Survivors are getting nerfed too much



  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited April 2020

    Sometimes, the most "efficient" thing to do isn't the most "fun" thing to do. Do what makes ya happy :)

    However, if you struggle because of that choice, just know there's a solution out there if you change your mind.

  • Riggs_Jafar
    Riggs_Jafar Member Posts: 13

    With the current state of the game I can't find a game as survivor half the time. Doesn't matter if I'm solo of swf. Killer though? Instantly get a lobby. At the most a minute or two wait. The reason for this is nobody wants to play killer right now. Been this way since they nerfed ruin. Now, I play both roles at red ranks but to me, killer is more enjoyable and I gotta say, there are certain swf teams i run into that no matter what I do, who i play, what build I use... I can't win. Lucky if I get one kill. That's a sign that the game is broken. I didn't make any mistakes and yet they all escaped. And ruin being nerfed ain't the problem. The type of survivors I'm talking about will abuse long loops and gen rush. And for any toxic survivor mains out there who read this and get triggered when i say gen rushing, remember i play survivor as well. I've done it to other killers. It socks. Finishing the game in 3 -4 minutes gets no points and to me thats no fun.

    Tldr; Gens go too fast. Loops too long.

  • JewelTK
    JewelTK Member Posts: 12

    It seems like survivors are getting nerfed "so much" because for a long time they haven't. Instead of balancing and keeping Survivors under control as time passes, Behaviour has instead opted for doing it all in one big wave. When one side has gone so long without being balanced, it can feel like an unprecedented amount of nerfing when they finally do get balanced but it really isn't. Just imagine how Killers feel almost always being nerfed or never getting the buffs they need until now.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    I just want the old ruin back. I don't care about the rest.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    By what unit of metric do you determine that the game is losing all these killers?

    I get games quickly as survivor but have to wait for my killer games.

    See how anecdotal subjective talking points work?

    You know before this game went to servers, I would see 2/3 survivors for every 1 killer looking for games. You NEVER had the inverse, of too many survivors.

    Rank 1 survivor huh?

    Wanna hear a story:

    Tru3 (streamer) made rank 1 survivor at release. During the ENTIRE time he progressed he went on and on about how survivors are supposed to play 'sneaky sneak', that you weren't supposed to interact with the killer etc. What anyone with half a brain now realises is that sneaky sneak is BORING. If the whole emergent 'juking' phenomena hadn't taken off, survivors would have left this game LONG ago.

    The point being is Tru3 is a killer main, his talking points are tribalistic and biased. Tru3 is one of the PROBLEMS in this game currently, especially with him whining, now that killers have gotten some push back. Despite his regular 4k's, despite the metric that's made killer easier to date.

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    I think the issue is a lot of toxic players and it's kind of apparent in here as well.

    As a killer I'll happily leave a match with no kills if the survivors are good and they're not trolling. But if they start teabagging and the such I get annoyed.

    Same if a killer hooks me I'm the first to say fair catch. But if a killer hooks me then camps right in front of me or loops me I do get frustrated.

    So I get why both sides end up saying the other needs nerfed. Personally I do think the game errs towards killers. It used to be a bit more balanced with faster gens but now it is pretty ridiculous. But, it is a survival game. They're not mean to be easy. If you want to always survive, this isn't a game for you.

    However, killers have to stop complaining about how hard they have it. If you only want to hunt and sacrifice with no chance of survival for opponents, find a different game. Elsewise accept at times people will outsmart and out manoeuvre you.

    End of the day, it is just a game. I think gamers have far too much sway these days on devs, and think they have a god given right to alter the game for their own wants, and who cares about others.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I and many others suffer from the complete opposite. Usually I have to wait 5-10 minutes as a survivor but for a killer I usually have to wait less than a minute.

    Tru3 is extremely biased and I don't like him that much. If he's losing he blames it on swf and says they need a nerf rather than accepting he makes mistake after mistake after mistake.

    As for his play style I completely disagree with it. For me I try to know the actions of as much of my team mates at all times. Empathy or aftercare do this well for me.

    I often use spinechill or OoO to position myself correctly too. He however is correct at many times, although sometimes goes too far.

