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Why is dbd so toxic?



  • Member Posts: 613


  • Member Posts: 1,752

    whats fun for me may not be fun for you, but as the saying goes “not my problem”

    if you get mad over a game, maybe you should take a break

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    First of all, the word you are looking for is "Illogical".

    Second of all, you fail to show how I am being illogical once again.

    -Tunneling: It makes sense for the Killer to go after the weakest link. Just because you don't want to be tunneled doesn't make it a bad strategy. Sure, it isn't fun for the one getting tunneled, but in no way, shape or form does a Killer owe you time to heal up so you can go do objectives. You don't like getting tunneled? Bring in DS, bring in an instant heal med-kit, and be aware of your surroundings, ready to loop the killer just in case they're going to come back to you after you get unhooked. If your teammate preforms an unsafe unhook, that isn't the Killers fault, it's your teammates.

    -Camping: You are not entitled to matches going your way in every game. Kindred is to help your team do the objectives. Yes, it is boring for the one being camped, but if more and more people stopped falling for it, less killers would be inclined to do it. It won't happen over night, but in the end, the amount of Killers who camp will lessen unless they're diehard Basement Bubbas who only have joy from making others miserable. I do think the Devs will rework him in a future update to lessen his camp potential. You also have Borrowed Time that can help.

    -Slugging: Same strategy as tunneling. Get better at looping and have the Killer chase you to the other side of the map. Anytime I see a greedy slugging Killer, I have them chase me as far away from the slugged survivors as possible. I don't even have to loop them, just run through and around obstacles in a straight path. By the time I get downed, those that were slugged have had enough time to get up as long as it was only two people down. If three people got downed, then that is the fault of the Survivors, not the Killers. And before you say its a scummy tactic, the Devs gave us the perk Infectious Fright that promotes this style of play, so slugging is working as intended.

    All you keep repeating is that since you don't like something, it needs to be changed. You fail to give a reason why it needs to be changed. You also fail to give good alternatives. All in all, you just refuse to get better at the game and want it changed to suit you rather than you change how you play. It doesn't work that way.

  • Member Posts: 2,117
    edited April 2020

    Yeah I see. You do not want to understand anything. Players like you make this game so frustrating and unhealthy. I do not intend to recall what I said before for your bad excuses that were discussed thousands of tie before and non of your kind will ever accept that thexre wrong. Youre biased to the bone, like i said before.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Every game has toxic players this might be the least toxic game i play.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    None of my reasoning were excuses or bad. I don't make this game unhealthy or frustrating. It is players like you who refuse to get better at the game or admit that you are just not a very good player that ruin this game. I am far from biased, I just state it like it is. I would be the first to admit I am not very good at this game, but I am under no delusions that the Developers should change it to fit my needs, nor will I ever require my opponents to play how I want them to play.

    I played both sides, and now I play Solo Survivor exclusively (Killer was just more stress than it was worth). I am far from being biased and I am smart enough to realize that most of the time, when the Killers my group faces gets a 3-4k, its due to the lack of skill we have, not because they're overpowered (Unless they're a Pro-Nurse or Spirit). Most survivors lose because they've been out played. You are just an entitled player who refuses to admit you have low skill and want things to change to make it easier for you. Solo Sucks not because of the Killers, but because teammates are bad at the game, hide half the time, perform unhooks in front of the Killer, are over confident in their abilities, or just want to sandbag everyone.

    Heck, your response is enough for me to know that you have nothing intelligent or worthwhile to add to the discussion, you just don't want to admit you're wrong.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Idk if he thought i was bein sarcastic, but i did message back to say i was bein genuine.. even givin people empathy u still get sh** on, one survivor plays toxic and apparently deems the rest of us in the team the same way, oh well

  • Member Posts: 78

    Oh gtfo yourself “god loops” is a phrase used by ######### killers......... it’s simple, trapper, trap those windows.. spirit, mind games, Myers or ghost face, use deathslinger pull the subito to the window and hit him through it...

  • Member Posts: 632

    the big question isnt why is DBD so toxic but why are there people to begin with that go into games designed for players to have fun to intentionally bully, harass and upset a complete stranger for no other reason than their own amusement. the game is insanely fun but also so very toxic, like alot of games sadly but i feel thats more the generation than the games... iv never understood of people can have such lack of humanity.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    Right, that's why the Devs are currently looking at them and reworking maps, because they weren't abused and they were super hard for survivors to run.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I've been playing since 7am today and I've not camped nor tunneled but yet every survivor that has stunned me tbags and points lol. Even so I just hook em and move on

  • Member Posts: 120
    edited April 2020

    Its a multiplayer Horror game. What sets it apart from most is you can dedicate yourself to play as the monster. You can be the movie horror, get that groovy movie ending with the Lone Survivor. Naturally when you first pick up the game to play as survivor you want those spooks, the adrenaline, the fear, the chase, the better you get, the easier it is to run literal circles around the monster, the monster isn't some static bot that can be predictable, its a player. Eventually you can just dick with the monster without batting an eye, you will be having a laugh, but the guy on the other end trying to kill you is having the most frustrating time of his day because once a killer reaches greens, survivors become an ungodly painis in the anus to kill, and while not all are loop gods, those that are, and that are toxic, make you want to chase and kill them.

