Why is dbd so toxic?

This game is fun no lie. It'd be a whole lot better if people weren't toxic. I never understood when I saw my teammates tbag and point at the killer, like why? Now for killers why do you guys need to camp and nod no lol. The survivor always tbagging is the worse survivor of the team and the killer nodding no while face camping with a whopping 12k bp lol



  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Who cares for teabagging and pointing of survivors? You can just ignore it. The issue are killers that just tunnel, camp, slug and use the most frustrating builds and offerings. This cannot be ignore and just genetates frustration. But devs like to keep a blind eye to this.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    because people feel things are toxic...

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A lot of it is straight hypocrisy. Like, honest-to-gods moronic bullshit. ScottJund has a video showing this streamer constantly calling him out for 'camping' and 'tunelling' and then ACTUALLY FACECAMPED WHILE HE WAS PLAYING KILLER. It really seems that a lot of the toxicity, but not all, are people like that that just have no empathy and think hypocrisy is something that applies to other people.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited April 2020

    + cheap game. (at least the important stuff, especially on discount)

    Cheap games (and especially F2P-games) are tend to be more toxic. Because even if you get banned, you can create a new account for not so much money.

    A friend once told me about a game he is playing where you need to pay 60 Euros to actually play it (one-time). He said it has a pretty nice community, because it is not cheap and nobody wants to throw away that amount of money.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    DbD is full of some of the thinnest-skinned people I've ever met. Getting infuriated at some pixels moving up and down is truly sad.

    What is considered "toxic" on this game is literally standard BM for any multiplayer game, yet nobody loses their ######### quite like people on DbD.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    I dunno... I get more frustrated by the fact that the game has so many bugs and things that shouldnt hit, do hit. Or how when you go to drop a pallet, it refuses to drop and you still get hit.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    This game has a very high amount of technical issues that cause a lot of interactions to not work as intended. Think of it like this: Every inconsistency in how something happens vs how its supposed to happen has a point value, and every player has a threshold for how many points they can put up with. Whenever someone reaches their threshold, they get tilted, and it shows in how they play.

    So basically every time someone gets hit from a mile away or after getting a successful fast vault, every time an oni breaks a pallet someone is currently vaulting over and they get away, every time a doctor shocks someone in time before a window but they vault it anyway, any time a survivor can't break ghostface out of stalk while counting the pixels on his facemask... all these things contribute to that frustration level until people pop. Everyone has a different threshold and everyone reacts differently when they reach it, but its not a healthy thing for the game or its players.

    These are exacerbated by the people who thrive off of pushing other players to that edge. So you basically end up with a playerbase that is toxic in an attempt to make other players toxic, which in turn takes out that toxicity on other players. In the end, all any individual can do is shrug it off and raise their own shenanigans tolerance

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    When it comes to someone dcing. Depends on when it happen. If it happen during the start of the game, i normally think bad internet or when say i am passing them by and they seem stuck in the same action or something else that makes me go, lag or bad internet. Now when it happens after getting downed or on hook. Yeah that is when it makes me go, hmm yeah this doesn't seem like bad internet. The timing of it makes it seem clear as heck that this was a rage quit. That is when it a real kicker, for lack of a better term. For it seems very likely they just rage quit and left their team high and dry. Yeah that is when it really sucks.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Yea thats what i mean you can tell when its intentional or not.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah that sucks no matter if you are a survivor or killer. Survivor your chances to win/escape have gone down greatly. If you are killer, you are being deny some sweet sweet blood points and possibly bbq stacks as well.

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2020

    I am still fairly new to the game, but even I can speak on this a bit. Well, I can't explain the toxicity. That is merely the way individuals choose to act and it speaks more to who they are as a person than anything else. I can't help that any more than you can. What I can do, as a killer main, is not be crappy, myself.

