
Can we add Jason into the game?? I know that it might not be possible because of copyright and all that but if there is a chance that we can add him could it happen? Like I have some ideas for an ability he could have, if it any point you stun Jason, like using a palette, flashlight, head on, decisive strike etc, his mask could fall off and he could go into a "super rage", kinda like the oni when he goes into yamaokas wrath (or rage mode as I like to call it). During this he could be stronger and one shot survivors and he could also be faster, his heartbeat could also be silent during this time as Jason silently kills people. After an amount of time, say 15-20 seconds, he could do an animation of putting his mask on with which he can't move for three seconds, giving any survivors nearby the chance to run. This was just an idea I had for a new character. Even if Jason is put into the game it wouldn't be for a while due to the recent release of the gun slinger. I just think that Jason would be great in a game about killers and survival as when I think of famous killers the first one to pop into my mind is always Jason. It's just a suggestion but I'm sure that me and plenty of other people would love to see Jason added into the game. I know this makes him seem like an overpowered character but I think adding a character that you can't stun will add a nice challenge and some variety into the game. Well you can stun him but it would be best not to.
I would love for jason to be added but as it stands the lawsuit is still happening and even when it ends one of them can still appeal the decision and it'll last a lot longer.
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Freddy > Jason
And hes all we need.
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According to a lot of reports, it was basically over and then COVID came along and made us wait a bit longer...
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I'd rather have a brutal camp killer than discount sand man.
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2020 is not our year.
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If I remember right in one of the older dev streams Cote said Jason will always have an open invitation to the game. it's just a matter of the rights and working out a good deal for all involved.
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DBD doesn't deserve Jason in it's current state
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We need Chucky before we get Jason. Trapper and Daddy Michael fill the role for large slashy slashy killers for the time being.
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Jason is basically trapper without the traps so i dont know how it could work as they are too similar
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If they give him a cool power that fits him he would no longer be basically trapper. I think he'd be awesome for the game.
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2.As someone already said , DBD doesn't deserve him
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How bout as long as he's not in line of sight of a survivor he can teleport to another location also not in line of sight of survivors. Jason does have a way of coming out of no where. Also perhaps a tiny terror radius while not in chase.
Edit: after thinking on it a bit more that would be hard to implement. Maybe have predetermined spots all around the map. Would give him awesome map pressure but wouldn't help him at all in chase. Kinda a hit and run killer.
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I would rather an original killer than Jason, we've already got Trapper who kind of resembles him and there's way more interesting future choices than... this guy, seriously.
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I will admit, I was frustrated with DbD a few months ago, but its current state isn't as bad as people make it out to be. The Devs have been making strides to make the game more balanced. They're just slower at it than most would like. I think it would do the game good if new Chapters were spread out further apart and they focus on ironing out bugs, hit boxes and latency.
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Unless you are on switch and probably mobile
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I love Jason but Lore wise it would be hard to add him.
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Same could be said for Hillbilly and Leatherface, yet they managed to work it out.
I'm also still hoping for Jason. He's the last licensed character that I care about (since they've already added my other 3 favorites - Mikey, Freddy and Bubba. Jason would basically complete the set for me)
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The sound's been broken for years now. All they do is push out new content and then pump the store with cosmetics for it
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I think would be fair to add a rage meter but I would be very similar to Michael Myers.
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I never said they were perfect, I just don't think they're completely incompetent. If I could have power over them, I'd force them to rewrite the games code and work out all the bugs. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen. Let us just hope this game gets more popular, catches the eyes of other studios and gives rise to some much needed competition.
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How? He can detect Steve, Nancy, Laurie and Legion inside the entitiy, all of which are basically teenagers, and teenagers are Jason's natural and basic prey.
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My suspicion is that the demogorgon kit was originally pitched for "Jason"
-can bash thru pallets
-teleports (maybe Freddy's new teleport was planned for a Jason)
-115% movespeed
Slap on a machete, and it's basically Jason.
Make Jason more dangerous, if he comes to dbd.
Let him destroy windows. Nothing else says Jasons gonna get you, like that. Jason should have end game power like no other before him.
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Jason only goes after people who have intruded on Crystal lake. Jason would fight the entity at every turn. So unless they bring Crystal lake into the game it would be hard. Not to mention you would have to severly Nerf the ######### out of him for this game. The only killer in this game that could honsetly go toe to toe with him is Freddy.
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What was Jason VIII? He was not even near Crystal lake for that one.
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It started in crystal lake. The ship he boards wasnt far off from crystal lake.
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My thoughts exactly. And looking at how Leatherface turned out compared to Hillbilly, I don't exactly have hope for him.
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Jason has been to Manhattan and space and he just kept killing people. Crystal Lake is his true home and would make for a unique map. Doesn't matter how he gets where he's going he just keeps killing till he gets back to his turf. Would totally fit in this game and be the final piece of the fab 4 (Jason, Freddy, Myers, and Leatherface)
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He would be nerfed into the ground. Hes way to op for this game. At best he'd be an updated Trapper.
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Of course he would be nerfed into the ground. He is the killing machine of killing machines. Freddy is pail in comparison to his movie self but he's still a badass. Myers is weaker in game than on the screen but he's still cool (aside from the newest movie of course, felt like i was watching dbd with that one). Leatherface..... well that poor boy just needs some love lol. I still think he can be a good fit and they can come up with something that makes him not Trap Daddy.
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They could maybe just replace Trapper, but thats a bit unlikely since He is poster boy
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I don't think the devs could. And this is reboot Freddy so he's probably not as powerful as og freddy. Michael is only from the 1st movie before all that cult of thorn nonsense. Human Jason would be to much like trapper. Zombie jason is another thing entirely. Dbd wouldnt do my boy Jason justice.
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I see your points but I still don't see why he has to be like trapper. Zombie Jason from part 7 would be the best thing ever. If they gave us that I wouldn't even care if they made him worse than pre-rework Freddy. I'd still walk around trying to crush skulls. I'd definitely like it if they made him good though. With the Freddy and Doc reworks I have faith that they can make him good. As good as he is in movies.... not a chance lol. I'll take what I can get though.
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I love Jason the most i put so many hours into f13 just to see it crash. The one thing that couldve been unique to jason they put in the game which was wall smashing.