New gameplay idea: different survivors abilities

leyzyman Member Posts: 355

So, something I HATE about each survivor is that none of them have any impact on gameplay. You can be whatever survivor you want, and you can do anything.

I think this needs to be changed. Why raise another survivor when you can just play 1 all the time and it still plays the same. So my idea: survivor passive abilities.

This would give survivors a bit more personality. Each survivor has a small passive ability based on their own back stories. Here are a couple examples I had in mind:

Claudette: can heal all other survivors 10% faster

Meg: recovers from exhaustion 10% faster

Jane: if she sees the killer, she can choose to "report" the position (shows the killer) to everyone for 1 second. Has a cooldown of 2 minutes and the killer will get a notification of Jane's location.

Detective tapp: gets a premonition effect, but a 180 degree area that helps at a range of 20 meters. Cooldown of 1 minute.

These are just a couple ideas, and if one is to powerful, it could get changed. It's just an idea.

Now, in response to that, they should also do something for killers. I like what someone said before: give 2 more perk slots that can only be used by either the weaker or only visual-changing perks (includes everything from FOV to scratch mark to gen color changes).

Again, it is only a concept. I just want to see survivors actually have a.4eason to be played instead of just 3 teachable perks.


  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    The reason they’re only reskins is because the devs want us to choose the survivors for their lore and aesthetic rather than for potential abilities. I can get behind this, I’m a Steve main because I like his character in Stranger Things and I like his cosmetics, but if he were to be given a terrible ability then I would be “forced” to play someone else in a similar way some red rank killers feel forced to play a specific few killers because the others can’t compete.

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Well, the idea would be to just give each survivor an ability that wouldn't make a game breaking ability, but just something small to make survivors have a personality in gameplay.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Anything related to exhaustion or better gen time / healing or looping will be all that is played competitively.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I would love to see some passive abilities, even if it's the same 3 or 4 abilities shared across the survivors. Little things like healing speed, sabo speed, recovery speed, and item efficiency would be nice. It would give each survivor something so that everyone's not just a reskin.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I love this idea. I've actually wanted something like this for a long time. It could sort of be like Friday the 13th in a way.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    Nah, they had their chance - if the survivor perks were not teachable they would've given them 3 unique abilities each.

    I definitely prefer it the way it is now.

  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    Honestly I think it would be really cool and would reward survivors prestiging more than their main. Another idea I had was if you use all 3 teachable perks that belong to a survivor you get a small bonus or an extra perk slot.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2020

    Now that's a better idea... Incentivize using character perks.

    A passive bonus of some sort to compliment their area of expertise when using all 3 perks on the original character. I like that. Like a 2% movement speed increase for Meg.

    An extra perk slot as a bonus would be too much.