Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Awful Matchmaking

Sorry to be that "one guy", but recently I've been getting a lot of unfair matchmaking. This needs to be fixed as its causing a massive discrepancy in both skill and general playability. Has this been happening to anyone else? Where you're not even past level 16, and you keep getting killers/ survivors that are rank 10's, 6's and 5's?

This is quite honestly killing the fun factor that plays heavily into the game. When matched to people of equal rank, things are actual fun and offer a good challenge. When you're placed against opponents that are WAY higher than you, it tends to just suck all of the fun out of the game.


  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    If am a survivor I get matched up against really good ranked killers.

    If am a killer i get ranked that are 9 and under that can get 3 generators done before even seeing 1 survivor, then get took on a mad missions cross map having to chase 1 person whilst they get rest of generators done.

    The match making is so unfair in this game that it only benefits the good players who have been playing years whilst mocking new players. It makes us new players not to even want to play the game because of how bad the matches are.

  • The_Preddster
    The_Preddster Member Posts: 1

    Couldn't have said it any better. I never get any good killer matches anymore. I always run into red ranks that do nothing, but mock you for "Playing poorly". Taking all the fun out of the game.

  • Pigforever
    Pigforever Member Posts: 72

    The best thing you can do is turn off chat or msg because theirs so many childish players in dbd

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    You're not the only one who is being matched unfairly. Some other players in the game are being matched badly, but the devs are working on new matchmaking to help get better matches for players.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Try being on the PS4 where players moan at your after every match. Had 1 match just now 1st game of the day as the killer and received 2 messages right away from 2 different players moaning at me. If the survivors don't escape they call it a bad match. As a killer getting 1 kill is a good match for me, so 2 kills was a bonus.

  • Pigforever
    Pigforever Member Posts: 72

    I play on ps4 to and you can set msg to friends only. Every once in a while I still get a friends request though with a nasty msg in it

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    The matchmaking is bizarre on both sides. When you suddenly get thrown into an all red rank game it is unfair. There are folks who have the time, ping speed, and setup to play highly competitively; that is not the majority of the people who want to play. It is sort of like you want to play a friendly game of pickup down at the park's basketball court and instead you are thrown on the court with NBA players who are going after the title.

    I really like the concept of DBD, but the execution is so lacking. There seems to be some motive on the DEV side which really is pushing it towards a lackluster experience. I'm never going to be great at the game but I would still like to play it and have fun. I have a house full of people, I have pets who like to swat the skill check whenever it appears on screen. I get important phone calls I have to take. I'm not immersed is what I'm trying to say, but I would still like to play for fun.

  • leonafma
    leonafma Member Posts: 3

    Totally agree, I've been playing for around 5 days now. ( killer exclusive ) and when i get matched with people my lvl its a blast for me, really fun. but at least .. 4 or 5 games every night i get match with rank 3- 5 red players .. and honestly they totally abuse me .. Now on my 5th day with this crap I have a new strategy, when I see im heavily outplayed by suvivors in the first 5 min I just leave, I'll go for a walk with my dogs or som, go grab something to eat, since this matches not only are IMPOSIBLE to do anything, but its really depressing and makes you wanna quit playing the game entirely, matchmaking is broken really bad, but i dont stress anymore, ill just go afk on this matches

  • kjenn
    kjenn Member Posts: 7

    Well. It's October and matchmaking is still completely awful and unfair lol

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited October 2020

    . . .

    Well nobodys said it yet so here goes.


    "But rank doesn't matter anymore" -said every red rank sweatlord ever who doesn't want the ranks fixed so they don't have to wait 45 minutes per match because they get let into lower ranked brown matches for an easy faceroll.