Dead By Daylight is dead.

At this point I can't wait for Predator Hunting Grounds to come out. The developers nerfed every survivor perk and ability while making the killers next to almost impossible to survive a match against. News flash developers without players there is no more game! You're well on your way to becoming Friday the 13th! At least they have an excuse with the lawsuit while you on the other hand suck! I'm beyond done with this game and an extra bloodpoint event doesn't do anything when all you do is get tunneled and camped. Killers should receive zero bloodpoints for it but behavior doesn't care so I'm done and deleting this game. Go Predator Hunting Grounds! Put this game out of business!!!
Play killer then Since you think it’s so easy you’ll earn all kinds of bp
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The match making is trash and this game sucks for killers even. The developers are stupid!
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For me its not really about them nerfing survivor nor do I want buffs.
The past year they have worked hard to make the killer experience less frustrating, but they haven’t done anything for survivors. The experience especially solo is just as miserable as ever.
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The ruin nerf made survivor experience less frustrating, the nurse nerf and introduction of Oni and new freddy shifted the meta of red ranks as well, which in my opinion helped the overall health of the game. I dont think nothing has been done to make the survivor experience less frustrating.
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Just wait until the predator hunting team leave again just like they did to Friday the 13th.
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I still dont understand why DBD peaked in playerbase on april 2019, that was when plague was introduced, wasnt it? I thought demo would have attracted more survivor than plague, it doesnt make sense to me
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As a rank 1 killer I get matched like this a lot. Hopefully the new mm their working on will be better
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Granted, solo can be frustrating at times. But 99% of that is not working well as a team. It has nothing to do with Killers being OP.
I only play solo survivor, and I have good games and bad games. I do my best to work well with my team, but sometimes it just isn't enough. I'm not going to blame that on the killer or BHVR. I'd say you're more likely to see selfish survivors in solo. The people who only hide from the killer, don't go for saves and don't work on gens.
None of this means killers are too OP in solo. It means you didn't work well as a team. Which quite frankly, is the only way for killers to win these days; by capitalizing on survivors not working together and being selfish.
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First of all, this is a very rude thing to post on the website of the developers of this game of whom try their hardest to get this game running and working. Judging by the fact that you have a complete "Killer OP" mentality I'm going to assume you are pretty new to the community, this game takes lots of time, dedication, and learning to ever actually be good at, which clearly you have yet to put in. Camping is a horrible strategy because its easily counter-able by doing gens, tunneling is the same way, only it's a little harder to beat. You need to learn to use your pallets decisively, as the killer can break them, if you throw them all down willy nilly, you'll have no pallets and no chance in chases, this is does not make the killer OP, because if you could throw pallets down willy nilly, how does the killer ever catch you? With this up coming patch, BHVR is removing; abusable infinites, overpower loops, insane gen speeds when multiple people work on one gen, and a lot of things that are just unfair to the killer.
This isn't saying killer is super underpowered, but if you know what you're doing as a survivor, the killer is going to have a hard time catching you, and within the time of that chase, generators are getting done. My recommendation to you is instead of complaining on the forums, go and play and get the skill needed to have lasting games that don't suck, look up tutorials on Youtube, learn a few things. This game is hard to get good at, the learning curve is a brick wall, that's what brought me in, and if you don't like the learning curve, don't yell at the devs to fix it, because the 4v1 asymmetrical game is going to have a lot of things you have to learn because that's how you make it balanced.
And another thing, just because you dislike a product doesn't mean it should be shut down, there are over a million players who love this game and would hate to see it go. The people who work at BHVR would hate to see it go, because all those people would lost their jobs, Matthew McCote would lose his entire game, and overall it would just make people unhappy.
tl;dr, don't go to the forums of a game you played one game of and decided you hate because learning it is too hard. Instead try actually playing and putting in the practice.
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I wouldn't get too exicted. Didn't they say they are going to hide ranks and that your rank number would be purely visual?
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I’m hoping it gets better for new ppl trying killer out. They ain’t got the good perks unlocked yet or the experience to deal with getting match with red ranks.
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Remember when they said F13 would kill this game?
Anyway, we'll see what the future holds. ☺️
Edit: Just looked it up, and that Resident Evil Resistance one isn't doing all that fantastic either, especially for RE being a huge ######### name in the videogame industry.
They'd probably do at least somewhat better if they sold it separately.
Post edited by Boss on9 -
I can agree with you on that front. I haven't played swf in a while and I enjoy playing alone, but the rest of my team usually doesn't help the game progress in a good way, by 3 genning us, using all the pallets, etc.
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predator hunting grounds/evil resident resistance won't be DBD killers...
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Bye have a great time!
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Solo all the time here as well. Sometimes you get ok teams, sometimes god teams and other times you have to question what the heck is going on. With someone sitting in a locker while two people are in the basement and you are being chased by the killer or someone sitting in the corner for no real reason.
