Seeing other's ping

Hey BHVR, since there are a lot of complaining about VPN and bad connection killers, why don't you guys allow players to see each other's ping. Wouldn't it be healthy for the game? Sincerelly, just a regular player.
On PTB you can see the ping of all survivors during the match by hitting the ESC-Button.
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Maybe this is a console thing but I've always been able to see the survivors and the killers ping (little bar to the right of their name that is either Green, Yellow, or Red pending their ping).
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The killer's PING is the most concerning.
Really? Well, it used to be like this some time ago (before dedicated servers), but not anymore... At least not in my game... PC btw
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Colours are amibiguous. Gimme actual numbers for ping.
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Again, this is console but if you scroll over the colored bar, it will tell you what their ping is (in number form)
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Okay. Thanks. I'm on PS4 and never even notice that. The one time I noticed the bar was as killer, but only saw my own. I'll be on the lookout next time.
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Just checked. I only see my own ping, not the other 3 survivors and not the killer. I know my ping is good, I wanna check everyone else.
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I don’t think this is needed as it will increase dodging but instead make players who vpn with bad pings be more at a disadvantage.
If someone uses a vpn they should have a harder time in the game so they really think twice about using one.
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To my knowledge (and I'm assuming here), if you're a survivor, you see the killers ping in the bottom right so you know your connection with them is good.
If you're the killer, you can see everyone's ping (it's next to their names instead).
Sorry if I got your hopes up, I should have been clearer in my first post
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They shouls add killer's too
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So I was seeing my connection to the killer? This shouldn't be the case with dedicatd servers though, so I'm not so sure. It definitely used to be the case, when the killer was hosting. Now it should show killer's ping to the server, which is probably the case. I suppose as a survivor that's all that matters, so it makes sense.
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I honestly don't know. My assumption is that it represents your connection to the killer (or the killer to the dedicated server, which represents how good your connection will feel with the killer). But I'm making assumptions based on anecdotal evidence since when that bar is green or yellow, I've never had problems with the killer where if it was bouncing around in red, the killer would teleport around like Nightcrawler all game.
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Yeah, makes sense mate. In the past I always left if it was red. I've just been away a long time and have forgotten lots.
To the guy saying it's not needed.... #########? So you're okay with bad ping killers who have internet priority on hits? I seem to recall a hell of a lot of complaints about hits that never should've landed.
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Bad ping killers absolutely should be dodged. Make them leave the game and come back when they have better internet.
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your sentences don't make sense.
to the other guys who don't know how it works and are ASSUMING, you are wrong. the ping you see is your connection to the dedicated server. if the killer is from the moon and is VPNing, he will have ridiculously bad ping and he will make everybody else's game bad.
Post edited by aregularplayer on0 -
Okay. Thanks.
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I don't think this is an option. But being able to see killer's ping would be flawless. Lobby dodging in this cases isn't a bad thing IMO. Playing against bad ping killers is much worse for the game