    I pointed out in another post that I play it both ways, depending on the survivors and how they let me act. If they're toxic or super aggressive, I have to fight and scrape for every point I can get. I do find that enjoyable, but when matchmaking pits me against low-rank survivors, my gains are minimal at best. I'm just not good enough to take them on yet. I accept that, or I get lucky and hook or Mori as many as I can. I still refuse to face camp because I don't want them body blocking... but again, it's up to the survivors.

    On the other hand... a match can go a whole different way. If the survivors are cool, we can work together at all of us having a fun and profitable match. I spent the first 2 days learning the game and grinding my butt off to get from 20 to 19. The other day, I decided to take a different approach and dropped from 19 to 17 in just a couple of hours. I could do this because I was matched with a few decent groups of survivors. I recorded that day and will probably drop a video about it soon, but the gist is simple: they were cool and so I could be cool too. I wasn't completely altruistic (which is just weird for a killer), but I didn't have to stomp them into the ground either. There was no communication, of course, but for a few matches, it was certainly intuitive. I like to think we played smart.

    I'd find them, hit them, damage the generator, and then chase. If they didn't get away, I'd smack them and hook them and leave. When I came back, I'd chase the unhooker, smack them, hook them, and leave. I was careful to keep track of whom I'd hooked two times. It was catch and release for the most part. One time I smacked a guy down and carried him to the hook for the third time and just dropped him there and walked away. Once I saw he was on his feet, I'd head back and chase down the guy who healed him. Meanwhile, they pretty much had only one guy doing generators and I was playing Freddy so if I needed to I'd just port to the next generator I know they were working on and swat them away. I had a great time. In post-game I know they enjoyed it. Every so often I still ended up with a kill or two... especially if I had a mori, but what I didn't get was a hard time afterward. I'd have to check the video, but the bloodpoint totals were all fairly even in the 20-30k range for all of us. Well, the ones who escaped anyway.

    Again, it doesn't always work and either they all end up trolling me and escaping or I end up killing some of them and it's win some/lose some. In those weird cases where we are all cool with each other, it ends up being win/win in the fun and profitability departments. The good news is, it should be fairly obvious which way it'll go within the first encounter or two and it's also fairly obvious when you end up with fairly matched ranks or if the opposition is much lower than I am. The fairly matched ranks are the ones I can get away with being cool with. The low ranks just walk all over me.

    tl;dr: I guess what I'm trying to say we can't control how others act, but we can control ourselves. "Some people just want to watch the world burn." Some of us just want to have fun. And never... ever... care what they say about you in negative post chat. Ever.

    "First off, let's take it from the start / Straight out, you can't change what's in my heart / No one can tear my beliefs apart / You can't bring me (down)." ~ Suicidal Tendencies

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    being toxic is fun

    i tell it like it is

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Yaci gave up adepts cause everyone dcs on xbox like its christmas

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80

    Exactly. Life is simple. It's the people who make it complicated.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    insert Tyler the Creator Cyberbullying tweet

    its a videogame, if you get worked up over, you can close it

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I think the problem is knowing that a player is controlling the moving pixels and is doing it to be a jerk. I don't feel annoyed at the action itself, but more so at the fact that the player feels entitled to behave in such a manner. Especially on the games where I get matched against SWF groups on big maps and don't do very well as killer. Or the games where I see my teammates crouch spamming at the rank 11 Nurse player who didn't get a single hook or even down the entire game and is probably already feeling irritated enough. I wouldn't consider it "toxicity", since it doesn't really affect gameplay, but it's definitely negative and unnecessary behavior.

    But, then again, a lot of people get enjoyment out of making other people feel bad. It's just worse in DbD because of the massive disparity between the two roles. Killers are toxic because they feel like they're "above" the survivors and feel entitled to get the 4k, and survivors are toxic because they feel like they've achieved some great goal because they looped the killer and dropped a pallet on his head.

  • migaloo
    migaloo Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2020

    It's simply because they're bad at other games and this is their only relief. They don't care so much about winning as they do about making the experience worse for others including their team mates who have to carry their weight. This game is easy pickings for these kinds of people because it's got a low skill ceiling & the game rewards people +BP everytime they breath so they can feel special by having a high score pop up on their screen every game.