Yeah now with the ruin rework, if you can rarely or only hit great skill checks due to pure luck like myself. You don't have to worry, for good check skills won't make the gen take longer and no need for gen tapping.
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Check Steamcharts ;) not so dead.
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Mad cause bad
F13 and Hunting Grounds both have the same team behind them. It will fail, after a month or two of doing well. Just like f13 did. And DBD will still be around.
If you wanna leave, then.....go. Take a break
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The peak is May 2019. Ash was released early April and Plague was the chapter before that. In May was only a midchapter patch, containing the Legion rework and EGC.
But I think this is just a random happening and not related to content or something else DBD related. There were just 5 months where peak was above 50k, one of them 62k and one 75k. And when you look at the averages in these months, May 2019 is even the weakest of these 5. Probably the "reason" is even something completely unrelated like first weekend after soccer league finals or during a PUBG server down :P
@Peanits do you know if the team keeps track of these numbers and was maybe partying on the new record? If yes, maybe someone remembers for a possible reason ;)
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So part of what went wrong with the Friday the 13th game was the developers. Tons of bullying going on. And they're the same guys that are making the predator game.
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Hello everyone new to forums and kets say relatively new to dead by daylight I started playing halfway through the last Rift. I have been completely hooked ever since I prefer killer I owned every killer in the game and I could not agree more. This game takes a lot of dedication and practice. Also takes self will I noticed get a lot of hate mail in this game as killer is actually kind of ridiculous seems like no matter what you do no matter how fair you try to be. But I also spend some time as Survivor once I finished all the killer mission so I wanted to be a fair killer but took a lot of losses and when you get the hate mail anyways and then get taunted at the exit gates because you let someone off the hook or message after saying your trash because you let them off the hook well let's just say if it's 3 or more verses me and there's one Jenny or the exit gates are opened best believe I am not far from that hook. I believe survivors and Killers going to do whatever they got to do to get their points and win the game I believe anything that killer can do a Survivor has a counter I know because they've done it to me sorry the message was so long
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idk i'm having lots of fun playing the game still. I started playing back in august 2019 and I will never understand why people talk about disliking the game so much (so much) and saying how much "better" it used to be instead of not playing ?
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Bye bye !😊
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But if you look at the changes over the past year...
Start with EGC
killers complained survivors would wait at the gates and never leave. Thus EGC was born to stop that. Good for killer.
Killers complained the hatch was survivor sided. Granted it was. Then they switched it to be killer sided. It had to be one or the other but they put it in that direction for the killer.
When these changes came in they wanted to make the Exit Gates 15 seconds so survivors had a chance but killers complained and it was reverted to 20 seconds. The amount of times those extra 5 seconds would have let me escape...
Meanwhile survivors still get slugged and left to bleed out. Nothing changes about that. They change something to improve killers experience but not survivors.
Killers complained about OoO especially swf. So they change killers so that stealth killers aren’t affected. Good for killers but they changed Kindred too so that now Ghostface and Wraith can camp to their hearts content and never be revealed.
Killers complained about instaheals and they got nerfed to the point that they aren’t really special anymore. Toolboxes got nerfed too to the point of being worthless. Yeah it helps the games balance as these stacked could be OP before however nothing is done on the killer side. You can still stack ultra rare add ons, NOED and an ebony and play as toxic as you want.
The maps have been problematic for a while and that’s reflected in the killrate/survival rate. Coldwind maps were bad for killer, Hawkins bad for survivor. What happens? All the coldwind maps get touched up but Hawkins remains a death zone even though statistically it was more unbalanced than any coldwind map.
All of these combined, wel Tru3 put up a video the other day. Sure you can say it was just a Trapper but still, brings ultra rare add ons, NOED and an ebony, plays like a twat and leaves the last one on the ground until just before bleed out constantly setting traps in front of him. Killers can be dicks as much as they want it seems.
Killers tunnel and camp and its always excused by some cocky sod as “its just killers being efficient ;)”, well survivors looping all game is just survivors trying to be efficient at surviving. Sure both sucked but what happens? God loops get fixed and maps get tile changes. Those changes were good for killer Im not disagreeing that they needed to happen eventually but what a surprise that once again they go out of their way to improve killer gameplay but not survivor.
Basically its not about nerfs or buffs. Its about the fact that the devs have worked to improve the killer experience but survivor is just as miserable as ever. “Oh look here’s another Freddy with his best add ons, NOED and an ebony. Oh look hes just tunneling people straight off hook again.” Such fun gameplay.
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DId they at least die by daylight tho?
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Wraith cloak is not perfect. It flickers like a candle in the wind, allowing you to notice it from time to time while the Wraith is moving around. Far from perfect. That and Wraith can be burned with the flashlight. Ghostface can be reveal by looking at him and using your eyes. Wraith needs to uncloak to hit someone. Which Ghostface when he hits someone or misses, ends his power. Your claim of they can camp to their heart content and never be reveal. Is rather questionable. For sooner or later they will have to take an action that needs them to come out of their power.