  • PearlGalaxy
    PearlGalaxy Member Posts: 5

    I am very confused over survivors crying over NOED and Devour Hope. Have you ever thought about cleansing totems ?.. I'm sure solo survivors can do that as well, less efficiently but still. Devour Hope is literally a reward for playing well, I don't get the problem with it. NOED is kinda dumb and easy, but if it's active that means the survivors did all the gens... so your rank should be safe by now.

    I am a survivor main, I haven't played killer for like a year. And I am a swf, which is honestly even easier to get rid of totems that way since you can count who did what. I am rank 1 and even if I've played a lot I don't feel like I should deserve that, I'm still not the greatest with chases and all. Yet here I am. I can be in a chase for 5 gens just because... because I can. And everyone can right now. Getting rid of the god loops is the best thing that has happened. Shrinking the maps will definitely help low mobility killers. I don't get what's so awful about it.

    ... And isn't the point to have fun ?? Literally everyone here said that they're not having fun with the role they're maining. Idk maybe you all survivors should play killers and you killers should play survivors, or at this point just stop playing the game. If you're not having fun, it's in no way because of these changes.

  • 1jakjak
    1jakjak Member Posts: 1

    Sad "TRUTH". You cant kill em all always and you cant have fun if you always expect to survive.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Has everyone forgotten how Ruin was just gutted? It's like survivors completely forgot that just happened and keep saying that they get nerfed all the time. If you can't play without a god loop on the map at red ranks....I don't think you should be red ranks.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    I feel you. This game is turning from survivor sided to killer sided with nothing being balanced for both. 1 thing I'll say is Michael isnt broke at all. Even with infinite 3 or insta mori cause both take a long time to get there. Not only do they sacrifice gen time but points too as they get nothing for an instant kill. Oni, Billy, Spirit, Nurse, Doc and Woody (Gunslinger), All lethal and impossible to deal with. Freddy just has speed and lunge. His pallets and puddle arent that bad, Swing Chain combo though makes him stronger. I play Freddy and Doc, Woody and Oni and if you have specific builds you are a god. I'm green getting reds and purples and I haven't played Woody or Oni for very long and I'm a god.

    This combined with the hit boxes, latency issues, its alot on the killer side. Granted grab animations are broke, nurses blinks are glitched. They are considering cross platform when their current platforms are fundamentally broken and messed up, they need these issues fixed. Not only will they need to change map sizes but certain perks to cater for the new distancing I.e Sole Survivor, Object of Obsession etc. But instead of fixing gen times overall, they're discouraging group genning which is the point of the game. Work in teams, do things together, not feel punished for doing so. Ruin was a hard blow but was only thing stopping early game pops.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Everything I write is theoretical and in no way talking about 1 particular game.

    The new update is going to be good for the game and bring a little more balance in the game.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Though I agree on leaving survivors on strong loops instead of crying afterwards saying you couldnt get them after a 5 minute chase. The issue was early gen progression. On big maps like corn, Macmillan. By the time you surveyed the map before you find first survivor, a gen pops with no control over it. Ruin was to cater for new survivors to middle experienced survivors that cant hit greats but screwed ALL killers. Pop Weasel is your next strong carry to go to now.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Yes they are strong and sometimes forced people to leave chase. It's a good idea to fix these, it just depends on how they're implemented. Instead now it looks like you'll get two good vaults on a strong window but no more than that (which is good, offers variation to using other loops instead of over using same). Issue is there is a door fairly close to these windows now which asks the question, how good is this window in general to feel like you should use it? Lithe will now be used to get a 3rd use on a window but that's it. In regards to coop gen speeds. The whole point of this game was teamwork, do gens, heals together. Instead of fixing overall gen speed they just slapped a punish on teamwork. As a killer these loops will benefit many. Killers like Oni, Woody (Deathslinger), Spirit, Billy, Freddy; they will annihilate if you are a good killer. Now imagine Thanat Freddy with Swing chains, green rope, Dying Light, Pop and BBQ along with these new gen times. They'll just give up trying.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Lol what? What version of DBD are you playing?

    I’d kill to have Myers every few games rather than Freddy. Myers is fun, Freddy is dull. However Freddy is every few games and Myers is almost non-existent.

    Red ranks at the moment are basically Freddy, Spirit, Ghostface, Doctor, Hillbilly, Legion, Deathslinger. Occasionally you might get someone like Oni sprinkled in there but its mostly the 7 I just mentioned with Hillbilly seemingly the most common. Nobody uses Nurse now that she takes skill.

