Why does everyone hate freddy?

I've been going on the forums for quite a while now and I've seen so much hate on freddy and how unfun he is to play against

I personally like fighting him but i just wanted to know why everyone else doesn't



    BUBBLESSS Member Posts: 1

    True. Most players called him forever Freddy or boring Freddy. LOL. But to be honest, i don't bother playing against him.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'm glad you're one of those few fun Freddys who use pallets.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I like Freddy ok. Neither my fave nor least favorite killer to play against.

    I had a match on sanctum of wrath the other day and the last 3 gens were all 2 sided. He just trapped both sides of all gens and teleported back and forth. It was such an obnoxiously long match. Eventually you get to the point where you're ready to get murdered. That and his traps have a pretty wide AOE for indoor maps.

    But for the most part I dont mind him at all.

  • Pigforever
    Pigforever Member Posts: 72

    I like going against Freddy and also playing as Freddy. He’s not to bad if you keep yourself awake.

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    Just his go go gadget arms that bugs me, I'm way over a vault and still manages a slap at me

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    He has a lot going for him. He can teleport all over the map, heck he can juke the teleports and cause suvivors to abandon them and run right into him. The dream realm is annoying and it's a pain in the ass to run across the map to wake up, and his slowdown mechanics just drag on the match.

    It would make it slightly less annoying to have two wake up clocks on the map.

  • DeadByDedicated
    DeadByDedicated Member Posts: 134

    I would think that it is because he has so much going for him in his base kit that him having certain perks can make him annoying to deal with. If he has BBQ he can just hook someone and immediately be in another chase. If he has Pop he can instantly use it by just teleporting to the gen you are working on. He also counters borrowed time by simply existing so he could tunnel better than other killers. In reality, people probably don’t like him just because he shows up more often than other killers since he is strong.

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    Bcus they can't counter him

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    A lot of people that actually play Freddy seem to have a very sweaty play-style. It's not even the fact that it slows the game down or whatever others think, It's that some people really feel into it and tunnel and camp and use his powers in such a way to make it not fun at all for the survivors going against him. All in all it's just boring. Oh yeah, and getting him about three games in a row is also pretty boring, lmao.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Because survivors got nurse and spirit nerfed already. So now they've shifted their screams at the next strongest killers - Freddy and Billy

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited April 2020

    He isn't exciting to face

    I enjoy facing a Billy, Spirit, Nurse, Huntress, Trapper, and Death Slinger for example. Not only that, but I also enjoy playing them to.

    As for Freddy, I have played him and yeh, he's good, much better than he used to be. But I don't end up enjoying him or playing against him. Can't really put my finger on why. However I will say, he's more fun to face than he was prior.

    Sometimes it just be like that.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Versatility + as imposing as a spaghetti, so the real distance (to predict the hit) is more difficult to assess.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Mostly it's the people who don't want to learn how to counter him. He's actually really easy to face, but you just gotta run loops, and hide differently than other Killers. Also you have to keep aware of dream states, and try to stay awake (god forbid survivors have to do anything other than hold m1 on a generator).

    Forever Freddy was never a good build that was easily countered by staying awake. You can't even achieve Forever Friendly anymore since the nerf to his add-ons. Which also didn't make sense. Nerfed his add-ons so most of them except Pill Bottle is useless (and Pill Bottle is still very weak), all to make the game more fun for new players. Instead of changing the Add-ons so they can have a different effect, and be actually useful.

    I guess it doesn't really matter when Freddy is a strong Killer without add-ons at all. Probably if they gave him add-ons that were worth while using, then he would be too strong and would get nerfed till he's unplayable. So i'm not going to complain.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    I don't mind Freddy but he is one of the killers i see tunnel the most. That and hes a very basic easy killer to learn and master. He's alright to play as and against. Not the best not the worst imo.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    I mained Freddy back when he got the ol' nerf-zooka. I stuck by his side and suffered the faults and reveled in the wins I earned by playing optimally with what was hands down the worst killer in the game. People need to stop messing around saying he was anything other than that. No killer was gimped as hard as Freddy was when it came to hunting survivors. Seven seconds before you could hit someone... Yikes, BHVR.

    Reworked Freddy though? He renewed my faith in the game and reworks. I'm sorry that this is obviously the contrarian opinion but new Freddy captures the character so well. It's his dream, you're in it, you are his. I love that concept and yes, he's hands down an A tier killer and arguably the fourth best in-game. The reason many feel he's cheap is because he has so much going for him. He's got pressure, chase potential, and a second objective wrapped into one power. That's kinda crazy. Plus, an extra chase power that can be equipped with add-ons. Freddy was the character the Devs focused on the most when reworking characters because he had so much inherently wrong with him to start, so that's why he feels like he has so much in his kit. They also made it clear that every killer/rework they want to do from that point would have a power with layers (minus Deathslinger, Jesus H. Christ give this man a secondary ability).

    I love Freddy and I'm glad that he became a competent killer. He's fun to play and he's fun to play against to me. I'll never fathom the hatred for Freddy because I've seen him at his worst and now he's actually the killer I wanted two years ago. Sue me.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    This is going to sound weird coming from me of all people, but I actually agree with @Rin_is_my_waifu on this one. I've played old Freddy with some shards right before the rework went live, and that wait was total BS. His playstyle was so bad for a basic M1 killer.

    He does kinda have a lot going for him now, though. Mobility in the form of his teleport and shutting down loops with his snares, which also provide information. He's now what I'd classify as a "control" killer and if my time playing Magic the Gathering has told me that people hate going against a control playstyle.

