How is this even fair



  • Trust_me_Im_a_Doctor
    Trust_me_Im_a_Doctor Member Posts: 29

    Is there a counter tactic for Sixth Sense? Like come at a gen from the side of the map while looking away from it?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thats probaply the lack of red rank killers that forces the system to get killers from lower ranks into these lobbies...

    also i believe that there is a ratio of +-6 ranks when queueing, so its not impossible to get rank 1s as a rank 6... i might be wrongn with the number here though.

  • Kalazius
    Kalazius Member Posts: 8

    Stop whining! 6 is not far from Red.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529
  • Kevin_the_wise2000
    Kevin_the_wise2000 Member Posts: 43

    It's not about it pip! I'm a killer main and I could care less about the pip ups! The survivors are overpowered go educate yourself!

  • Kevin_the_wise2000
    Kevin_the_wise2000 Member Posts: 43

    It's always the same exact perks to! Sprint burst,D strike,borrowed time and dead hard! This game is unbalanced and the Devs just care about the survivors!

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    lmao. Because infinite loops are OP, play trapper carry two trap them, bam fixed. Play spirit, bam fixed just because you can’t mind game a survivor in to making a mistake doesn’t make you a ######### expert on this game, and your pretentious attitude doesn’t change my opinion at all, I’ve played killer from 20 to 10 with 1 perk and zero add ons. MORI is ######### OP cause you can’t possibly counter it, active DS is nothing. Oh DS by the gate, deathslinger pull him as daw from it as possible.... you’re a joke, and this game is going down hill because they listen to you baby ass killers whine you don’t win absolutely every single game in the possible universe

  • lereyk
    lereyk Member Posts: 17

    I strongly disagree. I'm solo and I got to red ranks really fast after I spend some serious time on the game. I'm now at around 450 hours, maybe 150 hours were serious gameplay and all after I left the game for like over a year. Before that the highest rank I reached was around the 10s. Now I'm pretty much stuck at red ranks because I pip up or safe pip even if I played like ######### for whatever reason. My gameplay definitely is NOT red rank worthy but the thing is it's far too easy to rank up as a survivor. The whole game still is and always has been survivor sided (I'm playing the ptb so I'll include that in my statement). Even if you're solo queuing. With that bring said I'd really suggest you overthink your skills cause it's surely not the games fault that you're not on red ranks yet and feel the need to swf.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Another thing, you clearly don’t understand how chases work, other wise you’d never DH to a vault, that would never work, perhaps if the chase JUST started maybe it would, but if you’re already in a prolonged chase, DH draws back because of ######### connection, which is almost always a given, you won’t make it...

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I think you did good from the points you got. You got beat by a top squad, but you were able to hang with them. I bet you've been up there before, so sharpen your skills and it won't be a quad next time.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    I am red ranks. And if you were actually red ranks you’d know how unfair it is for a killer to lose all survivors and still get 29k bps so I don’t know what the ######### you’re going on about

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Improve on what? You were 2k off from a perfect game and getting paired with players within 5 ranks is normal. 🤔 Seems like everyone had a decent match.

  • lereyk
    lereyk Member Posts: 17

    Why should it be unfair? As a surv you can also get way over 20k bp and still die in a game. If you're playing well why shouldn't you be rewarded?

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Yeah, I also strongly disagree. Simply because you can’t safe play on solo red ranks and still pip up, so I know you’re full of crap.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Because it’s only one way... I never lost a chase, did 2 gens several safe hooks found the hatch and still depipped.

  • kiradeblancc
    kiradeblancc Member Posts: 2

    jeez dude that’s really mean, dbd isn’t that easy as killer…I would know I play every killer

  • lereyk
    lereyk Member Posts: 17

    Stop talking bs mate😂 Do you have any idea how the pip and emblem system works? A match like the one you described gets at least a safety pip. If you depipped you didn't play like you described. It's easy as that!

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    Honestly and this is coming from a rank 1 wraith main but this happened to me all of the time when I was purple and green ranks, but now that I'm red rank I can't get mad with anybody but myself because we're the same rank. Just take it with a grain of salt and pester the devs at ama's to fix their damned game.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    I wish I had a screen shot. But I don’t it’s not bullshit though.

