Playing solo survivor sucks more than getting destroyed by a toxic 4 SWF as killer



  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 412

    The people that play with the mindset you promote (roughly summarized "don't care about my teammates, don't care about playing well, because as long as I pipped I won") are exactly why others like me find solo queue so frustrating and unbearable. I'm thinking all the time and it's very obvious when others don't.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    It can be like that, it just depends on who you get in your lobby. I've had beautiful solo games with flashlight/pallet saves, everyone getting out, etc. I've had solo games that end in 1 minute.

    Also, if you don't understand why some Survivors are complaining about the map changes, you haven't taken a good look at the maps yourselves. Maps in the PTB have basically become giant dead zones.

    Pretty much everything @rha said as well. Beautiful explanation.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    Rank does mean something though. You dont rank up by playing badly. Its just easy to do as survivor. Im the first one to hold my hands up and say I dont think im good enough to be rank 1 surv, however im there season after season easily. It should be harder

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Here's the problem tho- there is literally no way to balance around that. The problem isn't only that SWF is souch more efficient than solo (although it is), but because of the fact that bad survivors infiltrate every rank and SWF allows for others to be carried where they aren't yet, skillwise.

    In my personal experience, once you transcend brown ranks, solo survivor is pretty cake. I literally play both survivor and killer on a broken PS4 controller. If I pip a vast majority of my games in the high ranks as survivor, and carry just under a 50% survival rate while bringing in perks Like OoO just for the lulz, In my eyes solo is fine.. Now high rank killer on the other hand will always have to deal with peak level rival play to some degree, meaning as killer you have a consistent limitation to how well you can do with the other side being much more variable. That's why I think it's fine to say ok, this side has a consistent issue and we'll address it.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    That's exactly the problem, you can rank up from playing badly. Rank represents how much time you wasted on the game that month, not how good you are at the game.

    It is easier for Survivors to do it, and it's easier for certain killers too (Legion being able to hit people multiple times very quickly for example). But that doesn't mean they're all good at the game.

    That being said, it's also more difficult for killers like Plague or Hillbilly who primarily one shot (counting as one chase, getting basically no chaser emblem for winning too quick).

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    But how's that the killers fault? If we were to balance the game in the way you guys want, the killer would just be bad against solo ques AND SWF. If solo is basically fine outside of the random factor of having 1-2 bad teammates, what exactly is the expectation here?

    But furthermore, if you pip and take a death, that's absolutely fine and by design. It's not exactly comparable to times when a killer can lose because they got Ormond or because they didn't happen to have or bring a specific dlc perk. Didn't by the LF dlc? Good luck without BBQ and chilli keeping up with demand for bp and useful notification. Didn't buy clown? LMAO jUsT PrEsSuRe gEnS

    Meanwhile all meta perks for survivor are free. That's why certain killers need buffs.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Gotta pay for the big bad Decisive Strike that everyone seems to complain about.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    That's true, but it's not necessary to play well as survivor, where as if you don't have one of the dlc slowdown perks, you pretty much can't play consistently well at high ranks as killer.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    I manage to play maybe 15 hours per week, thats playing both sides.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    It's harder, but still doable under most circumstances. Also depends on the Killer you pick.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited April 2020

    That's all it really takes, especially since you only get reset to purple now.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    This is all the problem though, its too easy to play well in match as survivor. I like playing survivor, but it should feel like when that heartbeat fades in i need to run for my life, not stand at this totally safe pallet

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    You're not even supposed to sit at safe pallets, so I think you have some more growth to do lol

    It's easy for Survivors to rank up, but if even one of Survivors suck the whole team will be feeling it.

    It's only natural to not be scared of a horror game after playing it for 100's or 1000's of hours.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    How much is it is a meme the one thing I hate about survivor when it comes to Dead by daylight.

    I can't stand when I get absolutely potato teammates when I play solo.

    David who is apparently allergic to gens literally only goes for saves. Altruism is great and all but it's pretty pointless how many people you have saved off hook when everyone is dead or on death hook and we've only done two gens (correction I've only done two gens)

    Meg who I'm convinced that looking at her sprint burst indicator lit up is preventing her from having a heart attack and combusting into flames. Why because it's the only explanation I can think of to why this girl decides to crouch and walk everywhere.

