Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Iridesent Head doesn't need a nef and here is why

I'm not arguing that the add on is really strong. But how many times do you actually encounter this add on in a game? The last 5 weeks I only saw it once as Survivor (Red Ranks) and only used twice myself when I played Huntress (Red Ranks). I asked friends whole only play SV and even they said that they encounter this very rarely.

Even strong Huntress players like @ScottJund said they rarely use the add on because it's so strong. So stop bringing this add on up. If the devs really decide to nerf it, we are in for very annoying time, because all Huntress player will use their stockpiles. Myself has about 70 of them and about the same belts to run 3 hatchets.

On the other hand, just because a Huntress uses the add on, it doesn't mean they will have an easy game. You still need to hit those hatchets ;)

Just saying


  • Speavy
    Speavy Member Posts: 58

    I agree, but you know that they wont stop complaining about, because there gonna be survivours found at the first minute of the match, try to 360 the huntress who's holding the hatchet, getting one shot, they DC and gonna rant about it. Thats just life.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    The problem isn't the instant down part, it's the lack of conditions. Deathsllinger's similar add-on has a minimum range to activate, and that's what people are asking for.

    The add-on will still be incredibly strong, but rewards skill more.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'd be fine with it if you couldnt use any belt add ons, but you can, meaning at once you can have 3 instant down hatchets.

  • Speavy
    Speavy Member Posts: 58

    You know he didnt meant that, the problem is the survivour side who try to be cocky, get hit, DC and go on cry here instead of dodging the hatchet after they found out its insta down. Sure you cant do much if she is on you but lets be honest, if you let a huntress be on top of you, thats your fault not the add ons fault. I admit dedicated server made it harder to dodge it sometimes because "reasons" but the bad hitbox also on side of the survivours when the hatchet cant even fly over a simple tire.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This is the equivalent of saying to not fix a game-breaking bug only because it happens very rarely.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Huntress is most likely the Killer I see the most, since the number of Deathslingers decreased. So I know how bad the Hatchet-Hits are, and you dont need to be a really good Huntress to win with Iridescent Head.

    Like, I am starting to learn her, because I want to have it easier when the Tome arrives. I usually get a 1K or 2K. With less than 10 matches played on Huntress (at least seriously, with Perks and not just for a Daily). Yesterday I tried out Iri Heads and it would have been a 4K with 4 Gens left, but I let everyone escape and just farmed points with them, because I only wanted to try out this Add On.

    If a Noob like myself can get a 4K at Red Ranks with Iridescent Head, people who are decent with her can even be more devastating. And I dont want to imagine what happens if really skilled Huntresses like Scott or Ralph would start running this Add On.

    I dont DC myself, but I cannot blame people for DCing against Iri Head Huntress at all, it is the only Add On (maybe except for the Tombstone Piece) I would consider OP. I really hope the Devs will nerf this Add On when they are reworking Huntress Add Ons, she is already a pretty strong Killer without it.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You know, before the nerf to med kit syringes I didn’t see them that often either. A few times here and there, but for the most part I would go a pretty long time without seeing them. Does that mean they didn’t deserve to be nerfed? No, because they were extremely frustrating to face and completely unbalanced.

    Something being uncommon doesn’t mean it should stay in its overpowered state. Iri head Huntress is uncommon because she’s one of 19 killers and it’s one of many add ons. That doesn’t mean it isn’t completely unbalanced and in need of a change.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I have been on these forums pretty regularly for the last couple weeks and I don't recall seeing even one post about iridescent hatchets? Who is complaining about this? LOL

    I'd be much more vocal if Deathslinger had iri harpoons. 😂

    These addons are fine, IMO - aside from some messed up hit box issues, which are not the addons fault - hatchets aren't THAT hard to dodge.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Pink addons and Pink ANYTHING should be extremely rare in the Bloodweb, but they're not.

    I picked up Huntress and she's been awesome, and really fun. I told myself never to use that Broken Addon.

    I haven't used it once.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Person with NOED avatar tries to defend broken add on. Shocking. Even funnier is the killer mains defending iri head who probably petition for DD to be changed. This is why this game is in the gutter. People that think the killer should be overpowered because “hurr durr thE k1ll0r is m3aNt 2 bE tHa p0War R0le”.

    Even though they forget its a videogame and so they have to earn their win, not just be given it for free.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Killer should be rewarded for skillful using their power, but survivors should stand a chance against it.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Are you trolling? Kind of seems like it because your argument is nonsense.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    indeed, the Iridescent Head add on isnt too strong.

    its the combo of the Iridescent Head with the Infantry Belt that makes it too powerful.

    seriously though, has anyone tried using the Iri Head on its own? thats really not good, as you're limited to only one shot.

    why not have it like this:

    insta down uppon hit.

    the amount of hatchets is limited to two.

    reload speed decreased by X%.

    that way its not extremely situational / useless, you cant get 3 insta downs (aswell as not being stuck at one), and if you missed your shots you cant just go and reload mid chase.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    What it is it then ? Fight for the 4k by tunnelling and/or using powerful things or not use any of this and leave Survivors alone doing gens ?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Can we stop with that "1 Hatchet"-thing when talking about Iridescent Head? She has 3 Hatchets because 99% of the time the Add On is used with the Infantry Belt. And yes, she cannot use other Add Ons like Wind-Up or Cooldown anymore, but this does not matter when she has the, by far, strongest Add On Combination.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    An overwhelming majority of people run the Infantry Belt as well tk go to 3 hatchets. Not to mention the amount of times that I've seen a console Huntress throw a hatchet in M1 range.

    The wind-up is also a little kinder than hit a target and reel them in from 80% of your maximum range.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's a completely brainless addon. I'm an extremely bad huntress but it's not hard to hit survivors if you don't throw until right behind them, as all users of this add-on do. You don't really see good huntresses use it. It's usually run with other stuff just to make it as miserable as possible for the other side, usually an ebony, as with old prayer beads. Even if you're willing to play against it as survivor you won't have much of a game because the others will suicide in hook, and unlike most other times I don't really blame them. Just give it a distance requirement or something to make it less cheap at least.