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20

    "Bam this killer... Bam use this killer..." buddy if I could change my killer during a game to place a scenario in my favor anyone would. "Baby killer" huh? Although the community collectively agrees survivor, specifically SWF of even 2 (although arguably even to be fair), is stronger than killer. Consider I and other people don't want to play these killers you think solve this one specific problem no one will see coming as well. No that's unreasonable? "Just mind game the survivors on an INFINITE" (do you even understand why it's considered an infinite...). I mean, you should understand since it's very obvious you're a survivor main that survivors will mind game the killer just as the killer tries to mind game the survivors. You see how that works? Why it turns into a problem? A mori is OP but keys are okay I suppose, I'd remove them both if it was up to me. Let me guess, i should've run Franklin's to stop the guy with the key... Blame the connection as so many survivor mains do as well. If DH only sent you back there wouldn't be so many people using the perk. Going to complain about the hit boxes now even though LONG BEFORE dedicated servers killers would get hits that made no sense? Ffs man. Oh and I'm not wasting my time here to change your mind no no. I'm wasting my time here to say you're undermining the entire other side of the game and you definitely don't play enough killer.

    Ah and glorious rank reset just happened and on a new account rank 17 the game decides to throw a rank 5 in my game (yay matchmaking). The glorious DC I got off this Urban Immersion Feng just feeds my Baby Killer...ness.

  • Gam1ngga5tly
    Gam1ngga5tly Member Posts: 129

    Hey dude I feel your pain. I notice you played spirit. I am a spirit main, do you want any tips on destroying high rank players?

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Right, cause that’s as far as you get when it comes to a little bit of intuition on my statement, “change killers mid-game” I absolutely totally meant that, absolutely no possible way I meant try this killer or try that, nope your brain could only calculate one example and that one example is impossible, see this is killers on this games mentality, create impossible scenario to which only they can thrive, you’re a prime example why this game is a ######### up. You derive an impossible scenario because that’s the scenario that makes sense to your ######### little pea brain.... dear ######### god

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Obviously don’t play enough survivor, DH pushes back, it won’t create a fast vault, you’d know that if you weren’t such a baby killer, don’t worry devs are cradling your nuts. And I like how you put a positive Killer vs a negative with survivor, which just proves you’re biased. And honestly think an ebony vs a key is even remotely fair you’re not only biased you’re also dumb, the hatch does not spawn in immediately, and you can literally sit in the lobby and see who has what, if they have a key, bring franklins, if you don’t have that perk, use any mori. Bam! And you’re talking about setting things back, you’re literally talking about getting rid of keys, to not only guaranteed solo q UNCESSARY but just down right unplayable

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Anyone with an ounce of honesty knows the hitbox is ######### silly. The DEVS have literally said the pillbox design it not for accuracy, so essentially every single hit over a vault window has been bullshit. If they get rid of excellent vault loops, they should fix their stupid hitboxes

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    not trying to be rude or anything but i'm not quite sure what the issue is here. the devs already said that if you can't get a killer that matches the highest rank survivor then it should be 6 ranks on either side weather thats higher or lower. i also agree with someone else's comment about how you are pretty close to red ranks anyway. a lot of the red ranks don't play like red ranks. is it possible that you've been unlucky and been matched up with a swf group.

    in my opinion bad match making is what i had last night. we are red ranks and had a rank 17 killer. it became obvious pretty quickly that they were new to killer. they just gave up mid game. i ended up sacrificing myself at the end because i felt so bad. its a ######### situation being matched up with people 15 ranks higher than you. feels bad.

    my point is, being matched up with survivors 1 colour away from you isn't too bad (unless you keep getting a full swf group). i think that playing in those situations will also make you better because you have to try different play styles maybe different builds. you are trying different things, learning different ways. getting matched up with survivors 15 ranks higher than you is bad, baby killers are still learning the basics, learning what all the perks do, learning the mechanics of the game and they are up against people that have had a lot of experience.

    thats just my opinion and i know not everyone will agree.