    Claudette who has watched way too many ochido videos and tries to be incredibly toxic only for none of that to work resulting her to get downed pretty quickly at which stage she'll disconnect or try again with the same as stupid results. Honestly I don't know which one to worst.

    Only made worse by when I play Killer apparently everybody is on the pulse and knows exactly what they're doing.

    Min looping is absolutely on point and she's top here when it comes to the 360 so I have to keep leaving her.

    Kate is apparently a generator goddess and is cranking them out like nobody's business. Often coming equipped with prove thyself and is hitting every great with skill checks.

    Nea who has the luck of the gods on her side and apparently always manages to run to a really safe brain dead loop.

    Dwight who I have somehow managed to not see all game besides butt dancing at the gates but has been doing everything behind the scenes and is top of the leaderboard on points

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    If im at a pallet and get the most loops as possible, drop it if needed and then force the killer to break it, thats exectly the most efficient way to play a pallet. Maximum time wasted at every opportunity is name of the game as survivor, i shouldnt need to explain that surely?

    If there is a less skilled player on the team it doesnt matter. Sounds like you rely on your team too much, maybe a bit of growth is needed? Lets stop condescending eachother shall we? It was a pleasant discussion.

    I have probably over 3k hours. I dont mean be emotionally scared of the killer, I mean survivor should feel the NEED to run if the killer comes close, not ######### around at a pallet or jungle gym

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Would be more efficient to take the hit and save that safe pallet for later, and use some unsafe ones but to each their own.

    Sounds like I rely on my team in a 1v4 game. Hmmm... I wonder why. Maybe because the team is supposed to be doing things as I keep the Killer busy... because it's... 1v4?

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    If I waste a couple of strong pallets in exchange for 2 gens thats fine by me. I mean dont rely on teammates for anything. Just because its 1v4 doesnt mean the other survivors owe you anything. This is why I say having less skilled people on the team doesnt matter. You can still get as much done as you choose to, this is why I have an issue, it shouldnt be that easy for a survivor

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    My fault I didn't exactly take that correctly.

    I meant the potatoes survivors when they're on my team but pro survivors when I go against them meme is very popular in the community but god damn is it annoying that it incredibly accurate.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I disagree, but this is why: as a solo survivor, if you don't like the map, killer, teammates, etc, you can suicide on hook with no penalty and be on your way to the next match. As a killer, your screwed until they decide to finish the gens, then at the least, you can open the gate and start eg. If they're miles ahead when it comes to skill though, they won't do the last gen, and purposely hold the game hostage. If you quit as killer, your penalized for DCing...

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    That’s why I’ve said SWF is a necessity. The minute that the devs do something to penalize playing with friends is when this game will start losing its playerbase.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Lol ignore that post. Just read it “I enjoy the challenge survivors just need to adapt”

    Its what all the killer mains say everytime survivors have an issue. They just need to git gud and adapt. Seem some in here pretend they play survivor and pretend they prefer 3 vs 1 games as well due to the challenge. These kinds of people likely never play survivor.

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2020

    Playin solo in ma experience is absolutely disgustin in half ma games.... Yesterday i was in a game, got 2 and a half gens done on ma own, unhooked and healed people, looped the killer for a gen (better than nothin) i got caught and hooked, just chillin on ma hook and not any of them even attemptin to unhook me.... 1 surv in the basement runnin in circles :s another crouched in a corner, i get to second phase and the last surv cleansin a fkn totem near me? Aye that's right mate u cleanse ur totem whilst I'm sat strugglin, done most of the work, and I'm the one punished because none of them had a brain cell between them to unhook me (these were red ranks btw) love dyin on first hook

    I play killer and i get god like survivours, loopin, 360'n, actually not allergic to gens, unhookin, it's like why do i only find these people when i play killer, and can never have them in ma team as survivor

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Solo survivor which I play almost all the time is the most obnoxious experience in this game I've ever had, played a lot of killer aswell getting those annoying SWF squads which make your day impossible, and still manages to be less aggravating than solo survivor.

