get frustrated when I get Survivors that don't do gens or when Dedicated Servers screw around, but that's just part of the game.

    I only really get mad if people trash talk me with certain insults; most I don't care about or can laugh off, it's just a few that boil my blood. I don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they upset me though.

    But yeah, the game itself I'm mostly fine with. If someone gets mad at a game you should just stop playing.

    Games should be fun.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    First of all, I’m very happy a ticket has been written for a vulgar person. Lets’ hope they are banned. Any mouthing off in post-game chat must be dealt with severally. Rubbing it in is one thing, but... no words.

    I think it’s normal to get angry. Whether we admit it or not, we’re emotionally invested in the game. If we feel that anger rise up be it from killers playing in ways you don’t like, or obnoxious taunting from SWF, we must remember that mantra: “it’s only as game”.

    It’s. Only. A. Game. I hope we all remember that.

  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    I stopped playing because I was getting so frustrated. This game makes me feel so powerless. My skill as a player doesn't seem to matter due to the bs perks and innumerable bugs in this game.

    I held on for a long time hoping the devs would fix things, but after mishandling dedicated servers and the ruin nerf I called it quits.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited April 2020

    Never been mad at other Survivors, but i've gotten the usual: I was "camping", "tunneling", killed all 4, etc.

    I've had generally irritated Killers, but i can't quite recall a Killer who mad at me specifically.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I get very mad when I miss a hit because of autoaim, sometimes I smash my desk or say loudly a little "DAFUQ MAN or SURE".

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I try to differentiate a lot between "mad" and maybe "annoyed." I rarely find myself getting actually mad at games anymore. Usually when I used to it would be mostly because of people, but I've gotten desensitized to people over time so, I find it hard to even muster the energy to be mad at anybody over a game.

    Pretty much the only time I ever get annoyed is when I feel like I pretty much queue'd up for no reason. Like when I spawn into a game, and 4 seconds into the game I'm already running into Hillbilly or something and getting backrevved because I didn't expect to spawn 4 seconds away from a Hillbilly. Or, obviously, in those situations where people are just literally ruining somebody's match intentionally, which is also obviously a huge waste of time. That's the only thing that really gets any reaction out of me. Most of the time it's just "jesus, whatever. Just another idiot..."

    I don't feel like people should be getting mad as much at games, especially a game like DbD. I can understand certain frustrations, especially coming from the people themselves and not the game (like people just being outright toxic in chat and stuff) but when I think about it honestly, and I encourage others to think about it too, I find it hard to find a reason to give that amount of energy to some random moron on the internet. It's just not worth ruining my day over.

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    Dead By Daylight: Fails of the Week. Rake in that YouTube money lol.

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    I don't blame you. I've uninstalled a few times. I got so mad at a streamer one time. Camping first hook with Iri Hatchets. Was playing with a friend whose rank was much lower than mine so they weren't the best. Him and his entire stream were just bad mouthing us the entire time. The whole morons, boosted, potato nonsense. I reported him for harassment hoping at the very least he'd get a warning and try to be a bit nicer but I doubt it. He still streams DBD with the same comments and rude chat.

  • SirCipher
    SirCipher Member Posts: 29

    I just had two super mad survivors. Playing Doctor at rank 4 and a Dwight ran up to me while carrying a survivor to a hook trying to blind me. Smacked him twice and hooked both of them. In the end game chat as per usual I just say "ggwp all" (Unless I'm tilted then I just leave) and he proceeded to ask me to commit suicide while his Blendette friend in an all caps rage "F*CK YOU".

    Now here's the thing.... That angry Claudette I left alone in the basement because she had just gotten unhooked. Injured in the corner I didn't see who unhooked her so I left her there to run or heal to find the unhooker. Hooked a Meg and she came for the instant unhook so I slapped her down and killed her. I gave her a chance to recover and she wasted it and payed for it. Still got blasted. Sometimes I can't help but laugh.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Playing bad, I mostly just either wanna gen rush and get out, or let them escape in this situation

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    swf's bullying every killer on Earth. I don't let them but it's really hard to ignore them all the time. Swf and toxic survivor mains are the reason killers feel so weak all the time and feeling they should get all the buffs and nerfs they want. I'm still baffled by how devs haven't done a single thing about toxicity. They essentially said deal with it on one of their livestreams look it up. They said "it's a multiplayer game t's gonna happen". That's like saying bullying is going to happen (which it will) but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try and stop it. devs are the reason this game is in such a crappy state. I'm gonna sit back for now and see how things go but they need to up their game before the entire game bites the dust for good

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I got mad at what happened today. I had a key and the 3 of us was around the hatch, and for whatever reason, I couldn't open it (key glitch)! The other 2 teammates died and I escaped, I was not happy. The other was yet another hotbox issue where I was in Haddonfield and I leapt through a window to get away from Freddy, I was at the edge of the ledge to drop to the ground while Freddy was still standing at the window, he recorded a hit lol. Pissed me off!

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I only full-on rage at lag.

    Otherwise I'll just be like "nice cheese" if people play scummy.