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2020

    Camp, tunnel, Mori, NOED. Your welcome. Easy Kills. Survivors are going to be salty when they die regardless so you don’t need to handicap yourself and play by their rules. Their rules are designed to get easy 0k games. I gave up on being nice and friendly to ungrateful survivors that just talk trash even when you don’t do or run those things. I play a lot of survivor too and never cry about being killed at all. I’m a red rank survivor and most of the games that don’t have people doing or using those 4 things don’t get many kills if any and that’s a fact. I very rarely die if I’m not tunneled, moried, camped, and or hit with noed

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Use doctor and wraith and Freddy to get a easy 4k but with best build that you need with.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515
  • TheToxicAvenger
    TheToxicAvenger Member Posts: 3

    C'mon Guy Who Gives AF if 4ppl escaped, you beat all of them in blood points. Which means You won. Killers get so focused on 4K they forget the point of this game is to get Blood POINTS!

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2020

    A Rank 6 Spirit should be able to beat that team unless they were a 4-man SWF that wanted to win and not goof off. Killer Ranks don't align with Survivor Ranks.

    Also, Brutal and STBFL on Spirit? Those have no synergy and should not be used on her. You basically only gave yourself 2 perks.

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20

    Yeah man, insult, insult, insult. Did you catch the part about me stating "undermining the entire other side"??? When I say "I just got DS at the open gate in one of my games as Billy" and you say "JuSt PlAy DeAtHsLiNgEr BAM!" that doesn't make much sense right? Apparently the one with the pea brain is yourself since you wanna turn my statement into asking for some impossible, broken mechanic. Let me explain more clearly. I, nor other people, can expect every scenario. Idk what map I'm going to get for starters unless I run an offering... which survivors could use in their favor as well. Idk what perks the survivors are running. I could be playing against SWF, I could not, there's many unknowns. So just play this killer and that killer expecting this and that... That'll really help me or anyone else out in the long run. Moron -_-

    Who said the hatch spawns immediately? So it's not hard to gen rush down to however many gens for it to spawn and just get an easy escape? Just make up things to benefit your own statements I suppose though. You know these things go hand in hand, start picking off a survivor or two with a mori and the hatch will only spawn sooner! "Oh just take out the guy with the key... Franklin's!!!" You understand any survivor walking along can just grab the key right? Especially SWF, "hey man my keys over there" etc. You still need to get someone down, hook them, and down them again to utilize your mori. We'll just ignore the little nuances I suppose that lead you to this point as well and just dumb it down so it's that simple. This is pointless as is, they're both bad for the game I've already stated this. If I didn't... well there you go! Since you seem to believe I think an Ebony is good for the game, which i never said. Didn't realize you could only play solos if you had a key as well... which isn't true.

    I like this one especially, "devs are cradling your nuts". We'll just keep ignoring the fact that survivors are stronger than killers. That the recent patch is the only recent "buff", since it's more of a fix, to killers. Go ahead man spew more of your bullshit harder than the Plague. Keep throwing out the insults and talking nonsense. Please especially put words in my mouth as well since you wanna make up statements, my quotes are all in this thread 😘

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    You clearly don't play killer if you think they pipped.. they barely black pipped at best.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Survivors wait times are so long because noone enjoys playing the killer anymore. It's far to stressful experience. Upcoming map changes will help alot.

    After a few more killer updates I might come back to the role but for myself my answer wasnt get good it was take a few months break from killer.

  • malgray34
    malgray34 Member Posts: 8

    Bruh to be quite honest with you dead by daylight just needs to fix this whole damn game because number 1 killers in all augumented reality are supposed to kill a survivor that's there job right no ? You hit the survior they go into the injured state ??? Injured state no that's just stupid and that's no physics then you actually have to hook them here's where it gets annoying for me you hook them they get right back off the hook again then they start teabagging you after all gens are done it feels like you accomplished nothing this is why. I don't play dead by daylight as often as I should why it's a brain aneurysm in a nut shell