    I typically play survivor to take a break from killer, have a laugh, and get murdered. Getting doc/spirit with a ebony, or noed, is fun for me, going against prenerf prayer beads was some damn exciting shiet. I also enjoy running baby killers around, show em the loops, then snackrifice myself because the gens typically get done and they only walk out with like 2 hooks, killers gotta eat too namsaiyan. I just don't mind getting murdered, I find it hilarious. Getting choked by Nurse is also damn kinky. More nurses need to bring Moris. I can't really relate to frustrated surv mains because what they find frustrating I find funny.

    As a killer you want to feel powerful, deadly, threatening, but you only get that feeling below rank 13 when its the ez life. As a survivor you only feel scared when you first start out, then it just becomes either a cake walk or a shonky mess if you don't have the time or money invested into some perks. And since ranking up as surv only takes getting the gens done and getting the heck out, more baby survs are getting pulled in with frustrated high ranking murderous killers that will gladly roflstomp their heads in. With gens and getting the heck out being enough to rank up, the speeds it can get done by, they don't actually have to care anymore about altruism unless they are in it for points. With the plethora of information both sides get from each other, terror radius, heartbeat, red stain, extra loud chase music both sides feel, OoO, BBQ, whispers, spinechill, darksense, nurses calling, ect. it takes away much from the horror feel, the environment, the entity funk. The lack of a second obj, the repetitive and boring nature of holding m1 for 80 damn seconds with the current obj, and the complicated over saturated mess that is the rank and perk system, shiet just won't be a proper jump scaring, whats that dang hag planning horror game until both sides get stripped of their aura reading and sound notifications and a second obj gets put in.

    A simple ez fix could be 2 perks, 1 for killer, and 1 for survivor. The killers perk will grant 50% bonus bloodpoints at the cost of recieving no noise or aura reading/notifications, so bbq can stack but won't grant the aura reading, such as gens exploding and unhooks and that good stuff. The survivors will grant 100% bloodpoints at the expense of all killers you face basically having undetectable, so OoO won't work, and spinechill will either become crucial, or you can wing it for more unpredictability. Think of it like putting on nightmare mode but with groovy bp that the survivor side desperately needs to make it more lax.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    From my experience survivors tend to be more toxic than killers, sorry that happened to you

  • Member Posts: 136

    Decided to play survivor and ran into 4 moris and tons of face campers. I just want to enjoy the game and get my bloodpoints before the event ends

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I get you, I've been running BPS for like 15 games, so people can enjoy free BPs, and I'm a killer main, but since the event ends soon might as well give a few

  • toxicity is really just a high the dies young. especially with how random it is

  • Member Posts: 478

    I have been seeing this same post or similar for three years. And I really got to thinking about it. If you playing a shooter and someone kills and teabags you its like whatever. But in dbd on both sides if you are having a bad match you basically have to sit there and take it until they are done with you, killer or survivor unless you want to take a dc penalty.

    I know there are things in place to prevent this like egc, bleedout timer and such but it still takes time. Had a Deathslinger stand over shooting at my slugged body the whole bleedout timer. All others were dead and etc was not triggered yet.

    When I first started playing killer I can remember matches before egc where the survivors would not leave and I could not find them. But more than t bagging or pointing or nodding head I think It is just the feeling of helplessness that gets people.

  • Member Posts: 246

    This thread is such a great picture of the exact people that make this game so miserable to play. Happy to see the toxic survivors mains getting banned, though. So I guess there is some justice.

  • Member Posts: 985

    Fitting that its Halloween, since necromancy is definitely part of it.

  • Member Posts: 31

    People running away because they are bullied are victims just as the ones who cannot run away. Those people being excluded, because they are "too sensitive" or "not though enough" are the ones who deserve our sympathy, not the ones who dish out the punishment.

    You are essentially saying, that it is okay to be mean in a video game, as you can just close it. Sure.. you cannot play it when it is closed, you are getting excluded, which in part is the intent of the one bullying you, but it somehow is the solution?

    I am not sure where some people in this community (even some prominent ones) get their ideas about how cyber bullying works and its extents in general, but multiplayer games are just another interface where you are in touch with people. They can harm you just as much as they can do through other virtual channels and the pain they inflict can be just as real.

    Saying: "its just a game" is only true as long as it is being played for fun and not used to harass or humiliate the other party. Then it starts to become more than a game. Yes, sure .. you can flee any channel through which you can be hurt. That does not make it right and any sensible person should be fighting tooth and nail against anything to which the answer is: maybe it is best you do not play this GAME.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    bro you @‘d me over something from 6 months ago

    im too lazy to even look at the context lmfao

  • Member Posts: 31

    lol, didn't check the post date, my bad :) I saw the thread on top, started reading through it and reacted :) still stand by what I said, but didn't intend to resurrect an old discussion.

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