    Take for example your average annoying killer with mori + tunneling strat, where your teammates instead of already knowing what to do (rush goddamn gens) They come face first to save you, and there you go, you're out of the match with 3k points because they couldn't get the message right.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    500 hours here. I’ll be the first to complain, I’m always ######### I know... but solo survivor is so god damn unrewarding, I’m not the best, but I have literally, NEVER made it past rank 3... in my entirety of playing this game, the single closest I ever got was 2 pips in to rank 3 and then immediately after wards lost every single game. I’ve changed up my perk set up, multiple times, I can loop the killer the entire game, while my team does gens only to be down at the very last gen and they all just ######### leave me, and I’ll depip because DEVS have made this game is disproportional unfair

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    No, easily comparable, getting slugged by a ghost face for him to just sit and tbag until you bleed out.... post your survivor rank

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    I have literally never ever had this problem.. as red rank if I don’t perform at least a couple safe saves, a gen and succeed in chases, I will no doubt depip. I don’t know what you are doing, but it sounds like a load of bullshit

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I would say its killer playing if you see ur team sucks you can commit sepukku on the hook while killers have to suffer stress minimum 6 mins

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    There is another post regarding a killer he managed 29k BPS and didn’t kill a single survivor!!! How by your logic he shouldn’t of scored that, yet he did, and your post is clearly biased..

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    Solo queue is in the worst state its ever been since release. Its so bad. Speaking from my experience at the red ranks.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I play solo pal and I feel you. Im bad survivor rank 10 my max (not a pro on loops) but as I said on my previous post killer have to suffer whole match me as surv sometimes i have a nice chase.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    exactly what you’re complaining survivors do, he still pipped up for this, yet not one single survivor died..... so I know you’re absolutely full of yourself

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,098

    How awful is your reading comprehension? I don't have my post in front of me, but the crux was that certain survivor actions are weighed too heavily vs others regarding pips. You replied to my post 3 times, twice to refute a point I never made.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    I disagree with the op's assessment. I play solo queue and killer. Swf death squads, especially when they're playing downranked are infinitely more annoying.

    Solo survivor is tougher than swf, sure. The upside is, if my team potatoes me to death, I can just leave when I die and go find another game. I don't need to hang around to see the other Survivors flame the killer or each other. In swf or killer, you kinda have to wait on everyone else.

    But yeah, if you pull a killer who is way better than you as a solo, you just die, leave, try again.

    If you pull a swf way better than you as killer, you are forced to take every drop of abuse they want to dish out until they decide to let you go or you DC.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Calling Bullshit on this post. I solo que always if I can save my team I will but if they are constant fuckups I get away even if they all get destroyed. The hatch exist if u get a crap hand dealt to you. And gens don't mean ######### by then.

  • Snoot1Booper
    Snoot1Booper Member Posts: 34

    Maybe try red ranks.. didn t get a not slugging killer this week

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204
    edited April 2020

    Red ranks? I live their! Jokes aside most if not all my builds run Unbreakable. But I'm on ps4 idk what pc red ranks are like but killers get clowned in my realm.

  • Snoot1Booper
    Snoot1Booper Member Posts: 34

    Maybe I should switch to console. Playing dbd for years and IMO it solo experience never was worse and killers never sweatier.. idk what changed with the community since my last break but the rank reset change is maybe the problem. It’s really impossible to leave red rank atm

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I have to agree with the title of this post. SWF aren't every single match. Getting a toxic, inconsiderate killer and/or a bad team is pretty much every match. I just had 4 in a row. Days like today make me never want to play this game again. If it wasn't for occasionally playing with friends and family, I probably would have by now.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    To be honest as a killer I encounter SWF so often, they admit it in the after game chat and it's very obvious.

    However, when playing survivor solo I feel like I'm matched with 3 other solo survivors so often.

    DbD mobile has some improvements for solo survivors (seeing each other's perks in the lobby), I hope this will be added on the PC version as well.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    The thing is with a SWF team you can counter tunneling killers easily. You take the aggro, tank hits, body block etc. With solo survivors that's almost impossible to do.