  • wrex1
    wrex1 Member Posts: 11

    I'm so with you on this. I was easily destroying 4 man's most of the time especially before they ruined ruin. But now that it's a lot harder to tell if I'm facing a crew of swf idk what I'm heading into. Getting gen rushed to the point where I actually had to bring noed. So embarrassing. I'm currently building the most toxic doctor imaginable to counter toxic parties.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    This was playing solo q too. The devs need to sort this issue badly. Lobby times between the 2 sides says everything you need to know really

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20

    I was playing on a brand new account for the most part as killer yesterday, been showing my brothers how to play and such. Rank reset, the highest this account was at was 16. Reset made 17, there was a rank 5 Feng in my lobby... I made her DC O.O

    On the killer side of things and from playing on a new account teaching 2 newbies, it is a problem. I know what I'm doing so I could care less about my experience. But take anyone brand new to the role and I can't see how it would be any fun. This is the "noob stages" as well which bugs me. Full builds and at least a basic understanding, enough to stomp my actual noob brothers. Although... killer can be frustrating in the long run so maybe the devs are just preparing everyone for the inevitable. You know, get them seasoned in frustration early xD

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    Thats definitely the problem! New players just wont have fun and leave. We need to retain new player if the game is going to survive. Ive played since PS4 release and the game was fun consistently until the store was released. Ever since the store opened the actual game as a whole has suffered hugely.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428





  • HipfireBoi
    HipfireBoi Member Posts: 29

    Lol, or you could retain some dignity by not showing a 0k as Spirit 😂

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Do you understand you are what is wrong with the killer player base? You won, you got the high score, you beat survivors at a higher rank. You did not get kills, but that is not the only way to determine who won. You should expect in a fair game two survivors to escape and scores to be close. You had the high score by over 2k. I am sure you have also had games where you had the high score and you killed all four survivors who were a lower rank than you, it all evens out. The fact you are complaining and don't realize you won is what is wrong with so many killers. There are four other humans playing the game with you, your job is to play and have a good time. The idea that the only way to win is to get four kills is incorrect thinking.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    you are using spirit so you kinda deserved it

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20

    It's not incorrect thinking at all actually. What's the goal of the survivors? To survive, obviously. Do the gens and all the other little nuances that go into a match.

    So what's the goal of the killer? To kill ALL four survivors. Many of us including myself are fine with going even, that's not bad. Final survivor hatch escapes are so common if you're not slugging for a 4k that it stops getting under your skin as well. So this way of thinking is not flawed that is literally the point of the game in this role. Many of us have already pointed out here that "yeah the points good game". But being frustrated at no kills, when you're playing the game TO GET KILLS, is absolutely not "what's wrong with the killer player base". If the idea here is just "wow them points!" then what do we (both killers and survivors) get our points for? Stronger builds. Why does a survivor want a strong build... to help them survive. So why does a killer want a strong build... do I have to say it? Ima say it, TO GET THE KILLS!

    Come on man -.-

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Don't worry about pips. They're dumb and not going to be worth much. Focus on Fun or points. If you get a lot, good job!

    It's really all about mindset.

  • bunnibeetea
    bunnibeetea Member Posts: 72

    I never thought of it that way! Thank you, I honestly didn't realize how many points I had gotten from that game.

  • bunnibeetea
    bunnibeetea Member Posts: 72

    I have never considered this, and I suppose your right! I have played spirit since release and I see what you mean now. Compared to when I play hag sometimes, people don't know what to do against her. I should practice more and learn how survivors play/react as everyone plays survivor differently

  • bunnibeetea
    bunnibeetea Member Posts: 72

    I have played her since release, and I don't have pop goes the weasel sadly :(((

    I'll try to improve more instead of just focusing on always killing survivors, as when I don't I get angry. Focusing on something like getting stacks of BBQ seems more fun honestly

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I suppose the real answer is, "Just don't let it get to you."

    It's not because of what killer you play, or anything you did. It's the matchmaking being wonky and players just playing like they always do. That's not going to change, no matter how much they claim it will.

    Of course, I never take my own advice, and it's hard for me to not roll my eyes and get a little weary after the fourth consecutive, "Red rank SWF teabagger Claudettes against me at rank 17." Oh well.

  • bunnibeetea
    bunnibeetea Member Posts: 72

    I used to play nurse, and I rarely play her now in PS4 and your right!