Can killers please get something to counter camping?



  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah last i look, a survivor could stay around near the hook area, to avoid the effects of bbq. With the killer having no idea if they are in a locker or nearby. That and once the killer leaves, will be able to unhook their buddy in safely and than go run off some place to heal in safely or depending on their perks, heal right under the hook. That and a few minor boldness points. For being near the killer. Yeah i would say there are some benefits to staying around near the hook person, for a bit at least. Long as they can remain hidden from the killer.

    Yeah some people just seem to want killers to not do anything. Like you go after the hook person you are camping/tunneling, go after the person who save them, you are tunneling. Like is the killer not meant to perform their goals of killing the survivors, by sitting in a corner while a survivor is on hook, so someone can free them with zero risk? Sounds like it would be boring for both killer and survivor if that happen and kind of defeat the point of burrow time, if Risky saves don't exist.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This is in response to your second statement. I don't know any survivors who would classify you hitting the off-hooker as a "tunnel". Anyone willing to say that simply doesn't know what a tunnel is (apparently someone in this forum? LOL).

    Survivors don't expect a killer to go to a far corner and hang out with their thumb up their ass. The expectation is the killer should go do the things he was designed to do...hunt down another survivor, destruct gens and slow the progression of the game, chase other survivors and destruct palettes. All the things that allow both killers and survivors to maximize their game to the advantage of their in-game currency and rank. This is not an unreasonable expectation. BT exists because camping exists. If this was a chicken and egg scenario, camping would be the chicken and BT would be the egg. Same with DS. It is not as though people are exceptionally excited to eat up perk slots to counter play styles, it is just an unfortunate necessity.

    Also, you think having a safe match is boring....try getting face camped match after match as either the hooked person or the survivors in a gen simulator. It's a ######### snoozefest.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    I was quoting evilJoshy, who was quoting MigrandTheGreat, who made a post on the first page. About how make your choice, a killer perk that puts the expose effect on the person who makes a save, who unhooks another survivor is tunneling. Not the person who was hooked but the one who made the save. Promotes tunneling.

    No i did not say safe matches, i said risky save as in unhooking a person when the killer is nearby. The thing burrow time was made for. Which if since a case didn't exist, there would be no point for burrow time, as i said in my post. Why do you seem to think i am in support of facecamping everytime you seem to reply to me? Congrats good sir, i have been the first person caught and campface by a bubba. Would you mind telling me who in this thread supports face camping? Since i have not seen it or overlooked it.

    Which here is the thing, the thing about camping relays on context. Face camping bubba, is different from the killer taking a bit longer than normal to leave the hook. For sometimes a hook spawns right next to a gen. Meaning the killer will stay in the area a bit longer, to kick that gen, destroy that pallet which might be nearby. That or sometimes you get survivors who will swarm the hook, leave marks all over the place, making it clear as day they are in the area. Giving no reason for the killer to leave the area, when they are all coming to him. Like what happens in this game, where the killer player gets called a camper. When the survivors keep trying for a basement save, without waiting for the killer to leave first or trying to lure him away from the area. Which is why this heavily depends on context. Since not all games results in a face camping bubba. Sometimes the survivors just act stupid.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    You bring up a very good point, that everyone who says camping is bad forgets to say. What is their meaning of camping? What counts as camping. Since if it was face camping, that tends to be say bubba standing in front of the hook nodding his head watching the survivor die. While i seen others say camping is a killer going back and forth between gens, to keep survivors off them.

    Which as someone else pointed out in this thread. 5 seconds would not be enough time for a majority of killers to get out of hook range. Which also standing near the hook fails to take into context survivors swarming the hook to save the friend. Leaving marks and other clues like running right in front of the killer. Since well the Killer goal is to kill survivors and if they are all swarming the hook, they are all in one place. Making it not very logical for him to leave the area. When the survivors have done what is equal to shouting, "look at me look at me look at me" at the killer.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah someone said that on these forums. You could see it by looking at Who EvilJoshy was quoting. Did you not look at who i was quoting or the original reply? If you look at EvilJoshy, he was quoting MigrandTheGreat, a post they made on the first page. Where MirgrandTheGreat talks about tunneling. By bringing up the perk make your choice, which puts the expose effect on the survivor who made the hook save for a period of time. Making it sound like they were implying it's tunneling to go after the person who unhook another survivor. Not the survivor who was unhooked but the person who made the save. If they were not implying that, than i'm sorry to MirgrandTheGreat for misunderstanding them.

    Ok i can tell you didn't read my post. I did not say safe match. I said risky saves, as in saving someone off a hook while the killer is nearby. You know the thing burrow time was made for. Which is why i stated, burrow time would be pointless if there were no risky saves. Why is it everytime you reply to me, you seem to think somehow i am in support of facecamping? Which congrats good sir, i have been there as the hook person who got caught first and face camp by a bubba. Can you name me a single person in this thread who is in support of face camping? Since i can't seen to find one or have somehow overlook it.

    Which with the placement of hooks in this game, sometimes a hook is right next to a gen, meaning a killer could possibly stay in an area for longer than normal. To kick that gen near the hook, to break that pallet that might be nearby, before going off to find other survivors. Since alot of this depends heavily on a thing called context. Since if all the survivors swarm the hook and make it clear as day they are nearby to the killer. You give the killer all the reason to stay around nearby in the area, which is what happen in this game i am going to link to. Which is why this whole debate heavily relays on context. Since a face camping bubba is massively different from a whole team of survivors swarming the hook and giving the killer all the reason in the world to stay in a certain area, since his objective. The survivors he needs to kill, are remaining around in one area. Which in that case it would be the survivors fault for acting dumb.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    This forum is a killer echo room predominantly, you'll hear a lot about how killers are oppressed and not much else.

    Occasionally, you'll get some solid survivors with good information pointing to relevant stats. But you can expect a bunch of killer replies stating that, when summarised equate to 'Stats aren't facts but here's my anecdotal subjective point I think is more relevant'.

    My advice is wait for those posts and get behind them because, if anything, its funny watching other people squirm when good information breaks their reality.

  • ZarosNozara
    ZarosNozara Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2020

    OP here, I literally just played again today, 3 games back to back camped on hook. The last one I played was vs wraith. Wraith caught me, hooked me, went invisible next to a rock in front of me until I struggled, someone finally came to my rescue right before I died out. Killer chased me then executed me. One hook, less than 3 minutes of actual game play for me. Surely you people adamantly defending camping can't think this is good for the game. I understand BT and DS exist, but most randoms don't understand how their perks work and will not risk their lives for their teammates. Since there is no gamechat we can't communicate effectively either, and SWF is constantly hated on.

    Also, you guys are acting as if only top 8 ranks matter. If everyone 8-20 quit tomorrow, this game would be dead in it's tracks. Not everyone wants to sweat, especially in a casual game.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    How about adding new items to the game to help with rescues?

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Tbh you can't do much against a SWF as a Killer...Just take a Depip you don't deserve.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I think until all 5 gens are complete camping should be penalized somehow. I've always thought the idea of the struggle phase being stopped or majorly slowed while the killer is within a certain range pretty fair. But once all 5 gens are done I mean the gates are inevitably going to open unless there's only one survivor left so there's no need to punish killers for just standing by the hook at that point. They really can't do much else to secure kills than camp.

  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    So your solution for getting killers out of range of a hook is to... slow them down while in range of a hook?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Yeah, after all why try to leave if you are at -50% movespeed anywat, then facecamping can be a.legit strat. Just give gen speed penalty with the killer soeed penalty and bam, new facecamp.meta op wants