    The people who play for fun are either in KWF or have moved on to better games, so you have a higher concentration of trolls in matchmaking who play to irritate rather than win which is why the community seems more toxic than other games.

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20

    Killers camping a hooked survivor and nodding/smacking is new or low ranked play. Mostly why I can't stand the grind of learning and climbing the ranks of survivor, this is all you go against. It's very ineffective in the long run you'll never get a 4k.

    Tbagging survivors are common at any rank whether it be to induce a chase or to be toxic that's it. So no it's not only the worst guy on the team especially when a survivor(s) is sitting in the exit gate bagging to rub the win in... very common.

    Toxic survivors are celebrated while toxic killers are only the subject of hate. I don't get it, not because I'm a killer main but it's a 1v4...

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80

    I figure it's worth pointing out I've just had a few great matches in a row as a killer main. I described earlier how I like to sometimes "be cool" when I have a map under complete control. Well, tonight it was reversed. Depending on the time of day, I either get a lot of matches with similar ranked survivors or I'm totally outmatched. At night, in the eastern time zone, it's usually the latter and I get stomped. It seems the past few matches were like that except... instead of just being steamrolled and left with nothing, the survivor teams were "being cool," and we farmed each other a bit. Well, after it was clear they had the map under complete control.

    But... I was playing Bubba tonight. Maybe they took pity. I dunno... he has rage issues, but aside from that (and the stench), he's not so bad.

    Playing as a survivor is usually a different story.

    tl;dr: c'mon... this reply was short. Also, it's not always bad.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    As a killer I just nod if I want my boop snooped but no one ever boops, also if I give the hatch I just look at them and nod once saying yes.

    As a survivor depends what you consider teabag, One or two taps is not a teabag but more than that is, but I really don't teabag, if the killer was playing fair I usually leave my item, one tap, nod and point out the door so they can get the extra hit for BPs, if the killer was facecamping me and I get saved somehow and about to escape I just tap twice and leave.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340
    edited April 2020

    Without being in the same room as people or knowing them as a person, how can you 100% know that a person is being toxic?

    I drink when i play, i've been told I play toxic when i'm drunk.

    There is a window, a small one, where I'm I am not "thinking" anymore. My playstyle shifts to more instinct than trying to play at 10000 brain power trying to mind game. maybe like feral wolverine, where all answers can be solved by adamantium claws 😂😂😂...

    I'm not in a state of fair play at this point, and not because i want to ruin ppls lives. I'm running on basic instincts with no emotional distractions...

    Then i take that one drink too many and it's like a rank 20 killer playing blindfolded 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Every community has toxic people. Honestly compared to overwatch I'd say that dbd toxicity is tame. But I'll agree that there's absolutely no need to tbag and say gg ez.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    You do not even understand the difference of playing this game like its designed, and playing the game to annoy others. Killer biased as hell.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I know, I know, you can't be 100% sure that the survivor is being toxic, but I still think that that's the intent of the majority.... it's definitely a common theme for SWF groups, although.... could they be drinking and playing as well? Maybe! 😋

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Not biased at all. I don't like to get tunneled, camped or moried after first hook, but I am not going to blame the Killer. The reason for my deaths are more often than not due to my own poor skills. If I ran better perks and was able to loop and mind game better, I wouldn't be an attractive target for the Killer.

    Tunneling is countered by being better at looping and teamwork.

    Camping is countered by running kindred and rushing gens, it also helps if you are good at looping so you could waste the killers time as much as possible before they have a chance to camp you.

    Slugging is countered by Unbreakable as well as teamwork.

    You complain about those three things and they are all easily countered. You and everyone else who complains about it are just bad at the game. It is 4 vs 1, if the 4 worked with each other played optimally, the majority of the team would survive. The Killer doesn't owe you an easy game, nor are they required to play by your rules.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Youre completely unlogical. But I doubt you will ever accept that if you think what you said id right.