    Sucks as well since those killers range from “meh” to “worse game design ever” in terms of fun to play against.

  • Melted_
    Melted_ Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2020

    LMAO he said killer is too op

    no they aren't bro, survivor is definitely the power role and this Nerf is heavily needed

    and you said you could hear the killer mains typing. well, hi, survivor main here

  • AntTheKnee
    AntTheKnee Member Posts: 2

    Dude I've gotta say... This highlights the other MAJOR issue with dbd right now. Play entitlement. I'm sorry but every other rank 1 killer game is a sweat fest. Every 4 games of survivor you get morried and cry about toxic killers, and quite frankly, rank 9 does not show much experience of a high rank killer. Sure, you go up against red ranks, but at a mere rank 9 you dont have nearly ANY of the perks or game knowledge to survive as a rank 1. Why doc and freddy? Well for one pressure. Those characters aren't OP (especially doc) they just apply pressure that entitle survivors cant face, as a rank 9 only you probably dont even have 1 or can properly use it. Trust me, the path to rank 1 killer is wayyy different than the path to a rank one survivor and unless you've gone down that path many times before you wont understand. Having god loops and jungle gyms so close together on every map is like facing a mori every game, and like facing a mori, is beatable if you're knowledgeable, but a task all the time. So my friend. Good riddance to god loops and jungle gyms spread apart.

  • biasedkillerplayer
    biasedkillerplayer Member Posts: 1

    the reason that these maps are getting changed are not because survivors are op, but because of balancing issues. the RNG factor could sometimes give extremely experienced survivors lots of amazing loops that all strung together perfectly, and it was near impossible to catch the survivor if they knew what they were doing. no on is getting nerfed, this just leveled the playing field because we all know that the SWF is the real killer when they know what they’re doing.

  • Zerog
    Zerog Member Posts: 27

    "Nooo you can't remove our op loops! You are supposed to chase us until window is blocked everytime!"

    Haha m1 killers go swingg

  • wedidagoodjob
    wedidagoodjob Member Posts: 4

    If the dev can nerf SWF, it's ok to have god loop.

    SWF is the toxic of this game.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    If both sides are hypothetically the best they can be at this game than survivors will always win since they will always have someone on a gen, know exactly how many times they can loop before needing to drop the pallet and they wont fall for mind games, lastly the killer will not be able to pressure more than two at once and thats if he finds them at a gen or during a save.

    Survivors often lose because they make mistakes and the killer uses that to get hits/downs, good survivors rarely make mistakes. IF every survivor in your lobby is like that than unless you play the same way, no even if you do you will still lose. Now because of this I do believe the map changes are fair since most of the tiles the devs changed were places where these survivors abused until the window was blocked and until then the killer would not be able to hit them.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Reading some people still caring about the Ruin nerf is obnoxious.

    It was the MOST unhealthy perk in the game, promoted RNG-Checks that were for the most part stupidly laggy, made games needlessly stressful for newer survivors, and the value of such perk was either decent or non-existent for the placement, just a bad idea overall and they kept it that way long enough.

    Survs have been getting nothing but big nerfs for the most part in this year, I'm happy about the "god loops" getting fixed and all but some of you seem to like to just anger random people you don't even know about. So I don't know, take a chill pill and move on with the changes.

    (The dead zones need to be fixed before live version, but I am certain that's not gonna happen until way way later)

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    It's true. Killer is OP. But SWF is more OP.

    So they're trying to balance both solo and killer for now. And then probably buff solo more once they've fixed certain systems.

    SWF is hard to play against if they are good players because they can use unintended mechanics to buy time for team and easily stomp killer. So no one would want to play red rank killer. Which is a problem. Just like killers are stomping rank 20-10, SWF stomps rank 10-1.

    Both need to be rebalanced, and solos buffed

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    I think the biggest issue is skill gaps and we need *good* matchmaking to fix this.

    If you nerf Survivors my poor green/purple rank self is going to get annihilated. My chases are between 15 seconds to a minute.

    Streamers / youtubers I watch (ie. red rank Survivors) can do the knitting while they loop to infinity and beyond.

    How do you fix red ranks without killing off the noobs? People discuss changes and nerfs as a whole but need to discuss balance on a more complex level.

