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Tips on how to deal with freddy?

sairen Member Posts: 7
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I need some assistance with freddy. I play both survivor and killer got rank 1 with both (not like it's hard) and iv gone through the "X is op ######### is this" with various things but i have either got over them or learned to deal with them.

Example i used to think legion and ghost face were op when i first started now its no big. not saying i will win every game but unless they are rocking 3 iridescent it will be a close and FUN game.

Freddy on the other hand i cannot deal with and even more so its not fun at all. I get the basics "STAY AWAKE" yeah that's all well and good but its passive. I have to either find someone else and waste both of our time to wake me up. fail a skill check which will result in freddy teleporting to the gen i just failed on or run across the map to clock. To top it off he can spam his traps at 0 cost of his speed i think it should slow him down a little...

I just don't get how to deal with him he can teleport across the map frequently (don't know how often i don't own freddy) and M1 which on a 115% is naturally easy puts you in dreamspace. which you are then greeted with 50000000000 snares near any and all paths to trick him. can't go through any window or pallet because snares and he just keeps placing them still going at 115%.

I don't know what to do. I've come to terms and have found ways to deal with most of the things in this game i find stupid. DS? waste it or waste their time by not bothering with them. NOED just break totems BP is nice anyways otherwise leave your teammate because NOED is for bad killers to get free kills. Borrowed time just go after the person unhooking. spine chill? once you realise they have moonwalk to gens.

Now i'm sure the response i will get is "BuT wHaT ABouT SwF???? duurr durr" Yeah thats an issue a whole separate issue which is annoying as ######### but i don't have friends who play this game so i'm solo so you cant use that ######### on me.

TL:DR --- How do i deal with freddy when im solo?

EDIT: They made doctor not passive increase insanity so why does freddy passively put you to sleep? It is way easier to "snap out of it" than to "wake up"?


  • sairen
    sairen Member Posts: 7

    I need some assistance with freddy. I play both survivor and killer got rank 1 with both (not like it's hard) and iv gone through the "X is op ######### is this" with various things but i have either got over them or learned to deal with them.

    Example i used to think legion and ghost face were op when i first started now its no big. not saying i will win every game but unless they are rocking 3 iridescent it will be a close and FUN game.

    Freddy on the other hand i cannot deal with and even more so its not fun at all. I get the basics "STAY AWAKE" yeah that's all well and good but its passive. I have to either find someone else and waste both of our time to wake me up. fail a skill check which will result in freddy teleporting to the gen i just failed on or run across the map to clock. To top it off he can spam his traps at 0 cost of his speed i think it should slow him down a little...

    I just don't get how to deal with him he can teleport across the map frequently (don't know how often i don't own freddy) and M1 which on a 115% is naturally easy puts you in dreamspace. which you are then greeted with 50000000000 snares near any and all paths to trick him. can't go through any window or pallet because snares and he just keeps placing them still going at 115%.

    I don't know what to do. I've come to terms and have found ways to deal with most of the things in this game i find stupid. DS? waste it or waste their time by not bothering with them. NOED just break totems BP is nice anyways otherwise leave your teammate because NOED is for bad killers to get free kills. Borrowed time just go after the person unhooking. spine chill? once you realise they have moonwalk to gens.

    Now i'm sure the response i will get is "BuT wHaT ABouT SwF???? duurr durr" Yeah thats an issue a whole separate issue which is annoying as hell but i don't have friends who play this game so i'm solo so you cant use that excuse on me.

    They made doctor not passively increase insanity why have freddy put you to sleep passively? Its way easier to "snap out of it" than "wake up"

    TL:DR --- How do i deal with freddy when im solo?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Freddy is not particularly interactive and his kit is overloaded with mechanics that reward him for existing. Same with Doc. It's BHVR's way of (over)doing reworks. You have to accept the fact that there's only so much you can do, especially in solo.

    At jungle gyms, you have to try to break away when he's putting down his snares. Most tiles can be shut down with a single snare (which is not a huge skill cap in itself). However, snares are so easy that many Freddys don't know the correct placement and they just spam still obtaining results, which speaks volumes. So, if they're busy spamming snares you have to pick your opportunity to move to the next loop.

    At generic pallet loops, the play is to throw the pallet early. The snares force a medium vault when they affect you, but not at pallets. So, waste the pallet if you can't get the stun, camp it and try not to be mindgamed. Anything else and he can easily reverse-bloodlust. Will you burn through pallets? Yes, it's the nature of the beast. If the loop is high and blocks line of sight, you can get away if he tries to moonwalk.

    Other than that, try to stay awake as much as possible (but you will have to balance that with not wasting too much time to wake up), trip his snares when he's busy with someone else and, last but arguably the most important, genrush.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Freddy is not particularly interactive and his kit is overloaded with mechanics that reward him for existing. Same with Doc. It's BHVR's way of (over)doing reworks. You have to accept the fact that there's only so much you can do, especially in solo.

    At jungle gyms, you have to try to break away when he's putting down his snares. Most tiles can be shut down with a single snare (which is not a huge skill cap in itself). However, snares are so easy that many Freddys don't know the correct placement and they just spam still obtaining results, which speaks volumes. So, if they're busy spamming snares you have to pick your opportunity to move to the next loop.

    At generic pallet loops, the play is to throw the pallet early. The snares force a medium vault when they affect you, but not at pallets. So, waste the pallet if you can't get the stun, camp it and try not to be mindgamed. Anything else and he can easily reverse-bloodlust. Will you burn through pallets? Yes, it's the nature of the beast. If the loop is high and blocks line of sight, you can get away if he tries to moonwalk.

    Other than that, try to stay awake as much as possible (but you will have to balance that with not wasting too much time to wake up), trip his snares when he's busy with someone else and, last but arguably the most important, genrush.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Freddy is not particularly interactive and his kit is overloaded with mechanics that reward him for existing. Same with Doc. It's BHVR's way of (over)doing reworks. You have to accept the fact that there's only so much you can do, especially in solo.

    At jungle gyms, you have to try to break away when he's putting down his snares. Most tiles can be shut down with a single snare (which is not a huge skill cap in itself). However, snares are so easy that many Freddys don't know the correct placement and they just spam still obtaining results, which speaks volumes. So, if they're busy spamming snares you have to pick your opportunity to move to the next loop.

    At generic pallet loops, the play is to throw the pallet early. The snares force a medium vault when they affect you, but not at pallets. So, waste the pallet if you can't get the stun, camp it and try not to be mindgamed. Anything else and he can easily reverse-bloodlust. Will you burn through pallets? Yes, it's the nature of the beast. If the loop is high and blocks line of sight, you can get away if he tries to moonwalk.

    Other than that, try to stay awake as much as possible (but you will have to balance that with not wasting too much time to wake up), trip his snares when he's busy with someone else and, last but arguably the most important, genrush.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    You could run Object of Obsession. The perk only deactivates while in a chase or in Freddy's terror radius. This means that if you are asleep, you can practically see his location at all times, granted he is in range.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    drink many coffees, force yourself to keep your eyes open, try not to fall asleep.

    like really, Freddy is one of the most boring killer to play against