How is this even fair

I know it sounds like I'm whining, but how is this actually fair? How am I supposed to improve when I get stomped on as killer all of the time. I could either wait in lobby as a survivor for 10 mins to find a game that goes terrible, or instantly find a game as killer against red rank/rank 1 survivors? I genuinely would like some advice in how to improve, other than just "get good" as I've played this game for 3 years and this has always happened to me
Sadly, I and many others had this issue. The downright horseshit matchmaking is a big factor as to why people dont play killer due to massive gaps in skill level. With no disrespect the only legitmate solution is to get gud. Figure out how to counter the survivors and improve from there. Its an insanely uphill batyle but when your reach the top, you'll feel pretty good. Until the sweaty swf show up. I'd recommend playing some top tier killers like spirit or billy if you just wanna rank up. If you just wanna have fun then bless your heart from a washed up trapper main.
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Thank you, I really just wanna get points to level ppl up but ita so frustrating going against survivors with crazy strong loops, disrespectful and bm behavior too. I just bought the plague for my birthday recently and I've had the worst time of of ever playing this game lately. Again, thank you 🥺
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I just had a match (as survivor) about an hour ago and i (lvl 11) was teamed with a level 1 and 2x level 2's. We got the quad escape yeah but the killer was a level 15..
I mean ok i was on the "winning" team, but my first reaction was how the hell is this fair on that person playing killer.
To make things worse, i had a suspicion that my 3 team mate were swf so i checked, and yep they were on eacg others friends list.
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Literally though. I think the game is much more balanced whenever I play solo survivor, because in my opinion you have to play much smarter, keeping an eye on what your teammates are doing, guess if someone is going for a save, etc. But in a swf, that fun of being in a new game with no clue on how everybody plays is taken away from me and I just get super bored and don't take the game seriously. I try to be nice to killers unless I get tilted, because I know it's super hard for them on console sometimes
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What? Yeah, matchmaking is a problem right now but you're a rank 6 going against reds. Even on the old system where it suppose to be within 6 levels or so this would have been fine. Considering you said you've been playing for 3 years I'd also say you're probably a red rank player anyway.
Not only that but you did really well considering how many points you had. The survivors had a lot of points as well so it seems like it was a good game for both sides. Going off your screenshot, I'd be happy as hell with a game like that.
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This screenshot is not looking that bad actually, there is just one color difference, you are not that far away from red ranks. And you got almost 30k on a 4 escape. So I think you still got like 7-8 hooks but perfectly spreaded so that everyone survived? As the survivors also have all around 20k there should be a lot of chasing and hooking/unhooking in the game.
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When it comes to having to play smart as a solo survivor i agree 100%, i can't however agree with the swf view as i have never played swf so i don't have any experience with it.
When it comes to being nice towards killers i am the same way, its the xbox i play on and i have struggled with some killers myself, i don't t-bag or do any of that "toxic" stuff either.. and im a pretty fair killer.
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Your points suggest you played well. It's about enjoying the game, so if you are tired of not killing people, change up how you play. I haven't ever suggested tunneling, but see someone you know is on their last hook might call for you to home in on them sometimes. You don't have to git gud, but you can have fun.
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I guess your right. I just get so angry when I play this game, and i don't know why. I think I'm just frustrated with survivors that I play against all of the time
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I'm rank 14, and get red and purple ranks 90% of the time. It's frustrating and discouraging when you get crushed nearly every match..
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Are you new to spirit? If so try stridor on her it will help you hear better, if you are not, I suggest removing Ruin and get pop as for brutal strength get another tracking perk like nurse's calling or I'm all ears, I also play on PS4 and all I can say about spirit is try looking before you phase and never fully deplete your Let's call it that.
As for the ranking system, it's really bad right now but remember this, just because they are red rank doesn't mean that they are good, most of these new red ranks on ps4 were never good most were carried by 4 man SWF, keep on practicing and you will get way better at the game, this is what I did for a while, I put on bbq, got all 4 stacks, then I just started learning mid match, trying new things and what to do on certain tiles.
You will get better and this MM won't bother you at all :D
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Unless its a 4men SWF which is powerful. As long as its 4 Solo, 2-3K is my average. 2men SWF is an equal game.
Beside, 29k BP with 4 escape, look like u played fair or let them all escape. I see nothing wrong.