    As for spamming snares, it does gain you plenty of BP, but it also recycles the snares so they're not everywhere.

    Don't unhook in his face with BT, but I say that for going against ANY killer. It would be reasonable to have his Lullaby act as a Terror Radius for perks such as Unnerving Presence and Borrowed Time.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Hillbilly. Chainsaw for mobility, with the fastest movement of any character, destruction to stop loops and an INSTANT DOWN. 115% movement.

    And again. DON'T UNHOOK IN THE KILLER'S FACE. I can normally be seen on here with somewhat of a Survivor bias, but even I know how to get around countering a natural counter.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    like a lot of people, i find him extremely boring to play against. i had him in hawkins once and the killer had every single perk/add on to slow the game down as much as they could. on top of that, dealing with him being able to teleport to any gen while the game has already been slowed right down..i kid you not, the game went for about 30-40 minutes. also compared to other killers his hit box is ridiculous.

  • Ruckpie
    Ruckpie Member Posts: 49

    Oh thank god I’m not the only one he deals with that. He can swing at air on the other side of the map and I’ll get downed. -_-

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    In addition to what everyone else has said, in my experience Freddys are the most toxic killers. If I get slugged and left to bleed out for the full timer for no good reason, it’s a Freddy. If the killer hard core tunnels one poor guy who did nothing wrong at 5 gens, it’s usually a Freddy. They’ll slap you on the hook, camp, nod at you on the ground, and then if anyone escapes, they ######### about “gen rush” or “no skill survivors” in the end game chat.

    Not all Freddys do this obviously. But enough of them seem to have anger issues they take out on people in the game that I dread every match against him now.

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    Haha aye it's insane! I think to ma maself.... YUS I'm away over the vault for ma next loop, Freddy arms say no chance.. Funnily enough when i played as Freddy ma go go gadget arms must have been broken -.-

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Freddy just has a super low skill floor. Some basic m1 killer knowledge and a handful of perks are all you need, and his style becomes: SPAM SNARES SPAM SNARES SPAM SNARES teleport SPAM SNARES! This will get you through most games just as well as the survivor meta. Which also means he's super common to vs and everyone nitpicks what they don't like about him because they are oberexposed. (I once saw a whole thread about how OP his dream world is even without snares. Really?)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    probaply because he doesnt really have any downsides.

    there is no clear counterplay to him, nothing that is effective against him unless staying awake - which is on a limited timer.

    i guess people just feel powerless against him.

    every other killer has one main strength and one main weakness. Wraith for examplel shines at tracking, but sucks at chasing. Billy shines at chasing, but sucks at tracking and so on. Freddy is just... decent in everything.

    yet he is also not too good in anything, so he is also not the strongest / "OP".

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    I stopped reading after "...main killer"

    Play the other side first and then come back and tell me Freddy is OP at red ranks

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    He's just boring. Slowdown abilities in general are very boring and tedious to go against as survivor because the only thing you can do against it is to drop the pallet early, run to the next loop...exciting gameplay right there. A lot of people are mistaking this for survivors complaining that they can't "mindlessly loop" a killer, which is not true. Survivors are generally not complaining about Freddy being a strong killer, they're complaining that's he's boring to play against because there are strong killers in this game that aren't a chore to play against (Billy, Nurse, Plague etc). To me this is because their powers enhance their abilities rather than hinder the survivors', making it more engaging and fun...if that makes any sense. I'd also argue it's even more mindless to play against Freddy now than it was before because his counterplay now is literally 1-dimensional and deviating from this formula gets you killed. He can still be looped like every other killer, the only difference is he loops tiles a bit less, and that's it. He's also braindead easy to play and gets a lot of value by simply existing, so there is that to consider as well.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited April 2020

    The 2 changes I'd want to see the most are the oblivious status effect being removed, and being able to use any clock on the map but as a countermeasure to that, survivors move into the dream world slightly faster (Less delay before the timer starts counting down again).

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I love how the clock always spawns furthest away from you because nothing is more fun than to travel across the map every single time you want to wake up. And it doesn't even matter that much anyway because you'll be asleep again soon.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Yes. Let's alert him where to go next right? No. Some of his add ons also don't allow skill checks to work to wake you up.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    It's because he can do just about everything, and he can do it all with minimal skill or effort involved. Others in this thread have gone into the details already, but the way the game plays out as/against Freddy is just boring. I don't mind most strong killers. If I go down to a Nurse or a Billy, I feel like they actually earned that, and the interactions when you're trying to avoid their hits are often fun and engaging. There's none of that with Freddy. He's the definition of "low risk, high reward" and he has the most cancerous, oppressive build in the game. No one wants old Freddy back, but he's not exactly doing this game's replayability any favors atm.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I play both at Reds, usually R1 :)

    You ignoring each point and saying “but muh strong killer” is not an argument at all, keep trying tho

    its not hard not call someone who talks the way you do a main, but biased seems to work

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Being in dream world is annoying. The lullaby is annoying. Snares are annoying. Fake pallets are super braindead. Gen teleport make me want to die IRL because he always has PGTW. And then there's the slowdown addons.

    Plus he's about three feet tall so his lunge looks absurd and is harder to judge than most other killers.

    It's not about his strength, but the way his mechanics work. I'd rather go against old omegablink Nurse than Freddy.

    We've seen two pretty different versions of him so far and both were annoying af.

    He's just not a good fit for the game.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    He is mildly tolerable to go against, but jesus christ does he get unfun to play as, so goddamn brainless. He is so simple its boring.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    what i would like to know is, when i made a post about boring freddy, i hardly got any people agreeing with me? i said he puts me to sleep in real life, wake me up when the game is over!