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IMO, your commentary just further proves with Clicky is saying. Random teams will never work as efficiently together because they lack communication. Yet almost every nerf/negative change for survivors, or buff/advantage for killers, is implemented into the game due to the dreaded SWF dynamic. So yes, it is because to solo survivor teams a killer is OP...the game has been getting tuned this was for months and months to level the dynamic between SWF teams and killers - which, I am happy to admit is a necessary balancing for the QoL of Killers. But, it has absolutely caused a massive disparity for solo survivors who can and do easily get steam rolled because they lack the resources the game is being tuned against.
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To be fair, if F13 had different killers, I think it would have. It has a more interesting way of play in my opinion.
But I liken F13 to Battlefield, while DBD is COD. COD is easy, fast, and less involved. Battlefield is more involved, longer, and takes more time to really master.
Most people prefer easy, fast, and less involved. Add a more diverse cast of killers, and DBD remains more popular.
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But at that point they have what they want, a survivor coming along they can trade hooks with. Free hook, no effort required. Killer is so hard guys.
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The problem with solo queue is anything they do to buff it would ultimately buff swf as well. I don't trust the devs to really find a middle ground. Besides you cant fix stupid players no matter how hard you try.
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OP, yo ninja what's up fam WHOOP WHOOP
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Shhhhh don’t tell the lemmings it’s a placebo
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I won't argue about the match making but ummm....
If killers are so did you lose against 3 survivors and a DC?
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Killers get nerfed nonstop, no one cares. Survivors get nerfed, everyone loses their mind.
There's no gun to our heads, we choose to play. Many a time I get spanked as a casual lvl 15 killer playing red ranks swf squads and I ask myself why I subject myself to this torture, but I always come back. That's my choice.
If you don't wsnt to play, don't. Just save everyone the drama of an "I quit!" post.
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This is why peoples experience varies so much....
Where the hell do i need to move to to get lobbies like this?
i have gone from rank 4 to rank 11 and have had only TWO lobbies like this. The rest have been full red rank or 4 man red swf.
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It's true that survivors have gotten alot of nerfs but that is normal, if one side is too powerful then it makes sense to Nerf them.
And it's not like survivors have exclusively been nerfed recently. Killers have had a few nerfs as well and will probably receive a few more.
Only caring about one side shows you are ridiculously biased to one side over the other and it hurts your credibility.
Imo 90% of all the nerfs and changes were justified.
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*raises hand* I'm hanging in there. It helps that I fell helplessly, hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with this game. Admittedly, I was blindsided by being horribly outranked the first time I started getting steamrolled. That was about 5 days in. I've adjusted my mentality to it and I've learned I get some bad (well, hardcore) low ranks who just beat me stupid and then I encounter more forgiving low ranks who will help me farm BP a bit before skipping on out the door. It's also helped me to learn how to do the same for survivors when I totally dominate the map. It can be crushing to be on a bad roll where you're only getting a few thousand BP (even with the event), but it feels a lot better on the rolls where I'm clearing 15-25,000. I'm still not looking forward to the BP event ending. I have yet to play without it.
I think the first mistake that people make is optics. I avoided this game for a couple of years because the concept looked and sounded too simple. My love of horror and a good price finally won me over and I quickly discovered this game was anything but easy. I reacted well to that revelation. I don't think everyone does. My honeymoon phase is over and I'm well into my growing pains... but I'm adjusting.
I'm glad I joined these forums. I had a few complaints at first (about MM), but I've quickly learned this game is good at separating the wheat from the chaff.
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Probably game was for free then?
Also, advertisement helps a lot
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Wow, another declaration of this being a dead game.
Such original.
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lol its not even close to being dead,dbd steam charts are over 30k players almost all the time,devs really need to balance both sides so the game will actually grow even more
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PC gaming is dying
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Why so many upvotes.
You just got owned lol.
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Okay, but it didn't get different Killers, and it's sitting at a pretty low player-count.
And this Predator one will most likely also not do more than just Predator skins & the few different versions of Predators.
Also, it's gonna be a 4v1 asymmetrical PvP-only game with guns.
They better make it very interesting, or it might be another Deathgarden.
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There was a free weekend in April, and I'm pretty sure GhostFace was also teased around that time. I remember this because it was when I started playing this game lol.
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Ppl like you are anyway not a big lose for the game, if you cant even think to the other side then its propably better when you leave this game, atleast one crybaby less in this community.
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And Resistance. Can't forget that one
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I know it didn't get more killers. I even said so.
If it had, I would have said so and I'm betting it would have a larger players base. Thanks for pointing out the thing I already pointed out myself. Good contribution.