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    A videogame is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not for the person to put up with a bunch of annoying crap.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Annoying crap is subjective, you can't please everyone. If you get THAT heated at a video game, it is on you.

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    So you're saying that it's on the killer if they get annoyed at a 4 man SWF who all have DS, BT and Adrenaline with a key which all give them a huge advantage to escaping? Ok then, perfectly understandable logic.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Yes. I am able to put up with it and not get pissy with the game. Other people can do the same if they practice self-control.

    It's a PVP game, everyone wants to win, yet someone is going to lose. You would rather win than lose, so it's no surprise you can get frustrated. That's how losing works.

  • Kurrmiu
    Kurrmiu Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2020

    While it might be annoying, I don't find teabagging, flashlight clicking, camping, tunneling etc toxic.

    But I truly wonder, what triggers people so badly that they need to send offensive messages after the game. Imho it should be a punishable offense to say "hope you get cancer" or "k_y_s". Just move onto the next game, why be an asshat about it

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    People be toxic to entertain their friends/viewers.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How does anything you said counters those cheap plays? It all makes no sense.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You have failed to explain how they don't.

    Killer tunneling? Loop them, waste their time. You have plenty of perks to help and you have teammates to help. You could also bring in items such as a med-kit with a syringe to prolong the chase. If you can't waste their time, then you're just not that good.

    Killer camping? Run Kindred. Camping works because your teammates rush hooks like moths to a flame. If solo survivors did gens rather than get caught by a camper, camping would be less common, though I do admit that Leatherface is a problem.

    Slugging becoming too common? Unbreakable lets you pick yourself up, you can also be picked up by a teammate.

    The problem isn't the Killers employing these tactics, the problem is with Survivors failing to counter them properly. Everyone who complains about these tactics just don't want to admit that they're just not good at this game. This isn't to say that the Killers who employ these tactics are good either, but if the Killer wins matches like this, why should they change?

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    The survivors are toxic because they know they're going to win 99% of the time because they're so over powered. If they wasn't so overpowered they wouldn't be as toxic. If I was a dev. I'd take t-bagging out or counter it and make your character unable to crouch for a period of time due to t-bagging. At the exit gates, if a survivor is t-bagging, I'd personally make the exit gates close so the survivors are unable to win because they can't exit due to t-bagging.

    Killers camp because it's a strategy that's useful for when going up against survivors especially survive with friends groups. Most of the killers are so weak against survivors most of the killers can't even get 1 killer per match. Iif they was to leave that survivor off the hook unattended. As soon as the killer steps away from the hook, a survivor is right there taking them off it especially in a survive with friends game.

    It's better to take 12k points and 1 kill than to let 4 survivors escape and pad their stats making them even more toxic for players in the future.

    A message on the PS4 today was " Ez 5 gen rush ". This is the kind of messages I get playing as the killer. The match was the survivor t-bagging me whilst looping me all over the map dropping every pallet possible and jumping every single window possible. I got 1 kill that match and it was on this guy because he t-bagged me.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Your skin is so thin I can see right through it my dude.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Tunneling: I dont want to get tunneled, so I should loop the killer? Makes no sense to do what i am forced unto.

    Camping: I dont want to be camped, so i run kindred, what doesnt benefit me on the hook at all, cause i am still on the hook and the killer is still here waiting. I am unable to do anything in this game just hanging on the hook.

    Slugging: Unbreakable works once. And yeah makes sense to get picked up by a mate and being sluged again cause obviously the killers still on for slugging again and again.


  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    I was deemed toxic askin if the killer was ok after HE DC'D, i was on a genny, and a Feng was loopin him, apparently he doesn't play with toxic survivors, aye because me on a gen is so toxic, and bein genuine askin if the dude was ok, loopin in his mind must be toxic too or should Feng have just stood there and give a free hit....

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Declaring something "toxic" is dumb af for this very reason. People will move the goalposts and determine toxic as "anything that upset them that match".

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