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You’re bad. That’s why it’s fair
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Any one that gets 29K bps and not one single kill is a laughable joke. whereas, I solo and all three team mates die and I find the hatch only to depip.... this game is so balanced towards the killer it’s not even funny, I bet you pipped up for that game also... Only way to win as a survivor is extreme team mates and making absolutely VERY little mistakes. Whereas a killer has a lot of lead way, their is numerous perks that’ll allow you gen pressure, and if you have a hard time finishing survivors, go for killers that build up instant down abilities like Myers or ghost face. Playing killer has a steep learning curve but once you figure it out, it’s comical how easy it is to win. You’ll likely lose to a hardcore SWF because they know how tough killers can be, our Medkits are a joke, the only useful one is flashlight and toolbox, and very limited. We don’t have add on to help our perks, or offerings that give us an advantage and every perk we do have, like DS, and DH is easily counterable, and then vaults you’ll win the vault game 9/10 against the survivor, the hitbox is obviously stacked entirely in your favor. And now they’re taking out “too safe” vaults so as to increase killers odds of winning. They’re making this game SWF necessary, cause at this point, solo is a waste of time, any survivor that can make it to red by himself is a god.
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Not implying that your bad at the game or that the matchmaking isn't correct at all times but... This is pretty normal regardless, not to mention even though they all escaped you still scored more than all of them which means you were still able to keep up enough with them. I'm a Nurse main and I never used Ruin or NOED... Hell I don't even have BBQ yet and I've had plenty of games where I literally slaughtered the entire survivor team as killer with only one perk for them (the teachable.) There is a certain level of skill and dedication to achieving even the most impossible of games as long as you are willing to learn from your mistakes and losses. No one wins forever and we most certainly can't learn if we never lose.
When I lose a game I feel pretty bad about it like others because it's never fun to stress out and still achieve nothing, but when I start looking back at my mistakes and realize how they cost me dearly then I start to realize it's not the survivors or the items they have... It's me costing myself precious seconds with simple mistakes like being looped at the God pallets and what not too early in game or me chasing someone who is too good at looping instead of going after the gen jockeys.
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If anything I was glad I faced red rank survivors on console at rank 12. I got my ass kicked like there was no tomorrow and because of that dedication I put towards the game, I am now a rank 7 and wiping the floor with survivors like I did back at 20 when they were all randoms. The game just requires a certain amount of skill, knowing how to mind game loops, and learning when it's time to back off and hunt the weaker players and when it's time to tunnel the one who wants your attention lol. Rank is a color, skill is something that is earned and can ONLY be achieved with failure first.
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This isn't even that bad. Rank 6 vs rank 4 and 1. Also, you're Spirit, so there is no room to complain.
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Yes I get why you gots aren’t happy about this but would you be happier to sit in a lobby for 20 mins or more cause they cannot give you a game because they don’t have survivor in For rank. Because when they tried to fix it with dedicated survers then things were worse cause killers could hit survivors from across the damn map
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right? its almost like this is a joke, im waiting for a "how is this fair, this is why I quite, fun matchmaking yall" thread where the survivors are rank 1 and the killer is rank 2.
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"GG ez baby killer"
666 posts. How nice.
Editing increases that number. How unfortunate.
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Eesh, that sucks buddy. For me I just go with Doctor now since I have learned you can never be nice in this game. Ever since his rework, he is a pretty strong killer. I even slug with tier 3 madness to secure my 4K. Do I feel bad for being cheap? No I don't, because experiences like that just give me virtually a complete apathy towards survivors, especially red ranks. Funny as I'm the opposite as survivor.
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What am I missing here? How did you get an almost perfect score against Rank 1s? It seems that you were farming the heck out of them and they got lucky to escape. 29,600 is a alot of bloodpoints and can only be achieved if you pressured the survivors hard. GJ!
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I just started playing a month ago and stuck to survivor until recently. Now I main Susie and get put up against rank 5 and below survivors at a rate of 1 out of every 3 games and I'm only rank 19. Doesn't help that I'm colorblind and everyone is toxic with flashlights. I never camp or tunnel unless survivors decide to be toxic and mend in my face etc. but man is it tempting with this crap.
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Lol do you play the same game as me?Everything that you said is the complete opposite of mine situation. I sacrifice 2 people and one hook the other 2 but both of them escape through the hatch and I barely could safepip and this happened twice. While I'm playing survivor I could just hide and do gens (I don't play like those blanddets, but I was doing archives challenges so I stayed on the gens) that I still guarantee the safe pip without even start a chase.
Survivors can have four 2° chance perks and can bring keys that ######### the killer gameplay and now you are talking abaut add-ons on perks?WTH?DH can literally save your life,I forgot how many times I could escape just because I dead harded trough the gate or the hatch.
I seriously think that your comment is a bait cause it seems pretty different of the experiences that I normally see.
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Look at the bloodpoints. I'd say you played well, you're the real winner in that match, you got almost 30k bp.
