Doctor is op
Every time I'm playing with the docor I'm always dying. He can shock throught walls and just find us everywhere and its impossible to do a gen or anything. As soon I'm seing the doctor I feel like giving up already. I'm getting so tierd of it. I'm not high ranked either. So there is not the problem that the killer is to good. I feel the doctor needs to be nerfed because he is to op.
"I'm not high ranked either." There's your problem.
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To elaborate on the above, killers actually tend to have higher killrates at lower ranks, because the way the game is designed, killer is easier to play than survivors when neither party knows what they're doing. So it's to be expected that low ranked players will have trouble surviving, especially against a killer like Doctor, who has a low skill threshold and abilities that directly counter the biggest tool in a new survivor's aresenal (stealth). In other words, Doctor feels strong to you because his weaknesses are not the sort of thing that new players typically know how to take advantage of. The solution isn't to call for nerfs, but to identify his weaknesses and learn how to properly exploit them.
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What's up with all the low quality bait posts these days?
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See some Guides how to counter the doctor, he's not that bad, but definitely not OP