Controller sensitivity PS4

Hi All

I am playing on PS4 Pro, 70% survivor 30% killer. My settings are default, that means controller sensitivity both at 50%. Always played like this and got used to it. But I am always reading to but sensitivity up to 100%. I tried survivor, well the difference is not huge, but noticeable. However I have the feeling that putting it to 100% it starts to have some fps drops, seems not to be fluid like at 50%. Maybe its just because I am used to 50%. However I was able to 360 better, but maybe it was just luck.

And killer turns somehow to fast at 100%, i missed some hits which i shouldn't.

What do you advise? should I just get used to 100%?


  • Member Posts: 1,398
  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    so lets say to be good or better at the game I should practice with 100% sensitivity? is everybody playing like this?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Console is poorly optimized.

    I've always had 100% sensitivity on Console, I play a lot of Call of Duty and having slow Camera Movement speeds irks me.

    You'll respond faster if your camera movement speed is faster too.

  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    what if you play as killer and the survivors moves slow and you turn to fast with 100% :-) it happened to me, but maybe because i am not used to it

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    I use 40% on my killer and previously used 50% on survivor. With talks of the upcoming increase I have been slowly taking my survivor up and am currently running it on 65%.

  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    i think i will leave both at 50% for the time being and check again with the upcoming patch. I mean as long as I can compete with others theres is no reason for me to change... :-) survivor rank always between 5-1 rank