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Okay, I'm reporting you for being a troll.
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I had a match against 4 rank 1 as a rank 12 Bubba and it was the toughest most frustrating match ever... I got a 4k but it took so much strategy and they had all the bullying perks as an obvious SWF team. The matchmaking is horrendous at times...
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Plague is weak. I like the killer but I'm getting gen rushed while playing her. Power makes them injured but survivors have more perks to help them while injured which is stupid. Injured surv should be valurable, instead they have dead hard, resilence etc.
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The best way to improve i have found to improve in games where you have 0 chance is to play like you are in a training game mode.
Pick the best survivor you can find and tunnel him until you land a hit, then reset and pick another one while the injured is healed. It feels way better to approach unfair matches this way because your win condition changes from kill everyone to just learn. The other players are gonna enjoy having chases without being downed and it's very common that when they realise you are not going to kill them, they will let you hook them a couple times.
You can use the gate warden perk to force more chases.
If the survivors are a flashlight squad or you feel that you are not going to learn anything, go to one corner of the map, look at the walls, alt-tab and watch something until the match ends. You can return from time to time to open the gates and enter EGC if they have finished all the gens.
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I know I'm going to sound like a dick saying this, but maybe don't play top-tier killers unless you are extremely good at them. Most decent survivors see Spirit/Nurse/Billy/Freddy/Huntress/Deathslinger and immediately go into super-serious mode. It's pretty stupid, but that is what happens. Survivors will be a lot more cocky around 'weaker' killers, which can super backfire. Especially if the killer isn't actually weak when played well, like Hag, Ghostface or Plague.
Or you could just practise one or two killers and get really, really good at them. Learn their nuances, learn their add-ons, and rember that you are going to lose a lot of games simply because you got outperked, outmapped or outgenned. It's inevitable and literally nothing can be done, but at the same time it's also non-reflective of your skill if you get wiped by a decent team on Ormond (or whatever example you want to use). Maybe give yourself a primary goal to work towards in each match that is always achievable, like getting 4 BBQ stacks.
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The game was originally balanced around solo survivor, i agree solos are in a bad spot now but its because swf is unhealthy for the game. INB4 (YoU cAnT gEt RiD oF SWF) I know this, swf is a needed evil but frankly if you are playing swf then it SHOULD be harder, you SHOULD have slower gen repair speeds because of the bonuses you get from it. At the end of the day, if swf is just there to play with their friends they will still do that and if they are going to be a sweatfest and intentionally destroy a killer, then they should be given a fair challenge for it
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You got more points than all the survivors. Why you complaining? I bet you pipped too
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Your entire post just screams "I don't even play killer and I have no clue what I'm talking about". I bet you think Insta mori Myers is OP... I can't stop a DS when I down someone near the open gate which just happened earlier. DH during a chase to get to pallets and windows is very common it's only counterable in dead zones where you can get right on them to bait it. Of course you'd complain about map changes because infinites and the like are okay in your eyes. What offerings do killers have to help us win? A mori? Now you're toxic and that's bad, but toxic survivors are fine. Map offerings? You can use them too. Spawn with your teammates as well that's also a thing, definitely won't be gen rushing the killer off that one or anything right?
In high ranks you'll rarely find survivors that don't know what to do/can't be coordinated even if they're all not SWF. The game isn't becoming more focused on SWF, THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN STRONG! We're not playing the same game is my take from this...
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Everyone's canned response I keep hearing get regurgitated these days......"rAnK dOeSn'T MaTtEr hur hur." Yeah rank doesn't matter.... If you are rank 1. It certainly matters to people who are still learning the game.I get complaints about matchmaking all the time when they see that I'm rank 1 killer after the match.
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I was having that problem so I decided to make matches more fair by playing like the dirty killers red ranks deserve. It could be what perks that you're using that also puts you at a disadvantage.
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Nah you definitely played well and you're already close to red ranks. I know the main goal is to get the kills but none with 30k points? I'd push my frustration off and consider it a win. I'd take it as you played in a pretty "respectful" manner. Unfortunately utilizing slugs or borderline camping a hook (more like hunkering down on a side of the map) is something we gotta do for the 4k sometimes. It's a lot less common these days for survivors to play the abandonment game, save for that totally immersed Blendette... So that kind of disruption can really save the game at times.
I recommend Ghostface or the Oni as I genuinely find them fun to play lately. Also Ghostface can bag... so take some of that frustration out with some good old Ghostface bagging, cheers me up.