    I play maybe 20% of my games as Killer and its so frustrating in yellow ranks to get looped by a purple/red Survivor. Why am I even matched with them? I would rather wait 60 minutes for a match than a low quality stomping.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Devs have said theres no increase in dead zones.

    Other survivors are probably throwing pallets down constantly then they get broken

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    A lot of what im reading is victim bias, we see it happen ALOT in other media and it shows here too. Its easier to bully killers and tell them how awful they are for running cheap perks, builds, killers etc... And the hatred from survivors flows hard for killer mains. Its because survivors see themselves as victims not players or survivors.

    "The killer attacked me and tunneled me out of the game hes PLAYING UNFAIR NERF HIM"

    Yeah some killers definitely try to hop on the woe is me train, but everyone backs up the survivor mains (including the devs) because they have carefully set themselves up to not be viewed as a toxic player that they likely are, but as a victim that the killer is abusing even though 9/10 you are looking at surviviors bsing in post game chat. Teabagging constantly, spamming items.

    Survivor mains, if you want fair games killers are more than happy to oblige, but once you start being rude and try to blame the killers for your poor gameplay then deal with it. Its like others said before me in this thread. Survivors got babied for so long they the devs are trying to fix some og the most broken problems,and we seeing the survivors entitlement show.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    There are no nerfs to survivors, just adjustments to broken stuff.

  • LoneWolf820B
    LoneWolf820B Member Posts: 12

    I play against a decent amount of docs, a few GF, some spirits, quite a few Billy's, a couple legion and slingers, and next to no Freddy's. I'm on console but I doubt that makes a difference in killer preference. But yeah, I face way more Myers than Freddy. It's honestly not even close. I'm lucky to find one Freddy in probably....20 matches or so. A Myers is about a 1 in 5

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    If the survivors were good they would be able to loop me without falling for my mind games by just simply camping pallets loop to loop lmao.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 417

    Really? You insult the intelligence of "most killer mains" and you can't even write with normal sentence structure. I don't think you should be laughing about your comment when "stupidest" IS a word. In fact, it's an adjective for "stupid", so is "stupider".


    Please enjoy this free lesson in English grammar and spelling. 🤣 And try harder next time.

  • Tricknologee
    Tricknologee Member Posts: 4

    Thank the heavens those cheating lowlife surv's got nerfed😂 I camp my first surv just to get them all mad

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    ever heard of exaggeration ? and escaping doesn't mean their not OP when most of my team dies

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    i've played against more red rank swf then anyone else, and they're so easy to play against especially with an ebony mori, and iridescent add ons

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    good job you named two underpowered killers, add a good build to either of them and they're no longer overpowered

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    because there is no counter, that is literally what makes them OP, there's nothing you can do against them

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    oh don't worry, i am 100% sure that they'll start nerfing killers soon in the patches that follow it. because some killers will actually be playable now on most maps.

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    insulting ? by saying if they left survivors at infinites, you don't need to be smart to have common sense, they'd render the infinite useless, all you killer mains just want easy 4k's 😂

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    literally just got a 4k with ONI, two common add ons and two perks, thrill of the hunt and iron grasp, all red ranks, it's too easy honestly and if you put a really good build on any killer especially the good ones, they're OP

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    don't remembering saying, i want killers to sweat 😂

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    yeah sorry don't know what i'm doing, just a rank 3 survivor don't mind me, never played this game before

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    playing killer or survivor doesn't require skill, it requires braincells tbh

  • Azael
    Azael Member Posts: 15

    I see what you're saying and in some ways you are right. The problem though is that Killer Mains have to use those op builds and killers to win, otherwise they are underpowered. I think they need to stop nerfing survivors and instead balance the gap between good killers and perks, and bad killers and perks, so that killer mains don't have to decide between trying something new or fun and winning.

  • slippin9668
    slippin9668 Member Posts: 17

    I agree with u I just played a game and recorded it for my YouTube channel. And in the game ran from the doctor and was far away by the time he got done breaking the pallet and he caught up to me within seconds so I said in my video “ they need to stop saying killer need speed buffs so they are faster are you kidding me look how fast he just caught up to me and how far away I was “ “ they just need to stop being baby cries and get good at the game “ and I agree with you I run killer and survivor and am a green rank killer that has went against reds and at least always get a 2k or 3k. It’s all about your builds and know what your doing not that they need buffed or things need nerfed.