Key Glitch

(PS4) This will probably make some killers happy that this happened. I was on the Badham school map against Billy. I had a dull key and found the hatch. We lost a survivor, but the 3 of us are at the hatch ready to leave....and I couldn't open it. We spent a couple of minutes there while I'm moving around hoping to get it opened, no luck. The other 2 survivors unfortunately got killed and I escaped, but I'm sure they weren't happy with me. I don't know why I couldn't open it, anyone else run into this?
That's strange, I thought the twist of the story was going to be that you were trying to open it with a broken key. I remember a friend of mine go really excited because he said oh I found the key let's go get the hatch and we ran to the hatch and he couldn't open it and it was a broken key. We both died rip lol that's a weird glitch
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Lol I did the broken key thing when I first got one (was still very new to the game), felt like a fool when I found out that it doesn't work. I guess that game wasn't meant for key use *shrugs*
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Happened to me before on the lerys map. I think it has something to do with where or how the hatch spawns. If the front of the hatch spawns too close to a wall or other obstacle I think that causes the key not to work because you have to stand directly in front of the hatch to open it.