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You mathematically cannot pip if everyone escapes, not at purple/red ranks. You just won't have enough pip points. Your Gatekeeper will be too low, as will your Devout. (Some killers, like Pig, have abilities that get extra Gatekeeper points but in general you have to have 1 gen unpopped to get gold Gatekeeper at purple/red ranks and at least 1 sacrifice with 9 hooks to get gold Devout).
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It's not about being told to " Get Good ". It's about the developers not nerfing the survive with friends lobbies. Once the survive with friends lobbies have been nerfed then the game will be better for killers and new players who join.
I just played a match where a survivor t-bagged me so i got them and made sure they died the match for being toxic
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Mind if I ask what's happening in your games? Also take Brutal Strength and Ruin off.
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See this is the stuff that irks me about killer mains. You get damn near a perfect score. Out score the entire team and yet complain that you didn't get a kill against a good team.
FFS, take the good game, move on and stop whining. Take solace in the fact that you played well and everyone had a good game. I'm sure you 4k'd a group after that (or before) that you could get you frustrations out on.
Every match is not designed to be winnable and be grateful you didn't get ######### on.
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Some people don't care about points. And prefer the number of kills as the metric for how well they did in a match.
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I guess but i think it would be better for everyone (survivor and killer) if they stopped gauging how good they are based on kills or escapes. Its possible to play a perfect game on either side and still lose. So just enjoy a good game and move on with your life.
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Here is how you get good, step 1, identify the real reasons you are losing (hint: it's not the matchmaking or game balance. Something the players are doing is beating you and you can beat it.) Step 2, if you can't figure out what is beat you go watch streamers that play killer and streamers that play survivor. Watch them objectively, see what they are doing to win and what tactics cause them to lose. Step 3, start learning to apply your new knowledge to the way you play and remember it will take time and practice to build up the new skills and get your reactions retrained. Accept that you will lose games but focus on your improvements to keep you motivated to keep trying to get better. Step 4, it's a game, treat it like one and have fun with it regardless of winning or losing because that's how you are really going to be a winner.
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Gotta agree with the majority, that is not really unfair. A killer takes more skill than survivor, and ranks up slower so I'd say a rank six killer is pretty equivalent to rank 2 or 3 survivor.
This is a fair match, especially with spirit.
I like pop and discordance, then haunted ground and devour hope on my spirit. Man you can really snowball on them, then.
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How tf did you get almost 30k points without even 1 kill xD
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I've played dbd long enough to know that other than the complete failure of a matchmaking system, the devs are also utterly clueless about how red-ranked matches always go and how stupidly unbalanced and unfair it is for killers. Gen speed and unfair loops are by far the biggest problems for killers, and it sucks that there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to counter a survivor who can loop a killer for the entirety of the game, but simply to give up the chase and go look for someone else. Killers almost always have a disadvantage, which is why nowadays I seldomly play killer.
Toxic and negative behavior like teabagging and flashlight clicking can't be prevented, I've experienced this a tad too many times, no point getting mad over it. I always try to enjoy the game as much as I can, and usually I'll make my experience more worthwhile by playing with a friend (as survivor).
In summary, just try to enjoy the game as much as you can with an open and broader mindset, don't be too bothered about degenerate entitled players who can't stop taunting you, and play with a good friend rather than solo queuing. Always make the best out of a bad situation, having fun and being contented are more important.
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So how is this unfair? Survivor ranks and killer ranks arent equal, even though youre in a quite fair range. Even if theyre marked as rank1 survivors, that mostly doesnt mean theyre worth it. I do play against redranks too, and theyre not that big of a deal in most cases. I also play many games with redranks as survivor and i doubt that most of them are even considered to be purple ranked. AND: if you cant win against them as spirit, youre mostly doing something seriously wrong. Spirit is second best killer in this game, and can stomp quite every survivor combination.
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'Get gud' is more than just getting better at the game, it's your ability to adapt and surpass obstacles.
Survivors are gen rushing? Then they are not cleansing totems, NOED them.
They are bringing toolboxes and keys? Franklin's them.
Clearly a SWF that it's going to be a pain in the A**? Mori them.
You already have the tools to KILL them, stop trying to befriend them.
One thing is clear, devs are sure trying to make survivors weaker before removing those so called polemic features and perks from killers, so clearly this is the way to go while the meta still messed up.
And about matchmaking? This is your chance as a rank 6 to prove that rank 1 survivors s*cks and you are better than them with just some perks ;)
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oh my god dude quit your ######### bitching about fairness and ######### you're a rank 6 that's two numbers away from red if you want to get better you have to play better people you ######### noob just go back in fortnite
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You know this ######### up state that thename is and I blame on people like you that can't stop bitching about fairness everybody gets a trophy ! Screw that they ruined the game because you guys. That can't just get better